

2729 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 35 av 182

Doing well by doing good : Hur kommunikation och anpassning av CSR skapar värde

Background: Today, It?s not uncommon that international companies and organizations have a higher turnover than the GDP of developing countries. Consequently, this may suggest that the choices companies make in the context of their business has a great potential to influence the world from an economic, but also from a social and environmental standpoint. From this the notion emerged that companies have a responsibility, referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). A clear definition of the CSR concept is difficult to find, more than 37 different definitions has been identified.

Global form av reklam och dess vetenskapliga debatt : En kvalitativ studie av fyra globala kampanjer

I?ve chosen primary to analyze commercial form of advertising by world leading companies; McDonald?s, Coca-Cola and HP due to their implementation of global advertising. The fourth campaign that?s being analyzed is not of commercial type instead it?s characterized as an informative campaign that the ideal organization Amnesty is carring out.  The study has been successful in gathering data that could be presented in correlation with already established theories and then comparing the results. The goal of the research is to create an understanding regarding global advertising as well as the scientific debate that?s going on within the subject.

Tillståndsbaserat underhåll till sjöss : Vad föranleder den begränsade användningen av tillståndsbaserat underhåll (CBM) till sjöss?

Today, maintenance is a big part of the daily life on board ships. It is also one of the bigger expenses a shipping company has and without any loss of quality tries to run as economically advantageous as possible. In the hunt for economical savings the shore-based industry has subsequently applied the use of condition based maintenance, CBM, were a component is maintained according to its actual state. This leads to a reduction of maintenance costs since no parts are unnecessarily replaced. However, within the maritime sector a periodical maintenance is still the most commonly used maintenance system.The purpose of this paper is to chart the factors that are the reason for the low implementation of CBM on board the Swedish merchant fleet's ships.

(H)elt om marsch!

The focus of this essay is on a political party that was founded in Sweden in 1904. Today, we known it as Moderata Samlingspartiet. Historically, this party has transitioned through multiple phases which have included a change of name and also a change of substance in the area of trade policy. The party that was cheering globalisation at the 2006 congress had its roots in protectionism and had been founded as a strict protectionist organisation. The question raised here is what has caused this dramatic change in the trade politic?In addressing this important question, I have used both organization and party strategy theories to identify the main underlying reasons.

Motstånd och problem vid implementeringen av ERP-system : En litteraturstudie av förändringshantering och motstånd vid implementeringen av ett ERP-system. Studien ger även förslag på förebyggande åtgärder baserat på dokumenterade fallstudier

Syfte ? Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom existerande fallstudier, enkätundersökningar och annan sekundärdata identifiera vilka faktorer som ger upphov till motstånd vid implementeringen av ERP-system och hur detta motstånd kan förebyggas.Metod ? Metoden som användes i denna uppsats är dokument. Dokument i denna uppsats var sekundärdata i form av artiklar och böcker från världsledande journaler inom området ERP-implementering. Uppsatsens teori, analyser och modeller bygger kring dessa artiklar och böcker.Resultat och analys ? Resultaten från denna studie tyder på att alla ERP-implementeringar möter motstånd vid ERP-projekt.

Effekter av att införa Ständiga förbättringar : En fallstudie av förändringsprocessen vid implementering av ISO 9001:2000 genom kvalitetsprojektet BIKE på Metso Paper Service i Sundsvall

The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate the effect of introducing the qualitystandard ISO 9001:2000 at Metso Paper Service in Sundsvall. The investigation has been focused on implementation of the new method of work, Continuous improvements. The implementation has been studied in a case study with both a qualitative and quantitative method. Continuous Improvements is a way of working focused on continuously increasing the efficiency and having the purpose of achieving the formulated goals. This is often accomplished by the organisation carrying out the changing process to a great extent in small but efficient teams.

Förenklad textinmatning på mobila enheter med hjälp av kontextbaserad språktolkning

The number of text messages sent from mobile phones, has increased dramatically over the last few years. Along with that, we are witnessing a lot of new mobile portal services currently being developed. Many of these services rely on an ability to input text efficiently. The traditional phone keypad is ambiguous because each key encodes more than one letter. At present, the most common way to deal with this problem is using a stored dictionary to guess the intended input.

