

6253 Uppsatser om Special Education Needs teacher - Sida 62 av 417

Lärarens bedömning av elevers psykosociala skolsituation : Dolda funktionshinder/psykosociala problem

Det övergripande syftet med min C-uppsats är att granska lärarens bedömning och perceptio-ner för elever i behov av särskilt stöd och vidare belysa vilka möjligheter och begränsningar de anser sig ha för att kunna ta hänsyn till elever i behov av särskilt stöd samt få en syn på de skolsituationer som barn och elever med dolda funktionshinder och i behov av särskilt stöd kan befinna sig i.För att få svar på mina frågor har sex lärare inklusive en special lärare intervjuats och samti-digt diskuterades de psykologiska och biologiska faktorer kring barns och ungdomars utveck-ling. Den historiska återblicken ger oss en uppfattning på hur begreppet ?en skola för alla? har utvecklats inom loppet av tiden och vilka syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd har pedagogerna idag. De centrala frågorna rörde sig om pedagogernas uppfattning om barn med koncentra-tionssvårigheter och deras syn på diagnostisering av barn med problem. En inkluderande inte-grering i jämförelse med segregering diskuterades också samt hur pedagogerna kan hjälpa dessa barn.Eleverna i skolan är olika och deras olikheter måste mötas med omtanke.

Tänk inte han och hon, tänk individen : En kvalitativ studie om fem förskolepedagogers föreställningar om föräldrakontakt ur ett genusperspektiv

In Sweden today, more women are still going on parental leave than men. The number of men and women going on parental leave is more equalized than ever before. At the same time the inequalities are still big and more women than men choose to work part time up till the child is eight years old.The aim of the study is through a gender perspective, to investigate the preschool teacher?s thoughts about the daily meetings with parents and the contact during induction. The study is based on the theoretical concepts: gender, norms and gender equality as well as three questions.

Självframställningens dilemma : En biografisk och tematisk undersökning av självframställningen i Bret Easton Ellis roman Lunar Park

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

"Jag blev intresserad av matte" : Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt med formativ bedömning i matematik

This thesis examines the implications of a shorter  intensive action research  project on  the formative assessments  key  strategies  four  and  five  that  are  activating  learners  as  learning  resources  for  one another and activating learners as owners of their own learning.  The research questions were ?How do the pupils experience the formative approach?? ?What didactic consequences does the formative approach  mean  for  the  role  of  the  teacher??  and  ?How  does  the  formative  approach  affects  the pupils?  results  on a  short term??. The results were that the  majority of the pupils liked the approach and that they felt like their efficiency increased. The didactic consequences were that the teacher had to spend more time on evaluation but had more time during the lesson to listen to and discuss with the pupils. The pupils? results were not changed in comparison with the control group..

Interkulturella relationer : en kvalitativ studie om lärares och elevers förhållningssätt till etniska och kulturella bakgrunder

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether and how some teachers in primary education in a multicultural area discussing the interculturality in their teaching with students from grades 1-3. It also aims to examine how students? cultural interactions in the classroom are expressed..

Livskunskap : ett ämne i tiden

The purpose of this Bachelors thesis is to investigate teachers' work and attitude to life in relation to the curriculum. Furthermore, how teachers look at students' emotional/social development in their general development. The thesis also reviews the criticism from The Swedish School of Authority on various programs primarily SET (social and emotional training)Three qualitative interviews and four observations at three different schools with teachers have been conducted. Using theories of social constructivism, deliberative conversation and social and emotional skills, the intention is to interpret the gathered material.The results show that the teachers see knowledge of life in school as important in the foundation of students´ emotional/social development. One teacher follows the SET program and two teachers? took inspiration from various other programs and ideas.

Det livslånga lärandet som tayloristisk tragedi : En ideologikritisk analys

The aim of this essay is trying to understand the ideological changing process over the last decades and the ideological meaning of the relatively new conception lifelong learning as well, and how it comes that the opportunities offered the individual pre-school child and the individual compulsory-school pupil to assimilate the so important learning, differs so dramatically all though the expressed ambition to offer each and every one equal opportunities. What are the ideological structures that are, and have been in function, that carries and have carried the perceptions of the use and value of fostering and education?In a time with the welfare ideology in a hegemonic position, it was seen important that the state took major responsibility for the education of the citizens. In our time, it appears, an economist ideology has taken the hegemonic position, and education is becoming an increasingly economic issue, and equality is decreasing along with, as in general society, the increasing of segregation within the educational system..

En jämförelse mellan kommunala och privata bostadsbolag : Studier i investeringskalkyler gällande upprustning av fastigheter byggda under Miljonprogrammet i Stockholm.

