

1273 Uppsatser om Start-up - Sida 2 av 85

Elstart Motorsåg

As requested by the company Husqvarna AB, we have developed a prototype of an electrical start device to a chainsaw. This was done through the development of new details in Catia, which has been integrated with existing details. Electrical components have been purchased by HAB electronics. In parallel with the modeling calculations was done, which was the basis for determine dimensions and the choice of an electric motor and gears. Prototype 1 improved gradually and led to prototype number 2, which became the final result.

Vill du vinna eller vara sist? : En studie om starter inom segling

SammanfattningDenna uppsats skrevs eftersom förbundsledningen hade uppfattningen att starterna var anledningen till att det inte blev mer medaljer på OS i Kina.Syfte och frågeställningSyfte:Kartlägga några utvalda svenska elitseglares syn på vad, som är en bra start inom segling. Vilka parametrar anses påverka starten? Vad definierar en bra start? Hur tänker man och hur gör man fem stycken olika starter? Hur viktig var starten för att vinna medaljracen under OS i Kina 2008?MetodI studien intervjuades tre stycken seglare om hur de gör och tänker när de startar på olika platser på linjen. Sportchefen för Svenska Seglarförbundet intervjuades om hur han ser på starten. Videoanalyser av sju medaljrace från OS genomfördes för att bedöma hur avgörande starten är för den slutliga placeringen i mål.ResultatFörberedelser som man bör ta hänsyn till innan start är: Förberedelserna på land, ström/tidvatten, att vara ute i god tid, ta landmärke, kontrollera fördel, kant och vind.

Alternativ Start till Motorsåg : Reviderad för allmänheten

E-Series 450 is a chainsaw designed by Husqvarna AB to the semi-professional user. Husqvarna is a world leader when it comes to chainsaws, trimmers, lawn mowers and garden tractors. The problem in hand can be addressed by the question. ?How easy can we start a chainsaw? The purposehas been to provide a solution to the question above and give Husqvarna a good base of which they can continue towards a finished product.

Är alla föräldrar lika välkomna i förskolan? : En studie i hur samkönade föräldrapar upplevde deras barns start i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to see a display on how family, gender and sexuality are produced in four same-sex parents? stories about their children?s pre-school start. The question formulations that have been used were aimed to find out what expectations and concerns parents may have on the pre-school organization, if the parents have any saying regarding the organization, if the pre-school have worked with equality and how they have been treated as a family. The method used is a qualitative study based on interviews. Four lesbian women have been interviewed on their experiences of their children?s pre-school start and after finishing the interviews the content has been analyzed from different viewpoints found in the material.

Barnkullar och arbetslöshet - Stora barnkullar och möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden

Youth unemployment in Europe is a big problem today. The number of unemployed young people has risen past decades, from 10 % in1980 to over 20 % 2010. The purpose with this thesis is to deal with big cohorts and unemployment rate for young people 20-24 years old in Sweden. I have a look at three different generations, people born:1963-1967 and start working 19871968-1972 and start working 19941988 and start working 2008-2012Did these people from a baby boom face any specific difficulties when entering the labor market 20-24 years later? I have used Easterlin theory in my work and lokked at statistics from SCB (Statsitiska centralbyrån) in Sweden.

Hur skolstarten framställs genom bilderböcker : Diskursanalytisk studie om framställningen av skola, lärare, känslor och makt

In this essay I have studied how the kid?s school start are described in picture books. The studied questions are: How the school is described in these selected picture books; what feeling does the main character have into the school start; how the teachers are described in this selected picture books and how are the power relationship described in these selected picture books?The method I have chosen for this essay is a discourse analysis of seven selected picture books with the meaning of starting school. All books studied are written during the 1990 and forward.

Lärande : En studie om ledarskapets påverkan på lärandet

In this essay I have studied how the kid?s school start are described in picture books. The studied questions are: How the school is described in these selected picture books; what feeling does the main character have into the school start; how the teachers are described in this selected picture books and how are the power relationship described in these selected picture books?The method I have chosen for this essay is a discourse analysis of seven selected picture books with the meaning of starting school. All books studied are written during the 1990 and forward.

Tidig engelskundervisning

Syftet med vårt arbete var att ta reda på vilka för- respektive nackdelar en tidig engelskundervisning för med sig. Vi utgick från undersökningar som gjorts inom detta område. Vi ville också undersöka vad lärarna tyckte om tidig engelskundervisning. Den största undersökning som gjorts om tidig start med engelska är EPÅL- projektet (Engelska PÅ Lågstadiet). Denna undersökning genomfördes under 1970- talet och dess syfte var att visa fördelarna med en start av engelskundervisning redan i år 1.

