

2684 Uppsatser om Student majority - Sida 51 av 179

Konstruktiv utformning av vikplog

This project is about investigation and improvement of a V-plow for the company Swekip. A V- plow is used for snow removal but this product has been found to have deficiencies in its construction, breaking down and not living up to the desired objectives. This is because the product is ordered from a company in China where they have some problems with understanding the purpose of the plow.Initially the existing plow is investigated, all the shortcomings set out and examined, what is wrong and what needs improvement?When the solutions were done they were evaluated and examined that they actually live up to the desired requirements.This assignment is a pure construction project where the majority is implemented in CAD, where models are developed and FE analyses are carried out. But the project also includes a feasibility study, idea study and hydraulic design.The results are presented in the form of a CAD model and associated drawings that will serve as the manufacturing basis for the new V-plow.

Lärares syn på arbetet med partikelbegrepp i no-undervisningen

In this study we have interviewed eight teachers about when and how particle concepts should be taught. All of the surveyed teachers argue for an early introduction. This view is also consistent with the scientists on when the particle concepts should be introduced. By an early introduction teachers and scientists consider the age between 6-12 years old. A majority of the scientists and the surveyed teachers use concept of change as a entery point to talk about particle ideas.

Utomhuspedagogik : En studie om lärares uppfattningar av utomhuspedagogik

In previous contact with secondary schools, we have noticed a dull setting for friluftsliv among teachers in Physical Education and Health. We suspected that both teaching and assessment are sometimes conducted in error. Under the provisions of Skolverket the teacher must involve all elements mentioned in the core content of the curriculum and the assessment of students' knowledge may be based only on what is expressed in the syllabus for each course. Research shows that the implementation of the curriculum have failed in the subjects investigated (Skolinspektionen, 2013:22). We have identified a gap of knowledge regarding the situation of friluftsliv in the course physical education 1.

Ett högre uppdrag : om ledarskap för studie- och yrkesorienteringen i grundskolan

Denna studie har haft som syfte att belysa ledarskapet i grundskolan avseende den studie- och yrkesorienterande verksamheten samt förhållandet mellan ledarskap, personalens engagemang och verksamhetens resultat. Avsikten har bland annat varit att synliggöra om skolorna har ett reellt ledarskap avseende verksamheten eller inte. Bedömningsgrunderna för ett reellt ledarskap har inspirerats av den transformativa ledarskapsteorin. Studien baseras på enkätsvar från 107 yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare i Stockholms, Skånes och Västerbottens län. Resultatet visar att den stora majoriteten skolor saknar ett reellt ledarskap avseende verksamhetsområdet samtidigt som flera studie- och yrkesvägledare säger sig vilja inta en ledande funktion för detta.

Ett riskfyllt liv : en kvantitativ studie om kriminella ungdomars riskfaktorer

The purpose of this study was to review a group of youths in a municipality which all had committed criminal acts. The study is based on 66 youths between the ages of 13 and 20 that were all matters for the social services. The social inquiries of the youths where reviewed using a quantitative method. Their backgrounds where examined to identify what type of risk factors they had and what type of crimes they had committed with an aim to detect if there were a relationship between the risk factors and the art of the crime. The result of the study showed that the majority had committed crimes against another person and the risk factors included family related factors and school problems.

Sänkt returtemperatur : Potentiell besparing i fjärrvärmesystem

Optimizing energy systems is, in Sweden, as in many other countries, of growing interest. District heating systems are no exception. In 2012, 285 out of 290 municipals in Sweden had district heating in use and the majority of these systems have a higher return temperature than that which is possible with an error-free substation of day current technology. To, when possible, lower the return temperature is a way of increasing the effectiveness of the district heating system.This study means to investigate, through simulations and calculations, how big of a reduction in production cost a lower temperature in the city of Ystad?s district heating system would correspond to.

?Var är du?? En studie om virtuella kollaborativa designprocesser i en studiemiljö

The design process of an interaction design student is mostly collaborative and computer oriented. Based on this, it?s hard to believe that we have not yet found a tool that will facilitate our needs. With this in mind, which elements do we need to promote collaboration in a virtual design process? This thesis will include design processes, collaboration, creativity and virtual awareness, amongst others.

Papperslösa barns rättigheter

This case study examines how upper secondary schools in a municipality in the northern parts of Sweden structure their special pedagogy with students who have ADHD and dyslexia, students? and parents? experiences of this, and what regulates the schools management in this particular aspect. The results show that all the schools have special pedagogues and other support staff employed, though in varied extent. Furthermore, the resources are distributed differently from school to school. The focus, however, is always around communication between the concerned parties.

