

526 Uppsatser om Structural changes - Sida 4 av 36

Rasistiska praktiker i det sociala arbetet - och dess påverkan på kvinnor med invandrarstatus

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how social workers experience and understand subjects such as racism, discrimination, and similar attitudes that can exist in institutions of social work. We also want to bring to light how ?race?/ethnicity, gender and class are related to uneven access to Swedish welfare. Our main questions aim to examine how structural and institutional racism forms social workers daily practices and how this in turn affects ?immigrant? women.

Kultur kontra regler : En fallstudie av omorganisering i offentlig sektor

This thesis examines the subject of change in public administration from an instrumental and an institutional structure perspective. The purpose of the thesis is to examine whether institutional structures affect the development of instrumental structures and if it in turn is possible to affect institutional structures by changing the instrumental structures. This case study is primarily based on a series of deep interviews with senior administrators and politicians within two new administrations in the municipality Karlstad, both which have been created by merging several smaller administrations, but also thorough analysis of several official document such as protocols from the municipal council meetings, Tja?nsterskrivelser and internal PMs.   The result of the analysis indicates that both institutional structures and the forming instrumental structures affect each other and  that their ability to affect each other depends on the dominance over the organization each structure has.  In my specific research case we can see that the institutional structure of the city-technical and housing administration has affected the outcome but the institutional structure of the cultural and tourism administration hasn?t.  While the structural change of the city-technical and housing administration hasn?t effected the institutional structure but the structural change of the cultural and tourism administration has affected the institutional structure of this specific administration..

Viktoptimering av ett kompositchassi till en multimodal lättviktsfarkost

This report describes the master thesis project ?Weight Optimization of a Composite Chassis for a Multimodal Lightweight Vehicle? which is a part of the Master program in Naval Architecture and a part of a research project at the Centre for Naval Architecture, KTH. Demands on smart and energy efficient transport solutions are continuously increasing. In the Stockholm region the citizens are expected to increase with 25% and the road vehicles with 80% until 2030, putting high demands on the traffic system. Using a small multimodal vehicle deals with this problem and uses both the land and waterways for transportation.

Value creation- How can companies optimize the human capital

The thesis aims to examine how companies optimize the human capital from a value creation perspective. The value creation will be related to transfer of knowledge, recruitment, staff turnover and development. The thesis has a deductive approach and six qualitative interviews have been conducted. The results from the interviews will be strengthened with a quantitative data analysis of two measurements; value added per employee and human capital efficiency. The theoretical framework includes definitions of human capital.

Axial- och gradientkrympning hos golv på mark enligt Eurokod 2 : Sprickbredders beroende av betongkvalité, tvångseffekter och armeringshalt

AbstractConcrete foundation slabs are usually exposed to unilateral drying during the curing process. The unilateral drying causes an axial shrinkage and a concave curvature of the construction. The curvature results from the fact that the upper part of the slab is drying and shrinking faster than the lower part. This is called gradient shrinkage.A problem occurs when the slab is considered fully restrained by adjoining structural parts. The deformations caused by axial contraction due to the constant part of the shrinkage and the curvature caused by gradient shrinkage of the slab are then prevented by the fact that the slab is fully restrained.

Förlagsbranschen i en dynamisk förändringsprocess En kvalitativ undersökning av tendenser till utveckling inom förlagsbranschen.

The thesis of this Masterpaper has been to analyse what tendencies there might be to distinguish structural alterations in the publishing business today and how they can be understood analytically. The following questions have helped form the principal opinions found in this essay: - What tendencies according to the alterations in publishing business is Piratförlaget representing? -What tendencies according to the alterations in publishing are the literary agents representing? What tendencies regarding the alterations in publishing are the electronic publishing and other techniques related to the publishing business representing? Participants, familiar with the publishing industry in various ways, have been interviewed. The main theory is based on facts from sociology of literature, although Faheys and Randalls Key Scenario, with its driving forces, also provided a great deal of help. In addition, to structure the dynamical publishing business, Peter Senges The Systems Iceberg Model was useful.

Effektivt eller modernt utvecklingssamarbete? En organisationsteoretisk analys av 1990-talets svenska biståndsorganisation

The focus of this essay is Swedish bilateral development aid. With the help of organization theory I analyse the development aid strategies and policies of the 1990s, in order to examine how and why they were introduced. I investigate three different types of aid organization, namely structural adjustment programmes, political conditionality tied to aid co-operation, and equality policy as part of development co-operation. I analyze the introduction and subsequent use of these three co-operation forms to see whether they were applied and adopted into Swedish development aid because more efficient measures were required or because they were the most recent and modern ways of dealing with development co-operation.Organization theory presents these two ways of analyzing organization. They are occasionally competing and sometimes complementing each other in explaining organization.

