3724 Uppsatser om Standard critical thinking. - Sida 32 av 249
Make or buy-analys
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.
Inclusive business and shared values : case study of Stora Enso in Lao PDR
Businesses role in society is changing. Corporations are expected to take responsibility, not only for their traditional business conduct, but also for social and political issues. A rise in globalization and international trade has led to an increased interest in the concept of CSR. Accordingly, stakeholders are expecting multinational companies to be accountable for existing issues in developing countries. New business models are needed to meet increased expectations of responsibility and shared value creation.
Based on an understanding of the need for new business models a multinational corporation is studied in a local context, where a radically new way of doing business is developed.
Naturhänsyn på certifierade privata skogsfastigheter : en jämförelse i praktiken mellan FSC och PEFC i Sydsverige
Nature conservation on certified small private forest owners- a comparison
between the two certification systems FSC and PEFC in southern Sweden
Today two different certification systems are used in Sweden to certify forest, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Pan European Forest Certification). During the last years certification of forests in general and different certification systems have frequently been debated. FSC is a globally widespread system and about 10 million ha out of 23 million ha Swedish forest is FSC-certified. The FSC-standard is mainly used by major forest companies and to some extent also by smaller private forest owners. PEFC is a European system and about 2 million ha Swedish forests is PEFC-certified today.
Det kulturella arvet- en resurs i omsorgen av de äldre
The essay depicts the opposite views of the director and an actor during the filming of a specific scene in a feature film. The actor feels that he is not being listened to. This leads to unforeseen consequences for the director, as the actor no longer wishes to take part in the marketing of the film prior to its opening night. Everything is seen from the director?s point of view, she is working in a film world dominated by men.Questions are being asked if the director?s instructions are clear enough or if the actor, fearing getting lost, is mixing up his own feelings with those of the character he is portraying? What happens to the collaboration and how does it affect the rest of the team and the completion of the production? The director is also the producer.
?Det sade bara klick?: en studie om 15-åriga tjejers Internetanvändning utifrån ett källkritiskt perspektiv
This Masters thesis aims at investigating how 15-year old girls use the Internet, particularly on their free time, taking a source critical perspective. It includes group interviews. The main question of this thesis was whether there is a need for specific user education. The following four questions were asked: What do they do on the Internet during their free time? In what way do the girls learn how to interact with each other on the Internet? How do they relate to different types of web pages and materials from a source critical aspect? What content do they consider to be relevant in a user education? The study is mainly focused on information use and information behaviour in different contexts.
Det förändrade underlivet : En undersökning om kosmetisk intimkirurgi borde omfattas av lagen mot könsstympning
The swedish law against female genital mutilation (FGM) prohibits procedures that removes parts of the female genitalia and thereby makes permanent changes in the body. The problem with the wording of the law is that it may also apply to the western phenomenon cosmetic genital surgery. This paper therefore examines if cosmetic genital surgery should be covered by the swedish law against FGM, by making a critical comparing analysis. The paper begins with comparing FGM with cosmetic genital surgery to prove that there are more similarities than differences between the procedures. By using the theoretical perspectives universalism and postcolonialism, the paper then examines why, particularly in the West, there is a different approach to FGM than to cosmetic genital surgery, regardless of the similarities of the procedures.
Vad håller vi egentligen på med? : en studie som granskar användandet av pedagogisk dokumentation utifrån förskolans uppdrag
In this study, we aim to analyze how the terms documentation and pedagogical documentation respectively are portrayed in the curriculum (skolverket 2010) as well as in the curriculum complementary material (skolverket 2012). The analysis is performed by use of critical discourse analysis. We used published research as a theoretical base to analyze the empirical data against. Our aim is to increase the understanding of how the terms documentation and pedagogical documentation are used in the various policy documents and what messages these documents relay concerning the aforementioned terms.We aim to give some answers to the following questions:How to interpret the term documentation in relation to the term pedagogical documentation.How to interpret the ways the terms are promoted in the policy documents. We conclude that the term documentation is vastly more open to interpretation than the term pedagogical documentation. We note that the curriculum exclusively use the term documentation and stress the importance of using a variety of documentation forms.
Folkmord i läromedlen : En undersökning om folkmords behandling i fem läromedel för gymnasiets A kurs i historia
A large number of genocides have taken place in our history. The purpose of this essay is to examine how genocide is treated in five high school history textbooks. I have studied a large number of issues. I have examined which genocides are discussed in the textbooks and which genocides the textbooks don?t discuss.
