753 Uppsatser om Structural stability - Sida 34 av 51
This report describes how the system may be exposed to oscillations and how this can lead to resonance. Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a system is affected by external periodic oscillations with frequencies close to the system's natural frequencies. Structures subjected to resonance can risk great damage and destruction, why resonance is something that is important to take into account when designing structures. Alternative ways to counteract resonance is to supply damping in the system. Damping means that the resonance decreases instead of letting the amplitude increase.The report discusses some examples on constructions that have experienced the effect of resonance.
Fuktskydd och planering i byggprojekt ? Erfarenheter från Eolshäll
When the Eolshällproject was completed for the first time, a great deal of moisturedamage was discovered. Therefore the structure completion was removed andreinstalled. The project was originally planned to cost a total of 126 million SEK, but thefinal costs landed on 271 million SEK. What caused this failure? Were the designs poor,was the technology used too advanced, or was the project not managed properly?Based on the Eolshällproject, theses will be presented about what may have caused themoisture damage.
Stadsodling som begrepp i Sverige - bakgrund, nulägesbeskrivning och tänkbar utveckling
The structural rationalization of rural firms in Sweden has led to many new creative ways of developing companies. The agriculture sector is characterized by the need of capital in form of buildings, labor and inventory. The rationalization process has led to free capacity in rural firms when new technology make buildings and inventory not longer necessary for the production process. To get a better cost coverage this free capacity can be used to start-up new business areas that help the rural firm to growth.The study aims to identify factors that motives entrepreneurs in rural firms to develop new business areas. The purpose is also to analyze driving forces that lies behind development of rural firms and the forces that support or not support development in rural firms.The study is built upon five cases that all can be categorized as firms with different size and orientation.
Att som missbrukare inte vilja leva mer - om samband mellan missbruk av alkohol och droger och suicidala handlingar
The purpose of this study was to explore the connection between substance abuse and completed/attempted suicide. Central questions were who the substance abusers who commit suicidal actions were. The study also tries to find out which factors that contributes to this behaviour and why it is so common amongst substance abusers. All from the point of view of three scientist and three persons working with treatment of addicts who were interviewed. The results of these interviews were analysed on an individual level with a psychological theory.
Basel II och fastighetsbranschen - en scenariostudie av de nya kapitaltäckningsreglernas konsekvenser för fastighetsbranschen
Banks carry a great responsibility when it comes to the financial systems in our society. Disturbance in the credit system affects both lender and borrower. All financial institutions must therefore carefully estimate their risk exposure. This assessment enables them to cover themselves from losses with appropriate capital buffers as main guardian. In order to prevent bank crises and also to maintain financial stability in general, new regulations concerning analysis and preventive actions were introduced on the 1st of February 2007.
Liberal högersväng? : En jämförande analys av folkpartiet liberalerna och Det Radikale Venstres ideologiska positionering
The aim of this paper is to empirically examine the ideological trends and positioning of the Swedish liberal party with the Danish social liberal party. This paper also aims to analyze the reasons behind the trends. By examine the development in these two Nordic liberal sisterparties, this paper contributes to our understanding of why and how party change is initiated. The paper commences with an intuitive notion that the Swedish party has in fact, made a lurch towards the right, during the past ten to fifteen years while the Danish party has retained their social-liberal position in the centre of the Danish political spectrum. The questions then asked are: can this hypothesis be verified empirically? If so, how can this phenomenon of divergence, be explained?The method used in this thesis is process-tracing and the empirical material does to a large extent rely on interviews with central agents as they are specified in the theory of each party.
"Jag Liksom står väl på mig" : - en studie om sex personer med funktionsnedsättningar och deras upplevelser av bemötande i kontakten med handläggaren inom den offentliga sektorn.
Treatment is both about the actual encounter and how individuals interact as well as the behaviour among the counterparts. Previous research shows that a person?s experience of how he/she is being treated is formed by conditions created by external factors, in literature known as the general view on treatment. The purpose of the study is to show how people with a physical disability experience the treatment from their Social Security Agency administrators. We have compared the empirical material with theories on treatment and power and analysed how this affect the interaction between the administrator and the disabled person.
"?att vi skulle stå på parkeringen och sälja bilar?" : En studie om romers upplevelse av diskriminering.
Förekomsten av diskriminering av romer har påvisats i tidigare studier och rapporter frånDiskrimineringsombudsmannen. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förstå romers upplevelse avdiskriminering. Frågeställningarna som lyfts är om romer upplever sig vara diskriminerade och på vilketsätt, hur man möter de fördomar man som grupp utsätts för och vad anser de kan identifieras somorsaken till diskrimineringen. Den empiriska delen av studien har genomförts utifrån kvalitativ metod,genom att intervjuer med romska respondenter. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är baserade på perspektivgällande diskriminering, stigma och utanförskap med syfte att beskriva de samhälleliga strukturer sompåverkar fördomar och diskriminering.Studien visar på att romerna i undersökningen upplever sig vara diskriminerade inom flera livsområden,och de beskriver detta som en del i deras vardag.
