

526 Uppsatser om Structural changes - Sida 31 av 36

En arena för alla? : En studie om normbrytare på Stockholms stads idrottsplatser

In Stockholm there are currently five women, out of a total of 102 employees, working in public sports arenas. In sports arenas men are numerically superior amongst the workers as well as the visitors. These arenas are in many ways male dominated, masculinized environments. In this essay I investigate the reasons behind the uneven distribution, in terms of gender, among sports arena workers. I do this by interviewing seven female sports arena workers (the five current and two former), and by observing their workplaces.

Intellektuellt kapital : En fallstudie om problematiken i kreditbedömningsprocessen

Bakgrund och problem: Det föreligger en problematik i kreditbedömningsprocessen som berör svårigheten att bedöma ett  bolags värde samt dess återbetalningsförmåga. Vanligtvis värderas organisationer utefter sina finansiella rapporter men eftersom de inte alltid inkluderar immateriella tillgångar i form av intellektuellt kapital skapas en informationsasymmetri. Informationsasymmetrin kan vara en orsak till eventuella felbedömningar av ett företags riskutsatthet och framtida utveckling och således till ett nekande av sökt kredit. Forskare lägger skulden på redovisningssystemet men vi vill lyfta frågan om problemet även kan ligga i kreditbedömningsprocessen.Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur banker, i rollen som finansiärer, behandlar intellektuellt kapital hos kunskapsintensiva företag vid en kreditbedömning. Avsikten är att beskriva, tolka samt reflektera kring kreditprocessen för att påvisa vilken betydelse det intellektuella kapitalet har för kreditbeslutet.Metod/Empiri: Studien har utförts som en kvalitativ undersökning baserad på intervjuer och praktikfall.

Soil fertility status and Striga hermonthica infestation relationship due to management practices in Western Kenya

Striga hermonthica, a parasitic weed, has long been believed to be correlated with the declining soil fertility status. However scientists have recently come to question this statement since some recent studies have shown contradictive results. To investigate whether soil fertility status and infestation of Striga hermonthica were correlated and the impact of it were caused by farmer management, 120 farmers in Western Kenya, where Striga hermonthica infestation is prone, participated in this study. In three districts with two sub-locations each, farmers answered a structural questionnaire and identified two fields, one with high and one with low soil fertility. These fields later came to be the basis for this study and soil were therefore also sampled from them.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Kina i Afrika : En studie av Kinas afrikapolicy

Since the beginning of the new millennium, China has opened itself to the outside world and in an enormous pace increased its contacts and relationships with other countries. The trigger to these dramatic changes of economic and foreign policies is the insight that China can no longer sustain its rapid economic growth, largely based on industrial production, on energy and raw materials from China alone.Good relations with African countries have been of highest priority in China?s strategy of ?Going global?. The new African policy is based on the two principles of mutual benefit and non-interference in internal affairs ? as opposite to the West?s strategy of structural adjustment programmes (SAP), which include massive interference in internal affairs.

Att starta eget - en väg till frigörelse? En kvalitativ studie om mikroföretagare i Sydafrika

The aim of our study is to explore the empowerment process among micro-business owners in Kayamandi, a black township of Stellenbosch in South Africa. What are the positive and negative implications for the empowerment process? Another aim is to find out the role of local and international support in this process. The theoretical framework of this study revolves around the concepts of gender, power and empowerment. Our methods are qualitative interviews and observations.

Organisatoriska mellanrum - En övergripande förklaring till ägarlägenhetens dåliga genomslag?

In year 2009, a new housing form (here referred to as "owned apartments", in Swedish called "ägarlägenheter") was introduced in Sweden. Owned apartments are in many countries the dominating form of housing tenure, but in Stockholm, to where this thesis is delimited, only four have been established in four years. There are many possible reasons for this low establishment, but the thesis writers believe the main reason to be that the owned apartment is situated in an organizational gap. With the hypothesis that the owned apartment is situated in an organizational gap and that there are opportunities to overcome this gap through interorganizational collaboration of the players on the market, this thesis strives towards examining if this is the case.By using Burt's theory of structural holes the concept of organizational gaps are elaborated to fit this context, since this area is previously unexplored.The data has mainly been gathered through in-depth interviews but also through secondary sources such as previous theses and newspaper articles. It has appeared that the majority of the central players are characterized by conservatism.

Det krympande klassrummet : En studie av högstadielärares förutsättningar i ett reformerat skolsystem

Since the 1990?s the Swedish school system has undergone major and recurring structural reforms. Two of the most comprehensive changes has been the shift of primary schools as an integral part of the welfare state to the responsibility of the municipalities as well as the introduction of free school choice for the students. Through two months of participant observations and semi-structured interviews this thesis seeks to answer the question of how these reforms has come to effect the work of teachers in a medium sized public school in a small municipality in the outskirts of Stockholm. Earlier research has shown that public schools in socio-economically vulnerable areas are disadvantaged due to the reformation of the school system (Beach & Sernhede, 2011; Östh, Andersson, & Malmberg, 2013).