Hur tre epistemologiska diskurser och hur synen på kunskapsorganisation inom dem manifesteras i text
Our purpose is to analyse three different epistemological discourses that exist in the social practice, Library and Information Science LIS, using the strategy for interpretation from the mimesis model by Paul Ricoeur and the terms from the critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. The aim is also to explore there different views of knowledge organisation. We review previous research involving epistemology, knowledge organisation and discourse analysis in LIS. These show that there are many different epistemological standpoints and that later research has shown a more critical and sceptical state of knowledge organisation than earlier traditional positivist ideals. Discourse analysis is described as an important theory and method in LIS.
"Börja packa Chávez!"- En kritisk diskursanalys över tre svenska morgontidningars rapportering kring Venezuelas folkomröstning om Hugo Chávez'presidentskap 2004
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, is described in Swedish mass media. The research question of the paper is "How was president Hugo Chávez portrayed in Swedish newspapers in the 2004 Venezuelan referendum?". The answer of this question provides information about how the mass media form the image of current political events which is an important aspect of power. The applied method and theory in the study is the critical discourse analysis.
Den hårfina gränsen : Diskussioner om kvinnors orakade armhålor på internetforumet Flashback
The purpose of this study is to examine discussions on the Swedish internet forum ?Flashback? regarding female body hair and the cultural norms that surround it. The discussion is centered around a broadcasted event in which a woman?s hairy armpit was incidentally shown, with a lot of viral hate as a result. Our purpose with this study is to get a deeper insight into viral hate towards women who challenge gender norms.
Det barbariska Norden : en kritisk innehållsanalys av hur asatron framställs i jämförelse med kristendomen i läromedel för religionskunskap
The purpose of this study is to present a critical analysis of how certain themes of the Norse pagan religion are portrayed in ten selected textbooks used for Religious Science education in grades one through nine. The themes included in the analysis are; the description of the transition from the Norse Pagan religion to Christianity; Adam of Bremen?s portrayal of human sacrifice, and lastly Ibn Fadhlan?s characterization of widow burning. By using a critical knowledge text analysis, and applying a theoretical starting point that pedagogical material analyses and interprets events from a specific perspective; in this case from a Christian perspective, I have from the study concluded that the chapters covering the Norse pagan religion in these textbooks have a distinguished Christian bias seen as the norm. The themes analysed in this study all describe different phenomena in a similar way and make use of the same sources, even though these are often questioned.
Underlättar en ny standard e-faktureringens genomslagskraft?
Denna uppsats behandlar e-fakturering och hur små företag ser på ett framtida användande av e-fakturering när en ny standard är på väg att lanseras. Vi har valt att undersöka huruvida små företag ser några fördelar med att börja använda e-fakturering jämfört med den traditionella pappersexercisen. Den nya standarden svenska bankföreningen i samarbete med de svenska storbankerna utvecklar, är tänkt att underlätta för användarna och företagarna så att dessa skall kunna sänka sina kostnader per faktura samt i ett längre perspektiv förenkla hanteringen.De teorier som presenteras i arbetet beskriver begreppet e-faktura, samt andra begrepp kopplade till detsamma. De använda teorierna, kopplat till frågeställningarna och syftet, utgjorde sedan grunden till de frågor vi skapat för att ställa vid intervjuer med olika småföretagare i Jönköpingsregionen.De intervjuer som genomfördes skedde antingen genom personliga möten med nyckelpersoner ute hos företagen eller genom telefonintervjuer. Frågorna berörde hur företagen ställer sig till e-fakturering, huruvida de ser fördelar och vilka eventuella fördelar de anser viktigast för just dem.
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.
Myndighetsattityder : En ethosanalys av Delegationen för romska frågor
The Authorities attitudes towards Gypsies have been characterized by prejudice for a long time. This has lead to the relief actions of the Authorities being formed by discriminating acts. In purpose of eliminating the discrimination of the Gypsies, the Delegation for Gypsy matters formulated a strategy for solving this problem in the report ?Gypsy rights ? a strategy for Gypsies in Sweden?. Despite the goodwill of the Authorities this report has been criticized by Gypsies in Sweden. In the investigation of the derivation of this criticism the aim of this essay is to look at how the Authorities attitude towards Gypsies is shown in this report and how it affects the creation of their ethos.