

583 Uppsatser om Southern China - Sida 26 av 39

Poppel - en möjlighet i norra Sverige?

The countries in the European Union have agreed to increase their percentage renewable energy sources to 20 %. To reach this goal an increase of biomass production needs to be made. One way of achieving this is by using nonnative species. Poplar in Sweden produces biomass faster than the domestic trees. In the southern parts of Sweden plantations has been made with good results. In the northern parts survival is a problem that needs to be solved before plantations can be made for commercial use.

Naturhänsyn vid föryngringsavverkningar : En jämförelse mellan certifierade och o-certifierade hyggen

A growing number of Swedish forest owners are choosing to certify their forestry. However, there appears to be a lack of field surveys which describe differences between certified and non-certified forests concerning the degree of completed environmental considerations. In order to know to what extent certified forests contribute towards improved environmental consideration, we need studies on how large the difference is in relation to non-certified forests.Differences between certified and non-certified forest clearings were quantified through an inventory of the number of retention trees, dead trees and snags. The result showed that the retained number of the investigated parameters varied greatly between individual clearings, regardless of certification status. However, the results suggested that the certified clearings had an average higher incidence ofthe investigated parameters.

Riskfaktorer för uppkomst av neurologisk sjukdom vid infektion med EHV-1

During the cultivation season there are a several cropping activities to carry out. At what time these activities are carried out is affecting the result and also on the economy of the crop production. As the production costs are high in potato production, it is important to keep an eye on the economy. Profitability is the most important factor in most crop production systems. If the costs are not covered, it is difficult to justify the production.

Produktionskalkyler för biobränslen :

This study is one of five that has been done based on Lunds Energi?s planned investment in bioenergy. The plan is to build two large burners, at Örtofta, that?s going to be supplied with biofuels. In this study I take a closer look on the profitability when you choose to sell your cereal as bioenergy. I?ve been calculating with selling the straw from the grain crops and winter rape, selling the rye weat as whole crop and fertilize the hemp with sewage sludge.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : En kvalitativ undersökning om fem grundskolelärares uppfattningar om sitt ledarskap

The purpose of this study has been to investigate the views of five teachers on their own leadership, and on the way they make it work in the classroom. The method was a qualitative investigation consisting of separate interviews with five elementary school teachers from three different schools in the southern part of Stockholm. The results showed that a good pedagogic leadership, successful with the pupils, can be characterised as at the same time democratic and "situation adjustable". This includes the ability to formulate the rules of conduct clearly, to take decisions and to create a good working atmosphere in the classroom, so that the pupils can feel secure, and be able to learn and develop. That however, cannot be accomplished if the teacher only maintains a negative communication, reminding the pupils of what is forbidden.

Skissen och skissandet - landskapsarkitektens arbetsverktyg

What is sketching for a landscape architect? Does it involve anything else than the sketching process, the tool withwhich we work and carry a project through? The answer is yes, it is a process but one that includes many functionslike making notes in drawings or words for remembrance, a way to convey your ideas to others and to clearifyideas for yourself or together in a group. This thesis aim to give a broader picture of what sketches and sketchingis through many voices, and images made by architects, a psychiatrist, a teacher, and landscape architect students.The focus is on the hand made sketch and show many examples of what a sketch can look like.What is a sketch? A sketch can be many things, but the general consensus is that it is made fast and as a draft. Itcan be made in any material, two or three dimensional.

African swine fever in Uganda : description of a recent outbreak and possible differential diagnoses

This study had two different aims. The main aim was to investigate the dynamics and impact of African swine fever (ASF) on a farm in Uganda during a recent outbreak through a case study. The second aim was to estimate the presence of two important differential diagnoses of ASF: Classical swine fever (CSF) and Porcine Reproduction and Respiratory syndrome (PRRS).The field and laboratory based case study of the farm level dynamics of ASF virus during a recent outbreak (October-December 2010) on a farm in the district of Mityana, Uganda, was conducted, using interviews, ELISA and RT-PCR. The financial impact on the farm was also estimated. The impact of the outbreak was profound.

Rekreationsanpassad skötselplan för Skedalaskogen :

In this master thesis we suggest a recreational directed forest management plan for the Skedalaskogen. The forest is situated 10 kilometres east of the city of Halmstad and is owned by the municipality. We have in literature and in research investigated what people like and want in the forest, how to manage the forest for recreation according to for example tree species, mixtures and density. We tried to adapt the forestry methods more to recreational thinking. We have also looked at issues like what is rare and not rare in this part of the country according to nature and forest, where people live and which connection they have to the Skedalaskogen. The Skedalaskogen is a quite big area, totally 830 hectares. The area have about 100 000 visitors a year.

