

1419 Uppsatser om Source reliability - Sida 44 av 95

Att delta eller inte delta i sociala medier. : En kvalitativ studie om hur journalister på P4 Kalmar tänker kring publikinteraktion, sociala medier och den digitala klyftan.

The purpose of this study is to discuss how journalists think about the interaction with the audience in social media and the fact that it can make the traditional audience feel excluded. The study shows how journalists on P4 Kalmar is experiencing audience interaction in social media and describes how aware the journalists are about the digital divide. The results show that all of our interviewed journalists think that the interaction with the audience through social media works well and that there is awareness among journalists about the digital divide. The results also show that many of the interviewed journalists had not reflected on that parts of the audience can feel excluded by the interaction taking place in social media, but some of them could understand if parts of the audience felt that way. We consider our study as part of a research field on journalist?s interactivity with the audience through different types of media, but also as source of inspiration for future research on how the digital media becomes one with the community..

Målinriktat jämställdhetsarbete : Forshaga kommun

AbstractAccording to 3 § in the Equal Opportunities Act should employer fulfil their commitment to their employees and work targeted for the equality in working life. In the report we account for 3?11 §§ Equal Opportunities Act, in purpose to show employer obligations to work actively work for equality between the sexes. This is the main focus of the article and the answer to one of our issue of law. We have also written about how equality work and how the Equal Opportunities Act has grown up, how it work in today?s society and the thoughts about the future.The growth of equality work, the Equal Opportunities Act and a short history are partially written from European law, the Swedish government official reports and in government bills.

ISO14001:2004 : ett humanekologiskt verktyg?

ISO14001:2004 : A Human Ecological Tool?This is a study by means of litterature analysis and personal experience to find out wheather you could call ISO14001:2004 a Human Ecological tool. The ISO14001 is an environmental management system. I'm approaching the issue from a users' perspective and putting my experience of implementing the ISO 9001 at my work to good use. Though my personal experience is limited to the implementation of the ISO 9001, it is quite relevant to the task since the update of 2004 the ISO14001:2004 is brought closer to the ISO 9001 standard in many ways.

En studie i hur järnvägens möjligheter kan appliceras inom AB Volvo : med hänsyn tagen till företagets logistikkrav

In the year of 2011, the new CEO of AB Volvo announced a major reorganization. This reorganization was a contributing factor to the start-up of this thesis.Volvo Group Logistics Services (VGLS) is Volvo Group?s global logistics partner, which designs, manages and optimizes all of the group's incoming and outgoing logistics flows. With the reorganization, VGLS started a project regarding responsibilities around railway flows. Within the project a demand to collect logistics requirements occurred.

Radio Totalnormal ? erfarenheter av att göra närradio : Människor med egen erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa ger sina perspektiv

This is a qualitative study with the aim of getting better knowledge and understanding of how people with mental illness experience having access to a public communication channel. The study builds upon qualitative interviews with four participants of a radio project called Radio Totalnormal (RTN). RTN is a community radio station where people with mental illness do radio. The study focuses on how the respondents describe the participation in the project and how it has affected their self-image. The analysis uses the concept of empowerment and four social psychological concepts: social responsivity, asocial non-responsivity, abstract sociability and concrete sociability.

?Passar inte galoscherna kanske vi får hitta en stråhatt i samma storlek?? En undersökning om bibliotekariers syn på inköp av skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to accomplish an understanding for how librarians purchase fiction literature in public libraries. To answer these questions, we have performed four qualitative interviews with librarians in three Swedish municipalities. We have also performed a smaller document study to give us an overview of the used guidelines at the selected libraries. The results of our survey have been analyzed on the basis of our revised version of Sanna Talja?s model The Interpretative Repertoires of the Music Library.

Det vi bevarar och brukar: om kulturarv i Svenska Offentliga Utredningar 1997-2004.

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine the use of the concept cultural heritage in Swedish governmental cultural policy. Ten official reports, reaching over a time period of seven years (1997-2004) are examined in the following way: What is cultural heritage? What functions/ values does the cultural heritage have? Whose heritage is a cultural heritage? With some simplification you can say that there are two different views on cultural heritage in the documents. The most common way to refer to cultural heritage is a category of chosen historical objects whose preservation is motivated by their function as sources of information and knowledge about the history and development of the Swedish society.

