

5883 Uppsatser om Supply Chain Operations Reference Model - Sida 36 av 393

Kreditklassning av aktiebolag i Sverige, en logistisk regression

Predicting corporate failure is an increasingly important topic in the world of economics today. This paper, with the help of the credit ranking company Syna AB, aims to investigate a few different statistic strategies to do just that. This task is accomplished by using a data material of 250 000 Swedish companies divided into two subsamples. The first sample is used to develop the model and the second as a validation sample. The model developing sample holds 160 000 companies divided into five different subgroups based on size and age.

NNN... Nostalgi: Om effekterna av nostalgi vid konsumtion

The presence of nostalgic emotions during consumption is often seen as something purely positive to a product. To evoke these emotions has become a very common tool in marketing and advertising. Paradoxically very few studies have focused on the effects of nostalgia. The purpose of the thesis has been to understand how the presence of nostalgic emotions during consumption effect consumers. The research model used is a quantitative study with testing of hypotheses generated from theory.

De traditionella filmuthyrningsbutikernas skapande av lojala kunder på en mättad marknad

This essay is about the market of traditional rental movie stores, which today are on a mature stage of the marketing cycle. The technique is constantly accelerating and contributes to evaluation of new ways to watch movie. New competitors are such as bigger chain of stores that can offer, in addition to their wide range of other goods, rental movies as a secondary selling. The substitute is of most part Internet based services from where you can watch movie online or download film legally as well as illegally.These different sorts of new competitors or substitutes become a big threat on the traditional rental movie stores as these substitutes can offer the same prices or even lower.With these new ways of watching film this will on turn change the behaviours of the customers that likes to watch movies. The problem for the traditional rental movie stores is trying to keep their existing customers and try keeping them loyal to their store, so that they won?t loose them to the competitors and substitutes.

Modell för fördelning av kostnader i lager

Distrilux International AB, a company within the Electrolux-group, works among other things with storing of products from other companies in the Electrolux-group. This rapport contains a cost analysis of the two Distrilux warehouses in Motala and Mariestad. The company offers five services in these warehouses, in-loading of products from a local factory and from external factories, storing, out-loading of products to Sweden (domestic) and for export. Since there has been some hesitation of the accuracy of the price-model of today, a master's thesis has been advertised. The purpose of the thesis has been to investigate the agreement of the price-model of today and the apportionment of the costing in warehouses.The main problem is to determine which activities is to be considered important in the price-model.

Effektivisering av marina containerflöden : en fallstudie på Bertling

Logistics is an important concept in the organizational context in which the planning of flows, services and products are treated. Logistics handles supplier management, supply of materials, production and distribution. The distribution of goods can be managed with different types of transportation depending on price and time aspects. The lowest transport cost for larger amount of goods is by maritime shipping. A common carrier used in transportation of goods is a standardized ISO- container.

Utveckling av en dynamisk Simuleringsmodell av en skotare

The predominant forestry harvesting method is based on the harvester-forwarder method, theharvester folds, branches and cuts trees, and sorts the logs into piles, while a forwarder transportsthe logs to a landing area.This master thesis work is about realization of a dynamic forwarder simulation model, and itspurpose is to provide an integrated forwarder simulation model in MATLAB/SimMechanicswhere the forwarder is based on a concept using pendulum arms to connect wheels and chassis.Active suspension control is developed and implemented into the simulation model, and finallycompared in simulation with passive suspension.In a first step, an integrated forwarder simulation model is developed, containing a simplifiedforwarder model, a tire-to-ground interaction model and a test track model. The simplifiedforwarder model is based a rigid multi-body system with a spring-damper suspension of thependulum arms. The tire-to-ground interaction model calculates the reaction forces, friction fromthe ground and applies the propulsion force. The test track model is a simplified version of thereal test track in Skogforsk. The propulsion wheel torque control is used to regulate theforwarder speed.

Drönarattackers effekt på terrorism : fallet Pakistan

The United States use of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) or drones for targeted killings of terrorists has been on the rise in recent years and the method has become the core element of president Obamas strategy in the war against terror. This study examines the deterrent effect of targeted killings on terrorism using UCAV/drones as a method of counterterrorism. Building on the literature on counterterrorism, UCAV, targeted killings, deterrence theory and statistics on terrorism the study provides a case study of the CIA drone operations in Pakistan between the years 2004-2010. The goal has been to analyze drone operations and the extent of terrorism from the beginning of the drone campaign until 2010. This as a means of identifying possible trends in terrorism activity due to the occurrence of drone strikes.

Marknadsanpassning : hot eller möjlighet?