Konsulters arbete vid en ERP-implementation med fokus på användarna och de organisatoriska fördelarna

När organisationer implementerar ett nytt ERP-systemligger deras intresse påkonkurrensfördelar och ekonomiska vinster. Det fokuseras på vilka fördelar systemet kan georganisationeni form av snabbare ledtider, reducerade kostnader, bättre beslutsstöd och resursöversikt. Dessa konkreta fördelar ärävenlättare att hålla koll på och att mäta. Svårigheter finns i att hantera fördelar som systemet kan ge användarna. Implementation av ett nytt, verksamhetsövergripande, ERP-system kan påverka kärnprocesser, arbetsmönster och uppgifter.

Kriskommunikationsstrategi och varumärke : En fallstudie av svenska Röda Korset genom dialogisk analys

Title: Crisis communication strategy and brand ? A case study of Swedish Red Crossthrough dialog analysisAuthor: Anneli SaarelaPresented: 01.06.2010Purpose: The study addresses the subjects of crisis communication and organisational brand, in relation to stakeholders and brand reputation. The purpose of this essay is to study the dialog regarding the crisis of remunerations with the Swedish Red Cross and how the organisation responds to the criticism. An identification and analysis of the discourse regarding the brand are also included in the study. Part of the empirical material will also be used in relation to Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT).

Varumärke och univetsitet - Varumärkeskapital ur tre målgruppers perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to outline an appropriate model in order for companies to successfully act and compete physically as wholesalers at the same time as acting on the virtual market by selling directly to the end consumer. The approach of this thesis is hermeneutical and abductive with elements of hypothetically deductive approach. Our research has a qualitative research strategy based on case studies and interviews as well as on secondary data. Interviews were conducted with the case company JaymJay Wear AB as well as with other companies, so called mini cases. The secondary data consists mainly of textbooks, web sites and journals.

Strategiska processer : vilka faktorer leder till en lyckad strategiimplementering?

The purpose of this essay is to compare a theoretical strategic process model with the strategic work in a Swedish bank. The reason of the comparison was to identify which key success factors that is essential in strategic implementation processes. To make this study feasible three qualitative interviews were executed and it also presents data from a quantitative survey performed by the bank. The theory of the study examines eight different parts that needs to be looked at attentively when new strategies are formulated. The results points out that the work at large correspond, nevertheless the theoretical framework points out the importance of the business mission to impregnate the whole strategic process.

Från G till E : Perspektiv på ett läroplansbyte

The essay treats how a process of implementation was executed and the teachers? relation to two curricula, Lpo94 and Lgr11, with two different grading systems, which have functioned as models for one and the same year. The purpose is to investigate the ways in which a change in curricula and syllabus affects teachers in their teaching and assessment practice in the subject of Swedish at secondary school. The investigation had a phenomenological approach and was executed by means of in-depth interviews, questionnaires and one observation. The results are based on a methodological triangulation with qualitative and quantitative data where visible similarities and differences are brought out.

Turnaroundarbete i hyperkonkurrens - En fallstudie av SAS Sverige AB

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att åskådliggöra hur SAS Sverige AB:s turnaroundarbete i en hyperkonkurrens samt hur bolaget försökt återskapa lönsamhet med nya strategiska verktyg. För att kunna svara på vår frågeställning utgick vi från en branschanalys för att förklara orsakerna till att ett behov av turnaround uppstod. För att sedan analysera turnaroundarbetet användes klassiska teorier inom turnaround management. Den framtida nya strategin analyserades sedan utifrån Blue Ocean Strategy. Slutsatsen på rapporten konstaterar att den höga kostnadsbilden inom SAS bidrog till att krisen blev så omfattande.

Implementering av balanserad styrning i Arvika kommun : Faktorer som underlättar eller försvårar implementeringen

In conjunction with an overview of the organizational structure of the municipality of Arvika the Balanced Scorecard was introduced as a management model. After the Balanced Scorecard has been in use over a period of years the conception of it varies throughout the organization.The purpose of this study is identifying which factors are facilitating and which factors are obstructing when implementing the Balanced Scorecard in the municipality of Arvika. This is a case study of the staff organization of the municipality of Arvika. The study is explanatory as our objective is to describe why the current situation appears as it does today. A qualitative method has been applied during this study.

Konkurrenskraft på öppet hav : Effektiva konkurrensstrategier inom den svenska båtindustrin

The Swedish boat industry is considered quite conservative and subject to only limited development. The purpose of the study is to explain the structure of the boat industry, to analyze and evaluate ways of competing and provide recommendations for developing a competitive strategy. The aim of this thesis is to explain how to be competitive in the Swedish boat industry. To be able to do so three areas are used to deepen as well as broaden the understanding. The three areas within competitiveness we have chosen to highlight are differentiation, individualization and distribution.

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