Aktiv turism: Svenskar som åker på hälso- och träningsresor

The aim of this study is to investigate a specific form of Special Interest Tourism (SIT), namely health- and fitnesstravels. This kind of travelling is studied from a Swedish perspective and includes aspects like gender and age in active tourism. It also includes which travel motivations that lies beyond the choice of an active vacation.The study is based on a survey that was sent in an e-mail to the health tourism company InShapeTravel´s customers. The answers to the survey has been analyzed and related to earlier research about active tourism.The result shows that more women than men participate in the kind of healthy travels that InShapeTravel offers. A majority of the respondents are between 41-60 years old and the most common travel motivation was ?Better physic/psychic wellbeing?. .

Intentionen till generositet - Hur den påverkas av gener, hormoner och religiositet

Many studies have pointed out that generosity depends on different things like gender, age and nationality. We wanted to see if predetermined factors like genetics also had an effect on the intention of generosity. There is a ratio between the index finger (2D) and ring finger (4D) that is determined by the levels of testosterone in the amniotic fluid and that have had some significant effect on personality attributes like musical and leadership skills. We wanted to see if that ratio had any effect on the intention of generosity. We experimentally examined a group of priest student and two groups of young handball players and let the groups answer a survey that included a sort of dictator game and we photo copied their hands to get their 2D:4D-ratio.

Kvinnliga studenters alkoholvanor : På Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar

As the title reveals this is a study of female college students alcohol habits in Kalmar,Sweden. During the spring of 2012 a total of 118 female students at Linnaeus universityanswered a survey about their alcohol habits. The survey reveled that as many as 67%percent of the answering female students (according to Audit) have risky drinking habits.The drinking habits are explained using Albert Banduras social learning theory in contextto the Scandinavian drinking pattern. The study concludes that female alcohol habits needeven further research. Furthermore the study shows that student initiation have an impacton the female drinking habits and that expectations of that students drink are to some extentimportant to the development of hazardous drinking habits..

KONSTRUKTIONEN AV ETNICITET - En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare och studerande upplever etnicitetsperspektivet på socionomprogrammet vid Göteborgs universitet

The primary purpose of this essay is to study and describe how the concept of ?ethnicity? is introduced, defined and constructed at the Universities of Social Work Education through the perspectives of students attending and teachers/researchers currently employed at the University of Gothenburg. Also, this study attempts to describe what differences there are between the two groups and how these are expressed. The theoretical perspectives which we have used to analyse the empirical data are social constructivism and postcolonial theories. We have applied a qualitative method based on four interviews with teachers/researchers and two focus group interviews with 14 students.

Sms-och chattspråkets inverkan på svenskan i klassrummet : - en undersökning av högstadieelevers skrivande

My paper deals with SMS and IM language's impact on students' language in school. Text messaging and instant messaging involves several simplifications and abbreviations for the user to be able to write quickly and short but in the same time have made them understood by the recipient. The spelling, punctuation and use of capital letters are also of a secondary importance when writing via the text chat. My purpose with this paper is to investigate the prevalence of SMS and chat language in student texts, using students in the senior level. My respondents were asked to answer a questionnaire and write a text to a picture.

Krig och fred -080808 : Freds-, krigsjournalistik och propaganda i mediernas rapportering om Georgienkriget: en komparativ studie av Sveriges, Rysslands och USA:s press

Abstract Title: Krig och fred - 080808. Freds-, krigsjournalistik och propaganda i mediernas rapportering om Georgienkriget: en komparativ studie av Sveriges, Rysslands och USA:s press. (War and peace ? 080808. Peace Journalism, War Journalism and Propaganda in the Media´s Reporting on the Georgia War: a Comparative Study of the Swedish, Russian and American Press.)  Authors: Daniel Lövgren & Tatiana Makarova Tutor: Anna Roosvall Course: Bachelor Thesis: Media and Communication, PR Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to compare how the press in Sweden, Russia and the USA reported on the war in Georgia 2008.

Åldrande i ett mångkulturellt samhälle : En kvalitativ studie av äldre invandrares tillgång till samhällsinformation och deras deltagande i aktiviteter riktade till äldre medborgare.

In light of the European Union`s 2012 theme year: Active aging and solidarity between generations I wished to gain an understanding of weather elderly immigrant are provided with equal possibilities and access to local community information as the majority population and their participation in activities arranged for senior citizens in the municipality where they live. I have done this by meeting with those who work in this capacity. I also chose to meet with representatives for immigrant organizations in the local community to enquire of their work with senior citizens within their own ethnic group. This is a qualitative study on a phenomenological ground based on nine interviews and four observations. I have had two theories to help me analyze my empirical material.

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