

683 Uppsatser om Sports journalism - Sida 29 av 46

Värdet av kompetensutveckling : En analys av SATS GETIN-utbildning med fokus på dess kompetensmål och ekonomiska påverkan

Att mäta och värdera kompetensutveckling på företag blir en allt vanligare företeelse även om det fortfarande inte är allmänt vedertaget. SATS Sports Club AB är ett företag på den Skandinaviska träningsmarknaden. Det är ett utbildningsorienterat företag men gör själv inte någon uppföljning på sina utbildningar.I det här arbetet har vi kartlagt en utbildning på SATS (GETIN-utbildningen). Vi har definierat kompetensmålet med utbildning, vilket sorts värde som detta mål bidrar med och vilka affärsmål som påverkas av detta.Vårt syfte är att ge SATS en inblick i hur de kan arbeta med kompetensmätning i sin organisation. Vi ämnar även lägga grunden för en fullständig kompetensmätning av SATS GETIN-utbildning.Vi har kommit fram till att kompetensmålet med GETIN-utbildningen är ?att öka de nyanställdas servicekvalitet och förbättra deras kundbemötande.?.

Genus och funktionshinder. En journalstudie gjord på barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen

The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how the welfare officer who works in the child and youth- habilitation is documenting in boys and girls journals. We also want to see if there are any differences or similarities in the journals on the basis of a gender perspective? The investigation is made from ten journals, five boys and five girls in the ages from 13 -18 years. The analysis which proceeds from prior research made on this area and from a number of gender theories and gender perspectives is based on a hermeneutic nature. The results show that the welfare officers make more documentation about the boys´ school situation than the girls´.

Hedersrelaterat våld - Hur kan hedersrelaterat våld förklaras, och hur används begreppet i svensk media?

The purpose of this study has been to explore definitions of violence performed in the name of honor, and the conditions under which the phenomenon occurs and is upheld. Furthermore, the study aimed at exploring how the Swedish expression for violence in the name of honor, ?hedersrelaterat våld?, is used within the Swedish media. To achieve these purposes, previous research in this matter was reviewed, as well as an analysis by means of categorizing the content of news articles from two Swedish daily newspapers. Previous research has showed that this type of violence occurs foremost within cultures upholding patriarchal structures and traditions, and women?s (non-)sexuality is looked upon as being of an utmost importance for the family?s honor.

Den digitala skuggan : En studie om mediekritik och unga mediekonsumenter i ett digitalt nyhetslandskap

The purpose of this study is to examine young peoples' perception of their media criticial competence in relation to digital news. The study is based on quantitative research interviews with young people (15-17 years) and qualitative interviews with people in the same age group as well as teachers and international media professionals.This study's theoretical point of departure is McQuail´s observation that peoples' values and views to a great extent are influenced by the media. Another source of theoretical inspiration was Haberman's ideas about how a diversity of views and arguments increase the citizens' ability to reflect critically on social developments - maybe even more so than in societies with  independent media and "neutral" news.The study shows that the young generation of web based news consumers assumes that it is very important to be an aware and critical consumer but also that they do not feel sufficiently equipped with the right tools required to understand the long-term impact and effect of the media reporting online. Young people basically seemed to acquire their knowledge about media by doing and learning on their own. Surprisingly, according to the young people that were interviewed for this project, the schools seemed to play a secondary role in the development of their media critical capacity.

Ask.com, Web Wombat och Yahoo: En studie av två globala och en lokal sökmotor.

This thesis is focusing on how global and local search engines retrieve information from the local domain. The three search engines tested are the global search engines Yahoo, Ask.com and the local search engine Web Wombat. The questions we examined were: which search engine has the best retrieval effectiveness? Could there be other reasons than retrieval effectiveness, to choosing a local search engine?For our test we constructed 20 questions related to Australia.We chose to divide the questions into topics like nature, sports and culture. For all questions we evaluated the relevance of the first 20 hits.

"om du vill ha en riktig vän - köp en hund" : en granskning av Aftonbladets framställning av Jan Stenbeck före och efter hans död

In this essay I have studied Aftonbladets portrayal of the Swedish businessman Jan Stenbeck and if the reporting changes before and after his death, and if so, in which ways. With help from a qualitative syntax analysis and a content analysis I studied my material about Stenbeck during the time period 2000-09-19 to 2004-09-19. In my quantitative analysis I studied 140 articles and in my syntax analysis I studied ten articles, five before and five after Stenbecks death. The theoretical perspectives that I applied in my study is Sigurd Allerns theory about tabloid papers novelty criteria and Adam Shehatas theory about Framing. Allerns theory describes what criteria the tabloid papers have on news and Shehatas theory about framing describes the political forces behind the news who wants to set their own agenda.

Setting the Stage : - 0m att motivera träning med hjälp av SportIT.

