

583 Uppsatser om Southern China - Sida 22 av 39

Villa Berg : gestaltningsförslag inspirerat av funktionalismen

The functionalism started in southern Europe after world war one and got its breakthrough in Sweden with the Stockholm Exhibition in 1930. Poverty caused many people living in overcrowded conditions which the functionalists wanted to change by using less expensive materials and giving healthier living conditions to the people. The industrialization brought new materials and working methods which made this possible. The Swedish functional style is recognised by its light plaster facing and nearly horizontal roofs. Also the garden design of that time was influenced by the functionalistic ideas. The garden was now introduced as a pleasure garden for not only the rich but for everyone.

Svåra Samtal : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella inom socialt arbete uppfattar svåra samtal

The aim of this study was to research how social-work professionals apprehend, manage and influence difficult conversation.  This study is based on a qualitative method and we did qualitative interviews with eleven social-work professionals in three municipalities located in southern Sweden. In addition to our research on difficult conversation we decided to study easy conversation. Our result show that there isn?t any special subjects that creates difficult conversation, but it is the absent of conversation that makes it difficult.

Historia i skolan utanför historieämnet : Historiemedvetande i litteraturvetenskapliga läromedel för gymnasieskolan, en studie av förändringarna mellan 1985-2007

This study describes how verbal abuse is used in schools and how it affects students. As a  result of the study is a questionnaire which was distributed to 153 students at two schools in a small town in southern Sweden. Students who participated in the study were in grades 3-6 and were between 9 and 13 years old. I asked students 13 questions, which dealt with verbal abuse, some of them were check questions and some were issues that required a longer response.The results of the survey show that 108 students of 153 have ever felt verbally abused at school, slightly more girls than boys. Usually they say they have been verbally abused by their own sex and then with words like boys are more frequently offended by words of a sexual nature, whereas girls more often are offended by words that violate their appearance.The students who feel aggrieved are shown to be those students who violate others.

Kommunalt flyktingmottagande. En studie av Landskrona- och Vellinge kommuns flyktingmottagande.

The purpose of this essay was to find an understanding of what factors whichaffect refugee reception in two municipalities in the southern part of Sweden, themunicipality of Vellinge and the municipality of Landskrona. Three interviewswere made with three local politicians and these interviews were then analysedusing postcolonial theory. With the help of Matthew J. Gibney we identified sevenfactors which aided us in the analysis these were: Integration history, Ethnicaffinity, Determining who is a refugee, The wealth of the municipality, Thehousing market, The labour market and The action of other municipalities.We found that these factors were all useful in creating an understanding ofrefugee reception in the two municipalities. However they affected themunicipalities differently.

Underhållning eller meningsskapande : En intervjuundersökning om lärares didaktiska övervägande gällande underhållningsfilm i historieundervisningen

Movies are a part of everybody?s, including student everyday life. Teachers have to give their students the tools and means to critically examine movies and media as a whole. This study aims to examine how seven teachers in southern Sweden didactically motivate their use of movies; specifically entertainment features in the history subject. The theoretical framework of this study is Knud Illeris theories about the three dimensions of learning.

Hur riktlinjer påverkar gräsrotsbyråkrater : En kvalitativ studie om biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen

The aim of this study was to examine care managers and how they understand and use their discretion. We used a qualitative method and the data was gathered by semi-structured interviews. We interviewed eight care managers in four different municipalities in southern Sweden. The theoretical approach we used was Michael Lipsky?s theory about street-level bureaucracy.

Hemodialyspatienters självrapporterande saltvanor

The purpose of the study was to describe hemodialysis patients self-reporting salt habits associated with cooking and food intake. Furthermore, the purpose was to investigate possible differences in inter Dialyze significant weight gain at low and high self-reported salt consumption. The study was an empirical descriptive study of comparative features and consisted of a convenience sample from two hemodialysis units in southern Norrland. Study group consisted of 37 persons who had been ongoing hemodialysis treatment and their age ranged from 42-86 years. A questionnaire was used in two parts and both parts contained 15 foods.

Är man motiverad till behandling finns alla möjligheter i världen : Socialarbetares syn på motivationsarbetet med misshandlade missbrukande kvinnor

This is a qualitative study which purpose is to examine how the social workers in a medium-sized municipality in southern of Sweden are experiencing the different forms of housing that the municipality has for disposal. The purpose is also to examine opinions - belonging to the social workers? representatives - concerning the value of motivational work in changing the lifestyles of assaulted and addicted women. The questions we have decided to examine are; how is the social services' work with assaulted and addicted women designed, how do the social workers experiences the situation on these forms of housing and what the social workers believe is promoting and inhibiting factors for motivation with assaulted and addicted women. The results in this study are built on qualitative semi-structured interviews with social workers where both sexes are represented.

