

714 Uppsatser om Sports associations - Sida 2 av 48

Fysisk aktivitet och idrott för vuxna individer i Västerbottens län : Möjligheter och utmaningar för en framtida aktivitetskatalog

Viklund, J. & Älgamo, D. (2011).Fysisk aktivitet och idrott för vuxna individer i Västerbottens län ? möjligheter och utmaningar för en framtida aktivitetskatalog. (Physical activity and sports for adults in the county of Västerbotten ? opportunities and challenges for a future activity directory).

Confidence : The Shivray Udyan gymnasium and sports introduction centre

This project investigates how team sports can be used to include young women in public space aswell as how through the addition of a sporting facility adjacent to three schools can be used as a stepping stone for the young people of Dharavi to have a chance at a brighter future..

En stad, ett lag och en fotbollsmatch : En etnografisk studie av Kalmar FF:s lag för ungdomar med funktionsnedsättning

As a soccer coach for youths with disabilities and as active soccer players, our thoughts regarding the basic principles of sports where awakened and how it corresponds with the possibilities of disabled youths participating in club organized sports. From that thought came the idea that, with our team as the point of original we should contribute with increased knowledge regarding the experiences of disabled youths doing sports. Using ethnography and co-operative observations we have researched both including and excluding factors that contribute to the possibilities of disabled youths opportunity to do sports. We have been able to distinguish that the youths in question feel that sports can be identity-building as well as give a sense of community. The study shows that the basic principles of sports does not correspond with reality because the lack of availability is the determinant factor. .

Stor blandning - lika behandling. En bra metod för jämställdhetsarbete : en utvärderingsstudie av Svenska innebandyförbundets likabehandlingsprojekt

The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the working model, presented by The Swedish Floorball Federation, has been a good method to work with gender equality within Swedish floorball associations. The purpose of the The Swedish Floorball Federation?sproject was for its associations to develop a plan of action for how to act to be an equal treatment association pursuing an equal treatment sport. 13 associations answered the questionnaire study. The result show that the great majority clearly found a need of change to become more equally treating and most of those associations have somewhat of an idea how to realize those changes.

Professionalisering : Föräldrars åsikter om en organisationsförändring av den svenska barnidrotten

The Swedish way to organize sport has a long tradition and the parents play an important role in ways to organize sport. Without the thousands of adults who voluntary work the sport associations would have problems to survive. However, there are tendencies to that commitment is reduced, which means that the activity is exposed. The purpose of this study was to examine parents opinions about a nonprofit children´s sport respective professional children´s sport. The study was based on questionnaires which were distributed to 83 parents in four different sports; equestrian sport, track and field sports, ice hockey and soccer.

Laget före jaget - de stora sporternas dominans hos TT : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av innehållet i TT Nyhetsbyråns sportmaterial

The purpose of this study is to show which content that is most common in the Swedish News Agency TT Nyhetsbyrån?s sports coverage. It also shows if the coverage is concentrated to for example any special sports, clubs, people or topics.This study uses a quantitative content analysis and the result is based on texts from 28 systematically selected days during one year. In total, the study includes 906 texts.The result of this study shows that the sports content of TT Nyhetsbyrån?s news feed is mainly concentrated to two sports, football/soccer and ice hockey.

Ledarskap i framtidens idrottsförening : En kvalitativ studie om samhällsförändringars betydelse för föreningsledare och deras förening

Change is a recurring element in society and for sports clubs. When there is a change in society, this change may have an impact and change the condition for sports clubs and its leaders. Changes can be degraded into trends. This study has been delimited to study four social trends that research shows may have an impact on sports club, which are; Increased commercialization, changing demographics, changing communication patterns and increased individualization. To help sports clubs in their development it is of value to find out how these changes are perceived.

Metaforen - sportkrönikans byggsten : En kvalitativ studie av hur metaforer användes i Aftonbladets sportkrönikor under en tvåmånadersperiod under 2014

The purpose of this study was to study how metaphors are used in sports chronicles . As a complement, we also chose to study whether there are gender differences in the use of metaphors. We also wanted to take a look at whether journalists tend to mythologize sports stars with the help of metaphors. We have been using a qualitative study in our work. We chose to examine four sports journalists who writes sports chronicles for the newspaper Aftonbladet.

Idrott och doping : En studie om idrottande ungdomars tankar om idrott och doping

The purpose of this study was to look at teenagers' thoughts and ideas regarding sports and doping, and what they think about information on doping.Important questions for our study were:What do sports mean to teenagers?What thoughts do teenagers have about demands and expectations in sports?What thoughts do teenagers have about doping?What do teenagers think about information on doping?What factors do teenagers think affects a teenager to use doping?The study was made from a qualitative approach. The material consists of twelve interviews with teenagers in the age of 16 - 18. Sports mean a lot to the teenagers in our study and they don't approve of doping in any way. Many of the teenagers asked for more information about doping.

Med siktet inställt på bragd, hinder och hopp : En granskning av handikappidrottens plats i det mediala rummet

Purpose/Aim: The aim of this study is to (1) analyze the amount of exposure disability sports get in Swedens biggest newspaper (Aftonbladet), (2) look at how Aftonbladet portraits disability sports and it?s athletes, and finally (3)  to see if there has occurred any change over time (during the last eight years). Material/Method: The first method used is a quantitative analysis to measure exposure.The second method is a quantitative content analysis which is used to analyze how disability sports are portrait.The third method is rhetorical and is also used to analyze how disability sports are portrayed. Main results: The study has shown that disability sports get very little exposure in Aftonbladet. The articles in the newspaper that cover disability sports are portrayed from a personal point of view without much focus on the athletes achievements regarding his or her sport.

Arbetstagarorganisationers inflytande vid inhyrning av personal

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Förvärv av egna aktier : Ur ett associationsrättsligt perspektiv

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Från önskemål till bedömda behov inom äldreomsorgen

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Jens är het och Anja kämpar : En jämförelse av genusrepresentationen i SVT:s Sportspegeln och Lilla sportspegeln

This report is an analysis of the gender representation in Swedish sports media, a comparison between sport in public service television for adults and children. The study explores the differences between the number of male and female sports in the matter of air time and also the number of male and female appearances in the TV shows. The programs studied in this report are the Swedish SVT?s Sportspegeln and Lilla sportspegeln. When we began this analysis we were under the impression that men would be over-represented, but that representation in sports television for children would be more gender equal than the adult counterpart. The result of the analysis confirmed previous studies stating that men dominate the sports programs in Swedish public service television.

AP7 och fyra storbankers Sverige- och Östeuropafonder  : En riskjusterad utvärdering  2003-2009

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

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