

1834 Uppsatser om Sport ande exercise psychology - Sida 2 av 123

Förstärkt skydd mot tvångs- och barnäktenskap

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Borde demokrati vara en mänsklig rättighet?

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Beskattning för finansiell stabilitet : stabilitetsavgift/resolutionsavgift

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

En ödets nyck? : den nyföddes rätt till liv i vården

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Skäliga stöd- och anpassningsåtgärder : en komparativ studie med Kanada

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Betänketid för människohandelsoffer : dess syfte och tillämpning i Sverige

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Den svenska avdragsrätten för pensionskostnader i näringsverksamhet : utifrån en gränsöverskridande situation

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Möjlighet till prisavdrag för immateriella tjänster : vid kommersiella avtal

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Skattereduktion för hushållsarbete : en analys av några rättsliga frågor på området

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Dold marknadsföring : från tidningsannons till banner på Facebook

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Användandet av agenter som registrerade pantbrevshavare : om bakgrunden till 6:2 JB och dess effekter vid mezzaninefinansiering

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Illusionen om det svenska nationella fri- och rättighetsskyddet : och hur EU-domstolen kom att tillskansa sig kompetens på den direkta beskattningens område

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Museers marknadsföring mot hotell : Hur marknadsföringen har ändrats sedan återinförandet av entréavgifter

This study's main objective was to identify adolescents participation in alternative sport activities and which kind of physical activity that was preferred by adolescents who didn't had any earlier experience of sport clubs. The study combined interviews and surveys with the purpose to get both adolescents and sport leaders perspective. A total of five interviews were performed and fifty-four surveys was collected. The results showed that adolescents already physical active were those who participated in alternative sport activities. Who participate in alternative sport activities can depend on habitus, comprehended capital forms and in which social field the sport activities exists..

Motivation till motion och upprätthållande av motionsvanor, en studie kring hälsoprojekten på Albany International

The specified purpose was, based on gender, age and type of employment, study the employees motivation to participate in health projects and their reason to maintain exercise habits after the termination of the health projects. Exercise frequency was studied in relation to the other background variables. A revised version of the questionnaire Motivation for Maintenance of Exercise Habits (Josefsson, 2005) was distributed at Albany International, Halmstad. The most frequent cause to exercise was ?enhance my condition?.

Det sociala medie-eventet : En studie om mediernas rapportering av sport och dess användning av Twitter

Medierad sport är ett område som ständigt står i förändring. Genom den tekniska utvecklingen och förändringar i hur branschen ser på hur journalistiskt arbete ska bedrivas befinner sig medie-eventet kring sport i en kontinuerlig förändringsprocess, både sett till dess innehåll och hur det konstrueras. Bland annat har Twitter börjat användas i mediernas rapportering av sport. Mot denna bakgrund tar denna uppsats sin utgångspunkt. Den handlar om hur medie-eventet kring sport ser ut idag och hur Twitter används när det konstrueras. .

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