1461 Uppsatser om Strength training. - Sida 14 av 98
Sex veckors bålstabilitetsträning med FuncGym Training bands : Dess inverkan på manliga handbollsspelares kasthastighet på elitnivå
Tidigare studier hänvisar till bristen av forskning som berör funktionell träning såsom corestärkande bålstabilitetsträning för att öka idrottslig prestation. Det är dessutom omdiskuterat om träning, som skapar instabilitet i anslutning till träningsövningar, förbättrar stabiliteten som i sin tur ska verka prestationshöjande. Den mest likvärda studie som har gjorts angående träningsprogram med slyngor för att stärka bålstabiliteten hos handbollsspelare med syfte att påvisa en prestationsökning i kasthastighet visar på signifikant effekt. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om ett sex veckors träningsprogram för bålstabilitet med träningsredskapet Func.Gym training bands gav en förbättrad kasthastighet hos manliga elithandbollsspelare.Två grupper användes i studien, en testgrupp bestående av sex testpersoner (n=6) med en medelålder på 22,3 år och en kontrollgrupp bestående av tre testpersoner (n=3) med en medelålder på 21 år. Alla subjekten var aktiva elithandbollslaget HK Drott. Träningsprogrammet innefattade sex olika övningar och genomfördes med hjälp av det funktionella träningsredskapet Func.Gym training bands.För att mäta kasthastigheten användes Casio EX-F1 EXILIM, inställning på höghastighet (hs) med 300 frames per second (fps).
Legalisering av sidotjänster : En studie av den nya Fastighetsmäklarlagen
This study is about how to develop younger teens problem solving ability and their social competence. The study carried through by using a qualitative method, two observations and ten interviews. The observations where preparatory for the structured interviews. The respondents where pupils in a class were it is an ongoing project which purpose is to develop childrens problem solving ability and social skills with cognitive training and an empowerment based reasoning model that is called rahyab. Rahyab is a Persian word and it means path- finding.
Självkänsla och självpresentation online : En studie kring några individers självpresentationer i form av träningsbilder på Instagram och hur den upplevda självkänslan påverkar/påverkas av detta.
Through the birth and arise of the Internet people has been given great opportunities to make selective selfpresentations online, which in the long run has resulted in an easier retaining of the self- esteem than in the offline world. Simultaneously, the self- esteem has been viewed as a cause for both success and failure since it plays a vital role regarding our attitudes, emotional reactions and behavior. On this basis I wanted to study the relation between self- esteem and self-presentations closer. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze how some users who publish training photos of themselves on Instagram experience how they present themselves within this forum and how these presentations affect/ are affected by their perceived self-esteem in their everyday life. The study is based on theories regarding self- esteem through Maslows? hierarchy of needs, the inner and outer self-esteem, and social comparisons.
Undersökning av svetsegenskaper för svetsning med rörtråd kontra homogen tråd
Welding is a common method for joining of metal or plastic construction parts. This report describes several different weld methods in general terms. The report focuses on the GMAW method, specifically MAG welding.A case study has also been performed for the company Wenmec. The task received from the company was to compare the mechanical properties of joints welded with the tube electrode called Nittetsu SM-3A and joints welded with the homogenous electrode called ESAB Aristorod 12.63. Both types of weld joint were welded with the MAG method with an Argon based shielding gas with 18% CO2.
Teknisk utbildning inom Försvarsmakten : Var ligger tyngdpunkten?
Detta arbete handlar om den tekniska utbildningen i Försvarsmakten, närmare beskrivet hur en kursbeskrivning för systemmekaniker och tornmekaniker genomförs praktiskt och hur den skall genomföras teoretiskt. Uppsatsen kommer inte att behandla hela utbildningen. Den kommer bara behandladen minsta delen av utbildningen - den del som innefattar soldatutbildningen. Syftet med att skriva detta arbete är att komma fram till om den tekniska utbildningen genomförs på ett kvalitativt sätt och kontrollera om en mekaniker kan agera i subarktisk miljö efter sin genomförda utbildning. Denna uppsats är uppbyggd på följande sätt.
Integrering av svenskämnet och karaktärsämnen på gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande program. En metod för att anpassa svenskämnet till elevernas programval.
This essay is about integration of theoretical subjects and practical subjects at the vocational training education in a Swedish Upper secondary school. The purpose of the essay was to examine if integration of the subjects increases the students` motivation for, interest in and knowledge of the subject Swedish. Other purposes were to examine how the teachers organize their teaching of Swedish in order to adjust it to the students? interests and to examine the students? attitude towards Swedish as a subject.The essay also describes the recent development of the vocational training education of Swedish Upper secondary school and presents theories about learning and other examinations about teaching of theoretical subjects at the vocational training education.The examination carried through with a questionnaire which was distributed to the students at three programs at the school and interviews with the headmaster and two teachers. The result of the study showed that a small majority of the students believe that integration increases their motivation in and knowledge of Swedish.
Att väga varje ord på guldvåg : Om kriskommunikation och katastrofpsykologi
This study is about how to develop younger teens problem solving ability and their social competence. The study carried through by using a qualitative method, two observations and ten interviews. The observations where preparatory for the structured interviews. The respondents where pupils in a class were it is an ongoing project which purpose is to develop childrens problem solving ability and social skills with cognitive training and an empowerment based reasoning model that is called rahyab. Rahyab is a Persian word and it means path- finding.
