

2166 Uppsatser om Street culture - Sida 36 av 145

LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality. Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China

Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.

1800-talets London i spelet Crysis : Reflektioner kring verket ?London Crysis?

Rapporten är en reflekterande rapport över mitt och Petri Tuoris gemensamma verkLondon Crysis som vi gjorde som examensarbete på Högskolan i Skövde. Verket är gjorti spelet Crysis och är en fiktion av London på 1800-talet inspirerat av filmer som FromHell och Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Rapporten börjar med eninledning som förklarar var idén till verket kom ifrån, problemställning, syfte ochavgränsning. Rapporten fortsätter sedan med en beskrivning av verket, en mer detaljeradbeskrivning av idén, leveldesign, stämningen, exempelmodeller, hemsidan och trailern.Rapporten tar också upp enkätundersökningen som försökte ge ett svar på hur andrauppfattar stämningen i spelet och tankar kring det. Sista delen av rapporten är enslutdiskussion kring resultatet av enkätundersökningen och verket..

Avislamisering och religiös påverkan i det svenska samhället : En studie om tio muslimers praktiserande av Islam

What impact does the Swedish society have on the practice of Islam? That is the main topic of this thesis.As a result of migration, the distinction between a specific region and a culture or religion has been mixed. Islam is not just part of the Middle East but is more and more institutionalized in the Western, and the Swedish society. Sweden, which is one on the most secular countries in the world, has developed into a country where the view on religion have been privatized. Religion can be practiced, but not in public.

Evidensbaserad praktik i socialt arbete

The purpose with this review is to investigate evidence-based practice (EBP), and which arguments are used to justify EBP. The year of 2006 Bergmark and Lundström published an article regarding the problems concerning EBP. They are discussing that several different definitions of EBP are existing, which they mean can lead to difficulties using the EBP-methods in real life. In this study six articles, from the years 2007-2011, have been analyzed using Mertons structure-functional theory and Lipskys theory of street-level bureaucracy. Different definitions of EBP are discussed in the articles and there seem to be a need to clarify the concept.

Offentlig konst och offentlig makt

The main purpose of the culture is to serve people and represent the people's social will and freedom. Culture does not exist in a vacuum but shaped and framed by political and artistic structures that are not neutral, and this is why the artwork itself cannot be an independent business. The public function of art can be understood as a defense of the ideals of democracy. But today, when political power is often replaced by hegemony, the role of art and functions are changing. How these changes reflect to the identity, reality and truth of society? What political functions are fulfilled when art becomes ?public?? The issue of democracy is linked question of people?s power in a democratic society where power is legitimized in social space.

Hur kan erfarenheter från olycksundersökningar nyttiggöras på lokal nivå samhället? - utifrån ett MTO-R (Människa, teknik, organisation och riskhantering) perspektiv

The theme in this report has been how to benefit experience from accident investigations. The demand on the municipality to perform accidet investigations is relatively new, and maybe they aren?t clear what the demands means. This causes that there might be a problem to benefit experience from accident investigations, for improving the overall safety in the municipality. The main purpose of this report has been to clarify how experience from accident investigations, can be of benefit to society on a local level.

Upphöjd, Hyllad, ifrågasatt : En studie av idealiserade föreställningar om kulturentreprenören

The aim of this paper is to investigate dominant beliefs and approaches to the "cultural entrepreneur" both within a public context, and also among business owners within the cultural field. What happens when ideas and attitudes in the public sector towards culture driven businesses meets the perspective of individual cultural entrepreneurs?This study is based on analysis of political documents about the cultural and creative industries (CCI) from the European union, national level and regional level. Interviews with six business owners in the field of culture and one representative of the Swedish region with the fictive name ?Alma? has been conducted.

Är egenföretagande en riskfaktor för alkoholmissbruk?: en studie om egenföretagande och dess villkor kan vara riskfaktorer för alkoholmissbruk

The aim of this essay was to obtain an understanding about company owners thinking about the connection between having an own company, and the risks for an alcoholic abuse. The risk factor I was researching was stress, alcoholic culture, accessibility and rehabilitation.I have interviewed five owners of small companies, two women and three men, which represents four different kinds of branches. The theories I used in analysing the empirical findings where the theories of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and culture perspective.I have found that the main stress factors for company owners where the economical stress and great load of work. The stress was also related to the fact that company owners of small companies often were alone with all the responsibility and problems.Women did not use alcohol very often as a tool to reduce stress. If individuals were using alcohol to reduce their stress, it also had to deal with their ability of coping and also what channels they had for coping..

