

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 26 av 44

Medeltida ödeläggelse i södra norrland - en källkritisk analys av forskning och inventering

The main problem that this essay notices is the differences you see in three of the south provinces in north of Sweden about how they seems to have get strucked by the middle age crises. The three provinces I compare are Jämtland, Hälsingland and Medelpad. This study deals about how the research has been done in these different areas so far, what summaries that have been presented so far and what they are based on. Also the inventory work is part of this examination. In Jämtland there are lots of identified deserted farms (sv.

Förortsslang : En kvalitativ studie om förortsslang i grundskolans tidigare år

Purpose: The purpose of this study is mainly based on teachers and students attitudes towards multiethnic youth language in primary school. The study will answer two questions; what are teachers and students attitudes towards multiethnic youth language used among young people? And what significance does the multiethnic language have for its identity? This study will also research whether the slang shows signs of group membership.Method: In order to investigate this, five structured qualitative interviews were made with fifteen teachers and pupils from primary schools. The study is based on the participated teachers and students attitudes views of the multiethnic youth language. This study cannot give an overall view of the teachers and students answers of the languages that are spoken among young people.Result and conclusions: The result of this study showed that multiethnic youth language is used mostly among children and teenagers growing up in multilingual urban neighborhoods in south of Stockholm.

?De räknas inte som svenskar i mina ögon? En studie av attityder till islam och muslimer hos elever på gymnasiets yrkesförberedande linjer med ett intersektionellt perspektiv

This essay aims to broaden the understanding of intolerance towards people with religious and/or cultural Islamic association or background. This thesis has intolerance and Islamophobia as central components and starts with the question: In what manner do twelve pupils talk about Islam and Muslims in their third year of the vocational program, in small towns and in the countryside? The survey took place in the south of Sweden in a rural municipality where a total of twelve students from the industrial, electricity and vehicle program in the Swedish gymnasiums participated in two separate focus group interviews. The essay will use an intersectional analysis to see where the students position themselves and Muslims in relation to each other and to society. The essay also contains a comparison of Islamophobia in the country side and in the city environment.

Med framsidan framåt ? En studie av taste-cultures och face-front marketing på två svenska folkbibliotek

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians in two Swedish public libraries view the subject of face-front marketing and literary hierarchy. The questions posed in this thesis are: How do two public libraries in Sweden market fictional literature? Which literature does get marketed? How do the librarians view fictional literature? How do the librarians view marketing? and Does Herbert Gans? literary scale work to examine the marketing of fictional literature in two Swedish public libraries? The theoretical starting-points are Niels Ole Pors? thoughts on stock development, Philip Kotler?s thoughts on the responsible non-profit organisation and Herbert Gans? thoughts on taste-publics and taste-cultures. The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews with library staff in two public libraries in the south of Sweden, and by reading a sample of the fictional literature exposed in these libraries.

Prevalens och genetisk karaktärisering av afrikansk svinpestvirus i vektorer och tamsvin i Uganda

African swine fever, ASF, was first described 1921, in Kenya. The virus has thereafter spread through many African countries as well as in Europe, Asia, South- and Central America. The virus is spread via three different cycles, of which one is sylvatic and includes warthogs and soft ticks. The other two are between domestic pigs and the one most common one is caused by humans, who not always realize the seriousness of precautions. The infection manifests as hemorrhagic fever, but can also be more or less unnoticed. The aim of this study was to use molecular tools to detect and partly genetically characterize ASFV both in soft ticks and in serum from domestic pigs in Uganda. Comparing viruses detected in ticks with those detected in domestic pigs I also wanted to investigate possible links between the sylvatic and domestic cycle.

Varför känner vi inte till Tarsila do Amaral? : En studie av polariseringen mellan ?vi? och ?dom? i konsthistorien med utgångspunkt i antropofagin i 1920-talets Brasilien

The abscence of the brazilian artist Tarsila do Amaral (1886?1973) in the general art history is investigated, using the colonial structure as a starting point. In South America she is regarded as one of the greatest artists in modern time, in the rest of the world she is more or less unknown. The conclusion is that the colonial mechanisms are still in progress in our assumed postcolonial world, and has excluded Tarsila do Amaral, and the anthropophagic movement she was a part of, from the art history. The study points out the importance of looking into this neglected artist and the historic event.

Ungdomars kunskaper om dental erosion och deras konsumtionsvanor av sura drycker- en enkätstudie i åk 2 vid en gymnasieskolaAdolescents? knowledge of dental erosion and their consumption habits of soft drinks -a questionnaire study among secondary school

The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of dental erosion and the consumption habits of soft drinks among secondary school students. Differences between the sexes should also be investigated. The study consisted of 102 students, 60 women and 42 men, in the eleventh grade from a school in the south of Sweden. A questionnaire with 25 questions, divided in two parts with focus on knowledge respective consumption pattern and behaviour, was handed out and collected by the authors. The data showed that more than 50% of the participants had knowledge about dental erosion.

Betydelsen av taggbuskar, ljus och hävd vid föryngring av ek (Quercus robur)

Many species and hence biodiversity depend on old, large oaks (Quercus robur) with hollow trunks. The populations of oak-living organisms have to migrate to a nearby old oak in order to survive the death of the host. The oak district south of Linköping, Sweden, is unique in area and the number of old oaks. It is anyway doubtful whether regeneration of oak will secure future continuity. Oaks are light-demanding and thrive in open pastures.

