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100g glättat : En ideologikritisk analys av neoliberalismens inverkan på fristående gymnasieskolors marknadsföring
Swedish school system is today victim of facing competition. Today sees the school leadership the students like customers whom they depend to operate their school. But I have asked myself, what will be the new students see and how much this spectacle in both money and time that project will cost for the municipality and school teachers. The question is if whether the school will be better when the competition becomes school or just better marketed? I'm interested in how clearly ideologies emerge in schools brochures if we study them at critically and analytically way.
Nyanlända elever i fritidshem : En kvalitativ intervju om fritidspedagogers arbete med inkludering
The purpose of this study was to examine how pre-school teachers in Montessori inspired and traditional preschools can work with build and construction with the older children, and what views the pre-school teachers might have on the subject. The study was implemented through qualitative semi-structured interviews with pre-school teachers. The investigational method was chosen due to the fact that I wanted to gain knowledge about the pre-school teachers? views and perspectives on build and construction activities, and how they might work with it. Another reason was to examine how the view on, and the work with build and construction can resemble and differ between Montessori inspired pre-schools and traditional pre-schools.The result shows that there is both similarities and diverseness between the Montessori influenced pre-schools and the traditional pre-schools, when it comes to how the pre-school teachers reason and work with build and construction.
Våldet i skolan - ett verkligt fenomen
The purpose of this study is to examine how pupils in high school see on the subject violence, and see how their experience of the subject is. The purpose of this study is also to see how common violence is belong juveniles and to examine their attitudes among the subject. We will in our examine and research among violence in the Swedish schools get an insight of how the violence in the school looks like and how wide spread violence really is. We want threw our objective sight and by using quantitative and qualitative interview methods give you readers an insight to the daily school world, we want to find out how the pupils themselves experience the school environment and what cautions teachers and other staff take to reduce this problem. Our main question is: ? What kind of vision do the pupils have on violence in school, and what can be a factor to the increasing violence in the schools of Sweden.
Friskolor med muslimsk profil : En studie om fyra rektorers tankar kring arbetet på en friskola med muslimsk profil
Independent schools are a central issue in the school world, the perception of independent schools varies and many people express opinions about them in the media. An independent school is according to the National Agency a school that has a different principal than the county or municipality. Independent schools may not charge fees but their revenue comes from municipal grants from municipalities (Berglund 2007, p. 10). An independent school can be driven by an association, foundation or company and to run an independent school requires a permit from the Education Department.The purpose of this paper is to see how four principals at independent schools with a Muslim profile are working to strengthen their students? Muslim identity in relation to the society they live in and how schools work with value issues.
"Hamrén-haveriet" : En kvantitativ studie om personifiering av svenska förbundskaptener i kvällstidningarna
Total amount of words: 15 269.In this essay, the purpose is to examine the personalization of Swedish national coaches during international championships in the Swedish tabloids. Research shows that a leader nowadays is representative for her organization. Therefore it could be assumed that the way the national coach is portrayed can have some kind of effect on the public opinion about the team as a unit and their sport federation in total. This essay is a quantitative study of the sport tabloids Sportbladet och SPORT-Expressen during three international championships: Euro 2012 in football, WC 2013 in ice hockey and Euro 2014 in handball. We have studied the coverage of the national coaches Erik Hamrén, Pär Mårts and Ola Lindgren/Staffan Olsson in contrast to the coverage of their teams in total.The main results are that the national coaches are mentioned in every second article that is written about the national teams during the championships. They are mainly portrayed in a neutral way, even though the coverage of them is affected by the results in the matches.
Att ösa ur ett hav : Om kunskapssyn och urvalsprocesser hos gymnasielärare i Samhällskunskap A
Teachers in social sciences have a broad subject field to base their education on. This term paper examines, thru interviews, which factors that have an influence on the subjects contents in the A course of Social Sciences at Swedish high schools. Having interviewed four active teachers at three different schools, it shows that control documents like subject- and national curricula have little to say about what kind of subject that should been taught. Teachers seem rather to rely on local collegiate consensus, the textbook, locally prepared control documents, and adjusting to program directions while choosing material. In the final discussion the risk of structuring the subject around the text book is being investigated, along the fact that new locally control documents need to be written even for basic planning structures.
Låg, medel eller hög kvalitet i förskolan : En studie om hur och varför kvalitèn skiljer sig mellan förskolor
My essay deals with a problem in our society which, in my opinion, has been neglected. Even today in 2011, the quality of schools and preschools is extremely varied. This has been a problem for a long time and not nearly enough attention has been paid to it.In my essay I have tried to understand what it is that causes these differences in quality between preschools. With help from literature and research studies I have examined what quality in preschool really means.My starting point is an account of my own experience at the preschool where I currently work and a description of a study visit I made to another preschool which operates in a very different way to the one where I work. I wanted to investigate what the consequences are for children who grow up attending preschools of different quality.
Skolan: en arena där normalitet och avvikande görs
This essay will analyse how Asperger?s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder is made in two municipal high schools. I have interviewed school personnel and analysed the schools? policy documents and diagnostic manuals. In this essay AS and ASD are being deconstructed as political and ideological object and I analyse techniques in school, that makes these objects to subjects.The school?s mission is to foster and educate pupils to become desirable citizens and at the same time its aim is to provide an equivalent school.
