3731 Uppsatser om Standard critical thinking. - Sida 66 av 249
Generiska strategiers påverkan på köpbeteenden - En studie av kunderna till två livsmedelsbutiker
Due to the well-developed rhetoric and the relative easiness to estimate costs, cost considerations are usually more in-depth than revenue considerations when discussing strategies impact on profitability. To avoid dysfunctional companies and poorly judged strategy decisions it is necessary to develop the rhetoric of revenue considerations.By collecting data from 230 respondents in a quantitative study of two grocery stores in Mora, the study aimed to assess the relationship between choice of generic strategy and self-reported buying behavior, considering differing decision-making processes of customers.The results of the study indicate that a differentiation strategy performs better than a low-cost strategy in terms of buyer frequency, number of goods and cost of purchase. However, due to a poor data collection method, the results are weak, and should therefore be questioned. The study indicates that reliability considerations for behavioral measures should be treated in the same respect as psychological measures, and therefore illuminates the need for new methods and measures to be developed..
Spridningen av tekniska standarder skapade av små företag
Standarder finns överallt omkring oss i samhället i form av t.ex. storleken på kreditkort, specifikationerna för GSM-nätet och gängningen på skruvar och muttrar. Då flera olika tekniska lösningar konkurreras ut till förmån för en dominerande teknik reduceras kostnader för produkter och tjänster eftersom likriktning leder till ett effektivare utnyttjande av resurser. På grund av den stora samordningsvinsten är standarder av yttersta vikt för ett väl fungerande samhälle. Dagens standardiseringslitteratur behandlar standarder som skapats genom consensus i officiella standardiseringsorgan eller av stora företag där marknadskrafterna bestämt den vinnande tekniken.
Anpassning av .NET-funktionalitet för Microsoft Excel
The .NET Framework is a widely used system component for MicrosoftWindows. This thesis describes how the functionality of the framework canbe adapted to Microsoft Excel. Specific operations, such as integration ofuser interfaces, database connections and the ability to divide programs intosmaller components, are discussed. A number of architectural - and designpatterns to facilitate development are analysed.Several techniques have been made up in consultation with experiencedprogrammers. These techniques were further developed by implementinga number of test programs.The results of the study are a number of standard classes for future usageand a larger pilot project containing most of the analysed functionality..
Vägen mellan arabiskt tal- och skriftspråk The Way between the Arabic speech and writing language
Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och hinder våra elever har när det gäller skriftspråket på arabiska. I vårt arbete har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod och vi valde att göra intervjuer med 4 pedagoger och 8 elever varav 4 på mellanstadiet och 4 på högstadiet. Vi har använt oss bl.a. av Pauline Gibbons litteratur ?Stärk språket, stärk lärandet? och ?Lyft språket, lyft tänkandet.
Kommunismens ansikte : Skildringen av kommunismen som ideologi och kommunistiska regimer i svenska och norska gymnasieläroböcker under perioden 1951-2011
This paper presents an analysis of history textbooks used in schools in Sweden and Norway. The intention of the research was to study how the history textbooks describe communism and communistic dictatorship mainly during the cold war. The result of this study is that there were no big differences between Swedish and Norwegian history textbooks, but there are, however, some differences in how communism was described between the authors and also over time. Mostly, the books that were written in the post cold war period were somewhat more critical to communism in the eastern Europe (even thought they mainly handled with Stalin´s communism. And they also set quotationmark between Stalin´s communism and the nazi terror during World War two..
Revitalize classic art using realtime game technology
Med dagens spelmotorer kan man hålla rätt hög grafisk standard utan några problem. Man kan få hög realism och ljus sättning som är stort sett fotografiskt. Men hur är det om man ska efterlikna en klassisk målning? En klassisk målning brukar inte 100 % följa fysiken lagar när det gäller ljus, färg, form osv. Hur svårt blir det att få till en autentisk tavla med mönster från duken och penseldrag? Den här uppsatsen tar det upp hur man bästa möjliga sätt återskapar klassisk konst i 3D.
Animationsprocessen i open-source miljö
Animerade filmer görs idag till störst del av stora företag som har en rejäl budget och arbetskraft. Är det möjligt att göra en hel animerad kortfilm ensam med hjälp av endast program som är gratis?. I det här examensarbetet redogörs om det är möjligt att göra en animerad kortfilm helt själv under begränsad tidsram och begränsade förutsättningar. Jämförelser mellan kommersiell programvara och open-source kommer att göras, där programmen jämförs som helhet och i sina individuella funktioner.
Den gode & den onde : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters och New York Times rapportering av konflikten i Libyen 2011
This essay examines how the conflict in Libya in 2011 was reported by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the American newspaper The New York Times. The purpose is to examine how the conflict is portrayed and what similarities and differences that exist between the two newspapers. We have used a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis to get our results. In conclusion, both newspapers polarize the conflict to a large extent, resulting in a one-sided and biased account. However The New York Times is more objective and neutral in its portrayal of the conflict..
