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ABSTRACTPurpose/aim: The aim of this essay is to make a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of net dating, both among those who have dated on the internet and among those who haven?t tried it at all. Key questions to be answered are what attitudes are associated with net dating? How do the attitudes differ between those who have tried compared to those who haven?t? What kind of positive and negative aspects is there with net dating? Are there any prejudices against net dating and ? if so, what kind of prejudices? How does the future look for net dating?Material/method: Qualitative method with eight interviews divided into two groups depending weather the person has tried net dating or not.Main results: The study shows that net dating is a phenomenon that will continue to grow and attract more users. The most significant result from the interviews are the different prejudices that are articulated.

Vetenskapliga tidningsartiklar i klassrummet : En undersökning om lärares användning av tidningsartiklar

This paper presents why and how teachers use newspaper articles in the classroom when they educate their pupils in chemistry, biology and nature science. All the teachers have worked over 20 years and are, when interviewed, at a Swedish gymnasium in Dalarna. I also have, in a small study, interviewed some of their pupils to get their view about teachers using news paper articles during lessons.The teacher?s use of newspaper articles in the classroom can be divided in different ways. They can use the articles to illustrate up to date links to everyday life.

Platt och jämlikt? : En fallstudie av Feministiskt Initiativ

The aim of this work is to define the party structure of Feministic Initiative (FI). We want to examine the structure of an organization that doesn?t start out with a hierarchical order. We further intend to examine the party?s leadership; whether or not it is equal, between the three spokespersons.We find it interesting as a topic from a democratic point of view as well as to see if a flat structure could work in practice.

Debatten om övergången från SAB till DDC ? Hur ser den ut?

In 2008 the National Library of Sweden decided to give upClassification system for Swedish libraries and start using DDC(Dewey Decimal Classification) from January 1 2011. Thisdecision has influenced the whole Swedish library system and longbefore the National Library of Sweden took this decision thequestion had been thoroughly discussed and debated in Librariancircles.The aim of this thesis is to find out which arguments have beenintroduced in the debate, if the discussion has changed from beforethe decision to go over to DDC was taken to after wards, and if sohow it has changed. My thesis will discuss the following threequestions:? Which arguments were brought forward in the debate,both for and against a transition?? How has the debate about the Swedish libraries?transition from Classification system for Swedishlibraries to DDC changed from before the decision ofthe Royal Library was taken to after?? What conclusions can you draw from the debatewhich has been led about the transition to DDC?The empirical material consists of six articles dealing with thetransition to DDC and in the analysis of this material I have used atext analyses, analysis of. The analysis shows that more or less thesame arguments for and against have been used in practically allthe articles, and the debate has not changed very much.

Framtagande av riktlinjer för arbetsplatsbesök enligt nya Plan- och bygglagen

A new site- and construction-law came into effect in May 2011. The new law, PBL2010:900 implies several different changes of the law. These changes concern bothconstructors, people working in municipality and county councils and other peoplethat in some way are related to the building sector. Except from the change in orderof the chapters and the renewed and modernized language, the law has now beenextended with a few new phases.According to the new law a certificate has to be issued to start and finish theconstruction; the construction consulting has changed name into technical consultingand the protocol for the controls has to show what the control is being compared to.This diploma work concerns control visits on construction sites as related to the newlaw. The reason why visits on construction sites are now implemented in the law isbecause the government saw a lack of trustworthiness in the old law.

Whiplash : Preskription och adekvat kausalitet vid trafikolyckor

Whiplash is a bodily injury, where the person that is injured is subjected to force towards the neck, mainly in traffic accidents. Even low speed accidents can cause severe damage due to the complicated muscle and nerve structure of the neck. Symptoms range from neck aches and headaches to numb fingers and this makes the Whiplash injury difficult to diagnose. Whiplash is also a treacherous injury due to the fact that the symptoms can not be objectively verified. The principal symptom of the injury is pain, which is to its nature highly subjective.

Metodik för bakteriologisk provtagning från näshålan på får :

Respiratory infections are one of the major causes of disease in sheep throughout the world. In the beginning of 2008 the Swedish National Veterinary Institute and the Swedish Animal Health Service together started a project about respiratory infections in Swedish sheep. This study is an initial part of that project and the aim of this study was to investigate different sampling possibilities with focus on nasal swabs. This study is composed partly of a literature review on causative agents of respiratory infections in sheep and existing sampling methods, and partly of an experimental study comprising 56 sheep. These sheep were sampled with both an ordinary nasal swab and a guarded nasal swab. Before the start of this study there was to our knowledge no described method for sampling sheep with a guarded swab.

