2132 Uppsatser om Space of action - Sida 55 av 143
Stöd i undervisningen på högstadiet : En aktionsstudie som ska klargöra en elevgrupps perspektiv
The aim of thesis was to, through a action research study and through individual interviews with five students, clarify their perspective on educational assistance in high school. The study shows that students prefer teaching in small groups outside of regular whole class because it gives the them access to the factors they consider crucial for a functioning support-time whit a skilled and dedicated teatcher, in a calm and safe environment. Moreover, the students claim the importance of technical equipment especially in the Swedish subject, but also in other subjects. Today the educational assistance varies from an outside-the-class teaching situation to a whole-class situation with teacher support as well as technicaal equipment. When the student were asked to describe the cinditions under which studies can be conducted with the whole class they tried to imitate the learning environment they have in a small group.
En osynlig risk : studie av människors inställning till radonrisk och åtgärder
Approximately 400 people in Sweden die each year by lung cancer caused by radon gas. Authorities have in recent years invested big resources and organized campaigns to encourage people to take action against high occurrence of radon in residences. With low frequency of applications for radon allowances as the main measure, a lot interprets on a very low commitment. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the reasons for the low commitment among people. The study is based on a questionnaire survey sent to 444 house owners in Uppsala.
Kommunala roller i megaprojekt - Lunds kommuns hantering av ESS-projektet
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how municipalities handle planning of megaprojects. The term megaproject here refers to a large project in terms of time, space, investments, numbers of agents etc. With an increasing importance of the phenomena the need of discussing the role local politics could take in this process is important.How do municipalities handle the difficulties that come with megaprojects and what roles do they take in their work with megaprojects? These empirical questions are tested on a case where the municipality of Lund works with the megaproject European Spallation Source (ESS). A theoretical question discusses the megaproject in the light of governance and government, and structures the analysis around these two important terms.Different parts of the municipality handle there part of the planning from there own logic.
Barns inflytande i förskolan : Pedagogers perspektiv
The purpose of this study was to find out what pedagogues in preschool think when it comes to children?s influence and how they do to give the children opportunity to express their thoughts and point of views and thereby influence their situation.The literature review treats the conception of the competent child and shows that having child perspective is important in meeting children. The literature review implies that participation and influence means sensitivity to children?s expressions and that pedagogues lets these expressions influence the activities in preschool. It is not about children always getting their ways, but that they are respected and are given space to think freely.Searching for pedagogues? thoughts on children?s influence and how they do for giving it, I interviewed six persons, working at six different preschools.
In Der Fuehrer?s Face : Hur populärkultur kan nyttjas för politisk propaganda
This essay is about the origin, planning and establishment of the European Space Research Organisation's (ESRO) sounding rocket base Esrange outside Kiruna in Northern Sweden. Three main questions are examined. First I show there were not just scientific and technical but also political, economical as well as military reasons to build a European rocket base. Second, I scrutinize the reasons to choose Northern Sweden as the location for the rocket base. As it turns out, the main reasons were the favourable location of Northern Sweden within the aurora oval zone, the proximity of the Kiruna Geophysical Observatory, and the possibility to use a large, although not quite uninhabited, area where the launched rockets could crash.
Skalkonstruktion : Med inriktning mot hållfasthet och dämpning av ljud
The sound part is mainly practical and is dependent on concepts that have been tested through measuring with a sound level meter. The design part is more theoretical and has been verified with CAD models and finite element analysis.With a sound damping hood on the compressor the sound level is reduced with up to four dB. An optimized absorbent for the compressor space gives a reduction with three dB. By using the insulation for the heat water tank as absorbent we can see a sound reduction on the lover octave bands. A reduction like this is elsewhere hard to achieve as at it requires thick absorbents.By changing the today?s insulation to the heat water tank to a form of polystyrene polymer insulation the weight from the heat pump above can be transferred to the stable heat water tank.
Busfrön kan slå rot! : En studie om oro i klassrummet och pedagogers agerande i dessa situationer
This study is qualitative and will show what?s causing anxiety in a class. Further it will describe how teacher?s act and how they handle when anxiety becomes a problem in the education. How can one as a teacher handle and act in to these disturbing situations? The children, who are anxious, take important time from those students who really need help in their learning.
Granskning av tilllgänglighetsmått i små bostäder : För att öka och underlätta projekteringen av ungdoms- och studentlägenheter
Bostadsbristen för unga växer i takt med att fler byggherrar avstår från att bygga små lägenheter, då rådande lagar gör det svårt att på ett gynnsamt sätt producera kostnads- och yteffektiva bostäder. Bostäder har i dag krav på sig från kommuner och beställare att uppfylla svensk standard. Däri har handikapporganisationer drivit fram tillgänglighetskrav som medför att alla nyproducerade bostäder är tillgänglighetsanpassade.Genom att ifrågasätta svensk funktionshinderspolitik i samband med bostadsbyggande har detta examensarbete som mål att hitta lösningar för att öka nyproduktionen av små bostäder. Granskningen resulterade i ett förslag till en ny standard för ungdoms- och studentbostäder vilken underlättar vid projektering av mindre enskilda bostadslägenheter..
