

179 Uppsatser om Sub-Saharan Africa - Sida 2 av 12

På väg mot en elektronisk era: En fallstudie av automatiseringen på Makerere University Library, Kampala, Uganda

This thesis is a case study which describes the automation of a university library in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of the case study is, firstly; to find out which actors and factors have started and influenced the automation and the implementation of ICT at Makerere University Library in Kampala, Uganda. Secondly; it also discusses if the automation has changed the librarys condition. The empirical material consists of fifteen interviews with librarians and students. The empirical material itself has functioned as a base when discerning the analytical themes.

Kvinnors politiska representation Hur kan den rumsliga variationen i Afrika förklaras?

During the last few years the countries in the African continent have experienced an enormous increase in female politicians on a national level. Rwanda is even the country with the highest number of female politicians in its parliament in the world. Despite this development in Africa, the quantitative research on women's political representation in the world has not yet paid attention to the situation there. Some of the surveys that have been done have even excluded countries that do not fit the homogeneous pattern ? which is precisely the problem with African countries ? for it to be possible to explain the situation with existing theories.The intention of this paper is therefore to, with all of the 53 African countries included in the study, examine whether the already existing explanatory factors regarding women's political representation also can be applied to an African context to explain the situation there.

Hit men inte längre? : En studie av Mocambiques demokratisering

Följande studie undersöker i vilken utsträckning parterna i trepartsförhållandet Upsala Nya Tidning, annonsör och läsare har överensstämmande åsikter om vad som är viktigt i relationen, samt hur väl de känner till varandras uppfattningar. Vi väljer att studera förhållandet ur ett trepartsperspektiv då de mer traditionella tvåpartsförhållandena inte är tillräckliga för att beskriva den komplexa verkligheten. Studien utgår från UNT:s printupplaga, men skildrar även skillnader mellan den och webbupplagan. Ett representativt urval av varje part tillfrågades via en enkätundersökning vad de själva tycker är viktigt och vad de uppfattar är viktigt för övriga parter. Resultatet visar på att parterna inte har överensstämmande åsikter om vad som är betydelsefullt i relationen.

Thembalabantwana ?Hope for our children? ? A study about Social Workers work with children who are orphaned because of HIV/Aids in South Africa.

The purpose of our thesis has been to study Social Workers view of children?s needs and how they work with children?s needs when they are orphaned because of HIV/Aids in South Africa. The question formulations we used to answer our purpose are:? What needs do the Social Workers consider the children to have?? How do the Social Workers work with children?s needs?We have a qualitative methodological approach in the thesis, where we have performed four interviews with four Social Workers on different organizations in and around Cape Town, South Africa. The presentation of the empirics is made as a summary with representative quotations, which we have interweaved with earlier research and theoretical conceptions.

Civilsamhällets mobilisering i demokratiseringsprocessen -en fallstudie av Sydafrika

This essay captures the process toward a democratic transition in South Africa and tempts on analyzing the efforts made by civil society before the negotiation with the government in the beginning of the 90´s. The method used is a case study.By applying the theory of Elisabeth Jean Wood about the importance of continued mobilization, I try to answer the question: to what extend did civil society influence the democratization process. The focus of the study lies on the years of intensified popular mobilization, from the start of the 80´s until the beginning of the 90´s.The results following this study shows that COSATU, Congress of South African Trade Unions) and ANC(African National Congress) played both a crucial role for the democratization process in South Africa. UDF, however played a role in the process, but not in the same significant way that COSATU and ANC..

Transition till demokrati: strukturella faktorers påverkan i de begränsade flerpartisystemen Kenya och Tanzania

This paper deals with institutional and structural factors' influence on democratic transition in limited multiparty regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Comparing the cases Kenya and Tanzania, of which the former has made a transition to democracy and the latter has not, this paper reaches the conclusion that political traditions, the coalescing of the opposition, and the elites ability to learn from the electoral process is essential for a transition to democracy. In the specific cases, the harshness of the Moi regime and the Tanzanian vision of national unity may possibly carry some explanatory power, alongside the pressure from international actors.These results have been reached through the application of a comparative case study, where democratic transition constitutes the dependent variable. It should be noted that a harsh definition of the term transition has been applied, according to which the incumbents actual loss of an election is a necessary indicator for transition. However, the Freedom House and Polity scores have been brought up as complement of this definition.

Arts and Culture : en fallstudie av konstcentret PJ Olivier i Stellenbosch, Sydafrika

The intention has been to look at the school system in South Africa and specifically at arts and culture in grade 10 to 12. I have visited a number of classes and interviewed the teachers working at the art centre PJ Olivier in Stellenbosch. By doing this I wanted to get to know the system and to understand the intentions that the curriculum describes.I have all through the study related the areas I?ve looked at to the curriculum to see how well the intentions are implemented. I have also compared everything with the Swedish school system.The curriculum has good intentions but the country has a lot to do before they reach the goals with a school system where everybody is included and where there is ?ubuntu? (Zulu word for humanity or I am what I am because of what we all are).