Making the work in the public sector more efficient is something that has been seen as necessary during the later years. One way to do this on municipal level has been to apply solutions former used mostly by private companies. The organisational parts have also been adjusted to existing conditions in this work of change. For example more and more municipalities have come to use the purchaser-supplier model since the beginning of the 1990's. Norrköping, Linköping and Motala have been chosen in this essay for a closer study of the effects of the changes of the 90's, from an efficiency point of view.

Digital 3d landskapsmodellering : detaljeringsgradens betydelse för läsbarheten hos digitala tredimensionella landskapsmodeller

In this paper I have sought a suitable level of abstraction in my models describing the landscape; the models are made to be viewed from eyelevel. Because of the spectator being ?in the model? the objects included need a certain degree of realism. I have sought what is needed in the model to be able to comprehend that the model is showing a landscape. Some details might be unnecessary.

Offentlig upphandling av textila produkter ? faktorer som kan inverka på en kommun när det gäller att ställa krav på miljö- och social hänsyn : En fallstudie av Örebro kommun

The public sector is a major purchaser of goods and services. By setting requirements for environmental and social considerations in public procurement, an authority has the possibility to use consumer power to influence the actors in a market. The purpose of this paper is to investigate public procurement of textile products in a municipality, in order to gain knowledge about factors that may be important for the use of environmental and social criteria. Håkan Hydén´s (professor in sociology of law) norm model was used as the basis of the analysis, where the conduct was investigated along three dimensions of the norm ? willingness, knowledge and system conditions ? in order to identify underlying factors that can influence the process.The results ? analyzed by using interviews and documents ? show that the procurer's willingness, motivation and knowledge are important factors in this context, as well as the political priority of the municipality.

Doing Business in China - A Best-practice Model for Foreign Invested Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Foreign invested SMEs have recently become increasingly interested in China. The enterprises are in this report categorized as second wave companies since they follow the footsteps of previous pioneers, of which mostly were larger companies. The ambitions of the SMEs are either to sell products on the ever expanding Chinese market or to utilize the potential of low cost production for global markets. The existing literature is fragmented and solely based on the experience of larger companies. We believe that SMEs are facing new and different challenges, and thus a new generic theoretical frame work is desirable.

Parametriserad 3D-modell av cyklon : Parametrisering av en 3D-modell av ett cyklonfilter i SolidWorks för snabb framtagning av nya konstruktioner till Outotec Skellefteå

This bachelor thesis project has been executed at Outotec Sweden AB in Skellefteå. Outotecs main business focus is selling mineral and metal processing technologies. A rest product from the metal process is particle-polluted gas and cyclone designs are today the most commonly used abatement device for particle control. A cyclone provides a simple design with high efficiency particle percolation by using air streams.The purpose of this work is to reduce the time it takes create new cyclone designs in Outotecs projects. An extensive construction work is needed for every new cyclone order due to new designs.

Feldetektering för diagnos med differentialgeometriska metoder -en implementering i Mathematica

Diagnosis means detection and isolation of faults. A model based diagnosis system is built on a mathematical model of the system. The difficulty when constructing the diagnosis system depends om how the model is formulated. In this report, a method is described that rewrites the model on such a form that the construction of the diagnosis algoritm is easy. The model is transformed by two state space transformations and the result will be a system on state space form where one part of the system becomes easy to supervise.

Kiselalgernas missbildningar under toxiska förhållanden

A research of 14 toxic affected study sites in Sweden showed a significant increased proportion of deformed diatoms. The six metal polluted study sites in the region of Dalarna showed a 4, 2% average of deformed Fragilaria (deformed diatoms reference sites, 0, 1%). The results also indicate a significant increased proportions of deformed diatoms in the eight pesticide polluted sites in the south and middle of Sweden, compared to the reference sites, howsoever the toxic content was low. The results indicate that there are no lager differences in neither teratological forms nor variations that segregate metal polluted and pesticide polluted shells. One of the reasons may be that both heavy metals and pesticides can affect the development of the diatom shell..

Orsaker och sammanhang kring avvikelser i processen med prefabricerat byggande

The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a tool for modelling and simulating the nuclear plant Ringhals 3. The model should be used to improve the knowledge on the dynamics of the plant. Ringhals 3 is being upgraded to produce more power and a tool for analyzing the new operating conditions is needed.The work in this thesis has consisted of improving and developing an existing model of Ringhals 3 made with the modelling tool Dymola. The model has been validated by comparing the results of a simulated house load transient with data from the actual plant. Validation shows good agreement with data from the real plant.

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