

2854 Uppsatser om Specific surface - Sida 35 av 191

Terrorismens orsaker : Om skapandet av generella kausalteorier när det gäller uppkomsten av terrorism

The first of the dual purposes of this work has been to describe the research that has been done regarding the root causes of terrorism and second, using a general causal theory and examining the political dimensions of it, to discuss whether or not general causal theories (grand-theories) are helpful for researchers and policy-makers when reacting to social developments in the form of terrorism. The essay is a qualitative literature analysis and I have based my studies on mostly new books treating root causes of terrorism. I have concentrated on discussing international terrorism and how political dimensions may impact the occurence of this form of political violence. The conclusions I have made is that there is no widespread consensus among researchers and scholars as to what really causes terrorism. Neither can the general model examined in chapter 5 be used to predict when and where terrorism will occur next.

Employer branding i offentlig sektor : En deskriptiv fallstudie av Örebro kommuns arbete med employer branding

Employer branding in public sectorA descriptive case study on Örebro kommuns work with employer brandingProblem: Previous literature on employer branding is normative and highlights what the work with employer branding should contain in order to succeed. Previous literature lack descriptions of how the actual work is carried out in organizations. Previous literature also takes basis in the private sector and there is a lack of studies conducted in the public sector.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe how an organization in a public sector works with employer branding and it also aims to increase the understanding of employer branding.Method: The study is a descriptive case study based on a qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews with two employees at Örebro kommun. Throughout the study previous literature on employer branding is used.Results: We have noticed different activities in the organizations work with employees, leadership and communication that contribute to employer branding. The organization has a well-developed approach for the existing employees that contribute to the employee's personal development.

I huvudet på en naturkunskapslärare : Elevernas intresse- problem eller resurs?

Drinking water is produced from raw water and is either from groundwater or surface water. This thesis aims to find out if the cleaning process of raw water is sufficiently effective. This is important because consumers are otherwise at risk of waterborne infection caused by pathogens. There are three groups of pathogens; bacteria, virus and parasite. These have different characteristics which mean that they require different water treatment to be separated.

Cito Systems ? Mjukvara i form av ett stödsystem för restaurangbranschen

Stockholm city has recently raised its ambitions for bicycle traffic, the goal is to achieve a larger andsafer bicycle traffic. But cyclists are more vulnerable on the roads than other vehicle users because of the lack of protection. This means that a large proportion of road safety for cyclists is based on the design of the traffic environment. Since most serious bicycle accidents are those that occur in conflict with motor vehicles, and the majority of these accidents occur at intersections, these areas are of great importance forcyclist?s safety.The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  highlight  bicycle  accidents  at  intersections  and  to  suggest improvements  in three accident-prone junctions  in Stockholm.  This is  achieved  by  the study of accident statistics, literature and finally three case studies.The literature study focused on cyclists, traffic safety and traffic safety measures.

Extrem hundavel : ett välfärdsproblem för dagens rashundar

For centuries inbreeding has been used to refine traits in dogs, making desired traits more hereditary and thereby, different breeds have been invented. Breed standards have been written for each of these breeds, describing in detail the different characteristics of each breed. When humans start to choose which animal to breed from, so called artificial selection, taste is put before function and the laws of nature, the natural selection, cease to apply. During this development, pedigree dogs have gone towards more and more extreme exterior characteristics and the dogs may have inherited various, more or less, severe problems for example compromised vision, impaired ability to move and difficulties to breathe. However they can still survive and reproduce because humans provide them with the conditions to do so.

Bokakademin i Östergötland AB möter framtiden : En studie av studenters köpbeteende vad gäller kurslitteratur och ett förslag på marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin

Bokakademin i Östergötland AB möter framtiden ? En studie av studenters köpbeteende vad gäller kurslitteratur och ett förslag på marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin (Bokakademin i Östergötland AB meets the future ? A study of students? purchasing behaviour regarding textbooks and a proposal for a marketing strategy for Bokakademin)Authors: Fabian Hamnqvist and Emma SvenssonBachelor?s thesis in business administration Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, 2013 Supervisor: Mehran NoghabaiAbstractThis paper examines the competition arising from online textbook retailers met by physical college bookstores. The paper examines the implications of college students' purchasing behaviour when buying textbooks, how a specific corporate clientele is composed and the purchasing habits of these customers to the specific company in question. The company used as a practical example is a bookstore located on a university campus of Linköping University in Sweden. Data have been collected using a paper and pen survey of 200 students from Linköping University as well as conducting interviews with eight students and the Managing Director of the company in question.