Den icke-monetära nyttans betydelse för prisbildningen på skogsfastigheter : en intervjuundersökning

The market value of forest properties can be assumed to consist of two components, a monetary factor and a non-monetary factor. The objective of this examination paper is to study the impact of non-monetary factors on the values of forest properties in Sweden. This study is based on a population of buyers of forest properties in the southern of Sweden. The results are based on interviews with 54 buyers. Of the purchases were 37 % new purchases.

Genomgång av kemikalieförteckning som exempel på uppströmsarbete : en identifiering av utfasningsämnen i spillvattnet

Benthic invertebrates play important roles as feeding resources for many organisms in different food webs. Shifts in predation of these organisms can generate cascading effects and potentially lead to the disappearance of one or more species from a site. Cascading effects can bring impacts to organisms who aren?t even directly involved, why studies in this field are important for understanding sudden changes in ecosystems. I examined the predation from fish and waterfowl on benthic invertebrates in the shallow and eutrophic Lake Tåkern in the plains of Östergötland County, southern Sweden.

Privata skogsägares benägenhet till röjning i Gudrunområdet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to examine how small-scale private forest ownersmake decisions regarding pre-commercial thinning. In 2015 it is ten years agosince the storm Gudrun hit the southern parts of Sweden and now large areas arein need of pre-commercial thinning. This study is built upon qualitativeinterviews with seven small-scale private forest owners with forest properties inthe county Kronoberg. The respondents were chosen by the modelSKOGSÄGARPROFILENTM (forest owner profile).The results of the interviews showed that five categories: ownership, the stormGudrun´s impact, silviculture, forestry contacts and driving force was important.How will their purpose and aim affect the pre-commercial thinning? Personalinterests, and expectations of the next generation to take over, are purposes thisstudy has found.

Funktionshinderpolitiskt program : fallstudie om kommuns implementering av en FN-konvention

Author: Gabriella Agné and Helena LarssonTitle: Disability policy program ? a case study of a municipals implementation of UNs Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.Supervisor: Marianne Westring-NordhAssessor: Ulf DruggeThis study aims to examine how a small municipal in southern Sweden works with the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and examine the assistant officers knowledge about this work and user organizations inclusion and user involvement.The study operates from a qualitative approach based on the results of nine semi-structured interviews with local politicians, assistance officers and representatives from three different user organizations.The results show that the municipal has chosen to work with the implementation of the convention by creating policy programs for their departments through dialogue with user organizations, and by mapping the accessibility to public places. The results also show that the assistant officers have been given no information regarding the convention or the policy programs from their employers and instead operate from national legislations and prepositions. The user organizations feel that they were initially included in the process, but that their impact has later been removed due to structural reorganization..

Tecknade serier i bokhyllan: En studie i hantering och förvaring av tecknade serier på svenska folkbibliotek.

This thesis investigates the situation for comics in Swedish public libraries. The main questions is separated into two groups, the first dealing with the physical situation were we investigate placement, cataloguing and shelf arrangement. The second deals with the librarians attitudes towards comics and how they may affect their work. The base for this thesis is the idea that the comic medium may sometimes be treated different than the rest of the libraries collections. Because of this, a theoretical basis is developed which focus on different views on comics.

Svårigheter vid färgundersökning av arkitekturbundet måleri Fallstudie: Färgundersökning av en lågerhuggen gördellist i södra valvet på Stockholms slott

This bachelor thesis discusses various difficulties with architectural paint research. The difficulties are exemplified through a case study ? a paint research on a furrowed string-course in the southern vault of the Royal Palace of Stockholm, which was carried out November ? March 2009-2010 on behalf of Statens Fastighetsverk. The paint research was made in order to receive information about the string-course and to get inspiration for a renewed color scheme on it. The base material of the string-course is Gotlandic sandstone and the surface of it is furrowed.

Ja eller nej till filter? En kvalitativ undersökning i frågan om svenska folkbibliotek bör filtrera Internet eller ej.

The focus of this work is to study whether public libraries should offer their patrons unlimited access to the Internet, or restrict which sites they can visit. The most common tool used to limit Internet access is filtering software. The author has administered four interviews with public librarians working in libraries in Southern Sweden. All four librarians had different opinions about restricting Internet access. The most important question asked was if they had chosen to use filtering, and the reasons for their decision.

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