

2132 Uppsatser om Space of action - Sida 25 av 143

Reklamlandskap : utomhusreklamens inverkan på stadsmiljö och stadsliv

Outdoor advertising is not very often discussed within city planning even though the commercial messages occupy much of public space. The advertising signs affects not only the physical environment but also social life. In this report I would like to acknowledge and question the presence of advertising in our everyday environment. Outdoor advertising is not a new phenomena, technical progress however, results constantly in new expansions in the environment. Today advertising occurs in all sorts of shapes in the cities, both as free standing signs and as signs attached to facades, incorporated in city furniture such as bus shelters and on vehicles moving along the city streets. Grouping advertising into two categories; local and national, reveals that the different categories have different impact on public space.

Ruins of Wilderness : sensual Spaces in between

Ruins and derelict places have since long fascinated and attracted humans. With my starting point in the wild vegetation and the spontaneous activities taking place on derelict land and in industrial ruins, I explore with help from the theoretical sociology, what creates not only this fascination but also fear. The purpose of the thesis is to explore and exemplify how the industrial ruin as a place outside the restrictions and control as well as design intentions of modern society can be used as an inspiration in a landscape architecture context.The modern city consists of areas and places with a well defined purpose. A piece of derelict land or a disused building is instead ambiguous, undefined and open for new purposes. However described in negative terms, these placesare often perceived as places of mystery and magic.

Dynamisk musiks narrativa funktion i datorspel : En undersökning av den transdiegetiska ljudtypen dynamisk musiks påverkan på det ickelinjära berättandet i ett action- science fictionspel

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka vilken påverkan dynamisk musik har på narrativet i ett datorspel. Den transdiegetiska musiktypen dynamisk musik har jämförts med den ickediegetiska musiktypen statisk musik i ett action- science fictionspel för att se vilka skillnader de har på spelarens upplevelse av narrativet. Åtta testpersoner har fått spelat två spelversioner med de olika typerna musik och sedan intervjuats om deras upplevelse. Resultatet har visat tendenser på att det finns ett samband mellan dynamisk musik och spelarens upplevelser av specifika händelser. Skillnaden mellan dynamisk musik och statisk musik har visat sig vara att den dynamiska musiken har en möjlighet att representera en händelse i ett specifikt ögonblick vilket inte är möjligt med statisk musik.

Hundhållning i bil : situationen i Sverige och effekter av utetemperaturen. Enkätundersökning och experimentell studie

The aims of this project were to describe the circumstances around dogs being left alone in cars, to investigate owners? knowledge of the risks associated with leaving dogs in cars and the relevant legislation and, finally, to study how changes in the air temperature and air composition in the car affect the dog. The project consisted of a survey of the literature, a questionnaire part and an experimental part. An important conclusion is the importance of the level of knowledge of owners, since there are several ways in which an owner can prevent their dog from heat stroke and, in the case of an eventual accident, their action can have direct consequences in minimizing the long-term damage to the dog and even whether or not it survives. Fewer than half of the owners in the study knew that for a dog suffering heat stroke, the most important thing is to bring the body temperature down. Only a third of dog owners knew that if a dog is left in a warm car and showing signs of heat stress, then the police should be contacted and the dog quickly helped out of the car.

Evidensgranskning av behandlingsmetoder grundade i spegelneurons-teorin som används inom stroke rehabiliteringen : En systematisk litteratursammanställning

Stroke är en folksjukdom, som årligen drabbar ca 30 000 människor. Ett vanligt återstående problem efter stroke är hemipares som kan innebära svaghet i ena kroppshalvans arm och/eller ben, samt svårigheter att klara det vardagliga livet. För att ge patienten så bra förutsättningar som möjligt att uppnå en så hög grad av självständighet som möjligt är det viktigt med en intensiv rehabilitering. Flera studier har visat att spegelterapi kan vara ett lovande verktyg att använda inom strokerehabiliteringen. Syftet med studien var att sammanställa evidensen för behandlingsmetoder grundade inom spegelneurons-teorin som används inom stroke rehabiliteringen.

Förbättring av Camcoil : Integrering av stöd samt bandnyp

AbstractThe assignment were assigned by Camatec Industriteknik AB. Camatec is a Karlstadlocated consulting company, they make everything from pilot studies to complete projects in mechanical design and calculation. They even have their own patented product, Camcoil. It is a winder for steel strips and is used for example with hardening of the steel strip. The assignment has been to solve the problems encountered by some customers within this product.

Göra plats - Om trängbodda barns vardagspraktiker

The essay examines through semi-structured interviews the experiences of overcrowded housing, as they are portrayed through the eyes of children aged 8 ? 14. Overcrowded housing has an effect on children?s school performance, general health and is often linked to less capacity for normal social consumption. Yet there seems to be little done in terms of interrogating children about how they perceive their situation here and now.

Dockteater som mediering : En handgjord handling

The aim of this study was to shed light on the phenomenon of sex purchase amongst men from the perspective of professionals working at KAST*. Our main research questions concerned who the sex-purchasing men are, what their incentives are and furthermore how the professionals depict their work with these clients. In order to examine this we conducted three qualitative research interviews. The theoretical framework used to examine our results consisted of social constructivism and professional acting space. Main results show, contrary to research, that the ?typical? sex buyer does not exist, nor do specific motives.

