6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 42 av 424
Fingerräkning : Lärarerns roll och betydelse för att ge elever en god taluppfattning
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to look into how teachers view pupils who use finger arithmeticduring mathematic classes. How do these teachers help them to move on with their learning,what information and problem-solving material do they use?I made qualitative interviews with grade two- and grade three teachers, in three schools.The interviews showed that the teachers find it difficult to adopt a suitable attitude towardsfinger arithmetic. In addition, lack of time for planning and lack of knowledge about variousexperimental methods caused further predicaments. The teachers were aware that arithmeticexperimental material was attainable at the schools, but time to learn about it and how to useit was lacking.
Det lärande samarbetet ? mellan Angereds kulturskolor och grundskolor
This master is a study of the co-operation between "Angered?s culture schools" and compulsory schools. In many reports of today one can see that there is a lack of co-operation between compulsory school and other cultural institutions. This master aims to study a ?good example? to see what makes it successful in the terms of organizational conditions, profession, authority and legitimacy as well as knowledge creation.
The Low Line : ett gestaltningsförslag med inspiration från The High Line
In the summer of 2009 the High Line opened in New York, a park built on an out-of use elevated rail viaduct. The park meanders its way through the buildings and allows the visitor to see the city from a totally different perspecive than we are used to.I have made a Design proposal in Eriksdalslunden, Stockholm, with inspiration from the High Line. The proposal is based on design ideas of a park I logically call the Low Line, as the place isn't elevated as in New York, but lowered. The two places have some similarities, mainly the strong urban identity and the tracks crossing both areas. They also have very obvious differences, above all the fact that Eriksdalslunden is situated in a swale and is defined in a third dimension by the high bridges that crosses the area.The High Line is designed by James Corner Field Operations, and they have been working using their motto 'Keep it Simple, Keep it Wild, Keep it Quiet and Keep it Slow' during the whole process, words that normally aren't associated to Manhattan.
Läraren som ledare och hennes roll i elevers kunskapsutveckling och socialt uppförande
Over the past ten years, the pupils' performance and grades has fallen and the number of competent to high school has decreased gradually. The Swedish school has been criticized and the role of the teachers has been questioned, among other by the media. In autumn 2007 Johannesskolan, one of Sweden's tenth worst schools replaced the ordinary teachers of Class 9A against eight of the country's "main" educators with the goal of the class to become one of Sweden's third major. The teachers have the autumn term in which to achieve the goal and the outcome will be measured by national tests in core subjects Swedish, English and Mathematics. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of the teacher's leadership in relation to the pupils' social and intellectual development, and identify common leadership of these eight educators.
Har musik betydelse för studieresultat
The purpose of my study is to examine if the total study results differ between music classes and regular classes. Are there higher grades in music classes? If so, what are the causes for this? I chose to make an inquiry at two schools in different town districts, with music classes. At those schools I also collected data of pupils grades, and was informed by the principals and the music teachers about the activities. The number of respondents were ninety.The inquiry showed that the grades were markedly better in music classes, and that you can see great differences in well-being, parental engagement and ambition level, compared to regular classes.
Lärobokens roll för undervisningen i engelska
The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe the role of course books for teaching English to children at intermediate level of primary school in Sweden. The essay is based on a descriptive, qualitative method and interviews have been conducted with seven teachers in different schools, teaching English in year 4, 5 and 6.The result of the study shows that course books have considerably influence on the teaching of English in the schools who took part in this investigation. The participating teachers use a course book as main teaching material and almost everybody follows the traditional routine working with Textbook and complementary tasks in Workbook every week. They base their lessons on course books and use alternative teaching material mainly for fun activities, speaking practice and individualization. Even though all teachers rank speaking and listening as most important for new learners, it is reading which has the largest impact on their teaching.
De behöver...mer från grunden : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare arbetar med språklig medvetenhet i en klass med svenska som andraspråk
Background: The competition is getting harder between the universities. To reach the high school students and discover which means of contact they prefer and how they perceive student recruitment are important issues in order to succeed in marketing strategies.Purpose: The purpose with our report is to investigate, analyze and compare the student recruitment in three universities and investigate how the high school students want to be contacted. Then we compare to see if they think alike.Method: We have done a qualitative study and chosen to use focus group interviews for the high school students and interviews for the universities to collect our empirical data. We have compared the empirical data and analyzed it with communication processes and marketing communication as theoretical grounds.Result: All of the universities work approximately the same way with their student recruitment. They put a large effort in the Internet and social networks as well as the personal contact.
Heel Me
High heels ? a fashion that has not gone out of style after hundreds of years. Despite their esthetic advantages, high heels become uncomfortable and harmful after repetitive and long term use. With this as a starting point, Huyen Nguyen ? a student at the Innovation Engineering Program at the University of Halmstad ? decided to make a final thesis project.
