

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 36 av 44

Det dolda förhållningssättet till barns självkänsla : En studie av förskolepedagogers intryck och uppfattningar kring barns självkänsla

The pre-school is seen by many as the place where children get equipped for the future and the challenges there of. One of the most important aims according of the curriculum for Swedish preschools is that children get the opportunity, in interaction with the pedagogues, to develop their identity and to feel secure and satisfied with themself. Although, in the curriculum of the Swedish preschool system there is a comprehensive focus on the children?s competencies and learning, the importance that the children feel secure is not that prominent. Consequently a paradox occurs between the focus on children?s competencies and their need for care.

Svartrost, Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae, epidemiologi och bekämpningsstrategier i Mälardalen

Stem rust, Puccinia graminis, has caused enormous yield losses throughout history which have had significant consequences for oat and wheat production. Today in Sweden stem rust is only reported from rye, oats and wild grasses. Stem rust infections in wheat have become unusual due to the general use of resistant wheat varieties and also due to the eradication of barberry, Berberis vulgaris, the alternate host for P. graminis. According to international sources, new races of P.

The SMEs’ Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs’ internationalization strategy—Foreign Market Entry Modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study. The primary information sources are the interviews with key-persons in internationalization process of SMEs Methodology: The literature review in this study concerns areas of SMEs’ motives for internationalization, foreign market entry mode approaches and influence of internal & external factors.

Förbättrad lönsamhet i växtodlingsföretag! : en ekonomisk analys av ett samarbete i form av ett driftsbolag mellan två lantbruksföretag

The agriculture is today in a development that leads to bigger and bigger units in the primary production. To be able to follow this development many companies chooses to cooperate in different ways. The most radical change is when farmers fuses with other farmers and merge into to a big collectively owned operation firm. The reason behind this idea is that the firms achieve the big companies advantages by being complement to each other. The purpose of this essay is to make an economic analysis of two crop production companies who works together in an operation firm.

Inter-species embryo transfer in South American camelids

Embryotransfer är en metod där ett embryo i tidigt stadium flyttas från en donator till ett mottagardjur som sedan bär dräktigheten till förlossning. Det innebär att donatorhonan kan donera flera embryon under en säsong då den vanligtvis endast skulle kunna producera en avkomma. Embryo transfer är således en metod för att snabba på det genetiska urvalet i en grupp djur. Bland de mycket ekonomiskt värdefulla alpackorna i Peru, där många av herdarna saknar alternativa inkomstkällor kan embryo transfer bidra till ett mer effektivt avelsarbete och i förlängningen en bättre levnadsstandard för alpackaherdarna och deras familjer. Studien beskriver ett experiment där ett protokoll för embryo transfer från alpacka till lama utförs under fältmässiga omständigheter på en forskningsstation i de peruanska Anderna.

Myror i brallan. -Hur gör lärare? : En enkätstudie bland verksamma lärare inom Stockholms län

Syftet är att undersöka hur lärare arbetar för att skapa en fungerande klassrumsmiljö för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter som går i normalstor klass, samt att undersöka hur skolor organiserar stödet för dessa elever. Dessutom vill vi undersöka vad lärare anser om inkluderande undervisning av elever med koncentrationssvårigheter i normalstor klass. Syftet är även att undersöka hur lärare värderar sina förmågor att kunskapsmässigt kunna stimulera dessa elever. Undersökningen är baserad på en enkätstudie som har genomförts i två kommuner inom Stockholms län. Av de 100 enkäter som skickades ut till lärare fick vi 63 respondenter.

The SMEs? Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs? internationalization strategy?Foreign Market Entry Modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study.

Förmedling och performativa strategier : en studie av tre utställningar där synen på konstpedagogen som förmedlare utmanas

Pedagogiken tar allt mer plats på museer och konsthallar i Sverige. Vad en konstpedagog gör och varför är däremot inte lika självklart. Utvecklingen tycks gå mot en mer publikcentrerad pedagogik där det talas om att besökare ska aktiveras och delta. I praktiken färgas däremot den konstpedagogiska yrkesrollen av den traditionstyngda funktionen som förmedlare mellan det som ställs ut och besökarna. I min undersökning inom ramen för examensarbetet på Konstfacks institution för bildpedagogik studerar jag närmare hur det går att utmana en sådan förmedlingstradition i praktiken och behandlar frågeställningen: Hur kan konstpedagogens traditionella roll som förmedlare utmanas och utvecklas? Hur påverkar en sådan utmaning relationen mellan pedagog och utställning? Undersökningen är en jämförande studie mellan tre fall (Africa Remix på Moderna Museet 2006, Jihani Kalapour på Tensta konsthall 2006  och Tumult på Gustavsbergs konsthall 2009) där den förmedlande traditionen angripits.