Virtuell hållfasthetsprovning av en turistbuss

The competitive nature of the automotive industry has always implied a necessity to improve product development concerning time-to-market, cost and product quality. As capacity of computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools has evolved, so has the strive for simulation-driven design. Virtual durability testing using full vehicle models is one of many challenges posed in front of vehicle manufacturers when computer simulations are given a key role in product development.This thesis has been initiated as a preliminary step towards implementing dynamic virtual durability testing in the development of buses and coaches at Scania. The objective has been to assess the predictability of a full vehicle coach model and to what level of precision structural loads can be predicted. Previously performed proving ground testing of a Scania Touring coach has been the basis for the modelling and simulations in this thesis.A virtual model of the Scania Touring coach has been created in multi-body simulation software package MSC.Adams.

Läppar röda som blod : En strukturell analys av kristna symboler i Walt Disneys och Rupert Sanders versioner av Snövit

Snow White is one of the most popular fairytales to our time. There has been much research on the subject. `Lips red as blood- a structural analysis of Christian symbols´ in Walt Disneys and Rupert Sanders versions of Snow White` by Emma Svanström aims not to give a final answer to how Snow White should be interpreted. But rather the objective is to examine two versions in the search for any possible Christian influences and changes in such over time. The two versions are Walt Disney?s Snow white and the seven dwarfs and Rupert Sanders Snow White and the huntsman.

"Våld som våld... skulle jag tro": Kvinnojourers förhållningssätt till våld i samkönade relationer mellan kvinnor

The purpose of this thesis was to examine women's shelter representatives' views on domestic violence in same-sex relationships between women. The questions we posed were how women's shelter representatives relate to same-sex domestic violence, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, as well as if they are, or feel they should be, inclusive of women who are victims of same-sex domestic violence.We conducted a qualitative study, in which we interviewed eight women's shelter representatives. We then compared and linked our findings with previous research, including studies on the occurrence of same-sex violence, and ideas of similarity and differences between men's violence against women and same-sex domestic violence. We also linked our findings to theories on heteronormativity and structural theories surrounding same-sex domestic violence.We found that the competence and knowledge of women's shelter representatives varies greatly from individual to individual. Heteronormativity permeates the organisations to a great extent, from exclusive marketing and initial reception to a lack of interest regarding these issues.

Competitive Advantages in Professional Football Clubs - A Resource-Based Analysis

Title: Competitive Advantages in Professional Football Cubs ? A Resource-Based Analysis Authors: Daniel Grass, Mattias Holst, Bengt Jönsson Semester: Spring 2001 Supervisors: Leif Edvinsson, Allan T. Malm Problem: In order to be a successful football club, the management team has to consider a variety of business issues. Since money is having such an impact on the football industry of today, the financial status of the clubs sets the condition for how clubs are able to achieve their main objective, i.e. to be successful on the football field.

Kulturen bakom kulturen - En komparativ studie av kultursynens inverkan på tyska och svenska kulturpolitiska strukturer

This thesis aims to develop a theory in the under researched field of international comparative cultural policy studies. lt does so by combining theories from the fields of political scienceand cultural studies, researching how and to what extent the concepts of culture of different states have an impact on the way cultural policies are constructed.The thesis uses this theoretical development in order to research a specific problem, namely the perceived possibility that Swedish and German cultural structures are slowly converging. Two recent official policy documents from each country are the objects of study. Through comparative idea analysis and with Michiel S. D Vries theories on decentralization, the thesis explains the convergence between the countries by differing cultural views between them.

Konsten att svälja sin läsare : En analys av August Strindbergs roman En dåres försvarstal

This essay analyses the act of reading August Strindberg?s novel En dåres försvarstal (A Madman?s defence). It reveals the writer?s motif and purpose with the text and it shows how a certain interpretation of the text is crucial for the writer?s intentions to become reality. But it also shows how this interpretation is threaten by several, both intertextual and extratextual, thematically and structural, factors.

Berättelser från kommunikativa mellanrum - Om socionomstudenters erfarenhetsbaserade lärande i projektet Unga möter Unga

In recent years there has been a growing interest directed towards focusing on the importance of clear evidence for interventions in social work. To enable the measurement it?s necessary to develop concrete models with manuals on how social work should be designed. Evaluation of the benefits is made in relation to how well the method can detect evidence of clear measurable results. When measuring the result it?s of importance to emphasis on pre and post the situation, not the situation where social work takes place.

Höghöjdsflygning & strukturella batterier : En konceptstudie i flygteknik

This report is written in the purpose to investigate the mechanical forces and characteristics related to a propeller driven aircraft in the Earth?s atmosphere. It?s written as a thesis project during the spring semester of 2014 and graded accordingly.Thanks Arne Karlsson for fruitful discussions. Also thanks to Simon Leijonmarck for help with useful discussions concerning structural batteries..

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