

2132 Uppsatser om Space of action - Sida 19 av 143

Att vara ensam eller ha en vän: Bilder av barns vänskap i fyra svenska barnböcker valda ur Barnbokstipset.

This thesis analyses how friendship between children is described in four Swedish childrens books, published in 1995-2001 and recommended in Barnbokstipset, which is used in libraries for recommending books. Today there are many childrens books that describe various aspects of childrens everyday lives and these books can have an influence on the children who read them. But I found that there has not been much research about how friendship is described in childrens books, although much has been written about the importance of social relationships with peers for childrens lives and development. I analyze the books one by one with the help of a number of questions and categories that I have constructed beforehand. In the analysis I apply Zick Rubins theory of two different stages in childrens understanding of friendship and William Corsaros theory of interactive space which deals with who is allowed to join in games and friendships and who is not allowed to do so and how this is played out.

Kärnvapennedrustning i USA och Sovjetunionen : Åren 1960-2002

AbstractIII-essay in political science by Christoffer Harnell, autumn -08. Supervisor: Malin Stegman-McCallion. ?Nuclear Disarmament - USA and the Soviet Union 1960-2002? This essay is about USA and the former Soviet Union and their nuclear disarmament. The purpose is to explain why and when the two states begun their nuclear disarmament, as well as what caused the start of the process.

Varför gör de inte vad de ska? Hur det kommer sig att ett infört arbetssätt på Försäkringskassan inte tillämpas så som avsetts

The aim of the present paper was to see why a recommended course of action is not always followed in the way it is supposed to. The paper deals with a new method (SFA-metoden) used by The Social Insurance Agency in working with sick-listed people. Aspects that are elaborated on are local effects of the method at its introduction, case managers work conditions, and control of the implementation of the method. Two different methods of investigation have been employed. On the one hand, previous reports on the method have been analysed, and, on the other hand, two focus groups interviews, one consisting of case managers´ working with the method, and one constituted by their supervisors have been carried out.The results have been analysed in accordance with, on the one hand, the theory of street level bureaucrats and, on the other hand, certain concepts applied in the new institutionalism.

Implementeringen av EU:s ramdirektivför vatten i kommunernas planarbete : En studie av kommunerna i Stockholms län

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) was incorporated into the Swedish legislation in 2004 through the ordinance Förordningen om förvaltningenav kvaliteten på vattenmiljön (SFS 2004:660). The objective is that all water bodies shall reach a good status by the year 2015. In Sweden the comprehensive plans of the municipalities can play a large role in reaching these goals. A comprehensive plan deals with the long term water and land use of the municipality, which can facilitate an early consideration of water management in the planning process of the municipality. In Sweden five river basin districts have been established in accordance with the Water Framework Directive.

Vidareutveckling av häftfixtur för sammansvetsning av Volvo hjullastares lyftramverk : Ett projekt med syfte att effektivisera produktionen

This report is about how HDR (HighDynamicRange) can be created and used in combination with Tone mapping. This work has been carried out together with Kapsch TrafficCom AB in Jönköping.The objective of this project is to:Evaluate and investigate the effects given to pictures by HDR and tone mapping.Evaluate if the technology may lead to improvements in Kapsch?s systems.To construct a program which is able to handle some form of tone mapping or HDR-algorithm.These questions will be answered in this report:What kind of effects has HDR and tone mapping-algorithms on pictures?Can the HDR-technology give better data in Kapsch?s systems?The research method used in this report is called action research. This means the authors has investigated the technology by reading different documentations and by testing different algorithms to see what kind of result they give. The report describes some of the tests made to see if the technology is appropriate in Kapsch?s system.There is two smaller reports made by the authors which documenting some of the work.The first report describes the work with different settings for a camera to create pictures with HDR-quality.

Europas gränser i svensk partipolitik

The aim of my study is to illuminate the borders, both spatial and aspatial, that are drawn around Europe in swedish politics by using the word in question in different ways. To increase my possibilites of comparing different concepts of Europe, I have chosen to restrict my study toFolkpartiet and Vänsterpartiet, which are the two swedish parties who seem to stand the furthest from each other on issues regarding Europe and the EU. Using theory on borders and bordering, I construct an analytical framework consisting of a separation of three categories of entities, around which borders can be drawn. In my search for both obvious and implicit ways of filling the word Europe with content, I find that both parties speak of Europe in a highly contradictory way, which both includes and excludes peripheral regions of a geographical Europe. My second conclusion is that both parties tend to associate Europe with things that are positive to them.

Det offentliga rummet : uppbyggnad och funktionella förutsättningar

I uppsatsen behandlas hur offentliga platser kan ge olika förutsättningar till användning beroende av deras fysiska utformning och i vilket sammanhang de återfinns i. Genom litteraturstudier av Sitte, Jacobs, Hall, Gehl, Whyte, Hillier, Marcus, Madanipour och Bell et al. undersöks några teorier inom områdena stadsplanering, miljöpsykologi och Space syntax. Av dessa framkommer att de faktorer som främst påverkar är; upplevelsen av platsbildning, skalnivåns påverkan av upplevd aktivitetsnivå, platsens integration i förhållande till övriga platser i staden och till omgivande kvarter, upplevelse av trygghet och kontroll, samt möjligheten till frivilliga och sociala aktiviteter. Platsens territoriella tydlighet har betydelse för hur olika målgrupper kan använda sig av den, men också för hur hierarkin mellan olika användningsområden blir.

