3553 Uppsatser om Speech-test - Sida 24 av 237
Effekten av formativ bedömning : En studie kring effekterna av formativ bedömning i anknytning till kunskapssyn, problemlösningsförmåga och attityd
This essay examines if formative assessment causes any impact on upper secondary school students results in social science. Other questions asked are which group of students benefits most from formative assessment and if any connections can be found between the students result and their cognitive approach to learning, problem solving capability and attitude to school.Two classes from a school in Stockholm were chosen to participate in the study. The theoretical framework is mostly based on former research performed by Black and William (1998, 2003). Multiple methods were used, including an experiment with a parallel-group design with two groups, a survey and a problem solving test. Statistics is used to describe and analyze collected data.Both groups were taught during five lessons in the same field of knowledge with the same kind of teaching, apart from formative assessment.
De sociala medierna och rättssystemet
The main purpose is to investigate the main fea-tures of the discourse in the social medias about the legal view on cimes and criminals. The special questions that are investigated are:1) What specific features characterize the discourse in the social medias?2) What are the legal restrictions for the freedom of speech on the Internet?3) What attitudes can you find among lawyers towards the discourse in the social medias?4) Are there grounds for presuming that the discourse in the social medias can effect the judgement in a special case? .
Rening av avloppsvatten med anaerob membranbioreaktor och omvänd osmos
This master's theses was carried out on assignment from Stockholm Vatten AB as a part of a project developing new waste water treatment techniques. The goal of the theisis has been to evaluate an anaerobic membrane bioreactor for treatment of waste water from Hammarby Sjöstad. The bioreactor has not been heated and the main interest has been to study the gas production, power consumption and the reduction of organic matter and nutrients.The system has been completed with a reverse osmosis unit and a total of four batch runs have been made with good results. The use of reverse osmosis allows nutrient in the waste water to be reintroduced into circulation as the reverse osmosis concentrate can be used as crop nutrient.The membrane unit is of VSEP ("Vibratory Shear Enhanced Processing") type and an extensive membrane test has been conducted. This so called L-test helped determine the most suitable type of membrane for the system to allow a higher ±ux and thus lower power consumption.
En intervention på kvinnliga fotbollsspelare: kan resultatet av Sörensens test påverkas av funktionell träning?
Studien avser att studera effekterna av arbetsplatsförlagd fysisk träning 2 x 60 minuter/vecka i 7 veckor hos personer med stillasittande arbete påVO2max, rörlighet, uthållighetsstyrka och kroppssammansättning. Vi använder oss av en kvantitativ metod som består av datainsamling genom tester före och efter träningsperioden för både interventionsgruppen (n=25) och kontrollgruppen (n=11). Resultaten visar på signifikanta skillnader hos interventionsgruppen på variablerna VO2max (p=0), visceralt fett (p=0,001), fettmassa (p=0,001), vikt (p=0.006), Body Mass Index, BMI (p=0,005), uthållighetsstyrka enligt Sörensens isometriska uthållighetstest (SIU) (p=0) och Trunk Curl Static Endurance test (TCST) (p=0,045), rörlighet i halsrygg (p=0,010) och rörlighet i hamstringsmuskulatur via Sit and reach test (p=0). Inga skillnader ses i blodtryck och, skelettmuskelmassa i armar, bål och ben. Inga signifikanta skillnader ses hos kontrollgruppen oavsett variabel. Slutsatser av studien är att man kan se effekter genom denna typ av intervention på flera olika variabler och förslag till framtida forskning är att försöka utesluta samverkan av andra faktorer för att ge en mer exakt bild av den fysiska träningens effekter på arbetsplatsförlagd träning..
Trafikklasser för markplattor av natursten : förslag till klassificeringstabell
This report deals with hard surfaces and the factors which are behind the criteria for dimensioning, also dependent on the level, or volume, of traffic. A test was made on slabs of two kinds of natural stone. This was made to see if the values that were reached for breakload was transferable to the same tables that the concrete industry is using for surface dimensions of slabs and paving stones. The test showed very high values and the result, together with the written study, led to the author?s suggestion for a classification table where slabs of natural stone were divided in to different classes depending on traffic, thickness and durability..
Framtagning av labbutrustning för test av processmaskiners reglersystem
Examensarbetet utfördes på Koteko AB som är ett ingenjörsföretag inom processautomation, elkraftteknik och industriell elautomation.Rapporten behandlar problematiken som finns idag med att kunna testa och utveckla processmaskiners styrning och reglerförmåga innan leverans samt test av nya koncept. Detta ska göras genom att konstruera en testrigg som ska kunna testa olika körningar med vissa avgränsningar. Rapporten behandlar även dimensioneringen av alla motorer och växellådor som behövs för att testa olika körningar som presenteras senare i arbetet, samt vad som behövs för att styra och köra motorer..
Den djupa muskelfunktionen hos kvinnliga elitvolleybollspelare : En studie om transversus abdominis funktion påverkas av stabilitetsträning.