Klienten som kunskapskälla : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares kunskapskällor och kunskapsanvändning

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze how social workers working in social services using evidence based practice with special focus on the clients? experiences and wishes as source of knowledge in collecting information, assessment and decision. To get to the social workers experiences and descriptions we used a qualitative method with semistructured interviews. The empiric material of the study consists of eight interviews with social workers working in different social offices in different areas, in southern Sweden. The main result of this study was that social workers use clients? experiences and wishes differently in different parts of the investigations.

Att definiera omsorgsbrist : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares tolkningar av 2 § LVU utifrån intersektionalitet och makt

This study regards the Care of Young Persons Act, LVU, and the 2 § that focus on parent inability to care for their children. The assessment of parent ability to care for their children is performed by social workers in different municipalities. The law leaves room for interpretation concerning how to assess parent ability and therefore we found it interesting to study how social workers interpret 2 § LVU. The study?s aim was also to seek an understanding of how different categories, like gender, race, class and physical and psychical ability of the parents affect the assessment of their parenting ability, with a intersectional perspective.

Hur påverkar energi- och proteinrik kost intaget av energi och makronutrienter?

Today 70 percent of the people residing in nursing homes are undernourished. One way to avoid that an individual is affected by malnutrition it is a necessity that the meals is customized after special needs current among other things as energy and protein. Food record is a method that can be used to examine and evaluate if an individual is getting sufficient nutrition and energy to cover the daily needs. For those suffering from malnutrition it is recommended to eat energy and protein enriched diet.AimsThe aim is to compare the intake of energy and macronutrients in a group of elderly people living in a nursing home in southern Sweden before and after the introduction of an energy and protein enriched diet based on newly developed recipes.MethodsFood record was made during four days. Food record means that everything that is consumed by an individual is noted precisely.

Patienters rökvanor, deras motivation till rökavvänjning samt om de har blivit tillfrågade om sina rökvanor av tandvårdspersonal

The aim of the present study was to examine smoking behaviour and motivation for smoking cessation in patients at a dental clinic. Another aim was to examine if the patients had been asked by the dental staff regarding their smoking habits.Twenty-two patients from a student clinic and twenty-one patients from a Swedish Public Dental Service Clinic in southern of Sweden participated in the study. Participants consisted of eighteen women and twenty-five men. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire that was directed at smokers. The questionnaire was answered in connection with the visit to the dental hygienist.The patients smoked between eight and twelve cigarettes per day and had on average smoked between 5 -15 years.

Motiv och avkastningsvärde vid köp av skogsfastigheter : en intervjuundersökning

The purpose of this paper has been to find out what motives buyers of forest property has for there purchasse, what competence they have in economics and forestry, and what analysis they had done before the purchase. The study is based on interviews with nine different buyers from two geographical areas, five from Hälsingland and four from Småland/Skåne. A forest property is a property where the value to 100 % consist of forest. A part from the interviews every purhase has been analysed in comparison to an estimation of the yield value. The theoretical yield value was estimated with a computer programme.

Skallet från forntiden : en osteologisk analys av hundben från stenålderslokalerna Hemmor och Gullrum på Gotland samt en teoretisk studie av hundens rituella och funktionella roll under neolitikum

The bark from prehistory ? an osteological analysis on dog bones from the Stone Age settlements of Hemmor and Gullrum at Gotland and a theoretic study of the secular and sacred roles of the dog during the Neolithic.Dog bones from two Pitted Ware Culture (around 2500 BC) settlements, Hemmor in När parish and Gullrum in Näs parish/Havdhem parish, at southern Gotland, Sweden are analyzed. The analysis contains a study of age, withers height and size estimation as well as skeletal changes and pathologies. The attempt of the analysis is to highlight the secular and sacred role of the dog during the Neolithic at Gotland. The dog bones were collected during excavations in the years 1890 and 1903 and were found across the entire surfaces of the settlements.Although there were no specific dog breeds during the Stone Age, the dogs at Hemmor and Gullrum show a wide range of size (withers height spans from 39,74 cm to 56,47 cm) and may therefore have been used for different purposes depending on their size.

H?RNERVMOSSANS P?VERKAN P? LJUNGHEDENS ARTM?NGFALD: En f?ltstudie fr?n Sandsj?backas naturreservat

Campylopus introflexus is a moss species that originates from the southern hemisphere and has spread worldwide during the 20th century. Today it is classified as an invasive alien species in many countries, and it has been seen during inventories that it has become widespread in Sweden as well. The purpose of this essay is to contribute to new knowledge about how this moss affects species diversity on Calluna heathlands in Sweden. The study includes both fieldwork and an analysis of scientific literature on the subject, and the question that is answered is if C. introflexus has an impact on species richness in the heather peat.

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