

8949 Uppsatser om Stability analysis - Sida 1 av 597

Kommersiella Fastighetshyror och Finansiell Stabilitet

In recent years, global organizations safeguarding financial stability has started to track commercial property markets. One of the reasons for this refers to the fact that commercial property constitutes a large share of bank lending. Simultaneously, bank exposures to commercial property are extensive and risky since collateral values are strongly correlated to borrowers cash flows. Since banks are viewed to play a key role for financial stability, studying the relationship is well motivated. To better understand how commercial property markets interact with financial stability, this paper develops an econometric model for studying the commercial rental market.


This master thesis is about designing and dimensioning a boat for transport of caravan, car, trailer or ATV. Buoyancy and stability are important properties as the pontoonboat should also be able to serve as a workboat. Many of the vessels on the market today that is being used for similar purpose are stable enough, but their hull is often similar with barges and thus too slow. This work has been to construct a boat that has good stability but also has a hull that enables it to move faster, is more maneuverable and having a more attracting design than today?s barges.

Uljabuouda vindkraftpark turbinmodellering och stabilitetsanalys

This master thesis has been performed at Solvina in Gothenburg for Skellefteå Kraftand Vattenfall Eldistribution. The aim of it is to investigate the consequences of theinstallation of a wind power plant on the mountain Uljabuouda in the vicinity ofArjeplog. Especially the impacts on voltage and transient stability are examined.Furthermore, the amount of extra strain on the voltage regulation equipment and theneeds for increased regulation capabilities are looked into.The wind power plant is planned to be built by Skellefteå Kraft and connected to a130 kV grid owned by Vattenfall Eldistribution. The work comprehends the followingmain parts:- Theoretical studies aimed at wind turbines and power system stability issues.- Modelling of the type of wind turbines assumed to be built on Uljabuouda.- Simulations of different operation cases and analysis of the simulation results.The results from the simulations show that, as far as voltage stability and extraworkload on tap-changers are concerned, the wind power plant does not, in anysignificant manner, worsen the present conditions. The problem of overloading theline between Arvidsjaur and Vargfors is also minor.

EU:s grannskapspolitik i Medelhavsregionen : En säkerhetspolitisk analys av Medelhavssamarbetet

AbstractThe thesis investigates how the European Union promotes stability and security in the Mediterranean region. The aim is to analyse the European Union?s security ambitions with Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Barcelona Process. An analytical framework with five sectors (military, political, economic, environmental and societal), based on the Copenhagen School?s theories about security sectors and securitization, is used for the analysis.

På uppdrag av Allah - En studie av legitimiteten i den saudiarabiska statsapparaten

Since 2003 Saudi Arabia is under attack from domestic Al Qaida-cells which, by random shootings of westerners and bombings of compounds and official state buildings, is trying to challenge the stability of the royal regime. According to Al Qaida, the Royal family is attacked because of their friendly relations to the US and for not implementing Islam in the Saudi society as profound as they ought to. Political analyst finds it obvious that the Islamic Al Qaida-cells by terrorism is trying to erode the stability in the kingdom.An important foundation for stability for any government is legitimacy. The aim of this thesis is to examine the royal legitimacy strategy in the state bureaucracy of Saudi Arabia. The question at issue is: how has the royal family constructed the civil, military and religious bureaucracies to maintain and promote stability and legitimacy?The thesis focuses on the on three different units within these three bureaucracies and it surveys the way they are staffed and organized to strengthen and maintain legitimacy for the royal family.

Stabilitetsberäkningar och åtgärdsförslag vid islast på Skålandammen

Hydropower is an important source of energy in Sweden and accounts for about 46 % of the total energy production. Sweden has about 1 200 hydropower plants and with the intention of raising the pressure head of the water and to store water, dams are built by the power plants. The storage reservoirs make it possible to adjust the energy production by demand and season. Dams in connection to the reservoirs are subjected to additional loading during periods of high floods or when an icecap in the winter is formed on the reservoirs. In order to maintain the dam safety, the power companies in Sweden are working with guidelines for dam safety from RIDAS.

Test-retest reliabiliteten i balanstesterna Unilateral stance, Limits of stability och Rhythmic weight shift

Människans balanssystem kan beskrivas utifrån tre delkomponenter, det vestibulära, det visuella och det somatosensoriska systemet. En rad olika skador och sjukdomar som påverkar dessa system stör därmed också balansen. Balansstörningar kan verifieras med hjälp av funktionella tester eller teknisk utrustning. Då teknisk utrustning används är det vanligt att instrument utnyttjas med kraftplattor i syfte att mäta det posturala svajet hos patienterna. Vid balansutvärdering är det viktigt att de instrument som används är validitets och reliabilitetstestade.