Inclusive business and shared values : case study of Stora Enso in Lao PDR

Businesses role in society is changing. Corporations are expected to take responsibility, not only for their traditional business conduct, but also for social and political issues. A rise in globalization and international trade has led to an increased interest in the concept of CSR. Accordingly, stakeholders are expecting multinational companies to be accountable for existing issues in developing countries. New business models are needed to meet increased expectations of responsibility and shared value creation. Based on an understanding of the need for new business models a multinational corporation is studied in a local context, where a radically new way of doing business is developed.

Utveckling av Gamla hamnen i Reykjavik

In Scandinavia today many old harbour areas are developed into residential and commercial areas. For example are both Helsingborg city and Malmoe city in south Sweden planning to restructure some of their harbour areas to accommodate shops, schools, offices, residences et cetera. In Copenhagen in Denmark new plans for Nordhavn is also underway. In almost every plan proposal to redevelope an old harbour area the harbour activities are set a side to give room for new development. In Reykjavik, however, this has not been the case.

Fukthalt i GROT - påverkande faktorer :

This study was carried out at the request of the bio energy company Naturbränsle. The company handles annually 750 000 m3 of chips from logging residues from a large area, from Östergötland in the south to Härjedalen in the north. In that area, about 50 bio fuel plants are customers. When Naturbränsle deliver chips from logging residues to their customers, the moisture content varies from 30 % to 60 %. The aim of the study was to sort out the affecting factors on the moisture content in the chips during handling and storage processes.

Fem sinnen : Utveckling av äventyrsrum för Boda Borg

The Innovation- and Design Engineer program at Karlstad university is a three year long engineer education. In the last phase a final piece is to be done and in this case Boda Borg in Skellefteå is the company in need of product development. Boda Borg is a company in the experience industry and they are located in nine cities from Gällivare in the north of Sweden to Karlskrona in the south. Boda Borg is a franchise company where every facility is their own. As a visitor you will experience physical challenges as well as intellectual in adventure rooms which are serial linked.

Allanblackia stuhlmannii ? a tree under current domestication: what are the soil requirements?

Allanblackia is a genus of trees that grows in the rainforests of West, Central and Eastern Africa. Its big fruits contain seeds very rich in oil which has been used by local communities for cooking and making soaps. The native stands are threatened by overexploitation and the demand for the oil is much greater than the supply. Domestication programs, aiming at introducing the trees to small holder agroforestry systems, have been started for some of the species. The main aim of this study was to investigate the soil requirements of Allanblackia stuhlmannii in terms of chemical and physical parameters, as revealed by the soil conditions in native stands. Another aim was to see if these varied along an altitudinal transect.

Fem Sinnen : Utveckling av äventyrsrum för Boda Borg

The Innovation- and Design Engineer program at Karlstad university is a three year long engineer education. In the last phase a final piece is to be done and in this case Boda Borg in Skellefteå is the company in need of product development. Boda Borg is a company in the experience industry and they are located in nine cities from Gällivare in the north of Sweden to Karlskrona in the south. Boda Borg is a franchise company where every facility is their own. As a visitor you will experience physical challenges as well as intellectual in adventure rooms which are serial linked.

Förfädernas berg? : en tolkning av fornborgen på Halleberg

The essay deals with the hill-fort on the mountain Halleberg, Sweden, its wall design, functionality, dating and its possible function as a central location and a place of worship of the ancestors.The Halleberg hill-fort consists of a 1500 meters long at times cohesive stonewalls which together blocked the mountain from its surroundings. Hallberg's natural vertical scree and cliffs along with the masonry blocked the whole mountain from the surroundings.The hill-forts, with few exceptions are largely not investigated archaeologically and its functionality and role in the ancient society is based on outdated research on the subject. The current archaeological interpretation is that hill-forts served as temporary defense in times of unrest or served as center of power for a social elite. The prevailing view in the archaeological sphere is that the hill-forts had a variety of functions and that its functionality and role in ancient society has varied.Halleberg´s strongest wall sections are at the mountain's south-eastern part where the natural driveway, Storgårdsklev is located. Along with the massive masonry of the walls in Bokedalen Storgårdsklev functioned as the hill-forts main entrance.

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