

1273 Uppsatser om Start-up - Sida 57 av 85

Diesel Dubbelbränsle Teknologi

The work covered in this report includes a literature study of the diesel dual fuel technology(hereinafter referred to as DDF). The literature study covers earlier work that has been doneregarding the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and diesel in a DDF system. Moreover a onecylinder research diesel engine was fitted with a CNG fuel system for experimental testing. Theinstallation of the engine and the test cell is described. Results from the tests are presentedcovering emissions, heat release and pressure traces from the DDF-concept.During the literature study it was found that most research was related to heavy duty dieselengines.

Störningar i byggprocessen En intervjustudie på fyra byggprojekt

Friytande bilpooler tillåter envägsresor med start och slut vid vilken parkeringsplatssom helst inom ett avgränsat driftområde, vanligen en stadskärna. Till skillnadfrån traditionella bilpooler, vari bilar alltid ska återlämnas där de hämtats, finns riskatt fordon blir olämpligt fördelade. Driftoptimering genom dynamisk prissättning utvecklades i detta arbete med målet att möjliggöra ett kostnadsffektivt sätt att säkerställa tillgänglighet av fordon, och därmed lönsamhet, i friytande bilpooler.Två modeller för dynamisk prissättning utvecklades, samt implementerades i en prototyp av en IT-lösning för friytande elbilspooler. Grunden till den första modellenutgjordes av en verifierad modell för kostnadsminimering av stationsbaserade bilpooler med envägsresor. Modellen är baserad på MILP och hämtades ur Alvina Keksavhandling Decision support tools for carsharing systems with exible return time and stations (2006).

Ip-telefoni med Skype som ett alternativ till PSTN för privatanvändare

The project is a practical and theoretical test of IP telephony with Skype in order to form a base for a comparison between IP-Telephony with Skype and the Public Switched Telephony Network (PSTN). PSTN is the common standard that most of us use for telephony today. The objective for the study is to simplify the choice between PSTN and IP-Telephony for the Swedish private customer user group. The project is supposed to answer the following questions. - How easy is it to start using IP-telephony with Skype? - How is the quality of IP-telephony compared to PSTN? - Are all services provided by PSTN available and accessible using the IP-solution? - How are the usability and the availability of support with IP telephony? - Is IP-telephony a cheaper solution and in that case under which circumstances? Within the project a collection of practical and theoretical tests have been performed to be able to form an opinion on the IP-solution in the following areas, installation, function, quality, usability, costs, accessibility and security. In order to study usability, a test group of ten persons have been used to evaluate the usability of the system.

Behovet alltid större än möjligheterna : En fallstudie av de drabbade kommunernas kriskommunikation i samband med branden i Västmanland

The tsunami in Thailand in 2004, 9/11 and hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005 are all reminders that no organization is immune to crises, which also means that all organizations should be prepared and know how to handle a crisis if one was to occur. A case study has been conducted, on a crisis regarding a fire that occurred on the 31st of July 2014 in Västmanland, Sweden. Through Qualitative interviews empirical data was gathered and then analyzed together with our theories and previous research. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the municipalities affected and the County Administrative Board of Sweden handled and communicated with/to the public during the fire that spread in Västmanland 2014. Our study shows that a risk analysis and analysis of surroundings is crucial in anticipating a crisis event and that it is essential for organizations to undergo training to prepare organization members on how to handle a crisis. Another conclusion is that the need for information is large during a crisis event and grows throughout the entire course of the crisis. The crisis that we studied had a lack of information, but at the same time the public?s need for information is a need that can?t be satisfied during a crisis.

Marknadsundersökning: Lämpliga flygplan med avseende på start- och landningssträckor för Bunge flygfält

In many products a compromise between ground clearance and the required space to store the product has to be made. This problem attracted the attention of the authors of this thesis.The objective of this project is to develop a functioning solution to a foldable wheel. The solution should be applicable to several types of product groups. A limitation for this work has been made so that the work only covers solutions for lighter vehicles.The purpose is to drive this project forward, so that a solution can be found. Furthermore the purpose of the report is to clarify how the authors proceeded to design and construct the wheel according to a fixed specification.