Kvinnors drivkrafter för att lämna en kriminell livsstil : val, uppbrott och förändring

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the descriptions of young girls' experiences of internet contacts, which have led up to sexual abuse. The aim is to give additional understanding and knowledge concerning grooming.       Grooming means that somebody gets in contact with someone else with the intention of committing sexual violations at a later stage. In most cases this concerns adults who contact children. We have chosen to confine ourselves to focusing on the grooming on internet that has happened to girls. By means of thematic analyses of texts from the books Jag kände mig speciell, grooming på internet, 2012 and Alexandramannen, vår tids största nätsexhärva, 2009, we have found certain themes and linked them up with previous research-work and also theory of social psychology.

En komplicerad balansgång : familjebehandlares upplevelse av sin roll i arbetet med familjer i hemmiljö

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the descriptions of young girls' experiences of internet contacts, which have led up to sexual abuse. The aim is to give additional understanding and knowledge concerning grooming.       Grooming means that somebody gets in contact with someone else with the intention of committing sexual violations at a later stage. In most cases this concerns adults who contact children. We have chosen to confine ourselves to focusing on the grooming on internet that has happened to girls. By means of thematic analyses of texts from the books Jag kände mig speciell, grooming på internet, 2012 and Alexandramannen, vår tids största nätsexhärva, 2009, we have found certain themes and linked them up with previous research-work and also theory of social psychology.

Kommunikation och samverkan mellan projektering, inköp och produktion (PIP) i ett byggprojekt. En utredning av en PIP-plan och ett förslag på en arbetsplan.

The climate changes that are occuring in the world have resulted in that the EU callingfor a 20 % reduction in energy consumption to the year 2020, to reach that goal theEU want the public sector to go forth as a good example. Västfastigheter owns andmanage the hospital buildings in the Västra Götaland region. To be able to reducetheir energy usage Västfastigheter has hired several consulting firms to chart out theenergy consumption on each hospital building. The biggest energy savings potentialhave been calculated and what the cost will be to perform each action. The energyaudit have been completed and stand as the decision basis for Västfastigheter?s choiceon which action packages that should be implemented.

Att både stötta och skydda : en diskursanalys av barnavårdens arbete med hedersrelaterat våld

The purpose of this essay has been to study the different discourses that are expressed in social welfare secretaries? assertions when they assess cases with elements of honour-related violence, intimidation and oppression. To do so I have used a discourse analysis theory and technique, based on three qualitative interviews with social welfare secretaries. The interviews were focused on vignettes, which were all fictitious cases with various elements of honour-related violence. One of the interviews was a focus groupinterview with four participants, while the other two interviews were individual.

Verbbenämning hos vuxna med afasi : Bedömt med Action Naming Test

Förmågan att benämna verb och substantiv kan skilja sig åt hos såväl friska vuxna (Strauss Hough, 2007) som personer med afasi (Mätzig, Druks, Masterson & Vigliocco, 2009). Hos personer med afasi har skillnader mellan förmågan att benämna substantiv och verb relaterats till skadelokalisation (Damasio & Tranel, 1993). Vid afasiutredningar används ofta benämningstest för att bedöma framplockningen av ord (Herbert, Hickin, Howard, Osborne & Best, 2008).Action Naming Test (ANT) är ett verbbenämningstest som normerats på svenska (Lindahl & Oskarsson, 2011; Stenberg & Wik, 2013), men inte studerats hos personer med afasi. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur verbbenämningsförmågan ser ut hos personer med afasi och expressiva svårigheter, i relation till den svenska normeringen för ANT. Några av orden i normeringen var problematiska, varför en reanalys av data genomfördes av Stenberg och Wik (2013).

Arbetslöshetens (o)kända ansikten : Ett arbetsmarknadsprojekt i Rågsved i en tid av avancerad marginalitet och territoriell stigmatisering

This essay intervenes in the politics of urban segregation in Stockholm. The main aim of the essay is to analyze and describe how advanced marginality and territorial stigmatization are expressed in the lived experiences of four unemployed youths, that have participated in a labor market training program located in the ?social vulnerable? area Rågsved. With a theoretical framework based in Henri Lefebvre?s production of social space the empirical findings are interpreted in regard to how the youths produce social space in dialectical interplay with urban politics, advanced marginality, territorial stigmatization, and their local neighborhood.

Stor blandning - lika behandling. En bra metod för jämställdhetsarbete : en utvärderingsstudie av Svenska innebandyförbundets likabehandlingsprojekt

The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the working model, presented by The Swedish Floorball Federation, has been a good method to work with gender equality within Swedish floorball associations. The purpose of the The Swedish Floorball Federation?sproject was for its associations to develop a plan of action for how to act to be an equal treatment association pursuing an equal treatment sport. 13 associations answered the questionnaire study. The result show that the great majority clearly found a need of change to become more equally treating and most of those associations have somewhat of an idea how to realize those changes.

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