

8 Uppsatser om Spinoza - Sida 1 av 1

Begreppet individ, hos Leibniz och Spinoza, sa?som singula?rt och del i va?rldens ma?ngfald

This thesis deals with the concepts of individual and individuation as defined by Leibniz and Spinoza. I go through the use and definition of the concept of individual in four stages.First I discuss the individual as conceived by Spinoza as a relation formed by a composition of parts and the individual as conceived by Leibniz as a complete notion consisting of all the events in the life of a subject.Next is the roll of perception in Leibniz discussed, likewise individuation through different perception with varying distinctness, and the affinity of perception with affection.The discussions concerning the individual concludes in a section about the essence of the individual as being the desire of the individual. In the last stage, I discuss the multitude as being an own individual..

På drift med Spinoza och Freud

This essay attempts to examine whether it is possible to find a mutual understanding of the concept of drive between Spinoza?s philosophy and Freud?s psychoanalytical theory. Former texts on this subject have given a variety of conclusions: from a radical separation between the two authors to a complete identification between the two. The drive, or the desire which is the term Spinoza uses, has in Spinoza?s philosophy its foundation in the concept of conatus.

Medvetandets anatomi. Antonio Damasios avtryck i svensk mylla

This paper aims to explore the reception in Sweden of the work and ideas of neuroscientist Antonio R Damasio, expressed in his four published books. The material used is mainly articled and reviews published in Sweden between 1995 and 2011 regarding Damasio?s books. To analyze the reception, paradigm theories by Kuhn, and Bourdieu?s ideas regarding field, habitus and capital has been used.

En studie i livsfilosofi : en jämförelse mellan Arne Næss och Viktor E. Frankls livsfilosofier

Syftet med min uppsats har varit att jämföra Arne Næss livsfilosofi med Viktor E. Frankls syn på livet. Jag ville ta reda på vad de grundar sin positiva livsfilosofi på, samt undersöka vilka skillnader det finns i deras sätt att lägga den grunden på. Jag har använt mig av en jämförande metod och utgått ifrån Arne Næss Livsfilosofi och Ekologi, samhälle och livsstil och Viktor E. Frankls Livet måste ha en mening och Viljan till mening.

Emilie Du Châtelets analys av lycka : Upplösning av polemiken mellan illusion och förnuft

Emma Nordin: Emilie Du Châtelets analys av lycka: Upplösning av polemiken mellan illusion och förnuft. Uppsala universitet: inst. för idé- och lärdomshistoria, C-uppsats, höstterminen, 2012. The 18th century is a time period known for its battle with superstition, illusion and falseness. With the Torch of Reason the philosophers of the time were set on vanquishing everything untrue and lead mankind into what they themselves called the Enlightenment. Happiness had moved from Heaven to Earth in science, truth and pleasure.

Petrus ? sveket och upprättelsen

Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and other philosophers. According to Whiteheads religious philosophy Hartshorne claimed that there is a dualistic transcendence within the Godhead. A dualistic transcendence where one unity/transcendence of God is abstract, outside the creation and time and therefore is eternal. The other unity (or transcendence) is inside time and creation and closely in process to it .

Gudsbilder i svenska visor Fröding/Karlfeldt/Vreeswijk

Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and other philosophers. According to Whiteheads religious philosophy Hartshorne claimed that there is a dualistic transcendence within the Godhead. A dualistic transcendence where one unity/transcendence of God is abstract, outside the creation and time and therefore is eternal. The other unity (or transcendence) is inside time and creation and closely in process to it .

Vi tror på Gud Fader allsmäktig. En studie av Charles Hartshornes processteologi i jämförelse med luthersk teologi

Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and other philosophers. According to Whiteheads religious philosophy Hartshorne claimed that there is a dualistic transcendence within the Godhead. A dualistic transcendence where one unity/transcendence of God is abstract, outside the creation and time and therefore is eternal. The other unity (or transcendence) is inside time and creation and closely in process to it .