

526 Uppsatser om Structural changes - Sida 7 av 36

Introduktion av buskskikt i ungskogar

Young stands in urban forests often lack a shrub layer, though shrubs play an important structural and biological role in forests. All layers interact with one another to form a multilayered stand, in which shrubs have a vital role.In this diploma thesis, theoretical models for forest dynamics are compared with four reference stands to detect factors, and principals for introduction of shrubs in young stands. In these stands four different ways of introduction were found. In one trees and shrubs were planted together at the same time. Shrubs spontaneous spread under a canopy of mature forest, in another.

Una Ola Interminable. A Minor Field Study about FEJUVE and it´s Influence on Structural Inequalities in the Bolivian Society

Vi har utgått från de strukturella ojämlikheterna som finns i det Bolivianska samhället, och insett att dessa måste reduceras för att skapa ett mera fungerande samhälle. Vi har valt att göra en undersökning kring hur dessa strukturella ojämlikheter kan förminskas. För att göra detta har vi utfört en fältstudie i Bolivia där vi genom intervjuer och observationer studerat en social organisation belägen i El Alto, kallad FEJUVE. Vi har fokuserat på hur denna genom sitt arbete och organisation påverkar det Bolivianska samhället, såväl positivt som mindre positivt. Vi har valt ut fem olika aspekter av organisationen som vi har undersökt i särskilt djup detalj, då vi anser att dessa har en speciell relevans i kampen mot utraderandet av strukturella ojämlikheter.

Ska vila på vetenskaplig grund... : En studie om lärares förutsättningar fo?r vidareutbildning

In Based upon disciplinary foundation... ? A study on teachers? prerequisite for continuing pro- fessional development (CPD) I have examined the prerequisites that teachers in Nacka have for CPD, due to the new school law that states that all teaching must be based upon disciplinary foundation and proven experience. According to a recently published governmental report, as well as international research, not only structural aspects like time and financial compensation are crucial to whether teachers continue their development. Encouragement from the principal and colleagues are also a contributing factor; and not to mention those factors combined.There is a world wide shared consensus among educational researchers claiming that one very important piece in creating a successful school is having a well-educated and updated staff.

Intellectual capital in Handelsbanken and SEB - an explorative study of the two banks with emphazis on Handelsbanken

Uppsatsen handlar om hur det intellektuella kapitalet i de två bankerna Handelsbanken och SEB skiljer sig åt. Vi försöker också se hur skillnader i resultat och utveckling för Handelsbanken går att förklara med hjälp av det intellektuella kapitalet. Uppsatsen är av utforskande karaktär med tyngdpunkt på Handelsbanken men med SEB som jämförande faktor..

Socialt stöd för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Stålfiberarmerad betong för platta på mark : -En kostnads- och sprickbreddsanalys

AbstractToday there is an opportunity to reinforce concrete with steel fiber reinforcement. In some cases, completely replace the conventional reinforcement. Replacing conventional mesh reinforcement with steel fiber reinforcement in slabs on ground has shown economic benefits, less crack width and less reinforcement amount.Today there are no Swedish standard for designing steel fiber reinforced concrete, what is there is different international recommendations.In this work, design methods for steel fiber concrete are used according to RILEM and Bekaer Swedish AB's software DRAPRO. For other design methods Eurokod 2 is followed.In this work, the design of slabs on ground that are not exposed by large tension strength been designed. Design of crack-reinforcement and restrictions of crack width have been conducted in three different slabs on ground.The calculations have been performed using only conventional reinforcement and only steel fiber reinforcement, and the results are then compared.The results of the theoretical analysis are summarized in tables that compare the amount of reinforcement, crack width and economic cost.This work showed that the slabs on the ground reinforced with steel fibers provide less crack width with a minor amount of reinforcement.

Tvåspråkighetsutveckling: Albansk-/svensktalande ungdomar berättar om sin utveckling av tvåspråkighet utanför skolan

We consider the meaning of leisure time for the human linguistic and cultural development of great meaning, in particular association with bilingual. We are both bilingual and have had the privilege to use and develop our knowledge likewise our experience during our education.The purpose with our school essay is to investigate what the youth tell us about their bilingual development outside School time. Our target group is Albanian-/Swedish speakers from upper secondary youth. Based on our own experience we know that upper secondary School contributes to an increasing awareness about themself and their own language and identity.In our empirical study, have we used qualitative strategy and build our interview guide on the basis of the semi structural method. Furthermore we have carried out two different group interviews which consisted each between 6-7 interviewees.