Background and purpose: Volleyball requires a lot of the human body, andeffective core stability is necessary for the athlete. Our muscles cooperate as achain of motions and core stabilization is the base for the moving muscles.The most well-known stabilization muscle is m.transversus abdominis (TrA).The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the function of TrA inSwedish female elite volleyball players and to observe the influence of eightweeks of stabilization exercise on the TrA. Method: 10 female elitevolleyball players (mean age 24,7 years, range 18-31 years) participated inthe study. TrA was measured in supine position with a pressure biofeedbackunit. Subjects were instructed to draw in the abdominal wall without movingthe pelvis and hold for 10 seconds.
Metodik för fastställande av bärförmåga på befintliga betongkonstruktioner
Many buildings are now nearing the end of their service life. This applies to both the older houses from the 40's and 50's to the million project houses that did not prove to be as sustainable in the long run. Often there is a desire to extend the service lifetime, but to do that you need to make detailed inspections. The Folkets hus in Gävle is one of those buildings that is in need of renovation and to fulfill the new requirements that must be met in today's buildings. It is desired to make the buildings rentable space more attractive and to extend the building with two more floors.
Redovisningsinformations användbarhet: redovisning av goodwill enligt IFRS
Since January 1st 2005 all companies listed on a regulated stock exchange within the European Union are required to present their financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The intention of the introduction of IFRS is to achieve international harmonization of accounting rules in order to make financial reports more comparable between companies from different countries. The purpose of financial reports presented in accordance with IFRS is to provide information that is useful to the users of the information. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the information regarding goodwill and the goodwill impairment test, presented in accordance with IFRS, in fact is useful to a specific group of accounting information users, namely equity analysts. An empirical study is conducted, based on interviews with seven Swedish equity analysts.
Vem förstår sig på mig som liten är? : Att arbeta med barn som har känslomässiga svårigheter på förskola
In my story there are daily conflicts that occur around the boy Peter. I focus on the role of the educator and the preschool, on the grey area children, on the interaction with parents and on "fighter relation". I have during my work tried to see this dilemma from differentperspectives. I question my role as a teacher and recently become a preschool teacher. Peter has no diagnosis, but I have decided to proceed from emotional disorders and language difficulties..
Hydd- och huskonstruktioner från förhistorisk tid : En kronologisk översikt från stenålder till tidigmedeltid i östra Mellansverige.
This thesis is a chronological survey over the hut and house remains from the Stone Age to the Early Middle Ages in Eastern Central Sweden. The thesis also contains a test which I have conducted to see which investigation method had the best results in identifying house remains at an archaeological site. I subsequently discuss the result of this test, what it represents and also what may be done differently in order to get other types of results..
Vilka roller får fritidspedagogen i klassrummet
The purpose of the study was to look into the subjects which the students express when they cry out to their recreation instructor, if there are similarities and differences in the subjects when they turn to their recreation instructor or when they instead turn to their teacher, which different roles and positions the students place their recreation instructors and the teachers in. I have used focused observations during three days in two different schools. Using the ideas of J.Butler on performative perspective, I´ve analyzed the way the students have positioned their recreation instructors and teachers through speech and actions. My conclusion is that students early on see hierarchical structures in school and help maintaining them..
Har erfarenhet betydelse för påverkan på submaximal syreupptagningsförmåga, rörlighet och koncentrationsförmåga efter åtta veckors asthangayoga hos två friska individer? : En single subject experimental design studie
Bakgrund: Yoga förklaras som ett tillstånd som förenar kroppen, själen och anden och fokuserar på harmoni och helhet i människan. Ashtanga är en kraftfull yogaform där förbestämda positioner knyts samman med hjälp av en återkommande rörelsesekvens, vinyasan. Yoga har visat ha effekt på psykiska förmågor såsom ökad koncentrationsförmåga, samt fysiska förmågor som ökad syreupptagningsförmåga och ledrörlighet. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur ashtangayoga fyra dagar i veckan under åtta veckor påverkade koncentrationsförmåga, syreupptagningsförmåga och rörlighet hos två friska individer. Metod: Två kvinnor, 25 och 29 år gamla tränade under åtta veckor ashtangayoga fyra dagar i veckan.
Olika vägar mot samma mål : En studie av elevers fonologiska medvetenhet i tva? klasser
AbstractThe overall aim of this study is to show how phonological awareness develops during the first school year and how this can be affected by different teaching materials and working methods. Two classes are compared in the study. One of the classes has digital teaching material and the other class has traditional teaching material. The study seeks to show to what extent there are differences between the groups? phonological awareness.
Hälsovariationens betydelse för männens bättre prestation i verbalt flöde och visuospatial förmåga
Könsskillnader i kognitiva förmågor antas vanligtvis bero på en kombination av evolutionära, sociala och biologiska orsaker. En kompletterande förklaring presenteras i denna undersökning, nämligen betydelsen av ohälsa. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hälsans betydelse för könsskillnader i prestation på test av verbalt flöde och visuospatial förmåga, två kognitiva funktioner där forskningen har dokumenterat könsskillnader. 32 kvinnliga och 21 manliga psykologistudenter som i genomsnitt var 29 år deltog. De kontaktades genom ett anslag vid Psykologiska institutionen i Stockholm.