

9436 Uppsatser om Spatial Analysis - Sida 2 av 630

Spårväg i Malmö - idag och igår

De svenska städerna har genomgått en omvandling gällande synen på kollektivtrafik. För hundra år sedan var spårvägen det vanligaste kollektiva färdsättet. Sedan dess har städerna genomgått stora förändringar men det intressanta är att allt fler städer väljer att gå tillbaka till spårvägstrafik. Detta fenomen ville jag undersöka lite närmare och resultatet är dettta kandidatarbete med Malmö som föremål för fallstudien.

Skalans betydelse vid utformning av stadsrum

When one experiences a place, it is a complex composition of both social and spatial factors.One of these spatial elements, is scale, which is influenced both by the room size and itsproportions. This paper aims to explore both large and small scale concepts and thus increasethe understanding of how scale directly and indirectly affects the experiences and uses ofurban space.First, is a theoretical discussion of scale in relation to aesthetics and the differencesbetween real scale and perceived scale. Next, is an analysis of spatial perception usingexamples from two existing sites. One, which is understood to have been planned in a largescale and one which is understood to have been planned in a small scale.When preparing this paper, the focus quickly became the importance of scale as itrelates to street spaces. The perception of a street usually takes place while in motion, whichforces it to be perceived in sections.

Robusthetsanalys och riskinventering i Karlshamns kommun 2002

Robusthetsanalys och riskinventering i Karlshamns kommun 2002 med avgränsningen Teknisk försörjning, transporter och transportanläggningar samt Hantering av farliga ämnen..

Rumslig utbredning av tuberkulos : Stockholms kommun år 2002-2011

This bachelor thesis is written as a part of the geography program at Stockholm University, Sweden, and the study was conducted from April to June 2012.Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease and one of the most widespread infectious diseases in the world with more than nine million new cases each year (SMI 2012, digital source). The disease is a major source of death and suffering in many places and the number of deaths remains high despite the availability of highly efficacious treatment. To control and prevent further spread of TB, the mapping of the disease spatial distribution is of essential importance.In this study, maps were produced that shows the spatial distribution of TB between the years 2002 to 2011 in the municipality of Stockholm. These maps allow an analysis of the spatial distribution at a local scale over time.The aim of this paper is to study how the spatial distribution of TB has looked like in the municipality of Stockholm the last 10 years and to analyze why the spatial distribution of the disease looked like it did. This study is based on the hypothesis ?drift?.

Stationsområde i Landskrona - En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel

In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the area turned out the way it did..

"Gå, Franciskus, och bygg upp min kyrka" : Om tiggarkonventens betydelse för skapandet av staden belyst genom urbaniseringen i södra Halland

This essay deals with the relationship between the mendicant movement and the urbanization during the thirteenth century. The aim has been to explore the significance of the Dominicansand the Franciscans for the creation of an urban landscape. This was made through the study of the urbanization process in southern Halland focusing on the town of Halmstad where the friars were established. The importance of the mendicants was also studied through their absence in the towns of Laholm and Falkenberg. To achieve this investigation in a contextual perspective material from different areas was used such as archaeology, history and history of science and ideas.

Att angöra Ronneby

Arbetet har sin utgångspunkt i en beskrivning och analys av den befintliga situationen. Med hjälp av den historiska bakgrunden har analysen fördjupats. Arbetsområdets avgränsning har gjorts med hänsyn till infarternas sträckning och utformning. Förslagsarbetet har varit inriktat på att ge de tre infarterna en egen identitet samtidigt som det ska finnas ett gemensamt tema som är specifikt för Ronneby. Utformningen av förslagen ska förstärka vissa attraktiva faktorer medan annat som inte är lika attraktivt tonas ner. Arbetet är ett idéförslag hur Ronneby som stad skulle kunna göras attraktivare genom vackra, värdiga och funktionella infarter..

