

257 Uppsatser om Substance - Sida 1 av 18

Anhörig : Socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att arbeta med anhöriga till missbrukare

The aim of this study was to examine and analyze the experiences which social workers have of working with relatives of Substance abusers. This included examining how they work with relatives who are in need of care and support and how the social workers identify their needs. We have also investigated how well informed the social workers are when it comes to approaches to helping relatives of Substance abusers. A qualitative method has been used in this study in order to analyze the experiences of the social workers from a phenomenological point of view. This study was based on six semi-structured interviews.

Missbrukares rätt till ekonomiskt bistånd : En rättssociologisk studie

The purpose of this study was to examine how the needs of social assistance for people with Substance abuse are assessed in accordance to The Swedish Social Services Act 4th chapter 1§. The purpose was also to examine how Substance abuse is assessed as a social problem by social workers, how the municipal guidelines concerning social assistance for Substance abuser were constructed in relation to the Social Service Act and finally how social workers made their assessments of the need of social assistance to people with Substance abuse in relation to the legislation. The sample was made among the municipalities in the county of Stockholm. Municipal guidelines were studied in 18 municipalities by content analysis. A sample of 11 social workers was chosen from 5 municipalities.

Dubbelt utsatt. : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas uppfattningar om insatser och behov av insatser för våldsutsatta kvinnor med missbruksproblem i Kalmar.

Author: Cajsa VallinderTitle: Double exposed - A qualitative study of professional?s opinion about effort and needs of effort for abused women with Substance abuse in Kalmar.Supervisor: Svante ForsbergAssessor: Ulf Drugge Women with Substance abuse are more likely to be exposed to violence. Despite this, they are having a hard time to get help and support from social service. The purpose of this study is to analyze how professionals express their experience about efforts and needs of efforts for abused women with Substance abuse problems. Questions:1. How do professional´s in Kalmar think about the efforts for abused women with Substance abuse problems?2.

Ett hållbart Sverige : en studie om företagsegenskaper som påverkar hållbarhetsredovisningar

The purpose of this study are to investigate and describe if companies? sustainability reports differ in Substance and quantity between public and Large Cap companies? and if there are any differences between industries. This study will also analyze if companies? size, stakeholder group or profitability have some impact on the companies? sustainability report. The study includes all Swedish public companies and the Large Cap companies.To investigate in line of the purpose this study will measure both the Substance and quantity.

"Den är i gråzonen" -Föreställningar kring och arbete med sexualitet i missbruksbehandling för män

The aim of the study is to examine which present conceptions of sexuality there are in treatment of Substance abuse for men. The intention is to examine how staff members in these environments perceive clients? sex and sexuality as well as studying if and in that case how they work with sexuality in treatment. A qualitative method formed the methodological approach and semistructured interviews were carried out for the collection of data. Four staff members from two different treatment institutions for Substance abuse were interviewed.

Båtbottenfärger innehållande TBTO : huvudsaklig källa till TBT i miljön

Antifouling paint containing the biocide bisTributyltinoxide (TBTO) has been used since1960 to reduce the occurrence of fouling on hulls on boats/ships. January 1st, 2003 theantifouling paints containing TBTO were prohibited. This ban covered all use of paintcontaining the Substance TBTO. The ban was introduced because of alarming observationssuch as development of imposex in aquatic non-target organisms. Imposex is the impositionof male sexual characteristics on mainly female marine snails and occurs due to exposure toTributyltin (TBT).

Det skamliga missbruket - Om hur kvinnorollen påverkar kvinnors missbrukskultur

The purpose of this essay is to examine how gender rolls influences the culture of Substance abuse among women and their social situation. To demonstrate this we have concentrated our research to relate how scientists and the media describe problems of abuse among women. The method we used in our research was qualitative and we gathered information through literature, reports and articles.Our main questions are:Do the social attitude toward women and men differ and how does it affect problems of abuse among women? Do women use alcohol in a different way than men? How do social reactions and restrictions influence women? We also want to examine what position women Substance abusers have in society. What similarities or differences are there between the image of women in general and women with Substance abuse?The main result of the study is that we found discursive connections that show a rectification among scientists concerning Substance abuse among women.

Kvinna eller man- spelar kön någon roll? : En genusstudie av LVM-domar.

