9106 Uppsatser om Statistical analysis - Sida 2 av 608
Ung och full : en kvantitativ studie om ungas riskbruk av alkohol
Recent statistic shows that about 28% of adolescents living in Stockholm drink alcohol at such a high level that their consumption counts as risky drinking. The correct term to use in this matter would be binge drinking adolescents. In the more wealthy areas of Stockholm this group of binge drinking adolescents counts for as much as a third of the population. In contrast, the adolescents living in exposed areas do not drink nearly as much. Binge drinking adolescents in these areas only counts for 15%, nearly half as much as in the wealthy areas.In light of this the intentions of this study is to investigate which explanatory factors that can clarify the range-rated differences in binge drinking between adolescents in Stockholm.
Utvärdering av vibrationer inom vattenkrafts normer
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) proposes vibration standards for the evaluation for machine damage due to vibration in rotational machines, where some vibration parameters are given to measure the vibrationgrade. This work evaluates the relevance of the vibration standards in hydro plants that are proposed by the ISO, and also investigates if there are methods used in other countries could have greater importance. Through Statistical analysis of collected data we got a better understanding of relation among different vibration parameters, and also the importance of correct choice of the parameters for the evaluation of vibration. We have found that the vibration standards available today in hydro plants are not reliable for the judgment of vibration?s grade.
Analys av webbservertrafik
ABSTRACT This essay is about traffic analysis of Web servers. The purpose is to investigate if companies analyse the traffic on the Web server and if they use this information to create more than simple statistic reports. The questions that we will answer are the following: ? How common is traffic analysis on the Web server among companies? ? Is the Web administrator limited in analysing the Web traffic, if the company has the website on a Web hotel? ? Does the company uses the results they get from analysing the traffic on the Web server for updates and changes on the Web page? To answer these questions we made a questionnaire investigation by telephone interviewing the companies? webmasters. The extent of the investigation was 20 companies in Blekinge.
Analys av webbservertrafik
This essay is about traffic analysis of Web servers. The purpose is to
investigate if companies analyse the traffic on the Web server and if they use
this information to create more than simple statistic reports. The questions
that we will answer are the following:
? How common is traffic analysis on the Web server among companies?
? Is the Web administrator limited in analysing the Web traffic, if the company
has the website on a Web hotel?
? Does the company uses the results they get from analysing the traffic on the
Web server for updates and changes on the Web page?
To answer these questions we made a questionnaire investigation by telephone
interviewing the companies? webmasters. The extent of the investigation was 20
companies in Blekinge.
The information we gathered from the investigation showed that it is becoming
more common that companies analyse the traffic on the Web page and that they
uses the information to more than statistic reports, for example updates and
changes of the Web page.
Skogens produktionsvärden och dess betydelse för Sveriges ekonomi
The forest is characterized by many different values such as those related to forest productivity which are of a big importance for Swedish economy. History has proved that forest resources had helped the country in the transition from the agricultural to the industrial society. Today Swedish forest industry is among the strongest in Europe and significantly contributing to the Swedish export. The industry provides many direct and indirect job opportunities and is one of the biggest employers in the industry sector. It is also worth to notice that the forest can also generate an additional income for the owners, even if the forestry isn?t their primary income source.
Effekten av total mängd dietärt fett på lipidprofilen : En litteraturstudie
The effect of total dietary fat on the blood lipid profile: a reviewFat consumption has increased in Sweden in the 21th century, probably due to the advancement of the diet low car high fat (LCHF). Also, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of premature death in Sweden. Various blood lipids are used to evaluate the cardiovascular disease risk; total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides among others. High levels of total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and low levels of HDL are believed to increase the risk. The purpose of this review was to examine the effects of high-fat-diet on blood lipids, cholesterol, LDL, HDL the ratio between LDL/HDL and triglycerides through a systematic review.
DISA: en depressionsförebyggande metod för tonårsflickor : Deltagarnas perspektiv och deras sinnesstämningsförändring
Background: Mental ill-health among adolescents is one of the most increasing public health problems in Sweden. Particularly girls suffer from mental and psychosomatic symptoms. The National Board of Health and Welfare recommend the DISA method as a preventive measure. Problem: Investigations has been done of the DISA method, but further investigations needs to be done. Aim: The aim of the study was partly to investigate how participants in DISA groups in two counties understand the method and its eventual effect and partly how their mood change, to contribute with knowledge to the development of the DISA method.
