6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 16 av 424
Skoldemokrati : En kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker elevrådet och elevkåren som demokratiska forum för gymnasieelever i Stockholm.
The main objective in this study is to examine the pupil?s possibility to affect the upper secondary schools in Stockholm, Sweden. I was once active in the pupil?s council and experienced some hardships, feeling a great dissatisfaction among teachers and principals against pupil?s suggestions and chances to affect their school environment. Thus I wanted to do a contemporary study of where schools in Stockholm stand today within this issue.
Pedagogik - konsultens marknad
PurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the market of pedagogic consulting and how the customers look upon these kinds of services and what the consultants think about the market. The following five questions were investigated:What is the situation of the market of pedagogic consulting?- What needs and what demands are there of pedagogical consulting services? - What are the economic possibilities for schools and municipalities to buy professional development and consulting services?What do schools and municipalities think about their needs and what do they think about buying professional development from consultants?- How are the professional development offerings of the consultants recieved by schools and municipalities and is there a difference between the private and public sector of education? - What impact could professional development have on schools?In what way is the marketing for pedagogic consulting done?Method In this study I have chosen to have a qualitative approach with an abductive perpective. I made these choices to get closer to what I wanted to investigate. Through the abductive methodology it was possible to go between theory and empirics.
Varumärkesutveckling inom idrott : En fallstudie av Svenska Ridsportförbundet
Sportindustrin blir alltmer marknadsdriven. För att kunna bedriva effektiv marknadsföring blir det allt vanligare att strategiskt arbeta med att utveckla varumärken, brand management, som man använder sig av för att genom olika kommunikationskanaler attrahera konsumenter. Många av Sveriges specialförbund arbetar idag konkret med sport brand management. Svenska Ridsportförbundet (SvRF) har inte tidigare arbetat med sport brand management varav syftet med denna uppsats därför är att påbörja en varumärkesutveckling genom att identifiera och beskriva SvRF:s varumärke från ett internt perspektiv samt undersöka hur förbundet genom sport brand management kan utveckla verksamheten. Uppsatsen bygger på en fallstudie med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som inkluderar semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda på förbundet. I empirin presenteras SvRF:s erbjudande, varumärke och verksamhetsmål samt några av de viktigaste faktorer som påverkar ridsportens utveckling.
Att legitimera litteraturläsning i skolan
This essay will treat questions regarding why we should read literature, more specifically fiction, in schools. My issues regards how the curriculums of the swedish school subject legitimizes reading of literature, and my main focus is on the curriculums themselves. As a complement, I have completed three interviews with professional teachers to see how they legitimize reading for the pupils and for themselves. I have also discussed the potential democratic values of teaching and reading literature in schools, and I discuss my results in relation to the "values" of the swedish schools. My study is based on a study of the old curriculums, completed by Magnus Persson in 2007.
För mig är mobbning rädsla, ensamhet men framför allt osäkerhet : flickor och pojkars syn på mobbning
AimThe aim of this study was to examine the views on bullying in the context of physical education among pupils studying at intermediate level through a gender perspective.The following questions where used in the examination.In what ways does the views on bullying differ between girls and boys?How is bullying manifested during classes in physical education?How do girls and boys experience cross-gender and same-gender bullying?MethodThe study is based upon a survey with questions of both quantitative and qualitative disposition. A total of 210 pupils from areas in and around Stockholm participated in the study, all studying at intermediate level. The participants consisted of 92 girls and 116 boys (two declined). The selection of participating schools where made out of convenience.
Bollnäs GIF Bandy- ett starkt varumärke? : En studie av en bandyförenings varumärke och dess betydelse för det lokala samhället
AimThe aim of this study is to give a picture of how the brand of Bollnäs GIF apprehends according to the sports club, the municipality of Bollnäs, the Swedish Bandy Association and the local business owners. Following questions has been used: How does the brand of Bollnäs GIF apprehend? Which existing soft value has the brand? What does the association contribute for the community, for local business owners and for the local development? How can the association develop the brand best in the future?MethodThe study is based upon ten interviews with persons representing organization that is concerned. These are: Bollnäs GIF, the municipality of Bollnäs, the Swedish Bandy Association and local business owners. I have analyzed the results compared to selected brand theories.ResultsThe existing value of the sports club-brand is the history and tradition that lies within the brand and the communion and the commitment the sports club creates in the Bollnäs.
Idrottsföreningars dubbla uppdrag : ett historiskt perspektiv på kampen mellan föreningslivets två fostransuppdrag
This dissertation deals with two sports clubs and their operational development between the years 1946-1998. The research was made by a qualitative analysis of the annual reports and protocols that the clubs produced between 1946-1998. The two clubs are IFK Växjö and Växjö BK which are located in Växjö in Sweden. Our main purpose with this study was to analyze the operational development and in which way elitist drive affects the voluntary society content and culture. Results indicated that if a sports club starts with elitist sport it could have a bad impact on the voluntary sector.