Vattenrådens roll i vattenförvaltningen : Ett myndighetsperspektiv på lokalt deltagande

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate how the position of power / exercise of power are perceived in today's schools from the teacher's perspective. I have examined how students' freedom and democracy education interpreted in real life, and how this affects both teacher and student learning approaches. I would also highlight the need to set standards for children's psychological development related to the consequences will be. I have chosen to perform a qualitative research through individual interviews with five participating teachers from different experiences in different type of school. I have used the hermeneutic method of analysis to analyze the material.

Gallery Wall

För vissa är graffiti konst, för andra är det ett tecken på förlorad kontroll. För mig är det ett redskap för att mötas. Jag har delat in mitt examensarbete i två delar. Den första behandlar visionen jag baserat mitt arbete på. Den andra handlar om design och placering av de fysiska paviljongerna. I den första delen har jag utgått ifrån ett scenario där den fysiska arkitekturen återspeglas i ett virtuellt gallerisystem jag get namnet Gallery Wall. Denna del finns bara på idébasis men har varit utgångspunkt då jag formgivit mina paviljonger. Jag har skapat fem olika paviljongstyper som tillsammans på ett teoretiskt plan utgör en och samma virtuella huvudform.I, eller rättare sagt på, paviljongerna ges tillfälle för vem som helst att måla och presenteras sin gatukonst. Min förhoppning är att mina paviljongtyper skall inspirera andra att bygga egna varianter som alla är del av Gallery Wall.

Användarundervisning på gymnasiebibliotek ? Sju gymnasiebibliotekariers pedagogiska undervisningsmetoder

This Master?s thesis investigates user education at high school libraries. The aim of this study is to examine user education and the educational approach that librarian?s experience in their teaching. The method used for the study is qualitative interviews with seven high school librarians.

Främlingsbilder : Om judar och judendom i medeltida danskt och svenskt kalkmåleri

This thesis deals with the Jewish motifs of the medieval mural paintings in Denmark and Sweden; the presences of the motifs are of interest considering that no Jews were allowed entry into Scandinavia at the time. The purpose of the thesis is to study the Europeaninfluences in the medieval depiction of Jews and Judaism in the Danish and Swedish churches and the purpose for the production of the paintings. To this end, the Danish and Swedish mural paintings ? as well as the medieval texts and motifs of Jews and Judaismthat were used as source material ? are studied with respect to the attitudes conveyed. The Danish and Swedish mural paintings are unevenly distributed both within the groups of motifs as wells as its chronological and geographical spread.

Analys av orsaker och tid för åtgärder vid driftstörning i elnätet :  

Idag har vi mängder av data på våra lagringsmedia vilket gör dem till en värdefull informationskälla. Om denna data raderas betyder det inte att den är borta för alltid. Data finns fortfarande kvar på lagringsmediet och går att återskapa med så kallad file carving. Att kunna återskapa data är en viktig del inom den polisiära verksamheten, men även för andra verksamheter som förlorat data. Det finns dock vissa problem som kan ställa till med besvär när data ska återskapas. När filer inte är lagrade i sammanhängande datablock blir de fragmenterade vilket innebär problem.

Förstagångsföräldrars informationspraktik ? en kvalitativ studie

This thesis deals with information practices of first time parents. The term information practice covers topics ranging from the information a parent need and use, the information they actively seek for through to information attained through browsing, monitoring or simply being aware. Four problem areas have been formulated. What information do first time parents need? How do they get hold of information and how do they use it? What factors decide what sources they use? How do the first time parents validate the information they get? The following theoretical framework have been used; Marcia J Bates? model of information practice and Reijo Savolainen?s Mastery of Life theory.

Yrkeslärare och deras informationsbehov: En intervjuundersökning med åtta lärare på gymnasiets Hantverksprogram

The main purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of information needs of eight vocational studies teachers at the Handicraft Programme at a senior high school. I have analyzed the teachers? needs of information and the empirical material has been collected through interviews with eight vocational studies teachers. To analyze the interviews I have used Lars Höglund and Olle Persson?s model for information needs and a model for information sources.

Fick gymnasiereform och skollagsändring 2011 några konsekvenser? ? En undersökning av Gymnasiebibliotekets integrering i undervisningen.

This essay investigates the integration of the school library into teaching in one of Sweden?s senior high schools and the effects of the new education act which gives school libraries a stronger standing. A second purpose is to investigate teachers? views on professional responsibility with regard to the development of information literacy. Through an email survey different aspects of library integration are investigated.

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