Hur kan ledare motivera vardagsarbetet? : En fallstudie om Clas Ohlson

This bachelor thesis discus how store managers at Clas Ohlson motivate their co-workers at their everyday work.Motivation at work is essential, since engaging co-works makes the everyday routine work more effective. Otherwise that type of work can easily lead to unhappiness at the workplace which leads to less motivated workers, poor performance, even less motivated workers and this will start a negative circle.Other studies has shown that to in order to be pleased at a workplace and to keep qualified co-workers, the leaders needs to have knowledge in how they can use different techniques to increase staff motivation, but still motivation is not considered being an economic means of control. This has made me think about how leaders can motivate their workers at their everyday work.The questions at issue are:o How can leaders motivate co-workers in everyday work,o Which preferences the leaders consider control the individual motivation ando Which methods they can use to increase the motivation in the routine work.The purpose with this thesis is to study how leaders use their leadership to motivate workers to perform everyday work with more enthusiasm. To answer the question I have interviewed store managers at Clas Ohlson.In this thesis I have used a qualitative method, and I have compared relevant theories with the interviews I have done. Thus primary data has been gained through one-to-one interviews but also through mail interviews.

Omhändertagandet av små barn : En dokumentanalys av åren mellan 1931 - 1940

This is a study about children?s welfare and the Child Care Board way of working in Malmö city. We decided to make this a narrative and document analyses where the main focus have been the interactions between human beings, which means everything from the interaction between parents and child as well as the interaction between families and society.We wanted to investigate any possible alterations within the working system between 1931?1940. Our analysis showed that there hasn?t been a big change with the Swedish legislation.

Försöksverksamhet med villkorlig körkortsåterkallelse med föreskrift om ALKOLÅS

Syftet med detta arbete är att ge läsaren en lättbegriplig och sammanfattande bild av vad det innebär att deltaga i försöksverksamheten med villkorlig körkortsåterkallelse med föreskrift om alkolås. Alkolåset är ett instrument som är förbundet med bilens tändningssystem. Alkolåset omöjliggör start och körning om det finns alkohol i utandningsluften. Detta kontrolleras genom att föraren är tvungen att blåsa i instrumentet för att få tändningslåset att koppla ström till bilens startmotor. Under färd kräver alkolåset efter slumpmässiga tidsintervaller nya prov av förarens utandningsluft, detta för att förhindra att föraren konsumerar alkohol under färd.

Fallstudie av produktionschefers ledarskap

The thesis presented in this report has been made on behalf of Scania and their basic frame design department with the subject to solve an implementation of a weight sensing system in the chassis. The system is supposed to be implemented in the seat springs, and the reason for this is that all the force will have to go through the weight sensing transducers. With all the force going through the transducers the weight sensing system will not be sensitive for the differences in tolerances from manufacturing. The transducers could be pre-calibrated to avoid a calibration of the whole vehicle after it?s completed from the manufacturing line.Weight sensing systems is today a reality in trucks with air springs.

En studie av Föreningen Värmlands Arbetarkvinnors Semesterhem för husmödrar; exemplet Frykenstrands semesterhem 1943-1974 : Hur omsattes statens visioner i praktiken?

Sweden had in the early 1930's the lowest birth rate in the world. Population Commission which was established in 1935 concluded that one of the biggest social problems was the working women?s heavy workload. To deal with the low birth rate reforms and programs were founded both in order to help the women but also in order to support the inadequate motherhood. Government grants were set up to start the so-called vacation home for housewives where the government?s visions of the vacation homes were active rest and recreation.     Based on the Leisure Inquiry report regarding vacation homes for housewives - the purpose of this paper is to examine how the government visions regarding vacation homes for housewives were practiced and how the future of prevailing gender contract affected the holiday home.

