

2684 Uppsatser om Student majority - Sida 53 av 179

Analys av studentpaketet hos de fyra storbankerna : Gapet mellan student och bank

Background: One of the largest direct selling companies Amway "AmericanWay", which has its foothold in the market economy by means of direct trade. This means that the marketing is in the form of a network made up of various individuals who work together to advertise the company on to various potential customers.Aim: The survey aims to study the factors that are affecting the company Amway's growth.Completion: The survey is based on analyzing the interviews. The authors have relied on the qualitative method, where they have focused on how growth has increased the company Amway.Results: The results of this study are that Amway gradually managed to establish themselves globally thanks to the quality of the products they sell in a functioning market. The study also shows that all member customers are satisfied with the goods they buy from ABO groups, and that Amway's structure is not based on a pyramid scheme..

Hur hanterar främlingskritiska partier främlingen inom statsgränsen? : En jämförande undersökning av partiernas minoritetspolitik och deras syn på nationella minoriteter

The debate about affirmative action for ethnic minorities in countries with another majority culture is growing bigger in many parts of the world. However, it is often the debate misses the aborigines within the countries? borders. The aim of this paper is to investigate the possible conflict in opinions for xenophobic political parties when managing an aborigine population. I will use a qualitative method to study the ethnic minority Sámi in Sweden, Norway and Finland, and afterwards xenophobic parties view on them.To reach a result will I present a scale over Xenophobia ? Cosmopolitanism, which is described as a political cleavage.

Opera i Stockholm, Galärvarvet

Suggestion for a new operahouse in stockholm, förslag på nytt operahus i stockholm. Stockholmsoperan..

Kanal 1 i Kanal5? : En kvantitativ studie om studenters attityder gentemot att public service utför marknadskommunikation

In recent years, the digitalization and media convergence has increased, which has made the market for public service- medias more competitive. Perhaps this is why public service has chosen to communicate with recipients outside their own channels.The purpose of this quantitative study is to find out how students attitudes looks towards the fact that public service are performing marketing communication. To find out, we conducted a survey, as 256 students of Linnaeus University in Kalmar answered. Together with the study we have used different theoretical references in order to analyse the responses from the survey, and obtain our conclusions.By analysing the empirical material we came to the conclusion that the majority are in favour of public service performing communication outside its own channels. But we also noticed that the communication needs to be in a certain way for the students to be positive.

Fo?rutsa?ttningar fo?r AU som sa?kerhetsgemenskap avseende inomstatliga konflikter med transnationell inblandning

The theory of ?security communities? is generally understood as ?dependable expectations of peaceful change? between groups and whether or not the African Union can be said to meet that criteria has been contested in the research community. One of the central disagreements lie in the nature of the region?s conflicts, of which a majority are intrastate but with tendencies of transnational involvement. This paper seeks to understand how extensive this involvement is and how it affects the possibility of classifying the African Union as a security community.

Chalmers University of Technology

The Division of Language and Communication at Chalmers uses a web-based language tool, named EngOnline, to teach English grammar. The language tool suffers from some shortcomings. These include stability problems and an outdated interface but, above all, there is no documentation. Because of the lack of documentation and EngOnline?s need of maintenance, the Division of Language and Communication has decided to replace the language tool with a new and well documented one.The new language tool was developed using an agile work process; detailed documentation was replaced with more efficient communication.

Högskolestudenters uppfattning av informationsöverflöd: En studie med fenomenografisk ansats

With the volume and availability of information increasing as fast as technological development in society a phenomenon called information overload has emerged. The purpose of our thesis was to investigate how university students experience this increase in volume and ease in access to information. In our study we concentrated our focus on the student?s use of electronic resources. So as not to prejudice our study group our questions focused on different aspects of searching for information.

I dansen förhåller sig min kropp och mitt beslut magiskt till varandra : En fenomenologiskt orienterad studie av danspedagogens praktik

This essay is an attempt to portray and explain my work as a dance pedagogue as well as an epistemological overview of the skills and knowledge I use when I teach. The study is phenomenologically oriented and the examples used are from the years when I was teaching at the University College of Dance in Stockholm. The primary objective of the study was to illustrate the practical knowledge of my teaching by examining what lies in the mind and gaze of the dance pedagogue while teaching.Having finished my essay I realize that it has come to be primarily about the body. How the knowledge that is imprinted in my body can only be conveyed when I have a student to teach and how I feel that the intermediary of knowledge occurs. Other recurrent themes are the relations of thought and consciousness to the body.