Webb 2.0 i svensk B&I-utbildning

This thesis describes the introduction of Web 2.0 education into Swedish LIS education with emphasis on the driving forces and obstacles in the process. It also discusses the possibilities of estimating the appropriate time for the start of new educational courses introducing new technologies, when it is uncertain if the technologies in question will sustain for a long enough period of time to make the educational effort worthwhile. The data on the Web 2.0 education was collected during the spring of 2010 from the Web pages of the five LIS departments in Sweden, namely Borås, Lund, Umeå, Uppsala and Växjö, as well as by 10 interviews during November and December 2010 with two representatives from each LIS department..The key finding is that Web 2.0 is covered in Swedish LIS education and embracing both practical and theoretical issues. The main driving forces have been both the needs of the profession and an academic research interest. It is concluded that Rogers??S-curves? as described in ?Diffusion of Innovation? can be used as a tool in order to improve the understanding of when to introduce education in new technologies.

Visualizing Innovation Capital: A Case study of Technology Transfer and Biomedical start-up

Purpose: The purpose is to present a greater understanding of the progression of innovation capital in a technology transfer and biotech Start-up context. The findings offer technology transfer professionals, entrepreneurs and academia an overall perception and mental framework of the technology transfer practice and the embracement of a promising invention, building upon its hidden value. Methodology: The thesis was conducted using a qualitative case study, executed with the help of interviews, in order to answer the research question: How is an embryo of innovation capital continuously cultivated in a technology transfer and biomedical Start-up process? Conclusions: A technology transfer entity provides the means to establish a platform where an entrepreneur can build its own human capital, structural capital, and relationship capital. The forms of capital interact and thus create value, herein considered as innovation capital.

Musik som kommunikation : en empirisk undersökning hur musik kan påverka startblocket av en lektion

Music affects us humans. Marketing has long made use of music as a means to enable customers to identify with a brand, and thus increase sales. The Influence of music is obvious, but can you use this on students, and how effective is it to use in a classroom?I will answer the question: how does soft music provide reassurance/create a harmoniums learning environment at the beginning of a lesson?By observing how students react and behave to the playing of soft music. My aim is to create different strategies that teachers can effectively use to get students to ?jump in? to their lessons without wasting 5-15 minutes of class time.Professor Lennart Grosin conducts research into what is in Sweden called PESKO.

Statusbedömning och förbättringsförslag för startkedjemaskineri, startkedja och linspel för stränggjutningsmaskin

The main goal with the master thesis has been to do a status evaluation of the chain machinery with its start chain and wire to secure the production on a short basis due to that a reconstruction is not planned at this time. An evaluation of the condition of the start chain and the rollers in the chain depository has been done. An offer has been requested for a new start chain and the evaluation of the start chains may be a basis for the decision taking. The production has been able to go on, although it has arisen some problems which have been difficult to find the causes for. There is no gathered ?picture? of the machinery status and a mapping of each machinery has been compiled of comprehensive logs.

Portföljteorier en jämförelse

The purpose of this paper is to find out which portfolio theory one should use during a financial crisis. We will examine two different portfolio theorys, the Minimum Variance portfolio and the beta portfolio.We have chosen to study two different portfolios, and followed their development during the financial crisis with its start in 2008 and the IT bubble with its start in the middle of 2000.The data has been collected from OMX internet database making it quantitative study. The beta portfolio's objective is to follow the index and the Minumim Variance portfolio´s objective is to spread the risk by investing in stocks with low volatility. By following the two different portfolios, and compare the development to the index, we will be able to determine which theory is most suitable to use during a recession. The studyperiods we chose were both in a recession and it turned out that the most appropriate portfolio to use was the Minimum Variance portfolio because stock in this portfolio tends to be less sensitive to economic fluctuations..

Återgång till tävling efter bukkirurgi vid kolik : en studie av travhästar vilka genomgått bukkirurgi vid Hästkliniken-UDS 2007-2011

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur travhästar vilka behandlats kirurgiskt vid kolik på UDS 2007-2011 återgår till tävling samt att utvärdera om detta går att göra med hjälp av den omfattande tävlingsdatabas för svenska travhästar som finns tillgänglig på www.travsport.se. Hästarna till studien har identifierats ur journalsystemet som används på Hästkliniken UDS. För de hästar som stämde in på uppsatta kriterier för deltagande i studien valdes även en representativ kontrollgrupp av hästar ut, utformad att vara så lika den opererade gruppen som möjligt vid tidpunkten precis före operationen. De båda grupperna har sedan jämförts med avseende på prestation. Statistik på antal starter, insprungna pengar per start och totalt insprungna pengar har för alla hästar inhämtats ur tävlingsdatabasen. Totalt ingår sex opererade och 12 kontrollhästar i studien, av de sex opererade har fem startat under uppföljningsperioden och alla referenshästar har startat.

Passivhus - Vikten av lufttäthet och attityder hos boende

E-Series 450 is a chainsaw designed by Husqvarna AB to the semi-professional user. Husqvarna is a world leader when it comes to chainsaws, trimmers, lawn mowers and garden tractors. The problem in hand can be addressed by the question. ?How easy can we start a chainsaw? The purposehas been to provide a solution to the question above and give Husqvarna a good base of which they can continue towards a finished product.

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