Fallstudie av 10 skånska gårdar för en lönsam stutproduktion :

During the summer of 2005 a number of steer producers in Skåne, Sweden, found that their animals graded less favourable according to the EUROP carcass grading system when slaughtered, than ordinary. The aim with this project was to determine factors that affects the production result in steer production and to find the reason to the lower classification. The project was initiated by Anita Persson, LRF, Skåne and was preformed with supervision from Ingemar Olsson, SLU, and Jens Fjelkner, Skånesemin. Ten producers of dairy steers located in Skåne was chosen for this study. The producers were interviewed to collect information about their steer production with respect to their planning and results.

Halvledare för höga strömmar i fordon

Mechanical relays are more and more being replaced with semiconductortechnology. In this thesis it is investigated if and how the larger loads couldbe controlled by transistors. The main part of this work aims to create andverify a solution that can control the starter motor, as well as protect it incase of any failure. The different malfunctions that the solution protectsagainst is high current, too high peak current, low current, maximum cranktime and minimum cool off time. The timers also protect indirectly againstoverheating of the starter engine.The transistors used are BTS555, from Infineon.

"Det gäller att underlätta" : en kvalitativ studie om hur grundskolelärare i årskurs 1 ser på sin egen roll vid elevers övergången från förskoleklass till grundskoleklass

Children at the age of six, has since 1991 been allowed to start their tuition in the Swedish school system. Studies reveal that; the first school year (preschool) can be a stressful task dueto the new environment, new friendships and higher expectations.The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how the teachers perceive their own role in the transitioning process from preschool to school. This purpose required a method of qualitative complexion and therefore qualitative interviews were used. The material is based on four interviews with four different teachers. The teachers were asked the same question considering; the transition from preschool to school from a pupil point of view, their own role in that transition and their opinions on different educational tools.

Sveplaserns användning till inventering/befästning/kontroll av vägmarkering

The thesis mission is to investigate whether the swiveling laser that Vectura (former Vägverket Konsult) has in use to measure the road areas and straddle measuring can be used to detect differences in the reflective road markings function. This is to increase use of the swiveling laser and get rid of the manual measurements performed today.Currently, the measurement of road markings reflective function is performed with both mobile and handheld measuring instruments. The purpose of this thesis is to develop better methods for determination of road markings? reflective function, in order to facilitate the description and suggestions for improvements of the maintenance of road markings reflective function.The questions that the thesis has been to start with are:Can the swiveling laser detect differences in longitudinal and transverse road markings reflective function?The accuracy of measurement has been sweeping the laser over the reference instrument (LTL-2000)Is it necessary with a conversion factor for swiveling laser data against the reference instrument data?To answer the question 2 and 3, there has been a field work in Värnamo where a road stretch with longitudinal road markings and zebra crossing (transverse road markings) has been investigated with a swiveling laser and LTL-2000.The formulas and calculations contained in the thesis are drawn from scientific reports that are produced by VTI in Linköping. The same formula that was used to calculate the optical measurement data was also used for the swiveling laser data.

Utveckling av Scania Buss projektöverlämningsprocess : - En studie för effektivare produktutveckling

Scania is constantly trying to improve their product development process, the PD-process.The company, along with others, is optimizing their development process in order to gainadvantage in terms of shorter lead times and larger market shares. For this to happen, a wellorganized process is required.The PD-process is divided into three different phases that are linked together by a hand-overprocedure. Scania Bus has experienced problems that stem from a lack of hand-over routines,and as a result the product development process has been slowed down. This has a number ofconsequences, one of them being the complication of new project initiations.The main purpose of this master thesis was to review the hand-over procedure. Within thestudy the project directive was also to be examined, and a recommendation of how the start ofa new project could be made easier was included.To begin with, a detailed literature study was conducted with the intention of obtaining thebasic theoretical knowledge needed for this study.

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