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Mot arbetslivet - en studie om samverkan mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och gymnasiesärskolornas studie- och yrkesvägledare
The number of students who finished special upper secondary school for pupils with intellectual disabilities without an employment has drastically decreased over the last decades. The purpose of this paper is to increase the knowledge of how career counselors at special upper secondary schools collaborate with the Employment Service, and how the special upper secondary school prepares their pupils for working life. The collection of data started with a national questionnaire survey which was directed to career counselors at schools.The result shows that the collaboration appears foremost in the pupils last year in special upper secondary school, and that the special upper secondary schools do not use the Employment Service's assistance to any great extent. In addition, the collaborative process consists of both inhibiting and promoting factors.The results also indicates that the collaboration between the special upper secondary schools and the local labor market can be developed more for the pupils to gain experience from working life..
Jämställdhet och könsroller i grunskolan. : En studie av läroplaner och läroböcker på 1980- och 1990-talen.
Even though discrimination of gender in schools and general workplaces is prohibited by Swedish law, there are reports and witness accounts that suggest that discrimination, such as sexual harassment, still exist in Swedish schools.The main purpose with this essay is to look into how questions concerning gender related issues and equality between the sexes is treated in the schools governmental directives, and in textbooks, such trying to examine in what way these questions are addressed in schools. I will answer the following:In what way and to what extent do the governmental directives bring up questions concerning gender related issues and equality, and how are the teachers governed into teaching these matters?Has there been any change concerning these matters between Lgr-80 and Lpo-94?What is written in textbooks in social studies about gender rôle and equality and to what extent do they follow the curriculum?Is there any visible change in textbooks written after Lgr-80 and Lpo-94?In order to answer these questions I will analyze the curricula, Lgr-80 and Lpo-94, and textbooks in social studies written on the basis of these curricula.The study showed a more evident governing towards an active teaching and mentoring the students to equality between the sexes, in Lgr-80 than in Lpo-94. The textbooks followed above all Lgr-80 in three of four cases and in the fourth case the curriculum was not followed at all..
Fysikdiskursen på Komvux : Betydelsen av student-lärarinteraktioner
This study draws upon the framework for analyzing the discourse of a science classroom introduced by Mortimer and Scott (2003). It has been used for many studies before on high school youths, but never on adults. Therefore, this study focuses on the interaction between teacher and students in an adult education on high school level in physics, and how students can change the classroom discourse. Observations took place in two different schools for adults, in four different teaching groups. The result was analyzed by pattern of interactions, communicative approach, teaching purpose, type of student questions and their effect on the classroom discourse.
Barnets bästa i skolan
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was ratified by Sweden in 1990. Among its principles is devotion to the best interests of the child (article 3). This principle is hard to define, and it is difficult to find studies on how children express themselves about how the convention should be realized. The Swedish government wants local councils to introduce routines that follow the proposed rights. The Swedish school system is an important arena where UNCRC?s rights can be put into practice.
Ungdomar, religion & religiositet En undersökning om ungdomars syn på religion och religiositet
This is a study concern high school student?s view of religion and their religiosity. I dispensed a questionnaire to 124 high school students studying comparative religion in a large high school in Sweden, with the students from different socio-economic backgrounds. The result I came up with is that traditional religion activities have decreased, religion has not disappeared but taken other shapes than before. And I also came up to with the result that more than half of them who answered the survey likes the subject and there are tendencies by them who doesn?t like the high school subject religion that they live in a non-religious family.The study concerns following aspects: sociology, youth, human needs, religion, spirituality and individualization..
Ledarskap i mångkulturella skolan : med utgångspunkt i autentiskt ledarskap
School leaders face the challenge of creating and maintaining learning during rapid and complex conditions. Some of the challenges associated with leadership based on authenticity in intercultural schools will be discussed. The purpose of this essay is to describe and gain an insight into three school leaders´ views on leadership in multicultural schools. The study is based on scientific articles and the survey consists of interviews with head teachers in different multicultural schools. The hermeneutic research approach has been the basis for this study through qualitative interviews and collected data for analysis.
Språkval svenska engelska : Kursen som ligger utanför
Language choice is a required course in years 6-9 of compulsory school. Those who do not wish to study a Modern language of French, Spanish or German may choose language choice English or language choice Swedish instead. These two courses are meant to provide students with additional support and advanced work in those subjects. Although grades are given in Modern Languages, language choice English and Swedish do not merit a grade. Neither language choice English nor language choice Swedish has a set curriculum or syllabus.
