

2729 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 26 av 182

Bostadsförsörjning planlagd?

This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between municipal policy for housing supply and the planning of new housing in Sweden. Through a case study of Göteborg municipality and a comparative content analysis of Göteborgs policy for housing supply and a number of plans featuring housing the analysis seeks to investigate the effect of policy for housing supply as a tool for securing the demand for housing in the Swedish municipalities. The thesis also seeks to discuss its findings using theory concerning the implementation of policy and the general planning situation for Swedish municipalities today. The result of the analysis shows that most plans fail to regulate most of the content suggested in the policy for housing supply, particularly regarding aspects such as pricing, type of housing and type of ownership. The result also points towards a relationship regarding the prevalence of municipal land contracts and compatibility to policy for housing supply as well as a connection between how extensive the plans are in their proposed land use and their compatibility with policy for housing supply. Using theories of policy implementation and the municipal planning situation, possible explanations for the findings of the analysis could be a split in responsibility between the formulating and implementation of the policy for housing supply and its contents, a lack of resources of means for implementing or the prevalence of special interests when attempting to convert policy to plans..

Kreativt tänkande, psykologiskt geografiskt avstånd och mätmetoder : - Ett experiment bland universitetsstudenter

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Hur upplever barn sin vistelse i förskolan? : En studie om fem barns perspektiv på sin vistelse i förskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Abortpolicys ? En följd av utveckling? : En global studie av abortpolicys samband med utveckling

This study is intended to give an impartial view of a young and complex program in Sweden titled Product Innovation Engineering program. The purpose of this program is to increase innovation capability in Sweden that will result in new companies, patents and economic growth. The results from this study might give some direction to future innovation initiatives, but should primarily serve as a tool for the PIEp participants. The study will focus on investigating the creation of the program as well as the development of its strategy. From weaknesses and strengths within the strategy of the program the study should also attempt to show its future potential.

Crossbreeding in dairy cattle

The aim of this literature review is to give an overview of the differences between pure- and crossbreeding systems. Crossbreeding is a mating system with individuals of different lines or breeds. It is one of several breeding strategies in dairy production used to increase the economic profit. The use of crossbreeding increases due to changes in the dairy market and an increase of inbreeding among purebred Holstein. The main benefit of crossbreeding is heterosis, which is the improvement in genetic level in a hybrid offspring above the average of the parent breeds.

Glaset i Centrum : En fallstudie på New Wave Group

Seen in many trends and studies, consumers of today feel a growing desire to experience the uniqueness in products and services. This is forcing companies be more innovative and creative in their marketing, in order to distinguish and differentiate themselves and their products/services. We believe that creating a top-to-bottom experience strategy is one way that a company can succeed in this.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and clarify how a business can reinforce their product experience through a complete experience strategy. In order to demonstrate this we have made a case-study research for the New Wave Group, advising them on how they can place blown glass art at the heart of the town of Kosta.The authors have used qualitative methods and an abductive approach. Four interviews have been completed with executives from the New Wave Group, including the project manager, hotel manager, head of the Kosta Boda smeltery and head of guides and visitors at Kosta museum.

Hur kommunicerar etablerade företag med sina befintliga kunder?

AbstractTitel:How do established companies communicate with their existing customers? Level:C-level in the Business Administration Author:Jessica Axelsson and Trang Nguyen Thi Thu Supervisor:Per-Arne Wikström Date:2012-05 Aim:Our aim with this essay is to describe how an established company communicates with its existing customers. We want to explore which communication strategy the company applies to reach their customers. We also want to see what kind of communication the company applies to get to market more effectively and remain on the market longer. Method:The study is a qualitative case study where we have conducted a personal interview with the company president.

Godshantering med Scania Interactor

This thesis is about making a support for barcode readers and RFID readers on a computermounted in heavy vehicles. The computer has several applications designed for heavyvehicles such as an order handling application. The goal was to suggest an architecture toimplement a support for the readers. The architecture should be independent of whichmanufacturer who has made the reader hardware that was connected to the computer.At first a theoretically study was made around RFID technology and standards for thetransport and supply sector. Then the architecture was developed and a demo implementationwas made.The conclusion of this thesis is to implement support for barcode readers with a wedgeapplication.

Värdet av demand response på den svenska elmarknaden

Intelligent IT-based solutions, often called Smart Grids, are considered to be the future balancers of renewable energy sources. One area within the Smart Grid concept is called demand response, which is focused on making customers more consumption flexible by making them more active in their consumption. In this thesis the aim is to analyze a business model by investigating the income potential for a demand response solution as well as its market potential. This has been done through literature studies, interviews and development of a computational model.The use of 5000 households with flexible consumption can provide a cost reduction of 17.2% or 2.4 million SEK for a balance responsible party during an average year. If the solution is used to make strategic bids on the regulation markets the study indicates that the largest potential for revenues lies within this strategy.