Hur står det till med jämställdheten? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetet med jämställdhet på grundskolor i Kronobergs län

This study is an assignment from the council of Södra Småland county to investigate how equality between boys and girls progresses at compulsory schools in Kronoberg county. The study was undertaken to find suggestions on how work with equality could best be stimulated.The key question was to elaborate how a decentralized rule and structural context of an organisation can affect an implementation of political decisions. The methodological approach adopted can be defined as inductive, it was analysed how the respondents from some selected schools in Kronoberg county themselves relate to the concept of equality between men and women and their experience and understanding of how the concept of equality between sex is understood in their work at school.School-legislation today demands that active measures are undertaken to promote equality between boys and girls and in general almost all the respondents of my study describe equality as an utterly important question. My findings although, at the same time, indicate a gap between rhetoric and practice. The findings of my study suggest that structural relations and a decentralised organisation can constitute a hindrance for implementing equality between men and women in schools.

Glöm inte bort berättelsen : -en studie om intern storytelling

Authors: Marie Andersson, Maria Gustafsson and Johanna Olsson.Tutor: Peter CaesarTitle: Don?t forget the story ? a study about internal StorytellingKeywords: Internal Storytelling, Internal marketing, Communication, Organizational culture, Internal branding, Fellowship, Motivation, Participation.Background: Something that can be problematic for managers in an organization is to find an effective way to spread information that will received by all the employees. One way to spread information and messages to the employees is by using internal Storytelling. The use of internal Storytelling aims to create an environment to build up an engaged personnel. Organizations use internal Storytelling when they want to create collective stories and frame of references among the employees within the organization, and also spread the values of the brand and information about the organization.Problem statement: How can internal marketing be affected by internal Storytelling?Method: Our study is based on a case-study of SCA Packaging Sweden AB.

Skönlitteraturens genrer: En analys av två universella klassifikationssystem

The main aim in this Master thesis is to analyse how an ideological view may have influenced the shape of hierarchies with a specific concentration on the concept of fiction genre in the latest versions of the systems SAB and DDC. Our thesis is that no theoretical classification scheme can be recognized as objective. With an ideological/institutional perspective we look at the structures behind these systems. As a vehicle we use the hermeneutic circle to show the play between part and unit by focusing and analysing three different levels: the content level the concept level the ideological level. The first level is in the shape of a historical background and an analysis of concept with focus on content.

Intuition : En studie av beslutsfattande i mindre svenska företag

Background: Previous studies have shown that intuition occurs in decision making in small enterprises. However, these studies have not illuminated which decision attributes leads to intuitive decision making.Purpose:The purpose with this study is to contribute with an increased understanding of which decision attributes leads managers in small enterprises to use intuition in decision making and why these decisions attributes have an impact on the role of intuition. The follow-ing research question will be answered in our study: Which decision attributes leads to intui-tive decision making in small enterprises, and why?Method: To answer the research question we have conducted semi structural interviews with managers in small enterprises to achieve a deeper understanding of the role of intuition. We have also used a method called Visual Card Sorting as a complement to the semi structural interviews.Result/conclusion: The result of our study indicates that the relevance and the uncertainty of a decision have the greatest significance in the use of intuition in decision making in small enterprises.

Trygghet i stadens offentliga rum : diskurser, makt och möjligheter till förändring

Women experience, in a vaster extent than men, unsafety in urbanpublic spaces. This is a structural phenomenon, based on unequalpower relations. The theoretical starting-point for my thesis is that howwe choose to express ourselves shape the ways we can think about andunderstand society. In my thesis I study depictions of safety in six ofMalmö city?s action plans and guidelines towards increased safety.

Mitt i prick : Optimerad internkommunikation

As competing organizations struggle to become more effective, one field stands out as one of the vital keys to success; internal communication. Even small errors in information handling can end up into obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. Managers constantly need to adjust the internal communication to fit variables that mirror the structure of the organization. This thesis is a study about how and in what magnitude structure affects organization?s internal communication.We have done qualitative interviews with McDonald?s and Diesel, two different global organizations within the branch of service business.

Storage stability in a milk based UHT-beverage : effect of pH, carrageenan and storage time

The different characteristics of many food products, such as aroma and texture, changes during storage time and become undesirable. The reason is instabilities within the product which become prominent as the product ages. These changes in characteristics are quality losses caused by changes in the product?s intrinsic and extrinsic environment. The stability in UHT-milk and beverages similar to it have been studied in the past decades and a certain focus have been on age gelation which is a common defect in these type of products.

Eslövs stadspark : stadsparken som inte var en stadspark men som vill bli

Eslöv received its city privileges in the year 1911 and to celebrate the city?s 100th jubilee it has been decided, among many other things, to reinvigorate the City park. This master thesis presents a new proposal for the design of the City park. As a basis for the new proposal a study of the public park is made in a social and structural context as well as a study of the history of the Eslöv City park. The history of the Eslöv City park is somewhat unclear, especially if there has ever been a one design for the whole park? To create a picture of the public park in general, a study of literature has been made and to describe the history of the City park I Have researched the city archive in Eslöv.

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