Stödundervisning i skolpolitiska styrdokument
The aim with this paper is to examine the political background of the schools comission to integrate pupils with special needs in the public school. These following questions are examined: What political documents are the elementary? Which ones are juridically binding for the schools? What are the experiences for parents of children with special needs in the school? The method used for this paper is mainly litterature-studies. The four documents which are examined are: skollagen, Läroplanen 94, FN:s barnkonvention och Salamancadeklarationen. The theoretical frame for this paper is political documents, curriculums and how schools concretize the special education.
Förväntad och upplevd kunskap : En enkätstudie bland elever på Hotell- och Restaurangprogrammet
The purpose with my study was primarily to illuminate the students' expectations on gained knowledge during their studies at the upper secondary school Hotel- and Restaurant program, and to what extent these expectations were fulfilled. Secondarily, the purpose was to compare the students' expected and perceived knowledge with the program goals set by the Swedish government and the knowledge requirements expressed in a pilot study made by the Education council of the Hotel and restaurant business (UHR, 2007).I chose a quantative approach and I used an anonymous group enquiry among students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program at two different upper secondary schools to carry out my study.Tendencies in the result suggested that the students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program expected high knowledge level within the competence areas of Guest reception and communication, Cleaning and hygiene, Cooking of cold and hot dishes and Waiting. The expectations were not big within the areas Computers and Internet and Business economics and management.Fulfillment of expected knowledge tended to be high within the areas where the expectations were big. It might therefore be a good investment for schools to work on the student expectations to increase motivation within the low expectation areas.A confrontation of the tendencies in the result with the program goals and the competence requirements expressed in the UHR study, suggested that the upper secondary Hotel- and Restaurant education might focus some more the areas of Guest reception and communication, Beverages and Organization of banquets. Business economics and management should be given much more weight..
Humant papillomvirus : Gymnasieelevers kunskaper om och attityder till HPV, HPV-vaccin, kondomanvändning och cellprovtagning
Purpose: To assess awareness and attitudes regarding HPV, HPV-vaccines, use of condom and participation in pap-smear screening among high-school students in Uppsala County. The intention was also to investigate if there were any differences between students at theoretical programmes and vocational programmes.Methods: 608 students from seven high-schools in Uppsala County answered a questionnaire covering demographics, awareness and attitudes regarding HPV, HPV-vaccine, use of condoms and pap-smear tests.Results: A majority of the students had never heard of HPV (86 %, n=521), HPV-vaccine (94 %, n=537) or the link between HPV and cervical cancer (88 %, n=563). Most respondents had a positive attitude towards HPV-vaccine (84 %, n=508), but the biggest obstacle was the high cost (37 %, n=227). The students believed that it was less likely that they would use a condom with a new partner if vaccinated (mean=78, SD=26, p<0.001), or if they or their partner used contraceptive pills (mean=62, SD=32, p<0.001) compared to how likely it was that they would use a condom in general with a new partner. The girls rated the probability that they would participate in a pap-smear screening as relatively low if vaccinated (mean=59 SD=27).
En kulturskola för några?
Is culture accessible to all in Sweden or do challenges in accessibility begin in childhood? During the academic year of 2010/2011 the Schools for Music and Arts in Göteborg participated in a project entitled En kulturskola för alla (A School for Music and Arts for All). This thesis' objective is to describe the project as well as examine the method the Schools of Music and Arts use to include children with disabilities and what suggestions can be made to further develop the project. Through En kulturskolla för alla, approximately 200 children with disabilities now haave better teachers. The project included 18 music and arts teachers from eight schools.
Att tala med barn om sexuella övergrepp : En kvalitativ studie om att förebygga sexuella övergrepp mot barn
The purpose of this thesis has been to examine preventing child sexual abuse in four elementary schools in Stockholm, Sweden. The study is based on qualitative interviews with school counselors. The aim of this thesis was to find out how and if elementary schools in Sweden work with preventing child sexual abuse. The aim was also to examine how the school counselors reason about the schools efforts to prevent child sexual abuse. Their statements was analysed with Foucault?s theory about sexual history to get a deeper understanding for why people reason the way they do when it comes to issues like this.
Bildning och skönlitteratur i folkhögskolan
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the present importance of liberal education in the Swedish "folkhögskola" by studying its expressions in the teaching of literature and fiction. I have interviewed teachers at four different schools about their opinions of liberal education, literature and cultural heritage, means of instruction, and influence of their students. Liberal education in this thesis is considered as a process. Starting from our own experiences we meet something strange to us and while absorbing this in our experiences we change. But its purpose also is to convey the canon of Western literature.
E-sportens utsikter i svenska TV-mediekoncerner
SammanfattningE-sport a?r en ny och va?xande bransch, da?r allt fler fo?retag och sponsorer ger sig in pa? omra?det. E-sport a?r inte la?ngre en hobby som bedrivs hemifra?n utan ett fenomen som tagit sig in pa? de stora arenorna. I Sverige va?xer populariteten fo?r den nya sportformen samtidigt som landet huserar ma?nga professionella spelare och lag.Pa? senare tid har de svenska TV-mediekoncernerna: SVT, TV4 Gruppen och MTG, visat ett o?kat intresse fo?r branschen och pa?bo?rjat sina egna e-sportsatsningar da?r de sa?nder matcher, rapporterar fra?n evenemang och har en allma?n bevakning.Syftet med denna underso?kning a?r att utreda hur koncernerna satsar pa? e-sport, vilka utmaningar de sta?r info?r och hur de o?nskar etablera sig pa? marknaden.