"Lillapan finner en vän" : Barns delaktighet i lässtunden
The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how seven Swedish preschool teachers and two special education teachers think and work with children who show a lack of social skills. The study method has been semi-structured interviews with the educators which have been analyzed and sorted under different themes/categories. The theoretical framework used in this study is sociocultural, relational and categorical perspectives. These perspectives have been chosen in order to better understand how teachers see their role in supporting children in need of special support. The environment in the preschool is found to be of great help and the teachers? approach is of great importance.The research emphasizes the importance of integrating thinking, feeling and behavior.
Bilder av barndom : Hur makt och ålder framställs i sex nutida svenska bilderböcker
This essay examines how age, power and agency is represented and reproduced in contemporary Swedish picture books.This is done through a combination of discourse analysis and literary analysis.It uses theoretical perspectives from sociology, and views childhood as a social construct. It sees discourse and language use as both representing and constructing social reality in the tradition of Norman Fairclough and critical discourse analysis. The main results is that the discourses of childhood in the material construct children as a separate group in society, and childhood as a special time in life. Children is portrayed as both social actors and in need of protection from adult themes and worries..
Är egenföretagande en riskfaktor för alkoholmissbruk?: en studie om egenföretagande och dess villkor kan vara riskfaktorer för alkoholmissbruk
The aim of this essay was to obtain an understanding about company owners thinking about the connection between having an own company, and the risks for an alcoholic abuse. The risk factor I was researching was stress, alcoholic culture, accessibility and rehabilitation.I have interviewed five owners of small companies, two women and three men, which represents four different kinds of branches. The theories I used in analysing the empirical findings where the theories of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and culture perspective.I have found that the main stress factors for company owners where the economical stress and great load of work. The stress was also related to the fact that company owners of small companies often were alone with all the responsibility and problems.Women did not use alcohol very often as a tool to reduce stress. If individuals were using alcohol to reduce their stress, it also had to deal with their ability of coping and also what channels they had for coping..
?Såna är dom!? : En socialpsykologisk studie om skillnader mellan unga killars och tjejers stereotypa tänkande och fördomar.
The way man divides his thoughts and sorts them into different boxes, is a cognitive activity which works alike for every person. We split peoplesexterior attributes and characteristic qualities into stereotypes or prejudicemind patterns and treat them along those.This study examines through a qualitative method what twelve respondents (six women and six men) between the ages 16-21, think about ?intense? conceptions, which may show stereotype or prejudice ways of thinking. There spondents have been chosen regardless ethnic or economic background andare all enrolled in an upper secondary school located centrally in a Swedish big city.The purpose is to find out if there are any differences between how some young men and some young women spontaneously think in stereotypical orprejudice patterns. The result is interpreted on the basis of the social cognitive perspective and from out of theories about how people create schemes andprototypes to separate individuals and groups from each other.This study suggests that men more easily express their stereotypes and prejudice, while women more often seem to be careful with their stereotypes and prejudice, and end up redefining them.
Renskötselrätten : som rättslig konstruktion
This master thesis concerns the relation between law and the theory of the conceptual metaphor which has developed within cognitive linguistics. Although its main focus is abstract thinking, it also covers a wide range of aspects within cognitive linguistics, such as the prototype theory and radial categories. In order to address this relation, three questions will be dealt with. Firstly, does the theory of the conceptual metaphor have relevance to interpretation of legal rules and contracts? Secondly, can the same theory explain why a legal rule or a contractual term has been interpreted outside of its most given area of application? Thirdly, when an interpretation is not predictable from a legal viewpoint, can such an explanation answer to that fact? Answering the first question will require a descriptive analysis of the conceptual metaphor and cognitive linguistics.
Ny tillsynsmodell med tillhörande marknadsorienterade styrmedel : En granskning av föreslagen tillsynsmodell med Danmarks arbetsmiljömodell som förebild
The corporate world has become increasingly unpredictable and complex. Several companies are dependent on a rapidly developing market. The development has created a positive impact on production but on working conditions it has resulted in increased work pace and load. Psychosocial and stress-related problems has increased. The development has also meant a greater awareness of work environment issues relevant to competition for customers and employees.
Passivhus: Framtidens byggnadssätt
Passivhus är ett relativt nytt begrepp som innebär att bygga på ett energieffektivtsätt och därmed minska värmeförlusten genom byggnaden. Tekniken har funnitsi Europa sedan 1990 och vuxit sig större år för år och under de senaste åren harett flertal hus byggts i Sverige med detta byggnadssätt.Principen är miljövänlig och bidrar till minskade koldioxidutsläpp vilket gynnarbåde miljön och ekonomin.De allt hårdare och hårdare krav som ställs ur miljöaspekt innebär att detta nyasätt att producera byggnader kommer att öka under kommande år och snart blirdet standard att använda detta sätt att bygga bostäder..