1634 Uppsatser om Student Loan Asset-Backed securities - Sida 35 av 109
En jämförelse mellan självskattningar och läkarbedömningar vid depression
The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.
Diskret analys : En studie av polynom och talföljder
The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.
Statistisk analys av en genetisk studie av typ 2 diabetes
The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.
Hur folkbibliotekarier i några mindre svenska kommuner upplever sin yrkesroll
The aim of this study is to examine how public librarians in small Swedish municipalities experience their professional roles. As part of examining such an abstract subject as experiences we also examine what tasks they perform, which will function as a support of the analysis. The theoretical frame-work is based on librarian identities worked out by Anders Ørom and a model of professional roles worked out by Maj Klasson. The analytical procedure consists of both deductive and inductive viewpoints. The empirical material consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews with five librarians that work in public libraries located in municipalities with less than 12 500 inhabitants.
Lokalitet, globalitet och folklighet : Hälsingegårdarna som världsarv
The aim of this essay was to investigate the effects of adopting a site to the UNESCOs World Heritage List. Thefocus laid on the example of the Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland, which was the most recent Swedishadoption. With the question of impact of the World Heritage List in mind, the region of Hälsingland became themain focus. The study was made with particular focus on Gästgivars, a farm located in the municipality ofBollnäs, to which the theory of social life of things was applied. The result of the World Heritage was, in the caseof Gästgivars, an increase of the cultural value and social status.This case study has shown that the impact of the nomination has not been immense, but suggests that longtermeffects can show.
Fältstudiers betydelse för stimulans, delaktighet och inflytande : En studie av hur elever och lärare i Vallentuna gymnasium värderar fältstudier
Schools inspections investigation has shown that most pedagogues are experiencing significant challenges to stimulate students and to invite students to participate and to influence the teaching structure and content. This study is based in the school inspections school questionnaire from 2013 which shows that Vallentuna high school results in two categories stimulation as well as participation and influence gets a low index value compared to all participating school units. Previous research has shown that the field studies creates greater amount of stimulation, increases students? participation and provide experience of a bigger influence. Careful preparations are also important and the right form of field studies.
Redovisning till verkligt värde: Tillämpningen av IAS 40 i svenska fastighetsbolag
The aim of our master thesis is to study the way valuation of real estate is conducted by real estate companies. Furthermore we want to identify the factors that affect the relevance and reliability of the valuation. The reason for this is the introduction of IFRS, in 2005, and the application of the IAS 40 rules stating that real estate are to be recognized at fair value on the balance sheet. To do this we have performed a case study on 10 Swedish real estate compa-nies listed on the Stockholm stock exchange, OMX, Large Cap and Mid Cap list to see how the share value has performed in relation to the reported net asset value since 2005 and how they value their collection of properties. We also studied the assumptions made by real estate company analysts.
Värdepapperisering av samhällsfastigheters hyresflöden : En attraktiv finansierings- och investeringsmöjlighet för att bygga vård- och äldreboenden till en åldrande befolkning?
The number of elderly people has been steadily rising in Sweden for a long time and as a proportion of the population, the increase has been even greater. The population structure in the country means that in the not too distant future, there will be a sharp rise in demand for care and elderly accommodation.A tighter credit market as a consequence of new rules and regulations with a stricter capital and liquidity requirements combined with market turbulence, has made financing property developement more difficult and more expensive which has resulted in many companies using alternative sources of finance.DEmand for safe investments with low risk is high as the market is volatile and banks, pension funds, fund management and life insurance companies are looking for investments outside the stock market that can deliver a safe return in the longer term. There has also been a debate about whether institutional investors as the AP pension funds really should own properties directly.As properties for care and elderly accommodation are definable assets with predictable payment flows, long leases and often a local authority as tenant that would not risk cancelling payments, these would be highly appropriate for securitisation, i.e. to issue bonds or other tradable securities based on the cash flows from the assets.In other words, the securitisation of rent flows would offer the opportunity to create an attractive investment product of the type being demanded, well suited to institutional investor requirements, while at the same time, it can provide an attractive financing opportunity to meet the need for more care and elderly accommodation..
Skillnader mellan Swedish GAAP och US GAAP : väsentlighetsbegreppet och justeringsposter
Background: With an increased global market, where companies seek capital abroad, the demand for a more uniform accounting standard has been raised. This uniform accounting standard is not yet available, differences between accounting standards still exists. Several Swedish companies seek risk capital in the USA and some are part of a concern that is listed on the American stock exchange. This means that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires the companies to do a reconciliation to US GAAP on those items that are considered material. This can be an extensive work for the companies if the knowledge about the differences between Swedish GAAP and US GAAP does not exist.
Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten - En studie av dess påverkan på bankers kreditgivning till små ägarledda företag
In April 2008 an official report, SOU (2008:32), was presented. In that report it was suggestedthat the statutory audit for approximately 96 % of the Swedish companies was to be abolished.The report suggests that the new regulations should apply to all limited companies thatare below two of three limits that have been suggested: a) a balance-sheet total of 41,5 millionSEK; b) a net turnover of 83 million SEK or; c) less than 50 employees. The regulations aresuggested to come into force July 1, 2010. According to the Swedish laws that regulate thelimited companies, Aktiebolagslagen 10:11, should all limited companies regardless of sizehave an chartered accountant or otherwise approved. The purpose of the audit is to create atrust towards the figures that the company shows and also to act as an assurance towards thirdparties (Collis, 2003; Strenger et al, 2008).
Medicin på finska : Det medicinska ordförrådets utveckling i finskan i slutet av 1800-talet
In the beginning of the 19th century, Swedish was the only official language of Finland, and thus the dominating language in administration and higher education. However, during the latter part of the century, efforts were made to develop Finnish into a language which could be used in every part of society. In 1881, the medical society Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecim was founded with the development of a medical terminology in Finnish as one of its main purposes. In 1885, a medical paper, Duodecim, and a medical dictionary were published. The aim of this study is to illuminate the vocabulary of the dictionary.
Ett företagsperspektiv på kvalitetssäkrad hållbarhetsredovisning : Vilka motiv kan finnas till ett bestyrkande
Datum: 2009-05-29Författare: Sanne Jotorp, sjp07001@student.mdh.se Linnéa Olsson, lon08004@student.mdh.seHandledare: Ann-Sofi PaulTitel: Ett företagsperspektiv på bestyrkt hållbarhetsredovisning - Vilka motiv kan finnas till ett bestyrkandeNivå: Kandidatuppsats i ekonomistyrningSyfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att utifrån ett företagsperspektiv beskriva vilka motiv som kan tänkas finnas till ett bestyrkande. Ambitionen är att försöka förstå vad ett bestyrkande kan innebära för företagets interna hållbarhetsarbete och för förhållandet till interna och externa intressenterna.Metod: Undersökningen har formen av en förstudie och en kvalitativ undersökningsmetodik har tillämpats. Till grund för den teoretiska referensramen ligger en litteraturstudie. Empirin grundar sig på semistrukturerade intervjuer som har genomförts med ett urval av företag. I analysen fångas en helhetsbild av de samband och mönster som kan utläsas ur insamlade data.Slutsats: De tendenser som kan skönjas i undersökningen visar att legitimitet för företagets handlingar kan stärkas i förhållande till både interna och externa intressenter.
Värdering och systematisk allokering av egentillverkade anläggningstillgångar
Background: The basis for a price valuation of a company is dependent on both its assets net worth and earnings calculations. While the assets are an important part of the valuation of a company, it is important that the valuation is reliable and resource usage can be measured and allocated to each time period. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the difficulties when valuating and allocating own produced fixed assets. Accomplishment: We have chosen a case study where the aims are to understand and explain the difficulties with valuating and allocating own produced fixed assets. The research is based on nine personal interviews.
Estetiska lärprocesser och visuell kommunikation : En metodtriangulering för att integrera dubbla perspektiv på K3, Malmö Högskola
Aim: The study aims to investigate the distribution of grades between students in a practical subject and in a theoretical subject.The problem:What is the grade distribution in physical education and mathematics, with respect to gender, socioeconomic background, parental education, ethnicity, and physical activity?Method:To answer the aim of the study a quantitative method was chosen. As the collection method used was questionnaires to 620 students in the 9th grade in Stockholm. Of the 620 questionnaires, 597 questionnaires were used for the static analysis. The method of analysis used cross tables and logistic regression analysis.
De bortglömda barnen : En kvalitativ studie om hur några lärare arbetar med de nyanlända eleverna i den svenska skolan och om de olika undervisningsformerna bidrar till integration
Children of school age, who have just moved to Sweden can either start in a preparation class or in a normal class. There is no Swedish law or national policy that determines how new children will start and continue their education in Swedish schools. The decision is up to the schools or the communes.This study investigates what kind of educational methods teachers, from a sample of two different schools, are using to educate the newly-arrived students and if these methods are making any contribution to integrating these children into the Swedish school system. The study will raise questions like, how are the new students introduced to the Swedish school, what is the purpose of having the children in preparation class as opposed to normal class, and what methods do the interviewed teachers use to integrate the new children into the school system?Interviews were conducted with four teachers, an associate professor and a senior lecturer in education, who has done several years of research about children from abroad coming in to the Swedish school system.