Dammsäkerhetsanalys via stabilitetsberäkningar för Långströmmens kraftverk : En jämförelse mellan olika dimensioneringsmetoder

A detailed dam safety evaluation (in Sweden called FDU) was performed in 2009 by WSP where stability control was performed for Långströmmen power plant with associated spillways. This evaluation concluded that stability could not be ensured, and risk of sliding occurred. The evaluation is based entirely on the recommendations outlined in RIDAS, the power companies guidelines for dam safety, and it is clear that extensive renovations are necessary to stabilize the dam.In this work, the stability will also be checked with guidance through new proposals on guidelines for concrete dams sliding stability, ELFORSK?s report 08:59. This report considered the guidelines in RIDAS as oversimplified, both from an international perspective, but also with regard to the current state of knowledge regarding dam safety.

Förbättrad förbränningsstabilitet i EBK för turbofläktmotor RM12 genom förändrad motorreglering : Improved afterburner combustion stability for turbofan engine RM12 by modified engine control

The engine of JAS 39 Gripen, RM12, has recently been equipped with a new flameholder and a new engine inlet. This change has caused an increased noise level from the engine when the afterburner is in use. The noise level reaches its peak when the afterburner is partially used. The problem is thought to be unstable combustion in the regions around the flameholder. A solution to the problem has been proposed by Volvo Aero.

Storage stability in a milk based UHT-beverage : effect of pH, carrageenan and storage time

The different characteristics of many food products, such as aroma and texture, changes during storage time and become undesirable. The reason is instabilities within the product which become prominent as the product ages. These changes in characteristics are quality losses caused by changes in the product?s intrinsic and extrinsic environment. The stability in UHT-milk and beverages similar to it have been studied in the past decades and a certain focus have been on age gelation which is a common defect in these type of products.


Mental illness is today the leading cause of long-term sick leave and insomnia, anxiety, depression and burnout are among the most common conditions. The aim of the study was to investigate the stability of these conditions and how this is influenced by gender and age, as well as the extent to which these states are risk factors for each other. The participants were a random sample (n = 2336) from the general population in the age of 18-79 years. The results showed that stable illness was more common among women than men, and that stable illness decreased with aging. The stability itself was not affected by gender or age. Relations between the conditions were bidirectional and they constitute major risk factors for each other (odds ratios, OK = 2.37 to 6.46). The largest risk factor for a condition is, however, previous occurrence of the same problem. Previous burnout was found to be a significantly larger risk factor for future burnout than previous insomnia for future insomnia (OK = 9.63 and 5.74, respectively). The results suggest that insomnia, anxiety, depression and burnout, despite their differences, are similar regarding symptoms and underlying causes. The importance of early interventions to prevent comorbid conditions which are more complicated and more difficult to treat is emphasized..

Reliabilitetstest på balanstesterna Unilateral stance och Limits of stability

Människans balanssinne är ett av våra viktigaste sinnen som dagligen sätts på stora prov då vi som tvåbenta individer ska upprätthålla kroppen i normal position vid rörelser och aktiviteter. Människans balans bygger på tre olika sensoriska system som arbetar i synergi för att upprätthålla kroppen i en bra position. Balance Master är ett mätinstrument för att mäta människans posturala kontroll. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka reliabiliteten i balanstesterna Unilateral stance och Limits of stability utförda på en Neurocom balance master över bestämd tid på friska individer. Material/metod: 11 friska försökspersoner mellan 23 och 29 år utförde balanstesterna Limits of stability och Unilateral stance vid fyra olika testtillfällen.

Yeast in forage crops and silage aerobic stability at 15 Swedish dairy farms

This study investigates the role of yeast in green crop and its impact on the aerobic stability of silage. Fresh crop was collected from 15 farms in southern and middle parts of Sweden during the summer 2014; samples from the primary harvest was collected from eight farms and samples from the first regrowth harvest was collected from seven farms. The grass was ensiled in 1.7 l glass silos. After three months of ensiling, silos were opened and silages were stored aerobically for 10 days. Samples from both harvests were ensiled in completely airtight silos, but samples from the second harvest were also ensiled in slightly ventilated silos. Chemical analyses and yeast counts were performed for fresh crop and silage.

Är fiberarmerad sprutbetong motiverad ur bärighetssynpunkt? : En jämförelse med traditionell släntning och jordspikning

This thesis is written on behalf of Skanska, Väg- och Anläggning Stockholm Mälardalen, vid Nya Karolinska Sjukhuset i Solna, NKS. The report has resulted in recommendations for the method of soil stabilizations of soil nailing, excavation of slope and fiber reinforced shotcrete, which is the most suitable method from a safety and a cost point at the NKS.The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether fiber reinforced shotcrete increases slope stability, with the focus being on the total stability. The main goal was to investigate which method of soil stabilization is the most suitable for the slopes that are analyzed in this report. Through studying literature, the authors have gained an understanding about the theoretical background for the given problem. Through calculations and analyses of the slopes, safety factors have been acquired.

Höghastighetståg - Är det framtiden?

AbstractConsider a ?uid being heated from below. The heating leads to an upward convectiveforce that is counteracted by the viscous forces of the ?uid. If the convectiveforce is large enough in comparison to the viscous forces the ?uid will be put in anunstable state.

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