Automatisk trimning av drivsystemreglering från MATLAB

This master thesis covers the development of an automatic tuning process for the existing speed controller for drive systems. The drive systems are resonant two-mass systems where a motor is used to drive a load connected by a shaft. The developed method relies heavily on system identification and the construction of a complete mechanical model of the process. With this approach, the common problem with poor load speed control that derives from measuring only the motor speed can be addressed and solved for a majority of such processes.The automatic tuning method has along with general test functions been implemented in a complete tool for automatic tuning, testing and performance evaluation and reporting for drive systems..

Några elevers tankar kring ett klassiskt matematiskt problem. : Om problemlösningsförmåga och argumentationsförmåga ? två matematiska kompetenser.

In this thesis we study four groups of students in grade 8, 9 and 10 when they try to solve a classical mathematical problem: Which rectangle with given circumference has the largest area? The aim of the study was too see how the students did to solve a mathematichal problem?The survey shows that students have rather poor strategies to solve mathematical problems. The most common mistake is that students don?t put much energy to understand the problem before trying to solve it. They have no strategies.

Med kejsaren som referens : En studie om kejsarkultens påverkan på den skandinaviska aristokratins uppkomst och utveckling

During the three first centuries A.D the cult to roman emperor was practiced over the absolute majority of the known world. It was based on the idea of the deified ruler, where religion was used as a way of legitimizing a social position of an absolute few. It arrived from below but was promoted and spread from above as a way of governmental control. During the same period of time did a new aristocratic social group emerge in remote Scandinavia that eagerly sought new ways to identify themselves and their newly found social standing. With a base consisting of an economic surplus they wanted to create an acceptance for their new way of life and thus in doing so change the very foundation and core beliefs of their own society.The central theme of this study is the cultural exchange that took place between these two cultural spheres and mainly of the effect that the cult to the roman emperor had on the emergence and identification process of the Scandinavian aristocracy..

Ett verkligt inflytande? : Lärares och elevers syn på elevinflytande i engelskundervisningen

Huvudsyftet med denna undersökning har varit att undersöka och jämföra lärares och elevers uppfattningar av lärares arbete med elevinflytande i engelska A-undervisningen på gymnasiet. Det andra syftet har varit att beskriva hur den nya ämnesplanen för engelska (Gy 2011) förändrats vis-a-vis ämnesplanen och kursplanerna för engelska (Gy 2000) och vad dessa förändringar kan få för effekt på lärares fortsatta arbete med elevinflytande i engelskundervisningen. Undersökningen genomfördes med utgångspunkt i följande huvudfrågeställningar: (1) hur förhåller sig lärare respektive elever till begreppet elevinflytande samt (2) vilka förändringar återfinns i de nya styrdokumenten för engelskundervisningen i Gy 2011 och hur kan det påverka lärares arbete med elevinflytande?Metoderna som tillämpats i undersökningen har varit kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med lärare och elever, en enkätundersökning som riktades till elever och en jämförande textanalys av ämnesplanen för engelska Gy 2011 och Gy 2000. Dessa tre metoder valdes med utgångspunkten att kunna triangulera och på så vis jämföra det insamlade datamaterialet.

Undervisningsmetoder i fysik : En jämförande studie mellan den svenska och den finska skolan

In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.

Arbetsplanens användande och dess inflytande på pedagogers undervisning : En uppföljning av Arbetsplan för studie- och yrkesvägledningsverksamheten i Enköpings kommun 2008-2010

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects ofWork plan for study- and vocational guidance in Enköpings municipality 2008-2010 to see how it has affected the educators in the municipal primary schools. Questionnaires to teachers and interviews with principals have been made and it came out that the teachers are not very familiar with the plan. Of the few teachers who considered themselves to be familiar with the plan, the majority replied that they had benefited from the plan.The study´s analysis indicates that one of explanation for why so few educators are aware of and working according to the plan is partly in implementation efforts. Weaknesses are shown according to the equivalence of the implementation, but also the importance of the existence of an engaging and driven person, located at the primary schools, that continuously inspires and motivates the teachers to work with this plan. Educators also indicate that they already use study-and vocational guidance in their teaching..

Unga vuxna inför samhällets dubbla budskap : Studenters uppfattningar om hälsa, övervikt, dieter, skönhetsideal i relation tillidentitet och självkänsla.

The purpose of this study is to compare students (both male and female), from the Linnaeus University in Kalmar, about their perceptions with a particular focus on identity and self-esteem. In regards to the current societal problem concerning obesity and beauty ideals, this paper aimed to study the student?s opinions concerning health and diets in order to fully answer the purpose of the study. The theory used in this paper is in particular regards to identity and self-esteem. In order to answer the study questions, a qualitative approach was conducted in the form of various focus groups.

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