6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 4 av 424
Fem yrkesverksamma lärares uppfattningar om religiösa friskolor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vad lärare från både religiösa och kommunala skolor har för uppfattning om religiösa friskolor
This study deals with religious independent schools and its impact on society. The purpose of this essay has been to examine what various teachers from both religious independent schools and public schools have for perception of religious independent schools. The questions highlighted in the study is the teachers´ general view to religious independent schools, teachers´ perception of the Education Act " a denominational education, but a non- denominational teaching", and what teachers believe to be segregated or inclusive.The study has consisted of five qualitative interviews with different teachers, where three of them work at religious independent schools, while the other two teachers work in public schools.The study shows that there are prominent differences of approach to religious independent schools. Teachers who work at religious independent schools avert criticism of religious independent schools and argue that teaching in religious independent schools do not differ appreciably from the public schools. Instead can religious independent schools serve as a good alternative to the public school.
Att marknadsföra kunskap : En studie av utbildningssektorn ur ett kommunikationsperspektiv
Marketing of education is a phenomenon which has been developed throughout the increasing competition within the educational sector. The focus of this paper is the marketing made by upper secondary schools (grade 10-12) in Stockholm. The competition in this area is increasing partly due to the growing number of private schools. However, this is a phenomenon seen only in larger cities with several schools available. There are over 170 upper secondary schools in Stockholm and the students freely can choose among these.
Kommunal idrottspolitik i Västerbotten : En kvalitativ studie om idrotts- och motionsrörelsens styrning på kommunal nivå
This study was commissioned by the Västerbotten sports federation, whocalled for an overview of the policies that the municipalities inVästerbotten work after in the field of sport. The study aimed to identifysports policy programs or documents that have been produced by themunicipalities, and how they work with them. Furthermore, the studyhighlights the municipality?s politicians reasoning aboutsport andrecreation-sector,and how their sport policy-work was practiced. The datacollection was based on seven interviews and document-collections fromthe 15 municipalities.
Elitfotbollsföreningars Organisation
The overarching purpose is to describe how elite soccer clubs choose to structure their sport oriented organization. This purpose leads us to questions and areas involving sport managers, casting, operational directions, education and goal setting in sport.The results in this thesis are based upon a qualitative investigation of sport managers in Swedish elite soccer clubs. To strengthen the reliability in our choice of method we will fortify it with theories that reflect methodical choice.Our conclusions in this thesis is that one can see a clear difference in how the clubs choose to structure the casting and operational directions within their organization. We have also noted that there is a clear distinguish between the levels of education amongst sport managers in Swedish elite soccer clubs..
Vad var egentligen problemet? : en analys av SOU Framtidsvägen och ämnesplanen i historia
The aim of this study is to analyze how problems are represented within SOU 2008:27. Further more, the aim is to analyze how the new subject plan for history can bee seen as a product of this document. The method used, and the theoretical frame of the study, is based on Carol Lee Bacchi?s ?what´s the problem represented to be?? approach, which basic principle is that policies are filled with representations of problems and that these representations need to be examined. These problem representations are then themselves subject for scrutiny, the second step being an analysis of the texts presumptions and assumptions concerning view of man and perception of knowledge. The results show, among other things, that a problem representations can be found in the SOU; the school system is too vague and unclear.
Ett extra år i grundskolan
The basic idea behind an extra year in school was to offer students who have not read nine years in Swedish primary school an opportunity to prepare themselves to pass a high school. This first group that went an extra year in school consisted of eleven students who completed their studies and went on to high school. During the time the group expanded, the school received students from various schools in the same municipality. During the follow-up of these groups could be noted that there were many students who registered, but only few students completed their studies and went on to high school. The purpose of this study was to explore why leadership in the classroom is important for students.
Proffs eller no?rdar : En kvalitativ studie om samha?llets syn pa? e-sport
Despite the vast research on the effects of gaming, little is know how the phenomenon of e-sports and it?s followers is portrayed. While media can have significant impact on what and how e-sport is portrayed, no studies have been done in a Swedish context. This thesis aims at filling that gap with investigations of the two major Swedish newspapers. Six articles was analyzed with critical discourse analysis with a theoretical base of journalism.The result of which indicated that between the period of 2005 and 2012 e-sport and players was considered to be professional, committed and more in a sense that reminded much of the view on more traditional sport such as soccer and hockey.