Grazing behavior of Ankole and Boran cattle in an improved herding production system

To be able to provide the growing human population with food, the productivity of the animals as well as land use needs to be improved and intensified. Hence, understanding the behavior of animals is crucial both for animal welfare and productivity as well as the management of the cattle. There are many factors affecting the grazing behavior of cattle in tropical conditions, such as human-animal interactions, herd management, breed, season and temperature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the grazing behavior of two tropical cattle breeds, Ankole and Boran cattle. Kenyan Boran belongs to a zebu type of cattle and is preferred to many other breeds due to the higher productive and reproductive capacity and adaptability to tropical conditions.

Attityd, Närvaro & Prestation : En kvalitativ studie om lärares och elevers uppfattningar av bedömning och betygsättning i Idrott och hälsa A

The purposeof this survey is to study both teachers and students view regarding theevaluation and grading in the subject Physical Education A. In order to meetthe purpose, the survey is executed by focusing on three main researchquestions: What is the teachers and students notion of the goals of the subjectand the course plan? Which knowledge is evaluated in the subject, according toteachers and students? Which factors, believe teachers and students, affect theevaluation? The results of the survey is established by qualitative interviewsthat has been conducted with four teachers and five students in two schoolslocated in a medium ? sized city in the south east of Sweden.The resultsof the survey indicate that not only teachers, but also students consider thecourse plan and the grading criterias is relatively unclear and interpretablein a lot of different ways. Teachers and students also states the theoreticaland practical moments are equally important when evaluating. Further, theystate that knowledge in ergonomics, exercises theory, diets, swimming andleadership skills are important knowledge in the subject.

Healt Locus of Control i relation till hälsa : - en studie om motionsvanor, matvanor och självkänsla hos lärarkandidater

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Health Locus of Control, Exercise habits, Food habits and Self-esteem (Personal self and Physical self) between two groups of student teachers at a university in the south of Sweden. Is health such as exercise, eating and self-esteem something that is controlled by internal or external factors? Student teachers that participated in Physical and Health programme and student teachers that participeted in other programme were investigeted. The participants (N = 160) answered the questionnaire. The Health Locus of Control scale and Tennessee Self-Concept Scale were used.

EU:s och Sveriges säkerhetsstrategier : studier av EU-ledda svenska insatser i Afrika 2006-2009

Det som undersökningen beskriver är hur EU:s säkerhetsstrategi påverkade de utrikespolitiska målen inför militära insatser i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo 2006, Tchad/Centralafrikanska republiken 2008 och Somalia 2009.Vår utrikespolitiska vilja och dess utrikespolitiska mål motiverar vårt deltagande i militära insatser utomlands. Dessa mål skall vara vägledande och skall genomsyra insatsens genomförande. Detta generade en problemställning i denna uppsats som lyder:På vilket sätt har bakomliggande säkerhetspolitiska resonemang till EUs säkerhetsstrategi påverkat utformandet av de nationella svenska motiven till internationella insatser i de EU-ledda militära insatserna i Afrika 2006-2009? Kan incitament och motiv identifieras som inflytelser i propositioner från samma period?Syftet var att undersöka målsättningarna i dokumentet Ett säkert Europa i en bättre värld, en Europeisk säkerhetsstrategi (ESS), för att se hur dessa målsättningar påverkat de svenska propositionerna inför de EU-ledda insatserna.Som metod användes en kvalitativ textanalys deduktivt, genom att analysera de utrikespolitiska målen med ett analysverktyg indelat i säkerhets-, välfärds- och idémål.Resultatet visade att EU:s övergripande säkerhetsstrategi genomsyrade våra motiv i propositionerna men att det fanns sammantaget en avsaknad av EU:s tydlighet med att vara aktiv, preventiv och handlingskraftig i propositionerna. För att få effekt i välfärdsmålsättningar anser EU att detta skall integreras med olika resurser och där även med civil och militär integrering.

Betydelse av lövinslag, död ved och variation i träddiameter för artrikedomen hos småfåglar

Forest management contributes to the changes in forest structure by turning heterogenous forests of varied age into homogenous forests of similar age and thus affect bird species depending on different structures or habitats which are lost during forestry. In this report, a study was made to investigate how the amount of decidious trees, dead wood and variation in tree diameter affect bird diversity. The purpose of this study was to be able to give forest management guidelines to increase bird diversity. This study was conducted by investigating 65 transects in forests of different structure south of Linköping, Sweden. Along the 65 transects, birds were inventoried as well as the vegetation.

Hästar hållna utomhus under den kalla årstiden i Västra Götalands län : samband mellan miljö- och hälsofaktorer

During late autumn/winter in the years of 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 a questionnaire study was made in Västra Götaland county in the south west of Sweden. Inspectors responsible of animal welfare answered the questionnaires during their routine visits to different horse stables in the county. The questionnaires contained questions about the number of horses at the farm, hoof condition, body condition, how often the horses were fed outside and the pasture condition. The purpose of this study was to investigate if a connection could be seen between environmental factors and health factors within the horses in this material. The connections that were analysed were between; hoof health and pasture condition, how many times the horses were fed outside and the body condition and between the number of horses in the pasture and pasture condition.

Habitatpreferenser hos tjockskalig målarmussla (Unio crassus) med avseende på vattendjup och beskuggning.

The thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) is a red listed species classified as Endangered (EN) and is also considered within the Habitats Directive. The distribution in Sweden is fragmented and it is mostly occurring in the south eastern parts. We investigated the presence of Unio crassus in a section of the stream Storån, Östergötland County, from Falerum to the inflow into Lake Åkervristen. The environmental parameters investigated were water depth, bottom substrate, shading, water velocity and the slope over the water surface. In this thesis I have focused mainly on water depth and shading, comparing sites with and without mussels.

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