Cementstabilisering av Biltemas andra lagerbyggnad i Halmstad
This is a technical report about cement stabilization in general and the stabilizationprocess during the construction of a warehouse in Halmstad, Sweden in particular and iswritten at the section for economy and technology at Halmstad University incollaboration with NCC Anläggning.NCC encountered variations in compression strength in the stabilized material on the firstwarehouse that they constructed for the company Biltema. In our report we used thestabilization process of the second warehouse for the same company as a reference todetermine what could be done to get a more homogeneous result for future projects.We also looked in to what testing method is the most suitable to determine the result ofthe stabilization.After interviews with people involved in the process and visits on the work site we havecome to the conclusion that the most probable cause to the variations in compressionstrength is segregation in the ballast material. This segregation can occur in severaldifferent occasions in the process such as during the production, transportation andhandling on the work site.Other causes for the variation can be improper compaction, overlapping stabilization insome places and different duration of hardening of the samples that are tested.The best way to do in situ test of the stabilized material is to do seismic investigations asthose are non-destructive tests in comparison to taking core samples and you can discoverany cracks or air bubbles in the material..
Hur ska tall- och gran bestånd i Götaland gallras för att minska risken för vindskador?
With knowledge of how the southern Swedish forests have been affected by storms the past years, this study intended to find out which factors affect the storm firmness of a stand the most. The study was based on data from stands in the, by the storm Gudrun, affected area. The results of the analyses that tested the stand factors that influence the amount of storm damage to the greatest extent showed that the storm sensitivity of Norway spruce stands were largely due to previous management actions. The factors that could be controlled by thinning and had relevance of storm damage standpoint, according to the results were; the dominant height, volume, basal area weighted mean diameter and stand age at last thinning. In this study, these results are not as clear for Scots pine.
Prestationspåverkan av flerträdshantering i klena gallringar
The aim of this study is to investigate how multiple tree handling harvesters perform compared to earlier developed standards. The study shows that multiple tree handling harvesters are more efficient in thinnings stands with mean stock volumes less than 0,12 m3fub per stock. The increased efficiency is different for different mean stem classes. In stands with a mean stem volume of 0,04 m3fub per stock, the increase can be as high as 40 percent while it is about 10 percent in stands with a mean stem volume of 0,12 m3fub.
Comparisons have been done between stands that are felled with partly limbed stands and stands without partly limbed assortments. The difference in performance is clear and shows that the partly limbed assortments strengthen the multiple tree handling harvesters positive effects in low dimension thinnings.
Fysträning för ishockeyspelare
To become a successful athlete requires several different components in which one of themost significant is the ability to develop their own physical strenght. What weight exercises has the best transfer effects for skating?Participants in the study were 20 male senior hockey players from Div. II in the Västra Gö- talands Regionen in which all participants had at least 10 years of hockey experience.Test subjects had to perform a five-minute individual warm up followed by an opportunity to familiarize with the upcoming exercise. The first on-ice test was a 35 meters sprint test and the second test was an S-cornering agility test.
Heuristisk Utvärdering och Användartestning av ett Verktyg för Web-based Training : Korrespondensen mellan Predicerade och Observerade Användbarhetsproblem
Ett verktyg för datorstödd interaktiv utbildning, Web-based Training, har utvecklats på Sigma Information Design. Två olika utvärderingsmetoder har använts för att öka dess användbarhet: heuristisk utvärdering och användartestning. Heuristisk utvärdering är en analytisk metod där expertutvärderare inspekterar gränssnittet för att predicera (förutse) användbarhetsproblem. Användartestning är en empirisk metod där tänkbara reella användare deltar och användbarhetsproblem observeras. Föreliggande studie fokuserar på användbarhets-problem som både prediceras med den analytiska metoden och observeras med den empiriska, så kallade ?träffar?.Analytiska metoder predicerar användbarhetsproblem genom att utpeka bristande ?intrinsic features?(gränssnittsegenskaper).
Att klistra fast humöret : En kvalitativ studie av Aggression Replacement Training och dess upplevda behandlingseffekter
Under 1990-talet implementerades i Sverige en metod för behandling av aggressivitethos barn och unga, som kallas Aggression Replacement Training (ART). Metoden ärutvecklad i USA av Arnold P. Goldstein och hans kollegor. Metoden har sin teoretiskagrund inom den sociala inlärningsteorin och bygger till stor del på behandlingsprinciperinspirerade av kognitiv beteendeterapi. ART som behandlingsmetod för aggressiva barnoch unga har fått stor spridning i Sverige och en av de kommuner som erbjuder ARTsom öppenvårdsinsats inom socialtjänsten är Västerås.
Standardiserad tillverkning av nätstationer
AbstractAbetong in Falkenberg manufactures, among other things, small prefabricated concrete buildings for housing various installations, such as electric transformers.The aim of this dissertation is to reduce the time needed to design such buildings, by way of finding a number of standardized buildings. Standardized in such a manner as to incorporate both the needs of the manufacturer (Abetong) and its customers.To analyze the needs of the parties the work has included a market survey and calculations on the strength of these buildings.One survey was a letter questionnaire to all of Abetong?s customers who have, in the past, ordered these types of building. The aim of the questionnaire was to establish how the customers want these buildings designed.Another survey conducted was an inventory of all of Abetong?s previous projects where these types of building were manufactured.
Nyanlända barns skapande av identiteter i förberedelseklassen
This study aims to investigate, describe and discuss the views of group new arrived pupils from the preparatory training to the compulsory school level. They all came to Sweden and started in the preparatory training there they also started studying Swedish as a second language. This study aims to investigate the creation of identities and how the pupils socialize in the Swedish school. The study has been conducted with respect to the pupil´s own perspectives and what they consider important.The methods used are interviews together with an interpreter. Their voices are used and described in this paper.