En rättvisande representation? : En underso?kning av morgonprogrammens ga?ster och i vilken kontext de medverkar

AbstractTitle: A fair representation? A comparative study of the morning program guests and the context in which they are involved. Author: Hanna Brandt Parkvall & Adam So?derblom Tutor: Anne-Marie Morhed Purpose: This study aimed to investigate and compare the guests and the context in which they are involved, in the morning programs Gomorron Sverige on SVT1 and Nyhetsmorgon on TV4. The thesis is based on three questions that examine how representative the invited guests are in proportion to the country?s population, the subjects that occupy the most space and the types of guests that discuss these topics in the programs.

Beaker-kulturernas ursprungs-ID

This essay aims to investigate the use of an origin-ID within the Beaker Complex, as defined by John C. Barrett, seen through their different expressions of use in ceramic form and ornamentation, architecture and landscape through time and space with special emphasis on the late Neolihtics in the South of England. The analytic vehicle "the reinforcing circle" is used as a new diffusion model suggested by Stuart Needham, and the analytic tool "incubation" is used to structure the process the Beaker-cultures may have used to reach cultural hegemony. Id est, that the Beaker-cultures socially invites already existing cultures, offering within family and trading the results of new technolo­gies. And/or, occupy the space and use the authority needed by re-writing the narrative as seen in the grave use and grave deposits.

Starka kvinnliga action-hjältar : En studie i hur kvinnliga actionhjältar kan porträtteras

Arbetet undersökte vad manliga och kvinnliga spelare föredrar hos en kvinnlig hjälte i ett actionspel. Inledningsvis diskuterades en rad tidigare studier kring genus i spel och annan visuell media. Därefter redogörs begreppen fysionomi och stereotyp för att få en förståelse för hur man kan dra slutsatser kring en karaktär från så lite information som en konceptbild. Därefter redogörs kända kvinnliga fiktiva hjältar från det senaste århundradet från film, spel och annan visuell media.Artefakten som skapades var fyra olika karaktärskoncept av olika kvinnliga hjältar som var baserade på en förundersökning. Förundersökningen bestod av en karaktärsstudie och en kvantitativ enkätundersökning.

Plats att se andra och bli sedd? En fallstudie om samspelet mellan stadens struktur och segregation

Arbetets syfte är att undersöka och diskutera om fysisk utformning kan bidra till eller förebygga segregation, samt att jämföra olika principer för att minska rumslig uppdelning och ge ökade möjligheter till social interaktion. Fokus är hur stadens struktur och utformning bidrar till, eller försvårar, att människor befinner sig på samma offentliga platser samtidigt, vilket skapar möjlighet att se och blir sedd av andra människor. Att se och bli sedd av andra människor är något som flera forskare lyfter som viktigt för att bli ömsesidigt medvetna om varandras existens, och minska uppdelning i ?vi? och ?dem?. I arbetet undersöks Nedre Norrby i Borås med hjälp av space syntaxverktyg och Gehls kvalitetskriterier. Det visar på vilka sätt platsen kan ses som en barriär, och undersöker hur fysiska förändringar skulle kunna förändra det.

Rätten att välja fel - Självbestämmande för personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar

The purpose of this paper was to look at the perception of self-determination for adults with intellectual disabilities from their perspective. We wanted to examine the experience of the space available for self-determination in some key areas of life, and how their own thoughts and ideas have been addressed by others. Through interviews with six people with intellectual disabilities, we have found that a single definition of self-determination is elusive. The key seems to be that you get the opportunity to do what you want, to have your voice heard and to receive and take responsibility. The space for self-determination is perceived by respondents as both large and small.

Mixture and single-compound toxicity using Daphnia magna : comparisons with estimates of concentration addition and independent action

Aquatic organisms are usually not exposed to single substances but rather to mixtures of toxicants in streams located in agricultural areas. The transport of pesticides used in the agricultural area in Sweden is monitored with continuous environmental supervision every year. During 2002-2008 an average of 10 pesticides were found in each sample and 40% of the samples contained substances with concentrations higher than the Water Quality Standards. Chemical risk management is normally based on single-test evaluations. A problem when assessing mixture toxicities is that the constituents and concentrations of pollutants in the environment vary greatly.

Att göra de osynliga synligaEn studie om barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrarTo make the invisible ones visibleA study about children with psychical disturbed parents

Abstract The aim of this essay has been to deepen the knowledge of how professional social workers, therapists and almoners experience working with children who have psychical disturbed parents. By interviews we have examined the experiences of people who, through their work, comes in contact with children whose parents suffer from psychical disturbance. In our interviews we have concentrated on specific themes, such as working with these children, the situation these children are in, parenthood and cooperation with other actors in the field of action. Literature has earlier shown that children with psychical disturbed parents have been difficult to discover. This was confirmed in our study.

Tolkning av en serie, baserat på läsarens genrekunskap : En undersökning i serieskapande, med fokus på berättande

Uppsatsen behandlar hur en läsares genrekunskap påverkar dennes tolkning av en serie. Som projektarbete har jag producerat en kortare episod på fyra sidor, ur en längre serie som jag själv skapat, inom genrerna science-fiction och action. I bakgrunden går jag igenom Scott McClouds syn på serier, Bordwell och Thompssons syn på genrer, samt viss bakgrund och förutsättningar för min series mytologi, berättande och estetiska uttryck.Jag har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där jag låtit fokusgrupper med olika förutsättningar vad gäller förkunskaper och bakgrundsinformation läsa och diskutera serien.För att skapa serie-episoden har jag studerat andra seriers layout, tecknarstil och berättande. Serien bygger på ett tydligt symbolspråk med förankring i verkligheten.De slutsatser jag kunnat dra av undersökningen är att mycket bakgrundsinformation hämmar nyfikenhet och spekulationsvilja och att en hög kunnighet kring de berörda genrerna leder till en modernare syn på könsroller..

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