The last few years a lot of media air time has been devoted to training, sports, health and weightloss on a more personal level then before. The new media arena is beeing used at its´ maximumto broadcast wievs on how we should eat, look, exercise and live. This thesis is trying to makebetter understanding on what people in general think is important when it comes to physicaltraining and motivation with the aid of digital media and IT systems. The thesis describes aworkshop that was conducted within the frames of Participatory Design and the outcome of thatworkshop. The workshop was conducted with a group of lead users (in this case instructors at avery large fitness center in Umeå, Sweden) and the main question was ?How can IT be used toachive a positive effect on physical exercise if motivation is the focus??.

Hålla rågången : En kvalitativ studie av relationen mellan lokalpolitiker i Kalmar och journalister

This study focused on how local politicians in Kalmar perceive journalists and their intertwined relationship. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of today?s media-centric democratic society. The ?adversary model? offered an understanding of the intricate relations between politicians and journalists.

Plattform Göteborg : En utvärdering av ett integrationsprojekt i Göteborg

In 2005 the Swedish government introduced a law of amnesty for refugees in the country which made the Minister of Integration invite a number of national organizations to discuss this law. After that, seven organizations in Gothenburg also felt that something should be done and they started talking about a cooperation to improve the situation for newly arrived people to Gothenburg. They formed a project, ?Plattform Göteborg?, which in this paper will be evaluated according to a manual from Sida. The project consists of seven organizations which have their separate activities formed by them to improve the integration.

Akustik och säkerhet i inomhusarenor

The background to the study is that within the next ten years about 50 new multi-purposeindoor arenas will be built. These are used for various events such as sports, concerts, etc. In order to achieve a high level of security in the case of danger alarm signals and alarmmessages must be heard well by the visitors. ÅF-Ingemansson wanted to show builders the importance of good speech perception and that it is not observed in arenas today. They conducted technical tests on two large multi purpose indoor arenas to develop parameters that affect speech perception in the arena.To get a subjective view of how these arenas are experienced a survey was created.

"Det är så roligt att träna" : En kvalitativ undersökning av hur kvinnor gestaltas i tidningen I FORM:s personporträtt

I FORM is the biggest health magazine of Scandinavia. It is a magazine that treats subjects like health food, training, sports gear, sex and relationships. The magazine addresses women directly and only women appear in the magazine.This is a study on how I FORM portrays women in their segment called ?Addicted to? (Biten av). It is a study of what kind of stereotypes that are used and also what kind of pictures that has been used to portrait the women.

Vasaparkens nya kläder : en studie av ett förnyelseprojekt i förhållande till platsens historia

In 2007 the project with the renewal of the Vasa Park in Stockholm won the Siena Prize. The architects responsible for the project described how they aimed for upgrading the park within its historical framework. Since the project was a renewal and not a restoration of the park, I thought it would be interesting to study how the architects proceeded with this work. The aim of this essay has therefore been to examine how the last renewal of the Vasa Park has chosen to approach the history of the place. To understand the historical development of the park and how the renewal project was carried out, I started with a literature survey consisting of books, the program of the renewal and articles about the project.

Idrottsföreningars finansiella prestation : En jämförande studie om Ideella föreningars och IdrottsAB:s finansiella prestation

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur den ekonomiska prestationen skiljer sig mellan de ideella föreningarna och IdrottsAB som styrs av elitlicensens krav inom fotbollen och ishockeyn.Metod: Vi har i denna jämförande studie använt oss av en kvantitativ metod med en longitudinell design där vi med hjälp av sekundärdataanalys undersökt ideella föreningar och IdrottsAB:s ekonomiska prestationer i utvalda nyckeltal under en femårsperiod.Resultat & slutsats: I denna studie har empirin samlats in genom att beräkna de ideella föreningarnas och IdrottsAB medelvärde på de utvalda nyckeltalen och sedan jämfört dessa resultat mot varandra. Hypotestester har även använts för att se om det fanns någon signifikant skillnad mellan vad de ideella föreningarna och IdrottsAB presterat i de olika nyckeltalen. Vår slutsats var att det inte fanns någon större skillnad mellan de ideella föreningarna och IdrottsAB:s finansiella prestationer men att de ideella föreningarna presterade lite bättre sammantaget..

Vanebeteende - Det lojala beteendet?

The Swedish sports retail industry has experienced extensive growth during the last decade, and this has attracted new entrants to the market, both start-ups and international followers. This has inevitably put more pressure on incumbents, which are now confronted with major challenges as how to retain their customers and market shares. Customer loyalty has been proved to be an important factor for customer retention and proposed to constitute inertia of switching behavior. In light of this problematization, the purpose of this study is to describe the underlying factors of loyalty and whether purchase habits could further explain customer loyalty. The aim is also to understand the strategic implications of the factors involved.

Föredraget ledarbeteende - en jämförelse mellan män och kvinnor, samt mellan lagidrottare och individuella idrottare

The aim of the study was to a) examine what leader behaviors individual and team athletes prefer and b) examine what leader behaviors men and women prefer. A questionnaire (The Leadership Scale for Sports) was distributed to 168 individuals, from which 130 were included in the study. The data was analyzed in SPSS, in which a three-way and a two-way variance analysis were performed. The results showed that individual athletes preferred the behavior dimensions ?Training and instruction?, ?Positive feedback? and ?Democratic behavior? to a higher degree than did team athletes.

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