En mångkulturell skola : En studie om främjandet av elevers kulturella kunskaper på en mångkulturell skola

My thesis is based on a qualitative study. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the educationalist at an especially chosen school in Stockholm promotes the students multicultural background in the education or not.This is due to the fact that the Swedish school to a considerable degree reflects the multicultural Swedish society. The socio-cultural starting point is when people come together and meet. The language is the tool of the socio-culture and it is the dialogue, discussion and sympathetic understanding that makes people meet.The cultural concept is diffuse and very wide. Everyone has their own definition of it.

Liss Eriksson, Arne Jones, Knut-Erik Lindberg och "1947 års män" : En kultursociologisk studie av vägval och karriärer

I have studied the Swedish artist formation ?1947 års män? with a sociological perspective based on the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu. I initially made a study of the group as a whole, and after that I chose to focus on the sculptors Liss Eriksson, Arne Jones and Knut-Erik Lindberg. I have examined why some of the artists in the formation became more successful than others. My results show that the ones who were versed in culture or came from an economically or intellectually stronger background also were considered to be the most pioneering artists.

(O)hindrad att handla? : En kvalitativ studie om evidensbaserad praktik (EBP) och socialarbetares handlingsutrymme

En studie riktad mot fem lärares användande och definition av formativ bedömning i matematikundervisningen i årskurs 1-3. Utifrån genomförda observationer och intervjuer redovisas insamlad data med hjälp av konkreta exempel från det verkliga matematikklassrummet. Studiens resultat tyder på att samtliga deltagande lärare använder någon form av formativ bedömning i sin matematikundervisning. Majoriteten av lärarna använder det dock inte kontinuerligt i sin matematikundervisning trots att tidigare forskning belyser gynnsamheten av ett formativt bedömningssätt. En anledning till detta är att lärarna ser svårigheter i användandet av formativ bedömning i ämnet matematik för årskurserna 1-3..

Röstgivande romer : En komparativ analys av Katarina Taikons Zigenerska Hans Caldaras I betraktarens ögon

The Roma people have many times, and for a long period of time been described in a negative way, as a group of people unlike every other. Both novels and encyclopedias has been a part of this misleading discourse and therefore contributed to large misunderstandings. Also scholarly research from Sweden, and elsewhere, has featured inaccurate representations of the Roma people and altogether this has created negative attitudes towards Roma people which are still today a considerable problem.However, the last few years positive changes has taken place and today the Roma people is an official minority group in Sweden which, among other things, has led to promising possibilities, especially in schools, for a deeper understanding of the Roma people in the future. Reading Roma literature I believe is an important part of this.Katarina Taikon and Hans Caldaras both consider themselves Roma. They also have in common that they want to give voice for the group of Roma that has lived in Sweden since mid-nineteenth century.

Där horisontellt möter vertikalt : en studie av hur fasaden och gatan påverkar upplevelsen av stadsrummet

This paper is about the facades and the streets impact on theexperience of the city and how architects can create cities forthe human kind with simple tools that makes a hugh difference forthe experience of urban space.As the cities are growing in a faster rate and as more people moveto the cities, they will also affect more people. The differentstructures that can be found in the cities therefore gets moreimportant and giving design to city structures also gets morecomplex because of our higher demands on urban functions andcontent. It?s difficult to evaluate the ultimate city structuresince all people experience their city in different ways, butarchitects still should be able to create urban spaces thatis suited for the human kind, just as we can create differentbiotopes for flora and fauna. Therefore there must be generalideas of what the human being experience as good or bad and theseshould be guidelines when designing urban space.Since urban space is something that most people experience everyday it doesn´t always have a clear impact on them.

Snedrekrytering och mansdominans som organisationskulturellt fenomen

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

Ekoturism som underhållning : en analys av ekoturismens visuella gestaltning

Because of the mass tourism industry that exploits sensitive locations all over our planet a new kind of tourism came into focus in the 1980?s. This new form of tourism was named ecotourism, and as the name reveals ecotourism deals with low-impact travel. Today, all sorts of places can be gazed upon in a flick of a switch; all you need is a television set. It is well known that destination marketing successfully uses visual media as a tool to sell trips to potential tourists.

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