

448 Uppsatser om Stigma. - Sida 2 av 30

Världens äldsta yrke : Men vad innebär det att vara sexarbetare i Sverige idag?

This is a qualitative study inquiring ?What does it entail to be a sex worker in Sweden today?? Four female sex workers were interviewed in semi-structured interviews. Using methods for reflexive analysis, interpreting the interviews and their context theoretically through notions of Competence and Stigma, the results of this study shows that sex workers may be both competent agents and stigmatized. This informs the understanding of sex work, stigma and how learning, subjective room for action and social agency can be aggravated or hindered by Stigma. The results are viewed in the context of Swedish legislation against sex purchase in relation to previous research which shows that said legislation is problematic.

Svenska soldaters upplevelse av återgången till vardagslivet i Sverige. : Stöd - Hjälp - Hinder

The main focus of this study is to explore Swedish soldiers? experiences of the transition back to everyday life after international service missions. This includes the help and support that they have received and also what barriers to care they have experienced during the transition back to everyday life. The theoretical perspectives of this study are social identity and stigma theory. This study was performed using a qualitative method and includes six individual interviews with active duty officers within the Swedish armed forces.

Hiv-stigma inom sjukvården ur ett patientperspektiv

Bakgrund: Antalet personer som lever med hiv ökar såväl i Sverige som globalt. Hiv är en sjukdom som associeras med ett socialt oacceptabelt beteende och är brett stigmatiserad. Hiv-relaterat stigma och diskriminering är påtagligt i hela världen och skapar hinder för prevention, god vård, behandling och stöd. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hiv-positivas upplevelser av stigma och stigmatisering inom sjukvården. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på åtta kvalitativa och tre kvantitativa studier utfördes.

"Man har ju känt sig som en utomjording eller något sådant" : En kvalitativ studie om den subjektiva upplevelsen att leva med Aspergers syndrom

The purpose of this study was to elucidate how individuals diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome experience stigma as a result of their diagnosis. The paper was based on a qualitative method, consisting of six interviews with booth male and female participants. We took part of previous studies and research as well as existing theories on the subject, in addition to the analysis of our empirical material. Significant in this study was that all participants were relieved when getting the diagnosis, as they finally got an explanation for what was wrong. The results indicated that the majority of the informants felt worried of the possibility to experience stigma and discrimination, which resulted in that the majority of the participants tended to use an avoidance coping strategy.

Stigmatisering och identitet : Hur sex ungdomar i Husby upplever sitt bostadsområde

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur ungdomars identitetsskapande påverkas ur ett stigmatiserat bostadsområde. Vi har därför utrett hur ungdomar upplever den mediala framställningen av bostadsområdet, därtill hur det kan inverka på deras identitetsskapande. Metoden baserades på en kvalitativ ansats där sex ungdomar har intervjuats från Stockholms förort Husby. Teorier som har tillämpats i vår analys var Goffmans stigma teori, Ristilammis förortsdiskurs samt en teoretisering av ?vi? och ?dem?.

Det problematiska bruket : En diskurspsykologisk analys av fyra cannabisbrukares resonemang

This study examines negative issues that cannabis users have experienced associated with cannabis use. The author made qualitative interviewsto unveil four cannabis users? life stories. These stories were analyzed through the discourse psychologicalperspective interpretive repertoirein order to explore and identify analogies among the users. The author found that the respondents, despite their seemingly diverse backgrounds and personalities, carry a collective repertoire of similar experience and reasoning around cannabis and society which can be defined as a cannabis discourse; a discourse grounded in facts as well as speculations, arguments which separately may seem reasonable but altogether often appear contradictory, and real-life anecdotes that sometimes reflect paradoxical conclusions.

Mitt och Ditt Sverige : Att vara invandrare i Samhall

The theme of this bachelor thesis in sociology has been developed through the perspective of ?grounded theory?, where the writers starting point touched the subject of integration in the organization Samhall in Sweden, an organization that hires disabled individuals that do not have enough working abilities to be hired any place else. From there, the methodology moved into a qualitative research through interviews with first generation immigrants hired at Samhall, where the result presented clear patterns of integration problems such as identification with an organization that does not have a normal way of working, the feelings of security which led to an unwillingness to leave the organization (which actually is the main goal of Samhall) and the stigmatized presumptions of the organization as such that makes it even harder to get a regular job on the open work market. These patterns were then put together with theories of stigma, cultural sociology and organizational identification, which three were the theoretical framework of this thesis. This study has contributed with an enlightenment of how it is to be an immigrant in a state governed organization and the consequences that follow when integrating an immigrant in a work disabled working environment. .