Kompensering av reaktiv effekt vid vindkraftverk

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Barnet eller ämnet? : Lärarstudenters preferenser av didaktiska val vid naturvetenskaplig undervisning i förskolan

Teaching in pre-school usually takes its starting-point in children?s reality and curiosity. Apart from that it has also been important to take contains of a special subject under consideration, for example development of language and communication or mathematics development. The purpose of this study was to investigate how natural science as a special subject in pre-school education is expressed by five trainee teachers when they teach children at the age of 2-7. Generally the study focuses on the students? teaching actions as well as their line of argument about their teaching and the choices they have to make.

Skadehändelser och preventiva åtgärder bland fotgängare och cyklister i Umeå kommun

Every year, approximately 700 000 individuals´ visit an emergency ward in Sweden as a result of injuries and to the emergency ward at Umea University hospital (NUS) about 12 000 injured arrive every year. This study is a retrospective cross-sectional study that surveys injuries caused by crashes among 153 pedestrians and 53 bicyclists, who have been injured in a geographically well defined area during the period January to June 2009. The aim of this study is to survey injuries among pedestrians and cyclists and to examine what preventive measures could reduce these injuries in the Umeå municipality. The results show that falls caused by slipper surface are common among both pedestrians (71 %; n = 109) and bicyclists (32 %; n = 17). Almost one third of the pedestrians (34 %; n = 43) were in the age of 65 or older.

Trafikverket : Kritiska faktorer i projekt inom avdelningen Nationella Projekt

This study has been made on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration to study the work of the department National Projects. The Swedish construction industry has for many years been characterized by low productivity. By being the largest purchaser of contracts in the industry the Swedish Transport Administration has a unique opportunity to influence the productivity. In order to improve in productivity The Swedish Transport Administration is adopting a new role in which they will order more turnkey projects. In our study, we will focus on how one department within the Swedish Transport Administration, National Projects, can perform successful turnkey projects.To clarify how the department National Projects can perform successful projects, this study identifies critical factors for projects and their links to different phases of the project.

Man blir påverkad av sitt kön vare sig man vill eller inte : En kvalitativ studie om skillnader i män och kvinnors musikpreferenser

Music has always been an important form of communication and it can be found in many different contexts including aesthetical, cultural and emotional forms. In the globalized society of today music can be distributed fast through radio, TV, CD: s and the Internet. For many people consumption of music is an important part of the daily life and it can contribute to shape an individual?s attitudes and personality.The main purpose of this study is to find out whether there are any differences between men and women?s musical preferences. I will apply an explorative approach using qualitative interviews to describe what causes the differences.

Fånggrödor i Norra Östersjöns vattendistrikt

70 % of the lakes and waters in the water district of northern Baltic Sea do not reach the requirements for good ecological status. This is mostly due to eutrophication caused by a too high deliverance of nutrients from agricultural land or effluents. Losses of particulate phosphorus through water erosion contribute to a great extent to this eutrophication. In the action plan for the water district cover crops are mentioned as a measure for reducing losses of phosphorus from arable land. This paper reviews the possible effect of cover crops in the water district and discusses what crop that would be most suitable.

Målgruppens betydelse för feedbackeffekten: En studie om hur en riktad varumärkesutvidgning påverkar feedbackeffekten i ett EMVs olika målgrupper

THE ROLE OF TARGET GROUPS IN FEEDBACK EFFECTSBrand extension is one of the most commonly used brand strategies since it reduces some of the risks involved in introducing a completely new brand. There are, however, several challenges associated with brand extensions. One of these challenges is the impact of a new brand extension on the parent brand image, which is known as feedback effect. Feedback effects are the changes in parent brand associations that are caused by a new brand extension, these effects can be both negative and positive. Several previous studies have investigated feedback effects and the antecedents of these effects.

Social hållbarhet och förtätning : en kritisk studie i förtätningens sociala paradoxer

Densification is one of the urban visions for sustainable development - a vision that has become a part of the solution to the unsustainable sake dilemma. With the dense city land will be saved, energy consumption reduced and social cohesion improved. The dense city is considered to be ecologically, economically and socially sustainable. Applying an urban design concept has thus proven to be problematic. Density has been found to be a complex concept which is far more complicated than measuring how much built surface that needs to be covered. It is also not disputed what different degrees of densification mean and whether densification in itself is sustainable.

Inventering och bedömning av förorenade områden inom division Energi, Tekniska Verken i Linköping

This thesis was commissioned by Tekniska verken, Energy Division with the overall aim to investigate the concept of environmental debt and what it means for a business. Furthermore, a sustainable risk and responsibility investigation shall be carried out on the concerned areas. Finally, the priority areas shall be highlighted and proposed actions presented. The Swedish Environmental debt concept was presented in 1992 by Arne Jarnelöv. Environmental debt is defined as restoration costs for environmental damage. In the early days the concept did not take into account who was responsible, but the environmental debts was regarded as a humanity debt to future generations.

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