Ytterligare en dörr till biblioteket - en kvalitativ studie om folkbiblioteks användning av Web 2.0-tjänsterna blogg och MySpace

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to describe how Swedish public libraries use Web 2.0-tools and their experiences of using the tools. Focus of the study lies in the contact between public libraries and their patrons on the Web 2.0-tools. For the purposes of the study, the use of weblogs and MySpace were chosen for examination. The methodology used for this study was qualitative interviews.


The thesis work has been carried out at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC) in Trollhättan. VAC has entered a partnership as developing and producing partner with engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney and is currently at the starting phase of producing the turbine rear frame (TEC) to the engine PW1000.The purpose of this study was to create a report on process level that describes the conditions and the potential with PW1000 TEC to reach the product cost calculation taking into account lead times and describe alternative method solutions.The report describes a comparison between the present flow (2012), a flow based on product cost calculation (2016) and a potential flow (2016). The work has mainly been based on acquiring the knowledge and information available to inspect the present flow; this has been done by workshop observations, meetings and gathering of the information that is available on the work site for the PW1000 TEC.The information obtained has been merged into an Excel document, called Roadmap. It serves as a roadmap with current situation as the start and the potential flow for 2016 as the goal. With the roadmap as a tool, assumptions have been taken considering the flow and how it will change, where processes have been eliminated, reduced or marked as a problem..

Datering av röta i hålekar :

I have chosen in this work to examine which factors are affecting the artificially creation of a tree cavity containing decomposed wood. The purpose of the work is to find out which factors are affecting the most when a tree cavity is created, and to apply these results when you artificially try to create a tree cavity. The need to create tree cavities comes from the situation where many tree cavity living beetles finds themselves today. When existing trees are to pass out there will be no suitable inheritors yet. The work was initially to focus on cavities created from cut branches.

Erosionsskydd i strandzoner :

Erosion in coastal areas is a common problem all around the world. The range of the problem depends on several factors, i.e. type of bed-rock and soil, wind and wave climate. Another factor is whether the area is of high interest, i.e. if the area is important for tourism and recreation, if there are houses and other buildings close to the shoreline or if it is a site of special scientific interest.

Självkompakterande betong vid platsgjutning av anläggningskonstruktioner

By using modern methods of casting concrete, cast in place can get more effective and industrialized. A modern method is self compacting concrete. By using this type of concrete, advantages like improved working environment and rationalized construction can be reached. Because the concrete doesn?t need to be vibrated, the amount of staff on site and the noise can be reduced.

Rehabilitering av gatupojkar i Nakuru, Kenya: Om insatser, ansvar och förväntningar

AbstractThe purpose of my essay was through economically, socially and psychologically aspects examine the impact Bethesda Children´s Ministry made on families. Special interest have been taken to how Bethesda is dealing with responsibility and expectations. Also I´ve been interested in which vital change the boy have gone through during the rehabilitation? I´ve got the information from staff, parents and former street boys through interviews done in Kenya.The first result showed that rehabilitation at Bethesda means socialisation of the boy, from the behaviour of the street, to a functional family member. A great change for the boy was stopping using drug and start live in a family.

Bland hjältar och julstök : En genusanalys av tio julkalendrar från fem årtionden

Each December thousands of Swedish families sit down to watch the annual "Christmas calendar", a series containing 24 episodes. Since the start in 1960, the Swedish public service television company, Sveriges Television, have broadcast a Christmas calendar every year, and is now seen as a firm tradition, attracting audiences of all ages, though the main audience is children. Research has shown that children?s television programs to a certain extent have the same function as news journalism has in agenda setting. Media, together with feedback and interaction with other individuals, plays a big role in the process of socialization.

Amnesty och Attac En jämförande studie ur organiseringsperspektiv

Vi har valt att titta på hur organiseringen påverkar sociala rörelse-organisationers fortlevnad. Medlemsantalet är vår operationalisering av fortlevnaden. Våra två fall är Amnesty International och Attac.För- och nackdelar med olika organisationssätt tydliggörs med hjälp av två organisatoriska idealmodeller som till stor del är varandras motsatser. Dessa är den vertikala modellen och den horisontella modellen.Dessa för- och nackdelar har vi ställt mot empirin. Vi har använt oss av litteratur, hemsidor och intervjuer för att få en bild av hur organisationerna ser ut.Trots att Attac är nätverksbaserad och Amnesty är mer vertikalt ordnad, har båda visat prov på flexibilitet och lyckats skapa delaktighet, vilket är positivt för organisationernas fortlevnad.

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