

8949 Uppsatser om Stability analysis - Sida 18 av 597

??då hör inte jag hemma hos er!? : - Att ta avstånd från en religiös gemenskap

This study focuses on why people not longer want to be a part of a religious communion they have earlier been a part of. To examine this I have made seven interviews with people who have left their previous communions. Together with the methodological and theoretical discussions on discourse analysis, Richard Jenkins discussions on identity and theories concerning the post-modern society, I have made an analysis on how these people consider their previous communions and its members. They refer i.e. to the social control, the ?closed? culture and the non-questioning-culture that constitute the communions and its techniques.

Bells helvete. En konstruktivistisk analys av helvetesbilden i Rob Bells 'Love Wins'

This paper is an analysis of the hell theme in Rob Bell's book Love Wins. A Book About Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. Using a constructivist text analysis the essay examines how Bell creates a theology around the image of hell that he advocates. The study aims to analyze and explain how Bell constructs the meaning he advocates in the concept of hell. This includes an analysis of the passages in the book that discusses what the term hell refers to and the passages that deal with properties of hell.

Att vara eller inte vara en vara : Om tips och råd i det coachade arbetslivet

This study is a critical discourse analysis on the genre of career coaching. Focus lies on questions such as how doescareer coaching articles construct the working subject, and how is working life described in the genre. The categoryof social relations is central to the study. I ask questions about which social relations are of importance, and whichare not, in the career coaching version of working life and how can these relations be interpreted from a critical pointof view. The concepts of power-knowledge is central to the analysis of social relations and the term employabilityconstitute the main theoretical understanding of what distinguish the contemporary labour market.

CAP KC3-12 : Design and finite element analysis

In offshore oil production FMC Subsea systems use a product called cap. The cap´s mainly task is to protect hubface and seal areas on inboard hub against dirt, corrosion and mechanical damage under installation of a subsea system. A new model of a cap has been designed and analysed using finite element method. The model is called KC3-12 and has a new function, emergency release, which is a backup method for the ROV (remote operated vehicle) to release the cap from the hubface when it is placed under water. The cap KC3-12 was found to fulfil the criteria under the test load pressure, according to ASME VIII, div2.

Normföljare eller normbrytare? En studie av mangaserien Ranma ½ ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how Ranma ½, one of the most popular Japanese Manga series, reflects the gender system in society. We have chosen to make use of two different gender theorists to determine if Ranma ½ follows the gender norms of society or not. The theoretical framework is based primarily on Yvonne Hirdman's theory of the two basic principles: the principle of dichotomy and the principle of hierarchy. Judith Butler's theory of performative gender is used as a complement.

Konceptstudie av kassadisk B10/B11

This master?s thesis report is a summary of the analysis performed together with ITAB Shop Concept located in Jönköping, Sweden. As a last element of the Master?s program at the School of Engineering, this 20 point level D thesis project has been the final work to bring my education to an end.ITAB Shop Concept expressed an aspiration that the Shop Counter Program B10/B11 should undergo an analysis to point out and possibly lead to improvement.Through interviews and data collection proposals for possible improvements has been drawn up and the analysis points out current deficiencies. By following the idea generation, proposals to solutions for every individual problem is presented.

The impact of climate change on agriculture in the Republic of Mauritius : a socio-econometric study on Mauritian farming

"Food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life" (FAO Summit, 2003, pp. 28).Food insecurity is of concern regarding the Republic of Mauritius (ROM) since it is defined as a net food importing country. (Farming news, 2008). The impacts of climate change followed by their complexity could potentially have an increased risk effect upon the social and environmental welfare as well as the economic drivers in the ROM (www, UNESCO1, 2009). The primary victims when it comes to the impacts of climate change are the Mauritian agricultural producers since agriculture is highly dependent on climate stability, therefore affecting the yields of the producers.

Arbetsplatsmobbning : - Är inte att kleta senap på någons brallor!

The focus of this thesis is on what is considered to be a suitable foster home. For the study to be carried out an application had to be made to get access to the foster home assessments in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. With the support of attachment theory and theory of standards different categories have been picked out and analyzed in foster home assessements that have been approved. The conclusion to what is considered to be a suitable foster home is a complex issue, as there are many factors that are interacting. Social workers seem to focus on the importance of a family?s ability to provide some kind of stability and security for a child who is considered to be placed within their home.

EU i nyheterna : En diskursanalys om EU och EU:s anseende i det svenska medieutbudet

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the EU discourse in the Swedish media. The questions that the analysis seeks to answer are; what image of EU is portrayed in the Swedish media? To which degree does the EU discourse fulfill media?s ?news values?? And what are the potential effects of the discourse on EU?s reputation? After several demarcations, I chose 8 articles form Sweden?s four largest newspapers to base the analysis on.    The theoretical and methodical structure behind this analysis is the theories and practices of Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis. Added to the theoretical structure are also theories about reputation and theories about news values. The method used in the analysis is a modified version of Fairclough?s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis.

Energieffektivisering i sambandmed renovering : ? Analysmodell för energibesparande åtgärderutifrån ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv

Rising energy prices and higher energy demands have led to an increased focus on energy efficiency, in particular in the real estate business, where high potential for energy savings exists. Within the next few years, buildings that were constructed in the sixties and seventies will be in need of renovation. One of the challenges of these renovations will be to improve energy efficiency. A real estate company that is facing this challenge is Uppsalahem AB, based in the city of Uppsala, Sweden. This study focused on analyzing energy efficiency measures when renovating old buildings.

Undersökning av mätsystem och regulatorstrukturer för industriella tillämpningar

This thesis is divided in to two different parts. The first part includes examination of the measurementsystem of an industrial robot using a resolver sensor. The main focus is on methods for suppressing noise in the angularvelocity signal without increasing timedelay. Five different methods are investigated. Three of these are based on oversampling: burstsamplingmethod, meanvaluemethod and correlationmethod.

Bilden av Afrika och dess historia : en diskursanalytisk studie av ett biblioteks böcker om Afrikas historia, utifrån omslag, baksides- och innersidestexter

The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine how a Swedish public library's collection of books on African history looks like, who the writers are and how Africa and its history areportrayed. The focus of the analysis is on the front and back covers and in some cases on theinformation texts inside the books. The chosen library is the city library of Umeå. The 15books examined were found on the shelf classified as Kp ? the classification for African history according to the Swedish SAB-classification system.

Vindpark Vänern : Fundamentteknik och Logistik

An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.

?H?LLBAR MIGRATION?? En kritisk diskursanalys av Europeiska unionens reglering av asylansvar

This bachelor?s thesis aims to examine how the ?New Pact on Migration and Asylum? construct the discourse on ?sustainable migration? and ?efficiency? in the European Union. The new jurisprudence concerning migration and asylum in the European Union seeks to establish a more ?fair, efficient and sustainable migration and asylum system?. To analyze the discourses, a critical discourse analysis is applied to the former asylum regulation, Dublin regulation III, a revised and withdrawn proposal, Dublin regulation IV, and future legislation.

Trygghetens betydelse för fritidshemmets vardag

In my essay I'm studying what aspects of the school environment that influences the pupils experience of safety and what aspects that strengthens the experience of safety. I'm introducing three different dilemmas from three different places in the school environment. The three dilemmas have that in common that they focus on safety. I'm introducing the after-school centre commission according to the National Agency for Education, presenting results and theories from various researchers and authors about how you can work with safety regarding children's development and learning. My conclusion is that safety is a very important aspect when it comes to learning and for the overall development of children.

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