Miljödiplomering: En jämförande implementeringsstudie av skolor i Norra Hisingens stadsdel
This thesis is a product of research about how implementation issues occur due to the relationbetween bureaucrats and politicians. Our study treats the democratic dilemma that occurs whenschools are to implement environmental certifications. Through a comparative study we comparetwo schools in Norra Hisingen, a district in Gothenburg municipal where one of the schools iscertificated and one is not. By using theories from top down and bottom up approaches toimplementation we develop key factors that will lead us to answer our research questions.Through text analysis of policy documents and through interviews with bureaucrats we analyzewhat may be the causes for only one of the two schools to be certificated though Gothenburgmunicipal wish all schools to be. Through our analytical tool we can establish that the policydocuments are well formed according to our top down-theory and that these documents does nothave a major impact on the fact that one school is certificated and one is not.
Samband mellan anterior knälaxitet och funktion vad sport- och fritidsaktiviteter samt knärelaterad livskvalitet efter främre korsbandsrekonstruktion : en jämförelse mellan män och kvinnor
SyfteSyftet med denna studie var att klarlägga om det finns något samband mellan anterior knälaxitet, mätt med KT-1000, och "funktion i sport och fritid" respektive "knärelaterad livskvalitet", enligt Knee injury and Osteoarthrits Outcome Score (KOOS), 6-8 månader efter en främre korsbandsrekonstruktion. Ett annat syfte var att studera om det föreligger någon könsskillnad avseende dessa parametrar.MetodDenna undersökning är baserad på ett prospektivt insamlat registermaterial från Svenska korsbandsregistret samt från Capio Artro Clinic´s IT-register avseende patienter som genomgått främre korsbandsrekonstruktion med hamstringsgraft.Urvalet av patienterna (18-35 år) gjordes konsekutivt under åren 2010-2011 bland de ortopedkirurger som gjort flest antal operationer under denna period, vilket kom att omfatta 427 patienter. Baserat på inklusions- och exklusionskriterier kvarstod 100 patienter. En powerberäkning visade på behov av 58 patienter, 29 män och 29 kvinnor. En jämn fördelning, mellan män och kvinnor gjordes genom lottning.
Möjligheter till utveckling av en hälsofrämjande skola
School can be an effective environment for achieving a more equal health among children and adolescents, since many individuals can be reached by the health promoting work in the school. In the year of 2000 a project in Skåne was started for the development of health promoting schools. The health promoting projects however, have shown to be of short duration. So, as an alternative, the integration of the health in school ought to be tried. The aim of this study is to give examples how health promoting schools can strengthen their profile.
?Det här var dagen då anonyma tonåringar via sociala medier startade ett upplopp i Göteborg? En studie över gestaltningen i fyra svenska tidningar av gatuoroligheterna vid ?Instagram-händelserna? i Göteborg år 2012.
On subsequent days, the 18th and 19th of December 2012, large groups of young people gathered to protest in the centre of Gothenburg. The gatherings mainly occurred outside two high schools: Plusgymnasiet and Framtidsgymnasiet. The reason behind the gathering has often been explained by the young people?s reaction to an Instagram account, on which offensive pictures and comments of and about young boys and girls had been published. As a reaction to the protest, police force including helicopters and mounted police, was sent to the streets.
Lågstadieelevers tankar om skogen : Närmiljöns och skolans betydelse
AbstractThe subject of this paper is children?s thoughts and feelings about the forest and on the importance of the schools for their students? thoughts. The aim of this paper is to find out if there are any attitude differences towards the forest in schools in the city and in the countryside. To fulfil this purpose the work has been divided into two questions,1 Do children have different thoughts about the forest, depending on where they live?2 Does the school affect their students? thoughts about the forest?Two schools with different locations in the country have been visited.
Lärares betygsättning : Har elevernas uppförande en inverkan på deras betyg?
Do teachers? expectations of their pupils become a part in the judgement of which grade a pupil will receive in the end?Several of the polical parties in Sweden have recently been argueing that teachers should be able to give pupils a grade in how they behave in school. Several newspapers also have reported that pupils today have gotten lower results for the last few years and more pupils do not get approved in all subjects. Because many of the studies about pupils results focus on the pupils? skills, I deciced to focus on the teachers part in how a pupil get a better grade or not.In the study I have been looking at a small community in the south of Sweden.
Fysisk aktivitet = psykisk stabilitet? : En undersökning om relationen mellan mängden fysisk aktivitet och självupplevd hälsa
AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-perceived health and level of physical activity among the staff at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH). We focused on the following questions:How does the amount of physical activity affect the self-perceived health among the staff at GIH? Are there any gender differences in self-perceived health following the amount of physical activity? Do the self-perceived health and the amount of physical activity differ between the various age groups? Are there any differences between the staff responsible for health education compared with the other staff?MethodWe chose a validated questionnaire for our study. It was a combination of two already previously validated questionnaires together with our own supplementary background questions. The questionnaire was presented to 96 respondents and we received 76 answers.
Gymnasieungdomars kostvanor under skoldagen och deras uppfattningar om skolkafeteriornas utbud
The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether the selection of products in the school cafeterias in Uppsala county high schools' comply with NFA's (National Food Administration) recommendations. Furthermore, the intention was to examine pupils´ eating habits before and during the school day, and their views on the school cafeteria´s selection of products. To investigate this, an inventory of school cafeterias in six high schools in Uppsala County, and a survey among 60 pupils were carried out. The results showed that the NFA's recommendations not always were followed. The survey showed that there were healthy products in the cafeterias but unhealthy products nevertheless constituted a large part of the selection.