2638 Uppsatser om Sparsely populated areas - Sida 6 av 176
Den svarta jordens mysterier : en jämförande studie av två aktivitetsytor på stenåldersboplatsen Ajvide
The Pitted ware dwelling site Ajvide on the west coast of Gotland in the Baltic Sea is, because of its long continuity from the late Mesolithic to the middle of the Scandinavian Bronze Age, an interesting research object concerning Stone Age in the Baltic area. In this essay, a comparison between two activity areas on Ajvide have been carried out in the purpose of finding out what these areas may have been used for during the middle Neolithic. It has been showed, through zooarchaeological analyses of animal bones, that the areas most likely are depositing sites for slaughters refuse and food debris. If it is a result of everyday or more ceremonial activities is left undetermined..
En intervju och enkätstudie av besökare i tre tätortsnära skogsområden i Stockholmstrakten :
This Masters thesis is made as the first of two visitor surveys of three urban forest
areas. These areas are; Skutan recreational area in Haninge, Ugglevikskällan on Norra
Djurgården in Stockholm and the Paradiset Reserve in Huddinge. The study is made
in cooperation with the managers of the three areas operating within the European
Union Life Project regarding Urban Woods for People.
The goal has been to collect data through studies of visitors and close by residents in
the three areas. The results are to be used as primary values for the follow-up as well
as a basis for managerial decisions. The interviews and surveys are also constructed in
a fashion so that they can be used for the follow-up study.
For the Skutan recreational area the mode of contact was by sending forms to the
nearby residential areas.
Prästgårdsträdgårdar : barndomsskildringar från 14 prästgårdsträdgårdar i Växjö stift
Few rectory gardens are today remaining in their former design and the cultural heritage
that they represent are disappearing. Since 1987-88 the parishes are no longer bound
to keep housing for their priests, which means that they, for economical reasons, are
starting to sell their rectories. With this in mind, a group of people, growing up in
rectories in Småland and Öland between the 1930th and 1950th, formed an interest
group to save the memory of their rectory gardens. On the basis of their memories,
they have written a couple of descriptions of the rectories, which describe the gardens
content, design and the life they once lived there. With this compilation of the 14 rectory gardens I want to keep the memory of them and create a ground for future work in this field.
Historically the rectory gardens played an important roll as patterns and examples in the
Mångbruksplan Äspinge 2:2
This plan of multiple-use is made on the private owned forestproperty Äspinge 2:2 in the middle of Skåne.
The term ?multiple-use? came to Sweden in the beginning of the twentieth century and has slowly grown until about 30 years ago when the laws of nature conservation and sustainability was written into the forest law. The so called ecoturism got more and more popular and people began to seek space and silence in difference to the life in the highly populated areas. This also encouraged foreign tourists to come to Sweden. Mostly danish, german, and dutch people.
Vindkraftsacceptans i olika etableringsfaser. En jämförelse av acceptansnivån i tre områden inom Mariestads kommun
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a deeper understanding about the acceptance of wind power. Our basic assumption is that local conditions are important and can explain how the acceptance of change at different stages of establishment. The main purpose is to see if there are differences in the acceptance of wind power in different stages, and examine the factors that influence acceptance. That includes how people in three different areas of study estimates that they value their environment and how it is affected by wind turbines. The project was conducted interdisciplinary geo-targeted and consists of three parts.
Andraspråksutveckling i den mångkulturella förskolan
This thesis deals with two types of agrarian remains in relation to settlement remains; clearance cairns, low stone walls and house terraces in the area of Northeastern Uppland and the area north of Lake Mälaren, during the middle Iron Age. The aim whit this thesis is trying to get a better understanding of the relation between agrarian and settlement remains in Uppland. Three places have been chosen where these three elements are present and they are interpreted through Richard Whites concept of middle ground but also Landesque capital. The three elements have shown to be expressed in different ways in all three sites. It is possible to see two areas with different traditions, but also to see two areas that closely interact with each other, this opens up for a new discussion around agrarian remains in both areas.
Riksintressen för kulturmiljövården. Kritisk genomgång av fördjupade riksintressebeskrivningar
In Sweden, the main responsibility for urban planning lies with the municipalities. The county administrative boards are responsible for clarifying the governmental interests for the municipalities. The main purpose of this essay was to study documents with descriptions of national heritage areas in order to examine whether certain problems within these documents are still present in the most recent ones. This was done by comparing old documents with new ones. The problem with these kinds of documents has been the lack of clarification of cultural values in national heritage areas.
Textanalys av barnlitteratur ur ett etnicitetsperspektiv
In this exam paper, a text analysis has been conducted in the context of ethnicity, examining the most popular library books borrowed by children between the ages of 9-12 years old. The bookshave been selected at two different libraries, located in two different socioeconomic areas. The aim is to examine whether ethnicity plays a role in the choice and content of literature in the two areas. The analysis takes into account class, sex and gender, all of which combine in the context of ethnicity. The framework within which I have based my questions are; In the context of ethnicity, is there a difference in the content of the most borrowed children's books at the two libraries located in areas of diverse socioeconomic background, is the choice of literature affected by the area in which library visitors live and is the content of the most borrowed books specific to what children is each particular area can identify with ? Having analysed the most popular books at both libraries, it has been concluded that there are differences in the two areas when it comes to children's choice of literature.