Voluntary Redundancy - A tool for restructuring or a temporary pain reliever?

This thesis has two aims: The main purpose is to describe and illustrate how a large Ltd. company can use voluntary redundancy as a tool for restructuring. The additional purpose is to challenge the concept of voluntary redundancy trough outlining alternative ways of reaching the intended achievements of the voluntary redundancy programme. The theoretical framework that has been used primarily contains knowledge assets theories. The chosen theories are intellectual capital and knowledge management theory to approach and analyse the empirical findings.

Svenska kvinnor och hemelektronik

Uppsatsens titel:Svenska kvinnor och hemelektronik - En studie i hur kvinnor upplever servicekvaliteten samt vilka produktaspekter de värderar högst när de handlar i svenska hemelektronikbutiker Ämne/kurs: FEK 582 Kandidatuppsats, Företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Författare: Peter Burlin, Gunnar Skarman & Miao Yan Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en bättre förståelse för hur kvinnor upplever svenska hemelektronikbutiker och den service de erhåller där. Vi vill även bättre förstå hur kvinnor resonerar när de ska handla hemelektronik, det vill säga vilka aspekter av en produkts kvaliteter de värderar högst. Metod: Metoden är huvudsakligen kvantitativ. Enkäter med slutna svarsalternativ delades ut till 105 personer. Även inslag av kvalitativ metod återfinns i studien.

Styrdokument i musikämnet : ? En komparativ studie av norska och svenska styrdokument i musikämnet i skolan.

Abstract:Styrdokument i musikämnet-En komparativ studie av norska och svenska styrdokument i Musikämnet i skolan.(Music Subject governing documents- A comparative study of Norwegian and Swedish policy documents in the Music subject in school)The purpose of this study is to compare the Norwegian and Swedish policy documents on teaching in the Music topic. The comparison also applies to the requirements which have been in Sweden over time. In comparison, the policy document LGR 11 from Sweden, analyzed, and the governing documents MUS1-01 and R94 from the Norwegian School.The main issue in the study is: How does the policy documents for the topic music in Sweden, compared to Norway? In order to answer the question, I compared the above-mentioned policy documents and set in relation to the musical substance is designed in Norway and Sweden.In curriculum theory treats one problem based approaches in structural functionalism, pragmatism, social epistemology and post structuralism. The starting points are then used to explore various relationships between curriculum theory and didactics.The principal researcher and proponent of curriculum theory is Ulf Lundgren.

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling.

This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools? role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education.The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels ? since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg?s stages of moral development (with teachers? evaluations of students? capacity as a reference point of the students? actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan?s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different ?shapes of understanding?).

Komfortsanalys med hänsyn till vibrationer orsakade av människoaktiviteter. : Ett modernt dimensioneringsproblem för huskonstruktörer

Comfort analyses regarding human induced vibrationsIt is not too common among civil engineers in Sweden to perform comfort analyses considering the vibrations caused by human activities. In addition, the Swedish standards lack requirements to be used for comfort analyses in design of floor-systems. The demand for large spans in combination with slender slabs, is today a reason to investigate the floor-system constructions, in order to prevent disturbing vibrations and oscillations.The purpose of this thesis is to create a guide for how a comfort analysis, considering vibrations, should be implemented. Göran Svedenbjörk who is an expert in structural dynamics has been interviewed where he presents his latest project Värtaterminalen and answers some questions about vibrations due to human activities.Floor-systems, consisting of concrete slabs supported by steel or concrete beams, have been investigated with simulations in the finite element program Abaqus. In the simulations, the influence of various factors on the natural frequency of floor-systems and the acceleration level caused by dynamic loads, is studied.

The Swedish liming operation : a study about liming officers opinions about some aspects regarding ecology, economy and organization

This is a study about the Swedish liming operation and the Swedish liming officer?s opinions of some aspects regarding ecology, economy and organization. The study objectives was motivated due to the recent changes in manuals for the assessment of limed waters and the suggested changes in decision making and decreased budget for liming. Moreover the anthropogenic acidification effects on the ecology are in many ways complex. Furthermore it was made in order to gain knowledge about the liming officer?s opinions in order to improve the ability to meet their needs regarding the assessment tools and also to investigate if other things can be improved concerning the liming operation.

Bergsbrunna södra : analys och programförslag

This final project includes an analysis and a programme proposal for the area Bergsbrunna södra. The area is situated along the railway between Uppsala ? Stockholm, just south of Uppsala city. A new railway station is planned here, which make the area attractive as residential area. There are several values to take into consideration when developing an area. An extensive analysis and valuation may define and protect different characters and values, and also find the places most suitable to build upon. The area consists of three separate characters of landscape: the wide open cultivated fields, the hilly wooden ground and the more varying little valley. There are visual, cultural, social and ecological values to preserve. The south part of the area is woods with high natural values that borders to a national park in the natural forest of Lunsen.

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