STUDENTERS INFORMATIONSHORISONTER: Användning av Google och sociala nätverk i informationsökningsprocessen
The theses discuss information seeking with a focus on Google and social networks. Students attending the librarian program in Lund have been examined by means of two methods; diaries and information horizons, where they had to solve a specific assignment. The information horizon as a method contributes to getting a structural perspective on the information search process instead of viewing information search as a procedure. Information horizons use social network analysis.The aim of the theses is to investigate the importance of the social network in information search, with a particular focus on Google as a search tool. Our hypothesis is that Google acts as a compensator to the social network when the students search for information and in the educational program.The research indicates that there is no direct correlation between usage of the social network and usage of Google.
Att planera för social hållbarhet i ekobyar :
This essay gives the reader an overview of the different problems and issues a landscape architect might meet, in the process of planning and realizing an eco-village. Its aim is to stimulate new ideas, based on the traditional, present and future working field of landscape architects. The essay does not claim to cover all imaginable aspects of social sustainability within an eco- village, but refers to the presented sources for further in-depth reading. Although the original focus has been on physical planning, the interviewees? words have been of big importance, and to a certain extent changed the constitution of this essay.
Hur bra är vi på att använda våra helikoptrar? : En undersökning om Försvarsmaktens helikopterorganisation
Med början på år 1995 slogs Flygvapnets-, Arméns- och Marinflygets respektive helikopterförband samman till en gemensam helikopterflottilj sorterandes under Flygvapnet. Äldre helikoptersystem byttes ut mot nya uppdaterade system för att bättre klara dagens uppgifter parallellt med att efterfrågan har ökat nationellt såväl som internationellt. Samtidigt som en statlig utredning säger att understöd med helikopter är av stor betydelse för Försvarsmaktens framtida användbarhet så har flera omorganisationer skett inom myndigheten, vilket riskerar att hämma effektiviteten. Hur lämplig är Försvarsmaktens nuvarande helikopterorganisation när det gäller helikoptersamövning mellan Helikopterbataljonen och övriga förband?Studien visar att dagens Försvarsmakt, där efterfrågan på helikoptrarna är större än de tillgängliga resurserna, använder sig av ett system med både styrningar från högre chef såväl som önskemål från förbanden. Detta organisationsval stämmer väl överens med de antaganden, hämtade ur Bolman & Deals teori Det strukturella perspektivet, som har utgjort arbetets teoretiska grund.I arbetet framkommer även att det saknas en försvarsmaktsgemensam erfarenhetsdatabas för dessa övningar vilket riskerar att utgöra en friktion i kunskapsspridningen mellan förbanden..
Upplevelser av hälsa och lärande relaterat till organisatoriskt förändringsarbete : En intervjustudie med sjuk- och undersköterskor.
Work and health are strongly connected because people spend the most part of their adult life in a workplace. The work environment influences the fellow co-workers experience of health and learning in different ways. Accordingly the organizations influence has by doing so, created a great significance to fellow co-workers experiences. Organizational changes often create turbulence within an organization and are often experienced negatively by the fellow-co-workers even if it will give positive effects later. The aim of this study was to illuminate nurses- and assistant nurses experiences of health and learning related to organizational changes.
Ungdomar om bibliotek
The aim of the thesis is to study young peoples, defined as boys and girls between 14 and 16 years old, attitudes to library in two municipalities. Notwithstanding the fact that young people, and children, often is given priority in library work, the reality often seems to be another. Attitudes are founded primarily in childhood and therefore it is of great importance to examine how young people regard libraries. Besides studying former research about young people and libraries that has been performed on library and information science, we also have been using concepts and theories from social science. We give a brief outline of youth research and its development and look at official records and legislation to see if and in what context young people are mentioned.
Sjuksköterskors uppfattning av strukturell empowerment på svenska vårdavdelningar : En kvantitativ studie
Det finns flera olika tillsta?nd som kan bidra till en tillfa?llig eller kronisk fo?rlamning. Sjukdomar som ofta fo?rknippas med fo?rlamning i extremiteter a?r traumatiska hja?rnskador, stroke och ryggma?rgsskador. Beroende pa? var skadan sitter och hur stor skadan a?r sa? fa?r patienterna olika grader av fo?rlamning, vilket i sin tur kan leda till en fo?ra?ndrad livssituation.
Regional Styrningsproblematik i ett Utvidgat Europa - en komparativ fallstudie av Frankrike och Polen
The aim of this comparative study is to analyse the French and the Polish regional governance in order to see if there are any differences in their regional ruling systems. Further more I will study their different possibilities in taking part in the European Union regional political market. The shape of the regional systems will be explored both organisationally (study of the institutional entities of the regional construction) and functionally (study of the competencies of the regional body etcetera) to focus on its cause on the regional development. My over all focus will be to find out whether regional rule means differently in the countries France and Poland.Several questions are dealt with and the two main ones are as follows; How do the different structures of the form of government in France and Poland influence the governance on the regional level? Do Poland, as a new member state of the European Union, have what it takes to face the challenges of the new membership; or are there a complex of problems arising from the admittance that prevent its regions from fully taking part in the European regional political market?Some of my conclusions are as follows;There are major differences between the two countries when it comes to their regional ruling systems leading to different abilities in taking part in the European regional political market.