Två synsätt på elevers lärande av ämnet statistik : En studie av elever i årskurs 7
The purpose of this paper is to create increased understanding of how pupils learn statistics. This includes gaining insight into pupils' use of their own experience and group experience to help to get a better understanding of statistical problem solving. The study's research questions are about how pupils learn to work with data in tables and diagram and how pupils learn to work with measures.The theoretical framework consists of two approaches to studying learning. One approach is based on pupils? cognitive conditions, called set-befores, and the pupils' previous experiences, called met-befores.
Multipel Skleros En kartläggning av infektionskomplikationer i samband med hematopoetisk stamcellstransplantation
ABSTRACTMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the leading cause of adult disability inSweden. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) can be used as a treatment option for patients with MS where the disease has an aggressive course. The treatment is preceded by high-dose chemotherapy which lowers the patient's immune system. It is therefore of interest to study infectious complications associated with HSCT in this patient.Aim: The purpose of this study was to identify infection problems in this population associated with HSCT, and to study differences in infectious complications between this group and patients diagnosed with lymphoma who have undergone the same treatment.Method: The study was a retrospective descriptive study with quantitative data. A medical record review was conducted.
Att placera konsumenter i fack. En studie i kategoriserande direktmarknadsföring.
This thesis examines the extent to which segmentation and categorization in the context of direct marketing is an efficient way for a company to enhance its marketing effectiveness. The thesis is built on social identity and categorization theory, and tested by using Statistical analysis. The conclusion is that segmentation and categorization is indeed an effective way of conducting marketing campaigns..
Kvinnor i en mansdominerad värld : En jämförande studie om kvinnors representation i de etablerade demokratiernas parlament
The purpose of this study is to map out and to analyze the spatial variation of female representation at the national level in established democracies. The aim is also to explain the variation in the female representation. The main questions that the paper tries to answer are:1.How does women representation in established democratic parliaments vary?2.Why does women representation in established democratic parliaments vary?This study is a comparative and statistic study, i.e. a study that includes a bigger number of countries and where quantitative analysis methods are used in order to achieve comparative analyses.
Psykisk ohälsa - eller ändå inte? : om hur ungdomars psykiska ohälsa har förändrats i en tid av välfärdsnedskärningar och kulturell modernisering
In recent times statistical findings suggesting a deteriorating mental health among teenagers, have been published. Not only did I find the lack of an all-inclusive analysis problematic, but also the fact that the studies themselves where often insufficient. Thus my purpose has been to chart these statistical studies, and then scrutinize the results.My method has been inspired by critical theory, where an interpretive starting point, self-reflection, and the idea that man and society interacts as a whole, is of great importance. Aside from the above mentioned studies, I have also employed secondary empirical data from TV, newspapers and the Internet. My own experience as a social worker has also been an important resource for this paper.
Kvalitetssäkring av markberednings- och planteringsuppföljning hos SCA Skog AB Jämtlands skogsförvaltning :
Quality assurance means to systematically work for better understanding of the customers needs, demands and expectations. The goal for this study was to investigate how quality can be assured in the job follow up that is made by forestry contractors after soil scarification and planting. The study consisted of a description over the current follow up process at SCA forest AB Jämtlands forest administration, analysis of current follow up situation and an investigation of follow up process made by contractors in other line of business.
The first step was a statistical comparison where the own follow up made by contractors were compared with follow up made by SCA them selves over 100 stands. Two soil scarification contractors and two planting contractors carried out the silvicultural measures. The results showed that significant differences between a number of quality factors measured, for example number of approved plants or approved scarification points, average score on stand and number of totally planted plants.
"Folk är inte lika för att dom kommer från Sudan" : en översikt av förekomsten av familjer med annan kulturell bakgrund vid Familjenheten i Lund
The purpose of this study was to, using Statistical analysis, investigate to what extent families of a different cultural background have participated in family therapy and other family treatment programs at Familjeenheten in Lund. With questions regarding the goals of treatment, and the importance of cultural competence in the treatment process we have let two unit managers comment on the statistics. The population of the study is too small to allow general conclusions to be drawn, however, we have been able to ascertain that families of a different background are over-represented relative to their percentage of Lund´s population. Familjeenheten has no statistical record of ethnicity and the interviewed persons express no certain importance in the families´ cultural origins. They express no need to develop special treatment methods that take the clients´ cultural background in regard as they feel that so many of family issues are universal.
Prediktion av villapris och dess faktorers inverkan.
A villas price depends on several important factors. By statistical data, a mathematical multiple regression model was modeled. The model has important explanatory variables such as living space, renovation year and standard points has been taken into consideration, in order to assess their impact on the final price for private homes.By using a statistical program,Minitab 16, the final model was selected with eight explanatory variables. The regression for this model explains up to 67.3 % of the variation on the final price.The results showed percentage wise that the standard points had the greatest impact on the price, there after renovation year and then living space..