Fysiologiska kvaliteter hos manliga tävlingscyklister och effekten av högintensiv intervallträning
Abstract Road cycling is well established and has always been described as a highly endurance sport. To be able to compete in such a demanding sport the physiology of the athletes needs to be greatly developed. This review will focus on high intensity interval training and its impact on the physiological characteristics of competitive road cyclists. The main difference between different levels of competitive road cyclists seems to be the capacity to maintain a high sub maximal power output over a long period of time in order to succeed. High intensity interval training, from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, leads to improved VO2peak, aerobic peak power and time trial performance.
Leken som undervisningsmetod : En studie om pedagogers syn på leken
AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between off-ice horizontal jump tests and on-ice skating among students at hockey high schools. Questions: What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters standing start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools? What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters flying start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools?MethodStudents at three ice hockey high schools in the Stockholm area participated in the study. Two schools were national approved sports educations and one at lower level. All 50 students (41 at national approved sports educations and 9 lower level) that were included in the study were men and went year one and two in gymnasium.
Off-ice vs. on-ice : Hopptesters samband med skridskoåkning i ishockey
AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between off-ice horizontal jump tests and on-ice skating among students at hockey high schools. Questions: What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters standing start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools? What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters flying start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools?MethodStudents at three ice hockey high schools in the Stockholm area participated in the study. Two schools were national approved sports educations and one at lower level. All 50 students (41 at national approved sports educations and 9 lower level) that were included in the study were men and went year one and two in gymnasium.
Informationshantering kring nationella prov i matematik på gymnasiet
This work studied the information flow and information handling among different parties. The study focused on how educational materials on national tests from The Swedish National Agency for Education is managed by school principals and teachers and how the information is passed on to students. The data material was based on observations and interviews at two different high schools. Six teachers and their classes and principals participated in the study. The Agency was also interviewed.
Skolan och stress : En studie om skolpersonalens syn på elevers stress
AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between off-ice horizontal jump tests and on-ice skating among students at hockey high schools. Questions: What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters standing start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools? What is the association between the performance on horizontal jumps and skating 10 meters flying start among students in Swedish ice hockey high schools?MethodStudents at three ice hockey high schools in the Stockholm area participated in the study. Two schools were national approved sports educations and one at lower level. All 50 students (41 at national approved sports educations and 9 lower level) that were included in the study were men and went year one and two in gymnasium.
Förberedelseklass eller direkt integrering? : En jämförande studie om hur två skolor i Södertälje kommun med olika arbetssätt arbetar med att integrera nyanlända högstadieelever i den svenska språkundervisningen
The aim of this essay is to examine how two different schools in Södertälje municipality are working to include and integrate newly arrived high school students in the subject Swedish as a second language. I will do a comparative study in which I study the teachers? completely opposite way of working to integrate newly arrived school students in the subject Swedish as a second language. I have used a qualitative method where I have conducted interviews. My main theory is Peder Haug's (1998) theory.
Idrottsvanor bland ungdomar : En kartläggning över föreningsidrott och spontanidrott
This master thesis examines sport habits among young people and a view of their future in sports. Research has shown that the majority of youth leave sport clubs during adolescence. The thesis questions were: How physically active are young people? Which sports do they practice? Regarding their future in sports, what kind of aspirations do the young people have? Are there any barriers that could complicate their involvement in these activities? These questions were examined by analyzing if there were any differences between boys and girls, youth in different grades and youth with Swedish or foreign backgrounds. Pierre Bourdieu´s theoretical framework about sports and economic capital has been used as a research framework.
Landskap för spontanidrott :
"Landscapes for Spontaneous Sport"
The main aim with this degree thesis is to show how planning and design of urban space can promote spontaneous sport. Public health and urban life would benefit from re-introducing the sport and physical activity in the townscape.
The study can be seen as an "inspiration book" that focuses on the connection between sports and landscape architecture. The starting-point for the discussion is the fact that the spontaneous sport is on the decline and the main general question is how this negative trend could be broken. In particular the study asks how landscape architecture could promote and increase spontaneous sport.
Good examples of places for spontaneous sports of different kinds are given, both from Sweden and from other countries, which have inspired a case study where I propose a redesign of a centrally located, but hardly used park in Skäggetorp, a suburb of the town of Linköping.