

413 Uppsatser om Speech therapist - Sida 5 av 28

Varför gav jag bara godkänt? : En studie av vad lärare bedömer

Based on the concept of rhetorical situation, the purpose of this study is to compare and describe the three Socialist leader's May Day speech from the years 1954, 1978 and 2011. The results of the analysis showed that there is a big difference in how the leaders chooses to appeal to the rhetorical audience. Erlander, 1954, never appealed directly to his audience which Palme, 1978, did both initially as repeatedly throughout his speech. Juholt, 2011, has a personal and frequent appeal which is repeated throughout his speech, which is interpreted as a sign of the intimization of the public language. It proved difficult to discuss the Socialist rhetoric as one unified form.

Undersökning av artikulation, prosodi, förståelighet och kommunikativ delaktighet hos vuxna postlingualt döva personer med cochleaimplantat

The aim of the study was to investigate the performance of postlingually deaf adults on parts of the swedish dysarthria test Dysartribedömningen, and to compare these results with a matched group consisting of normal hearing speakers without any known speech disorder. The group consisted of 17 participants ranging between 42-86 years of age. Participants were assessed focusing on articulation, prosody, intelligibility and through a self-assessment of communicative participation. There was a statistically significant difference between groups on prosody that manifested primarily as a slower speaking rate in the cochlear implant users. No significant differences between groups as to articulation, intelligibility or communicative participation could be found.

Talsyntesen ? Dyslektikerns glasögonoch ett stöd för många läs- och skrivsvaga

According to the National Agency for Education 06-06-2010 are approximately 115 000 students graduating from Secondary School in the year of 2010.Out of these students, we know that thousands of them are hampered by reading and writing disabilities in various degrees. Have these students been given the best support needed when it comes to writing and reading?Compensation may be perceived as a goal for the pupil to catch up with the rest of the educational group or as a vehicle to go round the difficulties. In Sweden, diagnosed dyslexics are not allowed to use speech synthesis, a compensatory technical aid, during the 9th degree national tests.This study?s purpose is to discover if the usage of speech synthesis during the national test of Swedish and reading comprehension might work as a motivation booster for the students and consequently increase their test scores.This is a quantitative study including study including 15 pupils with diagnosed reading and writing disabilities.

Prosodisk förmåga hos svenska grundskolebarn med cochleaimplantat

Prosody can be characterized as the rhythm and the melody of speech. Prosodic features convey emotions, thoughts and geographic origins of each individual. Spoken language without prosody would be monotonous, without variations in loudness and rate. Children with cochlear implants perceive speech in a different way than children with normal hearing. Consequently the speech produced by a child with cochlear implants may sound different.The purpose of this study was to examine prosodic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants and to compare them with the prosodic skills in Swedish children with normal hearing.

Anorexiterapi : En undersökande essä om att arrangera en kontext som subtilt förmedlar att förändring är möjlig

This scientific essay aims to more closely study how to best arrange a context that subtly conveys that change is possible in the treatment of patients who starve themselves. By describing a number of situations during the first weeks of a girl´s therapy, this essay focuses on some central themes in the initial stage. The essay is mainly aimed to explore the conditions for a meaningful communication with a patient who has a low BMI value and who quitted the nutrition-oriented care in her clinic. The essay is a form that allows for reflection on one´s own considerations about the wisest line of conduct in various situation. The work is based on an existential understanding of the starvation as a fragile person´s one and only way to reconcile with herself in the world that is hers.

Pox-rättegången, Mangafallet och Tintin-gate : en diskursanalys av debatter och nyhetsrapportering i svensk media om tecknade serier och censur

The study aims to examine how censorship and comics have been discussed in three debates. The aim is also to identify discourses and the orders and relations of power constructed in the debates, and to examine how librarians should handle debates about censorship and comics. Selected sources are articles from Swedish newspapers and tabloids about the debates on the Pox-trial, the manga case and the debate about Tintin in Kulturhuset. The results from the analysis indicates that the debates have been dominated by two main discourses: a discourse on freedom of speech and a discourse on social responsibility. Within the discourse of freedom of speech there is a range of perspectives that emphasize: artistic freedom, the need for open and free conversations, a discussion about how the comics are assessed in comparison with other media formats as well as a discussion about moral and moralism.