The project goal has been to combine the esthetic advantages of high heels and bring a comfortable solution to the equation.
The school as an arena for alcohol prevention : A study on how alcohol prevention / promotion can be carried out in upper level of compulsory school
The consumption of alcohol has stabilized in Sweden 2007, after several years of high increase. Despite the stabilization of the consumption the avaliability of alcohol has been raising, which constitute a big and in future years likely an increased risk in health among young people. The aim of the study was to describe how the staff on a secondary school works among pupils with alcohol prevention and promotion. Aquired knowledge are received from litterature, scentific articels and Internet to strength the relevance of the study. The school is an important arena in the work with alcoholprevention among pupils.
Åtgärdsprogram - utvecklande eller invecklande? : Arbete med särskilt stöd i praktiken
The purpose of this study is to illustrate how three schools work with special education needs, what they consider is special education needs and what measures they put in for the student to achieve the goals. I will also study how the evaluation and the follow-up of the individualized education program work at the schools.The empirical material consists of all active programs in grades 7, 8 and 9, together with and interviews with special education teachers and the principal at each school. The results are compared with similar previous researches and analysed by two dominant perspectives of school difficulties.The result shows that it is mainly the critical perspective that dominates the individualized education program. The student is the carrier of the problem and is excluded in many cases from the other students in the class. These measures are different compensatory accommodations for the student in order to catch up with other students..
Möjlighet till ett värdigt liv : Ett föräldraperspektiv på barns delaktighet och livskvalitet genom personlig assistans
The purpose of this study was to illustrate a parental perspective of children´s participation and quality of live through personal assistance. Important aspects of parents' experiences were highlighted based on how they experienced participation and quality of life for their children. We chose to use a qualitative approach in the form of four individual interviews with parents from different municipalities in central Sweden. The study was conducted with a narrative approach in which we used a holistic perspective. Parents' experiences were highlighted over time to create a complete picture.
Mobbning : Fyra pedagogers förebyggande arbete mot mobbning
Bullying is a big problem in schools and many children are afraid of go to school. There are many methods and measures to prevent bullying, but bullying is still remains. This study is about the differences and similarities between methods to prevent bullying at two classes. The purpose of my essay is to research measure that uses by four teachers to prevent bullying and to get description of their work against bullying.My question is: How is the prevention of bullying in the two classes where informants working?This study is focuses on prevent bullying at two classes on two multicultural schools in Stockholm.
Mångfald, makt och välvilja. En diskursanalys av intentioner och synsätt bakom integrationspolitiska åtgärder
The aim of my study is to critically analyse the discourse behind two different integration projects in Sweden, by using post colonial theory. My hypothesis is that many projects intended for increased integration includes a view of immigrants as the ?Others? which can be seen in how one talks about integration and culture in the discourse behind integration projects.The first of these two projects aims at increased diversity in the cultural sphere, organized on at state level. The purpose of the second project is to increase the communication and results for schools in areas with a high rate of immigrants in Malmö. In my study I make a discourse analysis of the discourse behind these two projects and study how they are motivated and how one conceptualise culture and integration in these documents.
Matematik och flerspråkighet : När invandrarelever lyckas
The aim of this paper is to investigate and analyze practices in multilingual classrooms of mathematics in a compulsory school in Sweden where immigrant students have been known to succeed. The school is situated in a suburban and segregated area outside a major city where pupils come from mainly limited socio-economic backgrounds. The rate of second language learners are 70% of all pupils in this school.By using ethnographic methods, mainly interviews and participant observation, data was collected in four mathematics classrooms which corresponded to consecutive ages of education. The data include field notes and observation of artifacts in the environment as well as interviews and informal conversations with teachers and school leadership. Information from the school website, the authority in charge of quality in Swedish schools (Skolverket) and the municipality were also used.The analysis is based on a socio-political viewpoint that power is relational and reflected within schools.
Telekrigsbibliotek en nationell angelägenhet?
Swedish Armed Forces are according to their development planning process taking actions to establish a new joint unit (SWEWOSE), with electronic warfare capability. SWEWOSÉ S main task will be designated to produce electronic warfare libraries for electronic warfare systems within the armed forces. The unit shall have capability to support with libraries in any state of conflict situation even if the supported unit with library needs conducting operations abroad.This essay examines the requirements that justify the establishment of a new unit in times when the armed forces conducting reorganizations and cutbacks in both economy and personnel.The possibilities to buy complete system solutions from an external supplier are examined. But also what kind of library support model that is to prefer according to the demands that the Swedish Armed Forces desired, in terms of capability in platform protection and battle space awareness.The results show that the demands that the Swedish Armed Forces has decided, best will be ful-filled and justified by a national electronic warfare unit, with library production as a main task..