Senkaku-Diaoyu ekonomin kontra militären : En kvalitativ textanalys om ö-konflikten mellan Kina och Japan.
The relationship between China and Japan has historically been problematic and, in some ways still is. One of the issues where both of the states cannot agree on is the island dispute. While both states are claiming sovereignty over the island and there do not seem to be an ending to it in the near future. If the island dispute continues to escalate it could have a negative impact in the Asian region and eventually rest of the world as well. However due to the complexity of the dispute a deeper knowledge is needed and a mutual understanding is needed.
En uppsats om hur golfklubbar kan anpassa sig till den individuella golfaren
Since 2005, the number of golf members in Swedish golf clubs has declined. This is a major problem for many golf clubs since it can lead to over establishment of golf courses. This essay is about how golf clubs in North West Skåne, the second golf densest area in the world, work to maintain their members. The sample consists of eight golf clubs which have been geographic delimited by a 30 km radius out of Helsingborg. The research is based on qualitative interviews with the manager of each golf club.
Förskolans lekmiljö : En studie om hur pedagoger tänker om lekmiljöernas betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande
The purpose of my study is to describe how educators think about the play environment, the nature and its importance for the children's development and learning in preschool. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four active educators. The results of the study show that the teachers regarded the children's interests to a great extent when the different play environments were structured. They are also based on different themes that they have seen that the children were interested in, such as the fire station, hair salon or shop and café. Educators designing not only these play areas for different types of play for the children, but the different environments also have a learning purpose. The outdoor environment however attracts greater interest from children, to where they have more space to move freely in and outdoors, there are no limits to the children.
BILD OCH MATEMATIK ? TV? KREATIVA ?MNEN. Om interdisciplin?ra samarbeten i gymnasieskolans estetiska program
This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of interdisciplinary
collaborations between Art and Mathematics within the Arts program at the upper
secondary school level. Grounded in sociocultural theory, this study explores
learning through language, action, and context, drawing on the works of theorists
such as Lev Vygotsky (1995/2016), John Dewey (1897/2011) and Roger S?lj?
(2020). Through semi-structured interviews, educators in both Art and
Mathematics discuss shared subject content and explore opportunities and
obstacles in fostering a collaborative culture within the Arts program at the upper
secondary school level. The study reveals common subject content in Art and
Mathematics suitable for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Under mina år i skådespelaryrket har jag utvecklat ett allt starkare intresse för dramat mellan raderna i ett teatermanus. Jag vill få syn på hur och vad jag gör när jag arbetar och samarbetar. Min bakgrund som naturvetare har påverkat mitt sätt att se på världen: även konstnärligt är jag starkt inspirerad av ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv .Jag har formulerat en skådespelarmetod som jag kallar självarkeologi och redogör för dess beståndsdelar genom att låna dramaturgin hos en teaterhändelse: ett läsdrama. Rollkaraktärerna representeras av de grundvalar på vilka strategin vilar. Mina personliga drivkrafter och erfarenheter som tillsammans lett fram till behovet av en metod representerar pjäsens grundkonflikt.
Tillgänglighet i femtiotalshus : En fallstudie i tillgänglighetsbrister med åtgärdsförslag
This is a report about accessibility. For this project the accessibility of a building in the city of Halmstad was evaluated. It´s a three storey building with five apartments on each floor divided by two stairwells. These five apartments have since been divided into three different types of apartments. Each type of apartment has been assessed separately.
Småskalig säsongslagring av solenergi för uppvärmning av bostäder : Simulering av lagerutformning och konsekvensen av adderade uppvärmningsbehov motsvarande en pool och ett atrium
The sun is a huge energy source with great potential of providing energy to the heating of homes and other buildings in an environmentally sustainable manner. In order to provide buildings with energy from the sun it is necessary to transfer the energy supply over time to when the demand arises. By storing the heat in a seasonal storage, solar energy from the summer can be used in the winter when the demand for heating is greatest.Today's existing plants are mainly in Europe and particularly in Germany. These facilities are designed to supply heat demands greater than 400 MWh and covers about 40-50 % of this need which consists of energy for space heating and domestic hot water. How much of the heat demand that is covered, the solar fraction, is partly due to losses from the storage which in turn is connected to the surface area of the storage.