Kännedom om och handhavande av Vocal Cord Dysfunction : bland logopeder och läkare i Sverige

Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) is characterized by paradoxical vocal cord movement during inspiration or expiration, and generally affects adolescents and predominantly women. Previous studies have shown a large inconsistency concerning terminology, definitions, etiology, assessment, differential diagnosis, co-morbidity and treatment. The purpose of this study was to map knowledge on and management of VCD in Sweden. The study was conducted as a written survey addressed to speech-language pathologists and physicians, and attained an answer percentage of 79 percent. The results showed that several professions were involved in the management of these patients, but no clear pattern of referral could be observed.

Psykodynamiskterapi med unga vuxna : Psykoterapeuters perspektiv

    Abstract The aim of this paper is to highlight experiences gained by psychotherapists in their work with young adults.  Aspects looked at include: recurring themes, the process of diagnosing young adults, the therapeutic alliance, and the therapeutic techniques.  Six experienced psychodynamic therapists were interviewed, and a semi-structured interview method was used. The results show a high level of agreement between the therapists as to their experiences and conclusions of psychotherapy with young adults.Results presented in this paper suggest that there is a difference between psychodynamic therapy used with young adults, and the more traditional psychodynamic therapy.  The most important difference turned out to be the approach of the therapist toward the patient, where a more active and distinct approach by the therapist to the here-and-now situation was to be preferred. All six therapists came out strongly against the use of the DSM manual when diagnosing young adults. The importance of understanding young adults and their difficulties from a psychological development point of view was stressed, as well as the importance of taking the approach that the years of young adulthood bring their own issues and concerns. It is clear from these interviews that there is a strong need for the establishment of institutions or centres specifically tailored to meet the needs of young adults for psychotherapeutic treatment at an early stage and in an adequate way, in order to avoid unnecessary ?pathologising? of their specific problems.  .

Terapeuters föreställning om och med barn - varför involvera barn i familjeterapi

The purpose of this essay is to understand how children and adolescent regard participating infamily therapy sessions, and the children´s views on their own contribution to the therapy.Another focus is weather family therapy can strengthen children´s identity and sence ofcoherence, and thus help them being more able to coping with dificulties in the future.Important questions for this work is to investigate how the attitudes and abilities of familytherapists can help the children become participating subjects, and how the collaborativeapproach contribute to bringing new perspectives and opportunities in the family's relationalcontext and life situation. By using Antonovsky´s salutogenic theory and narrative theory, theaim of this paper is to bring forth ways to approach children as family therapist that helpsstrengthen the childrens identity, self-esteem and sence of coherence.By analyzing family therapists known for being child-focused, such as Jim Wilson, MichaelWhite, David Epston and Haldor Övreeide, and compare the approach as therapist to theconclusions of the recent studies, this paper wants to emphasize how to approach children,adolescents and parents in a way that helps children contribute to solving the problem and thatbrings forth new narratives about the childs identity and relational context..

Inställning till tal och kommunikation hos typiskt utvecklade skolbarn: Utprovning av Självsvarsformulär Om Tal Och Kommunikation

An instrument for assessing children's attitude towards speech,communication, and communicative participation suitable for children withcleft lip and palate has been missing in speech- and language pathology. Inthe present study a new instrument Självsvarsformulär Om Tal OchKommunikation was tested on typically developed school children. The aimwas to obtain norm values for children in grade 4 and 7 and to examine thereliability and validity of the instrument. 104 children participated. Data wascollected in groups of 5-6 children.

