

583 Uppsatser om Southern China - Sida 38 av 39

The Countryside dream : amenity Migration and the new transit-oriented communities

This is a final thesis in landscape planning, at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The study examines the current phenomenon of amenity migration and the international discourse applicability of the a "Countryside dream" in a small neighborhood in Käglinge, part of the transit-oriented community Oxie just outside of Malmö in the southern part of Sweden. The critical starting point of the study is the how many planners idealize the dense city with its positive proximity qualities. However, since the late 1900s, many people have instead started to idealize living in more rural or naturally appealing landscapes, often just outside a bigger city, with good transit possibilities (both by car and bus as well as by train). The phenomenon of amenity migration ? the migration to a new, more appealing everyday environment considered to have more amenities, is very relevant today since many smaller communities are becoming more transit-oriented, allowing the inmigrants to work in some bigger, dense town while living in a small-scale, less dense semi-rural community. More dense transit-oriented communities are however also an ideal to planners in Sweden, but to what extent can Käglinge in Oxie ? a neither rural nor urban community - fulfill a possible countryside dream, and what role does the train station have in the in-migrants everyday life? The study has a theoretical starting point in literature regarding amenity migration, countryside ideals, representations of the countryside and the possible migrants themselves, giving a broad perspective on these related issues. The case study of Käglinge in Oxie is then presented, including interviews with Käglinges in-migrants.

Böklåda med torv på rastgårdsytan i ekologisk slaktsvinsproduktion : effekter på beteende och emission av kväve (NH3 och N2O)

In organic animal production, synthetic amino acids are not allowed. Therefore, a higher level of crude protein is needed in the diet to pigs, which lead to more nitrogen (N) excreted in the faeces and urine. N can be emitted to the air in the form of e.g. ammonia (NH3), which contributes to eutrophication and acidification and as nitrous oxide (N2O), which is a very potent greenhouse gas. The emission of N can be reduced by e.g.

Kungsängsverket : ett reningsverk omvandlas till park

Today, there are few industries left in our cities. Industrial areas thatare located in urban settings close to water or city centers are oftenreplaced by housing. In my thesis I want to explore how such industrialsite located in an urban setting can be transformed into anindustrial park where the industrial structures are saved. By approachingthis type of environment in a positive manner, I wish tohighlight the potential aesthetic and functional value in the existingindustrial structure. Through the transformation and design of anexisting industrial site I will convey the previous use and history ofthe place.The wastewater treatment plant, Kungsängsverket, is located in thedistrict of Kungsängen in the southern part of Uppsala.

Undersökning av luftkvaliteten vid småskalig biobränsleförbränning i två kommuner med modellsystemet VEDAIR

An Internet application, VEDAIR, for estimation of air quality in regions with small-scale combustion of bio fuel has been developed by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute with financing from Swedish Energy Agency and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The model contains user interface and a coupled model concept where concentrations of atmospheric pollutions are calculated for regional, urban and local contributions. In this report the model is described and a first study of air quality considering PM10 (particles with a diameter less than 10 µm) in two Swedish municipalities, Vänersborg and Gnosjö, is introduced.According to the result, there are areas with poor air quality even in smaller Swedish municipalities, mostly due to high emission from buildings with older wood heating furnace without hydraulic accumulator.In Vänersborg three areas were analysed in VEDAIR for the year 2003: Vargön, Mariedal and the downtown district. In the whole municipality the upper evaluation threshold for PM10, which is defined as 14 µg/m3 for annual average, was exceeded due to background contribution of particles. In all areas, however, the concentrations of PM10 were less than the environmental quality norms.

Hydrolys av primärslam för förbättrande av biologisk fosforreduktion vid behandling av hushållsavloppsvatten [Hydrolysis of primary sludge for enhancement of biological phosphorus removal in household wastewater]

Hammarby Sjöstad is a new district of southern Stockholm built with focus on reduced environmental impact by recirculation of materials and sustainability. The environmental goals aim to cut the water consumption by half and a separate storm water treatment. Thus, the wastewater will be more concentrated and will originate from the households only. The Sjöstad project includes the idea of a local treatment plant for the household wastewater. To evaluate this possibility, Sjöstadsverket, an experimental treatment plant was constructed.

Parallel Import of Pharmaceuticals in the EU

Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. The pharmaceutical market in Europe is subject to the subsidiartiy principle of Art. 5 EC and heavily characterised by national regulations that lead to significant price differentials between – generally speaking – Northern and Southern Europe. This incites the activity of parallel traders in the first place, who act as arbitrageurs.

Användning av satellitdata för lokalisering av skogsområden där lövröjning bedöms angelägen : en analys av användbarheten med fjärranalys som hjälpmedel till röjningsrådgivning

This master thesis project is a part of a project called ?Järboprojektet? at the regional board of forestry, the district of Gästrikland. The project will give answers to questions regarding if an analysis of satellite images can be used to contact and inform landowners of the located areas where precommercial thinning is useful. The whole project is a part of the National Board of Forestrys IT-stake where the analysis of satellite images will, at the latitudes possible, be adapted to each district in purpose to identify these areas in need of precommercial thinning. This master thesis project is based on a field inventory of identified objects where precommercial thinning is useful.