Informationskompetens : En fenomenografisk undersökning av skolledares uppfattningar om informationskompetens
The aim of my ?two years master thesis? was to examine school administrators perceptions about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control, perceptions about what role the teachers and the librarians have in teaching students information literacy and perceptions about the collaboration between these groups. My questions have been: Have the school administrators reflected upon the conception of information literacy? What conceptions do school administrators have about important information literacy skills that the students should be able to control? What role do they consider the teachers and the librarians to have in making all students information literate? How do they consider the collaboration between the teachers and the librarians work? What role do they consider themselves to have on a management level to make all students? information literate? I used a phenomenographical method and carried out six qualitative interviews with school administrators from five senior high schools in the municipality of Gävle. Both public schools and independent schools were included in the study. Most of the school administrators considered information literacy to be the same as criticism of sources, which they also considered as one of the most important information literacy skills.
Ett elevperspektiv på sex- och samlevnadsundervisning i grundskolan : En retrospektiv enkätstudie bland gymnasielever
Public health is a concern of many important areas of society and it is therefore of great importance to examine and expand the goals of public health work within different sectors, e.g., school. Sexually transmitted diseases, sexual violence and mental health problems related to sexual orientation are some of the public health problems in society today. Throughout childhood and teenage years, norms and attitudes regarding sexuality and coexistence are formed, which means that school is an important arena when it comes to creating proficient conditions for coexistence and sexual health. The quality of sex and coexistence education in Swedish schools differs in quality; for content and magnitude vary greatly among schools. It is, therefore, of interest to study how students experience sex and coexistence education, like prioritizations and desires.
Bilderboken i förskolan En fokusgruppstudie av kanonprocessen
The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the picture book canonization process in pre-schools. To succeed in this I have examined what pre-school staff believe to be the criteria of a good picture book. Together with an observation of the pre-schools current collection, other factors which can influence the collection of the picture book are included. This constitutes the foundation for a description of the pre-school picture book canon. To pursue this goal, I have used the methodology of focus group interviews with staff from two pre-schools in a middle-sized town.
Kartläggning av skidinstruktörers hälsostatus : Generellt förekommande skador inom detta yrke
Good physical, psychological and social health is pursued both at work and at home. There is no current research into the health of ski instructors despite the physically demanding nature of skiing and high injury rate. The purpose of this study is to map out ski instructors physical and psychological health and see if there are common injuries amongst them. This study is a descriptive and correlating study including a survey of ten questions with self reported data from the instructors. Five ski schools from Sweden participated in the study and 86 surveys got sent out to the ski school directors.The result from this study shows that ski instructor´s physical, physiological, well being at work, stress level and self efficacy is good.
Hjälptyglars inverkan på hästen
The horse has been domesticated for several thousand years. It has gone from being used primarily for food and transportation, to become one of the most popular pets in Sweden. With over 150,000 practitioners, horseback riding is one of the biggest sports in Sweden and there is a variety of specializations to choose from. One orientation is western riding which is a broad sport with several disciplines where most originate in cattle work and other ranch tasks. Western riding is a growing sport in Sweden with an increasing number of practitioners and with many different organizations and associations, it is important that the correct knowledge of the equipment used is disseminated.
Artificial aids are available in a variety of designs and the most common variants used by western riders in Sweden is draw reins or some forms of martingale.
Gränslandet mellan skola och arbetsliv
This degree project documents the meeting of four high-school students with working life before and during the practical training period, which is a mandatory part of the Swedish media curriculum. We looked into practical training, which we qualify as the crossroads between school and working life, from a student?s perspective. We chose to approach the problem theoretically via hermeneutics and we used the case study method for our field research. The foundation of our pre-understanding of the media curriculum?s practical training period lays on previously published research, the study of specialist literature, own experience gained during practical training and teaching experience at high-schools as well as a pre-study we carried out.
Kvalitetsstyrning i grundskolan : Hur relaterar skolor till begreppet kund, måluppfyllelse och kvalitet? En studie av tio grundskolors kvalitetsredovisningar.
Since the nineties the words customer, effectiveness and quality have become part of everyday school life. Municipalities? makes regular customer surveys to measure both independent schools as municipal schools ' quality. A common method for customer research and background studies is that parents and students are asked to respond to simple Web-based surveys. Customer satisfaction and/or customer dissatisfaction options are presented in tabular form, based on the percentage that expresses a particular position within a query.
Brinn för friluftsliv! : En kvalitativ studie om friluftsundervisning.
AimThe aim of this interview study was to examine how PE teachers related to factors (ramfaktorer) affecting the implementation of outdoor recreation in school.MethodWe conducted a qualitative interview study with six PE teachers in the Stockholm area. These were selected after all the PE teachers in Stockholm were contacted via e-mail. In the e-mail they declared the number of outdoordays (friluftsdagar) conducted at their school, for grades four, five and six. The selection was carried out in that we chose the PE teachers who declared the most and least number of outdoor days. After the transcription of the interviews we divided the teachers in to two groups, based on the width of outdoor activities in their teaching.