Voices of South Africa - Internet-based education for communication and globalization

Utgångspunkten i detta magisterarbete inom ämnet Interaktionsdesign var att se varför barn i dagens skola tycker att skolarbetet blir tråkigare ju högre upp i årskurserna de kommer. Vidare drog jag slutsatserna, utifrån litteraturgenomgång, att någon gång i årskurs 4-6 börjar eleverna i skolan att tappa lusten för skolarbetet. Var det allt skolarbete eller bara vissa ämnen som eleverna tyckte var tråkigt? Varför var det tråkigt? Kunde jag göra något åt saken?.

När förmänniskan blev den moderna människan

The subject of this bachelor-level thesis in archaeology in the transition from archaic sapiens to anatomically modern humans, and what might have caused this transition. A part of the study aims to prove or disprove whether an increased consumption of shellfish might have caused this development. Another part of the essay deals with the connection of said evolution and the suggested emergence of cultural and ritual practices in South Africa circa 100 000 BP and an evaluation of the arguments concerning the aquatic ape hypothesis, and their usefulness for the subject.The result of investigation of the theory about the increased consumption of marine resources as a probable cause of the last biological step of creating our species points to the conclusion that it is a probable explanation. There is even some evidence that there could be a connection between consumption of marine resources and the "Out of Africa 2"-theory. It is harder to find a proven connection between the suggested emergence of cultural and ritual practices, even some evidence seems to strengthen the idea.

Bilder av konflikternas Sydafrika : Två svenska lokaltidningars rapporteringar om Sowetoupproret i Sydafrika 1976

In the year of 2006 I moved to South Africa for a year, a land that has fascinated me because of its history. During the time of my stay I became very surprised how strongly apartheid permeates the community where the white South Africans today are building walls around themselves. Through media we get surrounded with pictures that media creates and to find information regarding what?s happening in the world this is, most often, the primary source. Therefore I believe it?s interesting to explore how two different local newspapers from the county of Kalmar, with two different ideologies, present pictures of the same event, namely the revolt of Soweto in 1976 and how these two newspapers relates to racial policies.

Svenska Försvarets reklamfilm ?Africa? ? lockande eller bara kommersiell bling-bling? : En studie inom social marketing

Reklamfilmen ?Africa? är en socialmarketing kampanj från svenska Försvarsmakten. Kampanjen går ut på att locka personer till att genomföra utlandstjänstgöring. Syftet med den här studien är finna mottagarnas tolkning av reklamfilmen. Vad tror respondenterna att Försvarsmakten vill uppnå med ?Africa? och hur skulle den se ut för att locka just dem? Respondenterna valdes ut genom snöbollsurval, och den empiriska studien består av nio personer, killar och tjejer, som har deltagit i personliga intervjuer.Socialmarketing handlar om att påverka en målgrupp för att på så sätt kunna förändra ett visst beteende.

Den bortglömda krisen ? en kritisk diskursanalys på nyhetsrapporteringen av Centralafrikanska republiken

Central African Republic has partly been portrayed in the media as a forgotten crisis, but also as something that is completely natural for how it is in Africa. The society has perceptions about Africa, which has been reproduced and reconstructed in the selected articles. The discourses in particular have appeared in articles are discourses about: us and them, the confidence in experts, social representations especially (emotional roots), ideological inequities and power relations between different parties..

Säsongsrörelser i Bristols slavhandel, 1698-1776.

This master's essay is about seasonality in Bristols slave trade until the American Revolution 1776. The essay uses the Voyages database as the primary material. The essay's method is to study monthly distribution at different points of the slave trade ? the departure from Bristol and the arrival at the American destination. The seasonality of slave purchases in Africa is primarly studied through the monthly distribution of departures from Bristol for a specific region in Africa.

Förståndshandikapp : Livsvillkor och undervisning för barn och ungdomar i Sydafrika

AbstractDuring my university trip to South Africa I visit a black township called Lingehlile. There I examined the life situation and education for children and youth with mentally disabilities. I was interested in knowing more about what basic condition they have, period of school and what kind of support they get outside the school. The subjects that I have handled are a school for all, support for the person with mentally disabilities and their family, the opinion of the society, education and life after school. I got my result by two interviews.

Skolan i Tanzania med fokus på läs- och skrivsvårigheter : några jämförelser med Sverige

Syftet med den här studien har varit att lära känna skolsystemet i utvecklingslandet Tanzania för att kunna ge en bild av vilka möjligheter lärare där har att stödja elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. För att bättre förstå under vilka premisser lärare i Tanzania arbetar har vissa jämförelser gjorts med svenska förhållanden. Genom att studera Tanzanias policydokument har jag fått en bild av hur Tanzanias regering vill att den tanzaniska skolan ska se ut. Frågan är om den bilden stämmer överrens med den bild lärare i Tanzania ger. För att ta reda på det åkte jag till Tanzania där jag genomförde intervjuer i grundskolor och på ett universitet där man utbildar specialpedagoger/speciallärare.

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