Vattensänkningar : en analys av orsaker och effekter

There are records of lowering of the water level in a lot of the Swedish lakes from the middleof the 1700th century. The aim was gaining more areable land to meet the needs of more foodto support the expanding population. In areas with top soil which contents of clay or loam asin the southwest of Scania in southern Sweden this was proven to be a successful wayexpanding the total outcome of the harvest.The studied area in the northeast of Scania, though, consists of morain with a lot of mires -much less nutritious conditions. When the water level is lowered the atmosphere gets accessto the peat. The dissolving of the organic matter that has been suppressed by the lack ofoxygene below water level continues.

Parallel Import of Pharmaceuticals in the EU

Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. The pharmaceutical market in Europe is subject to the subsidiartiy principle of Art. 5 EC and heavily characterised by national regulations that lead to significant price differentials between ? generally speaking ? Northern and Southern Europe.

Att sätta medborgaren i andra hand : en studie om tjänstemannens dilemman vid tillsynsärenden i djurskyddsfall

The situation of officials of public and governmental organizations have been recognized as increasingly risky, in which the influences of both threats and violence have become an issue that administrators have to manage. Experiences of feeling threatened in their workplace or in their professional lives has been marked by an increased number of reported cases in the work environment authority. Common to the problems faced by many agencies and important associations that dealt with its often derive personal and sensitive issues. The purpose of this study is to highlight how veterinarians and animal welfare inspectors on the counties of Blekinge, Kronoberg and Kalmar experience the interaction of regulatory and prohibition cases. Länsstyrelsen is the one that can decide what is to happen to an animal that has been kept under bad conditions.

Att sätta medborgaren i andra hand - en studie om tjänstemannens dilemman vid tillsynsärenden i djurskyddsfall

The situation of officials of public and governmental organizations have been recognized as increasingly risky, in which the influences of both threats and violence have become an issue that administrators have to manage. Experiences of feeling threatened in their workplace or in their professional lives has been marked by an increased number of reported cases in the work environment authority. Common to the problems faced by many agencies and important associations that dealt with its often derive personal and sensitive issues. The purpose of this study is to highlight how veterinarians and animal welfare inspectors on the counties of Blekinge, Kronoberg and Kalmar experience the interaction of regulatory and prohibition cases. Länsstyrelsen is the one that can decide what is to happen to an animal that has been kept under bad conditions.

Att främja goda matvanor ? en intervjustudie med förskolepersonal i fokus

Bakgrund: Folkhälsan i Sverige beror till viss del på befolkningens matvanor. Matvanor grundläggs i de tidiga åren vilket ger den offentliga miljön, exempelvis förskolor, stora möjligheter att skapa goda förutsättningar för barnens matvanor. På såväl global som nationell nivå finns flera styrdokument som berör barns matvanor och hälsa. Det debatteras ofta vilka risker befolkningens matvanor innebär. Vi ville öka förståelsen för matens möjligheter genom ett salutogent perspektiv.

Ett vattendrags väg genom tid och landskap : Höje å

Water is a vital element and also enriches the experience of landscapes. It is naturally in constant movement and change but also exposed to the hands of man. In this paper two stretches of water is described through landscape and time in correlation between development and the experience of the watercourse Höje-å in the rural parts of southern Sweden. The intention is to investigate how Höje-å has changed over time and also how it is experienced in the surrounding landscape. With the help of literary studies the history of Höje-å have been described and through the course of field-studies the experience of two different areas along the watercourse.The biggest changes of Höje-å and its surrounding area have taken part during the last two centuries.

Vedrötor i stadsträd : biologi, detektionsmetoder och förebyggande åtgärder

Urban trees have very little in common with trees on natural sites, such as forests or pastures. Trees in urban environments are often planted in packed soil and in small volumes. This can lead to decreased availability of water and oxygen, as well as deteriorated ability for the soil to store nutritional elements. Also above ground the tree usually have limited space in cities. Regulations on free height over roads and cycle tracks demands high stems at an early stage of their development.

Strumpstickmaskinen och dess roll på den svenska marknaden

Idag är det inte många textilföretag som har möjlighet att ha strumpproduktion i ett land som Sverige på grund av lönsamhetsskäl. Det är billigare att producera i låglöneländer i Europa eller Asien, men det tär istället på våra naturresurser och vår miljö att transportera produkter fram och tillbaka. På grund av de höjda lönerna i Kina och valutakursen för euron som höjts drastiskt i Europa har Sverige dock kommit till ett läge då det blir ekonomiskt lönsamt att flytta tillbaka en del av produktionen till Sverige. Dessutom ökar trenden med ekologiska och närproducerade varor, vilket ökar efterfrågan på svensktillverkade produkter. Studien syftar till att ge privatpersoner och företag ett underlag till att undersöka sina möjligheter för produktion av strumpor på den svenska marknaden.Utvecklingen av strumpproduktionen i Sverige pågår hela tiden och företagen uppdaterar sina maskinparker och utbildar sina anställda, vilket leder till en utveckling av marknaden.

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