Den bortglömda gruppen. En studie om stödinsatser för anhöriga till personer som sitter på anstalt.

The forgotten group: A study of support for relatives of incarcerated individuals. The daily lives of relatives of an incarcerated individual are affected and changed by the fact that their kin has become incarcerated. This made us want to research what kind of support these individuals are in need of and what kind of support the society is offering them today. Because of their kins behaviour, these individuals are also often exposed to feelings of shame and Stigma. Therefore we have, with Goffmans theory of stigma in mind, looked into how this affects the relatives daily lives.

En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska dags- och kvällstidningars framställande av ADHD

The aim of this study is to examine how ADHD is discussed in the Swedish mass media. We have examined 21 articles from Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet. All articles are reviewed from the newspapers online edition.Theories used are Erving Goffman?s theory of Stigma and Michael Foucault´s theory of categorization as well as Göran Palm's, Renée Skogersson's and Anders R. Olsson's theories about mass media.

Göra kön på bloggen : En studie om framställningar och skapandet av ?kvinnan? på mode- och livsstilsbloggar

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ?kvinnan? framställs och skapas på mode- och livsstillsbloggar. Detta har jag undersökt ur ett ?göra kön? perspektiv samt att jag använt mig av Goffmans teorier kring identitetsvärden och Stigma.Jag har använt mig av ett eklektiskt förhållningssätt till valet av metod och har därför använt mig av olika metoder där meningskodning av text och symbolisktolkning av bilder varit de mest framträdande. Dessa koder har jag skapat utifrån min teoretiska referensram.

Förekommande attityder gällande hepatit B & C mellan diagnostiserade patienter och hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. En litteraturstudie

Blohmé, P & Kristiansson, A. Förekommande attityder gällande hepatit B & C mellan diagnostiserade patienter och hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. En litteraturstudie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2011. Hepatit B och C är infektioner som förekommer världen över.

Att bryta nacken av skammen : En studie om kvinnliga alkoholister och skam

The purpose of this study is to explain how shame can be experienced by women with the stigmatizing illness of alcoholism. Another aim is to illustrate how this shame can be affected in social interaction with others and by other circumstances. The following questions will be highlighted in this essay: How can shame be experienced by female alcoholics? What can affect shame in interaction with other people, from the view of female alcoholics? What other circumstances can affect the shame, from the view of female alcoholics?This study features interviews with women who have successfully gone through the process of rehabilitation from the illness of alcoholism, have a long going and stable sobriety and arecurrently part of the work force. The study also features interviews with therapists specializing in the field of addiction recovery and have considerable experience in their fieldof working with women suffering from alcoholism.The subject matters shame and stigma form the theoretical/analytical tools for this research.

Den dubbla avvikaren : En kvalitativ studie om frivårdsinspektörers konstruktioner av kvinnor som begår brott

The purpose of this study has been to examine how female probation officers construct the concept of women who commit crime. This have been done by examining how the probation officers describe the phenomenon from their own point of view, how they perceive society's view of the phenomenon, how they describe the women's self-images and how their own perceptions affect the treatment of these women. To fulfill this aim the study is based on qualitative interviews with five female probation officers. We analyzed their statements by using Gender theory, Goffmans stigma term and Beckers deviant term. The result of this study shows that women who commit crime are described more as victims than offenders and that they are constructed as deviant in two ways; both in relation to the law but also in relation to their gender.

Åtta röster gällande omplaceringar i skolan

This study is about relocated students in the school. Research in this area is limited and the aim is to illuminate the area by listening to different people's voices that have been close to or involved in relocations. The study was made of a qualitative method and the collection of data was through interviews. A total of eight people were included in the study. The selected municipality is located in Sweden.

Elevperspektiv på särskild undervisningsgrupp- en enkätstudie

I den här studien har vi undersökt hur elever beskriver sin skolsituation i särskilda undervisningsgrupper. Studien har genomförts som en enkätstudie där vi tagit upp frågeställningar kring trivsel, tillhörighet, anledning och lärande. Enkäten hade både slutna frågor med fasta svarsalternativ och öppna frågor där eleven skrev fritt. Analysen av enkäten har skett både kvalitativt och kvantitativt. Som teoretisk referensram har studien perspektiv på stigma och stämplingsteori.

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