

259 Uppsatser om Substance - Sida 18 av 18

Ett evidensbaserat perspektiv på LVM-vård : Klienter, personal och resurser

SammanfattningTvångsvården av missbrukare har en historisk förankring som går tillbaks till 1900-talets början. Under andra halvan av samma sekel uppkom ett tilltagande missbruk av narkotiska preparat. Under 1980-talets inledande år kände sig regeringen manad att vidta åtgärder, och tillsatte därför en ny lagstiftning som skulle regleras under SoL. Den nya lagen kom att benämnasLagen om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall (LVM 1981:1 243). Intentionen med lagen kan något förenklat sägas vara att stoppa upp en för individen, till följd av missbruk, destruktiv livsföring.

Optimalt råvarulager för biobränsleföretaget :

This report was written as a final thesis within the Department of forest economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences as a completion of the M.SC Forestry programme. The aim of this study was to create a model that, with respect to given stock levels, temperature, fuel usage and fuel price, would identify the optimal levels for purchase of bio fuels, optimal levels of incineration of bio fuels and the sum of the present values of all costs. The model would be applicable for a larger district heating plant. Data regarding temperature were received from SMHI. Information considering fuel prices was taken from the Swedish Forest Agency and the facts about fuel usage were collected from a large district heating plant, located in the southwest of Sweden. For the temperature, a sinus curve was adapted to describe the temperature over a year.

Glycerol to dairy calves : effects on intestinal health and fluid balance

The bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri, which natural habitat is in the intestine of mammals and birds, uses glycerol as a substrate for production of the antimicrobial compound reuterin. Glycerol has been shown to decrease the number of Escherichia coli in human feces and it is believed to be due to in situ production of reuterin. E. coli belongs to the large family of Enterobacteriaceae, naturally occurring in the intestine, and pathogenic strains of E. coli have been shown to be one of several bacteria causing diarrhoea in calves.

?Dubbelt uppdrag blev trippelt?: måluppfyllelse, värdegrund och? marknadsföring! : - En kvalitativ studie av musiklärarens utåtriktade verksamhet

My research interest in the upcoming paper is the increased need for promotion of schools. I. e. the individual school´s needs to be able to show its existence, in the huge flow and availability of information; schools and universities, study circles, streamed lectures on the Internet, public schools and private schools, different educational directions, et cetera. The schools? needs to market itself, make good PR and sell their pedagogical idea, and that has become increasingly important. My purpose is to clarify how music teachers, in the Swedish primary and secondary school, skills and competences are used in outreach activities within but also outside, the school premises.

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