Att tala om Leviathan : Yttrandefrihet i konflikt med statens behov av skydd ? En fallstudie av åtalet mot Bradley E. Manning

This paper is a case study on Bradley E. Manning, famous for leaking classified intelligence to media, or in the charge sheet?s words: ?knowingly give intelligence to the enemy, through indirect means.? My opinion is that this sort of dilemma is a question of values, how you view the world and, most important of all, human rights and the philosophy of rights. Therefore I decided to sort out the arguments regarding the issue of freedom of speech versus the state?s need for protection.

Monaurala lågredundanta taltester : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Monaurala lågredundanta taltester används, tillsammans med andra tester i testbatterier, för att undersöka centrala auditiva funktioner. Testgrupper som ingår i monaurala lågredundanta taltester är: lågpassfiltrerade taltester, tal-i-brus tester och tidskomprimerade taltester.Syfte: Syftet var att ta reda på vilka monaurala lågredundanta taltester som finns och vilka resultat man kan få på dessa.Metod: Litteraturstudie där experimentella studier har använts.Resultat: De monaurala lågredundanta taltester som har använts i de studerade artiklarna är filtrerat tal, meningar-i-brus, ord-i-brus, taluppfattning-i-brus, tal-i-brus, SPIN, R-SPIN, SSI/MCI, SSI/ICM, SIN, tidskomprimerade ord med olika kompressionsgrader, hackat tal, The Compressed Sentence Test och SCAN-A, SCAN-C med undertesterna Auditory Figure Ground och filtrerade ord. Försökspersoner med hörselnedsättning får signifikant sämre resultat än normalhörande på många av testerna. Barn får sämre resultat på flera av testerna jämfört med vuxna.Slutsatser: Det finns många olika monaurala lågredundanta taltester. De valda artiklarna tar upp fler monaurala lågredundanta taltester än vad som nämns i använd referenslitteratur..

Underkänd på grund av ideologi? : En studie om lärares attityder till demokrativärden

The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude of teachers regarding including democratic behaviour when grading students in social science. The purpose is also to investigate whether the teachers consider there to be a conflict between the right of freedom of speech and the democratic values that the school is supposed to make sure the students have when they graduate. The study also investigates the problems political decisions encounters when going from theory to reality.The theory of Ulf Petäjä on why the freedom of speechs is important, Robert Dahls theory about the democratic process and Anders Sannerstedts theory about converting political decisions to reality is what this study is based on.The study was carried out at three different schools; Teleborg Centrum, Växjö, Dackeskolan, Tingsryd and Centralskolan, Virserum ranging from the spring of 2006 and the spring of 2007. The method used except from litterature studies was interviews with active teachers.This study shows that teachers don?t think it?s acceptable to grade students based on their political ideology.

Hihi puss ;* : En studie av SMS-språket hos svenska högstadieungdomar

This study is about language use in text messaging. In this study there are 338 text messages: 206 of them written by girls and 132 written by boys. The informants in the study are 16 years old and they live in the countryside on the outskirts of a small town in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristic linguistic features in the messages, in order to determine what significant meaning an emoticon such as a smiley brings to a text and further, to explore what speech acts smileys occur in.The results show that the language in the messages is a mix of spoken and written language. The characteristic features that were found in the messages were short sentences, onomatopoetic expressions, words written in capital letters, English expressions and use of smileys.

Utvärdering av ett auditivt diskriminationstest på 3-åriga barn

A speech-based material that early can assess a child's hearing is needed to provide an indication of a hearing impaired child's language development. Being able to identify and discriminate between different sounds is a requirement for interpreting speech. Hearing assessments that examine speech perception can therefore, unlike, for example, pure tone audiometry, examine a hearing impaired child's perceptual language skills and provide a basis for intervention.The purpose of this work is to evaluate a new auditory material on 3-year-old children. The auditory material is based on the Ling-6-sounds and the main question was which of the sounds in the test were adequate for test of discrimination. Furthermore, it was investigated how the test works with children aged 3:0?3:11 years and how age and gender affect the result.Twenty-four children aged 3:0?3:11 years were tested using a computer based test.

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