Rummets betydelse för kunskapsproduktion ? en tolkning av Lunds stadsbiblioteks funktioner i ljuset av dess arkitektur

This paper aims to apply a specific architectural theory onto Lund City Library in order to achieve a better understanding of how the physical concept of the library is affecting our knowledge and our production of meaning; and furthermore how it suggests a certain form of usage. This paper discusses the ways in which architecture is affecting us when we use the library. The paper attempts to answer the following question: ? Which one of Koch?s spatial structures could apply to Lund City Library, and in which ways could this spatial structure be a producer of meaning? The specific architectonical theory used is developed by Daniel Koch in his paper Spatial Systems as Producers of Meaning: the Idea of Knowledge in Three Public Libraries. This theory is the method of the paper as well.

Att skriva staden genom språnget : En undersökning av plankning och parkour som skapande, rumsliga praktiker utifrån Michel de Certeaus The Practice of Everyday Life

What happens when one moves about in the city? In this essay I will explore how we through our movements create our own temporal cities. I base my investigation on Michel de Certeau's theories from his book The Practice of Everyday Life vol 1. De Certeau believes that by just walking in the city ? a mostly unconscious and for many trivial activity ? you write it, creating different types of spaces that can be understood using linguistic terms.In my essay, I develop de Certeau's theories about ordinary activities by applying them to two less ordinary ? and between themselves quite different ? spatial practices:  fare evasion on public transportation (plankning) and the urban activity of parkour.

Vikaholm - Ett sätt att förena bostäder och trafik med natur, kultur och rekreation

Vikaholm är en fantastiskt trevlig plats med många fina natur-, kultur-, och rekreationsvärden. Platsen gränsar till stadsdelen Teleborg i södra Växjö. Examensarbetet beskriver hur det är möjligt att inrätta bostadsbebyggelse i ett sådant område utan att förstöra dess stora värden. Arbetets intention är istället att bostäderna skall integreras i platsens stora värden och därmed göra platsen mer tillgänglig för flera av stadens invånare..

Går sociala risker att visa på en karta? Social rumslig riskanalys för Göteborgs stad

This essay deals with risk management and social risks, which have received increased attentionin recent years. Methods for dealing with social risks, for example within local Risk andvulnerability assessment (RSA), are currently under development. The purpose of this paper is toexamine if and how social risk can be quantitatively assessed and mapped using GeographicInformation Systems (GIS). The definition of social risk that the essay is based on states: "Theprobability of unwanted events, behaviors or conditions originating in the social conditions thathave a negative impact on the objects that are worth to preserve.? A number of social riskindicators that can be used for a Spatial Analysis have been operationalized based on thisdefinition.

Klamydiainfektioner i Sverige  : Kan en geografisk analys förklara det rumsliga mönstret?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection. The infection rates have increased in the last decade. During 2008 the trend rates declined in all counties and regions in Sweden. Chlamydia infections have a geographical spatial pattern differences. This is seen from the national surveillance data report from the Swedish Institute for infectious disease control (SMI).

Kontraster eller anpassning?

Should new buildings blend in or contrast from the older buildings around? Could contrasts even emphasize different characters? This report is a discussion on that theme. I´ve studied different architects wiev on the question and studied different of examples of where new buildings contrast to the context in a successful way. In part two I´ve done a proposal on a new housing settlement next to Hammarbyhöjden in Stockholm. The new buildings contrast to the existing and the aim is to emphasize the characters in Hammarbyhöjden as well as in the new structure.

Varför upplevs vissa grönområden otryggare än andra?

Idag pratas det väldigt mycket om trygghet. Överallt ska det vara tryggt. Vi vill vara anonyma, men vi vill alltid att någon ska se oss för att vi ska känna oss trygga. Därför ökar beståndet av t ex. övervakningskameror.

ÖsterMälarstrand - en jämförelsestudie med Spacesyntax

The paper evaluates two housing proposals with Space syntax as method. The proposals are very different in a topological sense but are in a configural sense almost the same. This effect is because both proposals connect themselves to the existing configural structure of the city in the same way. Neither of them takes advantages of the most integrated streets in the existing structure and use them to concentrate pedestrian and car flows to the streets or points which are intended to be the most urban areas. The knowledge of Space syntax and this evaluation puts focus on the pour understanding among architects and planners of what effect urban design proposals will have..

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