Yngre barns möte med matematik
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to find out what mathematical content primary school children encounter in their free options at school.Through observation, the study defines mathematical areas that primary school students encounter in their free options at school. We want the study to show the reader the mathematics that students continuously meet without associating it with regular mathematics as taught in school.A number of mathematical areas have been defined in the analysis of the observations. These areas have subsequently been discussed more thoroughly. Finally, the areas have been arranged in a grid system to clarify the results.In our study, we have discovered that mathematics exists in all the observed situations the students participated in.We believe that observation as a method can give teachers a tool for helping students associate practical actions during their free options with the more theoretical aspects of formal teaching of mathematics. We discuss this further in the study..
Förändring av grönområden i Västerås tätort det senaste seklet : Konsekvenser av att grönområden förändras
This thesis was done after a request from the county?s administrative board of Västmanland to provide the board with a better understanding of how green areas have changed within Västerås municipality over time.The purpose and goal of this study was thus to measure and analyze how much of the green areas within Västerås municipality that have disappeared during the past one hundred years as well as to provide a review of previous studies regarding the importance of green areas for humans as well as the biological diversity.In order to answer these questions I have in this study used a combination of a literature study, cartographic analysis as well as a time series analysis. The computer software used to do the measurements of the green areas was ArcGIS which is a geographical information system.In the cartographic and times series anlaysis measurements and analysis was made of the district map of 1911, the economic map of 1950 and the property map of 2011. The measurements show that the municipality has grown with 46,3 km2 over the last one hundred years. New neighborhoods? have emerged and the municipality has expanded.
Hegemoniska och icke-hegemoniska maskuliniteter - En kritisk diskursanalys av politiska texters och unga m?ns perspektiv p? v?ld i utsatta omr?den
There is a lack of consensus within politics on how to deal with the so-called youth problem
that exists in vulnerable areas. The politicians' positions are communicated in speech and
writing and influence the majority society's attitude to children in vulnerable areas. Children
are at the same time a vulnerable group in society. They are dependent on adults and need
their guidance and support throughout their upbringing. In vulnerable areas live children
whose health is affected by social and economic vulnerability and discrimination from the
outside world.
By looking into how hegemonic masculinity as norms are formulated in Swedish political
documents, in relation to experiences of stigmatization and violence among children from
vulnerable areas, this study wishes to examine if children?s right to a life without violence is
being respected in vulnerable areas.
Arkeologisk landskapsanalys och prospektering av bebyggelselämningar och gravfält vid Alsike hage
This paper deals with archaeological prospecting for the purpose of finding a prehistoric settlement in Alsike hage, Alsike parish, Uppland. The methods being used are soil phosphate analysis, electromagnetic survey and settlement analysis. Two 20x20 meters areas have been prospected. As Alsike hage contains several late Iron Age burial fields, large splendid zones for settlement location, closeness to water as well as farmland there was a hope of locating remains of prehistoric settlement in the area. None of the prospected areas showed any distinct evidence of settlement remains.
Kan förändringar i bottenfaunan påvisas två år efter en bäckrestaurering?
The aim of this work is to analyze if a change in the benthic community can be detected two years after a restoration of a small stream. The samples were taken in a small stream at Tinnerö Eklandskap just south of Linköping. In addition to the restored area, two reference sites upstream and downstream of the restored area were sampled to compare to the restored site. The method used for sampling of benthic fauna in the stream was kick sampling. ASPT, Berger-Parker and Renkonen-indices were used to find out if there was any difference between the reference areas and the restored area.
Mellan Askim och Angered En kvantitativ undersökning av mediers framställning av individer i socio-ekonomiskt olika boendeområden.
Authors: Fanny Edstam & Joacim KettilTitle: Between Askim and Angered. A quantitative research of media's presentation of individuals in different socio-economic residential areas.Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 41Gothenburg is a city that struggles with the issues of segregation. Residential areas like Askim are poorly integrated and areas like Angered have a high amount of immigrated inhabitants. Our hypothesis, with this in mind, is that one can assume media reports from different socio economic residential areas in different ways. The assumed difference in reporting can have aneffect in the readers beliefs that an area can be better or worse than it actually is.
Uttryck i sten : En studie av röjningsrösen, stensträngar och husgrundsterrasser under mellersta järnålder i Uppland
This thesis deals with two types of agrarian remains in relation to settlement remains; clearance cairns, low stone walls and house terraces in the area of Northeastern Uppland and the area north of Lake Mälaren, during the middle Iron Age. The aim whit this thesis is trying to get a better understanding of the relation between agrarian and settlement remains in Uppland. Three places have been chosen where these three elements are present and they are interpreted through Richard Whites concept of middle ground but also Landesque capital. The three elements have shown to be expressed in different ways in all three sites. It is possible to see two areas with different traditions, but also to see two areas that closely interact with each other, this opens up for a new discussion around agrarian remains in both areas.