The aim of the study was to see how men and women taken into custody care byLVM were described in the sentences through a gender perspective. The aim wasalso to lay more focus on young Substance abusers and see in which extent youngSubstance abusers are judged to institutional care through custody care by LVM.Through a documentary study of 77 LVM sentences in Småland in Sweden, theintention of the study was to see whether women and men are judged and treatedequally or if gender makes a difference and in which way the judgement is different?The questions are in witch extent men and women are judged to institutional carethrough custody care by LVM and how the social indication LVM 4 § 3 b) are usedin the sentences when it is younger men and women that are Substance abusers. Thestudy also covered a survey about how women and men are described in the sentencethrough a gender perspective and more focus is laid on younger Substance abusersunder 30 years old. The methodological approaches that were used in the study areboth qualitative and quantitative with focus on the qualitative method.

Att som missbrukare inte vilja leva mer - om samband mellan missbruk av alkohol och droger och suicidala handlingar

The purpose of this study was to explore the connection between Substance abuse and completed/attempted suicide. Central questions were who the Substance abusers who commit suicidal actions were. The study also tries to find out which factors that contributes to this behaviour and why it is so common amongst Substance abusers. All from the point of view of three scientist and three persons working with treatment of addicts who were interviewed. The results of these interviews were analysed on an individual level with a psychological theory.

Mötet mellan religionsfrihet och skolplikt i den svenska skolan

The aim of the study is to examine which present conceptions of sexuality there are in treatment of Substance abuse for men. The intention is to examine how staff members in these environments perceive clients? sex and sexuality as well as studying if and in that case how they work with sexuality in treatment. A qualitative method formed the methodological approach and semistructured interviews were carried out for the collection of data. Four staff members from two different treatment institutions for Substance abuse were interviewed.

Livet utanför : Hemlösa missbrukares upplevelse av hälsan och sjukvården

Background: A group severely affected by health issues, the experiences of homeless alcohol and drug abusers in the coverage of their medical care needs is not satisfactory. Aim: The aim of the study is to explore which factors experienced by homeless alcohol and drug abusers in Uppsala in regards to their living situation affected their health, their perception of access to healthcare, the character of treatment received and coping strategies used outside of the healthcare system. Method: Nine people who had experienced both homelessness and Substance abuse problem were recruited for the study during their visit to Stadsmissionens facilities for the homeless. Data was collected through qualitative, semi-structured interviews including two women and seven men. Data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis according to Giorgi modified by Malterud.Results: Among homeless Substance abusers interviewed experiences of unwelcoming and prejudiced healthcare were described.

USA:s förändrade Europapolitik USA: EU-politik sedan kalla krigets slut. En utrikespolitisk förändring i stil eller substans?

This thesis aims to describe and characterise the foreign policy change the United States has experienced towards Europe. This thesis claims that the United States is presenting a more supportive attitude today towards the development of the European Union. This more positive attitude has developed during successive U.S. administrations and has become visible since the end of the Cold War.Washington is today less ambiguous and less ambivalent towards the integration of Europe. The United States appreciate that a common foreign- and security policy in Europe is in accordance with American interests.

?Antingen f?r man sitta ensam och vara nykter och drogfri, och det ?r ju ingen som orkar det ?ver tid. Eller s? f?r vi skapa sammanhang d?r man kan g?ra p? ett annat s?tt? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av sociala n?tver

This study examines the opinions of social workers regarding the social networks of people with a Substance addiction. The intention was to get a more nuanced understanding of what characterizes a positive or negative social network, as well as which functions different types of social networks serve. Data were collected through qualitative interviews with seven social workers. More specifically the social workers were oriented towards working for social services with clients that struggle with Substance abuse. The empirical material has been analyzed with a thematic analysis.

Dimensioner. Mellan 2D och 3D, en undersökning av yta och innehåll

A project exploring the boundaries between 2D and 3D. What is surface and what is Substance? A countinuation of previous projects where I?ve examined the journey from two dimensional paper to three dimensonal objects. This project deals with the journey from three dimensonality back into a flat two dimensional surface, and the question if something can be both 2D and 3D at the same time. I decided not to center the project around a specific item, but rather let the project itself be in focus.

Graffiti : kontextualitet, platsbundenhet och innehåll

The focus of this essay is to investigate if there lies a difference between graffiti art that is placed in the public spaces and graffiti art that is sited in an institutional art setting; in this essay exemplified in a gallery space. My thesis is that graffiti art derives a great deal of its meaning and Substance from its situation consequently making a change of cultural context also a change of connotation and understanding of the graffiti art itself.  Meaning that graffiti art situated in a communal space is different from graffiti art situated in the gallery space. They share aesthetic expression but their connotations differ; i.e. one being illegal and the other permissible making their meanings dissimilar. I have used a comparison between site-specific art and graffiti art to further strengthen my thesis concerning the importance of understanding how a change of context critically changes the Substance of graffiti art..

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