Att möta omvärldens krav : Om implementering av Lågaffektivt bemötande i en förvaltning för funktionsstöd

In today's social work there is an ambition to work evidence-based in order to improve quality and competency in business. This study is made in a disability administration which has introduced a common approach towards users for all employees. The approach is called low arousal approach. The purpose of the study is to investigate how a method takes hold and implements within an organization. The empirical data is analyzed by theories of professionalization, idea dissemination and translation.

Kritiska Prestations Indikatorer (KPI), Hur väl fungerar KPI:er som verksamhetsstyrning inom den producerande industrin?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how key performance indicators are being used as performance management tools within the production industry. Specifically the purpose is to investigate how the KPI:s within the telecommunications industry drives reusability regarding production test systems. This thesis will also highlight today?s cost models and suggest improvements of the KPI and what new ones could be introduced. A case study at Ericsson AB has been performed.

?Det finns inga genvägar? En fallstudie av Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus verksamhetschefers upplevelse av strategisk internkommunikation

Communication is essential for the survival of an organization. The management formulates strategies to ensure thatthe organization will get to where they want it to go. The strategy is then communicated to the co-workers through the line manager. But who is to say that the co-worker experience the message the same way as the line manager or the management for that matter? The purpose of this study is toinvestigate how the middle managers at Southern Älvsborg Hospital experience strategic internal communication andfurther how they communicate with their co-workers.Through a case study approach, the case being the communication of the hospitals research strategy, I conducted 13 interviews.I analyzed the material from the interviews using a hermeneutical approach and I used an interpretative approach to get a deeper understanding.

Utvärdering av erfarenheter vid implementation av affärssystem

Detta examensarbete behandlar affärssystem (även kallade ERP-system) och implementering av dessa. ERP betyder Enterprise Resource Planning och innebär ett integrerat system som innefattar hela företagets verksamhet.Att införa ett affärssystem i en organisation är en stor investering och ofta en komplicerad uppgift, det är därför bra om tidigare erfarenheter från liknande implementationer kan utnyttjas. I mitt arbete har jag undersökt vilka faktorer en organisation bör beakta för att erhålla en lyckad implementering. Arbetet har bedrivits i form av en fallstudie där jag genom intervjuer med projektdeltagare har studerat den implementation som Volvo Lastvagnar Komponenter AB i Skövde nyligen har genomfört av affärssystemet SAP R/3.Resultatet av undersökningen kan sammanfattas i tre övergripande områden; planering, utbildning och resurser. Dessa områden är alla viktiga att beakta i samband med en implementering av ett affärssystem för att implementeringen skall nå ett, för företaget, lyckat resultat..

Rättvisande bilden med humankapital : En fallstudie av fotbollsklubbar och tjänsteföretag

AbstractOur purpose for making this study is to study the implementation, the use of and the effects of Lean within our case objects.  We chose to make this thesis by case studies. The three themes mentioned above is also the main research questions that we aim to find an answer to by this study. We have chosen to do a cross section analysis where we conducted structured interviews to find answers to these questions. The theoretical reference frame consists partly of traditional theoreticians within Lean but also more recent research within the subject as well as theory specifically for Lean within the Health Care sector.The result of this study shows in all our case studies that the Management has been supporting the implementation, but that the implementation process proceeds faster if also the professionals are involved in the process.  To succeed with the implementation there is a great need for good reasons and strives that can benefit the professionals. By the use of Lean our case studies have evaluated its processes, with the main intentions being to reduce waste activities and to create flows with ?pull systems?.

Implementation av in-house applikation med möjligheter tillIP-telefoni

Detta examensarbete utfördes hos företaget Syntronic i mjärdevi. Uppgiften de ville ha utförd var en undersökning och implementation av ny funktionalitet i en redan existerande android applikation som de har utvecklat. Uppgiften i denna applikation var att undersöka möjligheterna till IP-telefoni, eller VOIP som det kallas, så att de kunde ringa varandra via applikationen genom datanätet istället för det ordinära nätet, samt att implementera detta.Detta examensarbete utfördes hos företaget Syntronic i mjärdevi. Uppgiften de ville ha utförd var en undersökning och implementation av ny funktionalitet i en redan existerande android applikation som de har utvecklat. Uppgiften i denna applikation var att undersöka möjligheterna till IP-telefoni, eller VOIP som det kallas, så att de kunde ringa varandra via applikationen genom datanätet istället för det ordinära nätet, samt att implementera detta.För att möjliggöra detta har dels android API för SIP, samt en Asterisk server som tar hand om SIP samtalen och SIP-adresserna används.

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