The intention of this study was to examine the interaction between authorities. More specifically it had a purpose to look at the ongoing cooperation between social workers and staff of special homes of closed institutional youth care. The sanction system for young offenders? reform of 1999 where young people between the ages of 15-17 who have committed serious crimes, can be sentenced to secure institutional treatment instead of prison, aims to counteract the harm which can result from a stay in prison. The social welfare board in the young person´s local authority and the national board of institutional care shall cooperate during the youth?s placement at the special home of closed institutional youth care.

Politiska bloggar i det amerikanska presidentvalet : Bloggande svenska riksdagsledamöter om resultatet i 2008 års amerikanska presidentval

 The 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections were in many ways special, where the USA got its first president of Afro-American origin, Barack Obama. The elections will also be historical since the great use of social medias - as the community Facebook, the video sharing site YouTube and web based diaries, blogs - broke through during the campaigns. This study's purpose was to examine how a few members of the Swedish parliament described the result of the Presidential Elections in their blogs. The main question - how the election results were described in the blogs - was divided into three themes, created on the basis of the blog's content.

Högutbildad och anställningsbar? - en studie av klassbakgrundens betydelse på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Since the 1950s new laws on higher education have led to a ?mass education phenomenon? in Sweden. This has led to a surplus of people with a university degree measured against available positions on the labor market. As a result of that development it must be assumed that in this over qualified society it is not anymore the degree but additional factors which are decisive for getting a job. In this respect the importance of the class background for getting a jobb that is equal to once level of education shall beexamined.The research was carried out by means of a Quantitative Analysis based on data from anational database called Undersökningar av Levnadsförhållanden (Survey of LivingConditions).

Chaufförsutbildning-en nödvändighet?

Detta examensarbete undersöker om det behövs en chaufförsutbildning för nyanställda inom transportbranschen med avgränsning till Poståkeriet och vad som bör ingå i en sådan. Arbetet tar också upp vikten av kunskap inom kundrelationer för chaufförer och företaget. Det finns även ett förslag på upplägg för en utbildning samt en stödlista för utbildande chaufförer..

Sfi-undervisningen genom tiderna : En studie av tre läro-och kursplaner

The aim of this paper is to analyze how syllabus plans for the course Swedish for immigrants have changed in the past 40 years. The paper focuses mainly on how different theories on learning in general and second language acquisition in particular have influenced the syllabus. Furthermore, the paper attempts to identify changes in how the teachers? role is described in the documents. My results indicate that syllabus plans from the 70?s were influenced by behaviorism, progressivism and the sociocultural view on learning, while syllabus plans from the 90?s and 00?s show only influences from the two latter perspectives.

"Det finns en ram, men inom ramen är det ganska fritt" : En kvalitativ studie om genrepedagogik

The purpose with my essay was to investigate how genre pedagogy works in a practical manor? I wanted to reach a deeper understanding for the genre pedagogy and to find out if it fits all students. To investigate this issue I have asked following questions:What is genre pedagogy?How do teachers work with different genres in the genre pedagogy?For whom is the genre pedagogy?Is the critic right that Frøydis Hertzberg is proposing about the genre pedagogy formalism? I have been using qualitative methods, to gather my empirical data. I have been using two unstructured interviews and one unsystematically observation, in a third grade class in a school south of Stockholm, with 30% second language students.

Läromedel i spanskundervisningen : Hur spansklärare och spansklärarstudenter använder, ser på och väljer läromedel.

Little research has been done within the field of the use of textbooks and teaching aids in Spanish asa foreign language (SFL) teaching in Sweden. This study attempts to find answers to how teachersand teacher students use, view and choose SFL teaching aids. To accomplish this, qualitativeinterviews were carried out with Spanish teachers and Spanish teacher students in a city in northernSweden. A survey was also sent to all current SFL teachers in the central coastal region of Norrland.The study indicates that SFL textbooks are of great importance to the participating teachers andteacher students. Furthermore, a wish to enhance the level of interest of Spanish and Spanish/LatinAmerican culture, provide a varied teaching experience and improve their students? self-esteem arefactors influencing teachers in their use and choices of teaching aids..

Att läsa texter tillsammans är bra : En studie om läsförståelseundervisning i särskolan med hjälp av strukturerade textsamtal.

International reading comprehension studies, like PIRLS and PISA, state that the reading comprehension of Swedish students has decreased significantly since 2000. As a consequence, the National Agency of Education has made reading comprehension teaching a prioritised field in terms of further education for teachers. There has also been a change in Lgr 11, the national curriculum for compulsory school, where it is stated that teaching in reading strategies shall be a part of the central content throughout compulsory school. When the pupils reach upper secondary school level, reading comprehension education is no longer a part of the curriculum. Today, students at upper secondary school for individuals with learning disabilities currently share the same curriculum as the ordinary upper secondary school.

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