

1419 Uppsatser om Source reliability - Sida 29 av 95

Funktionell test på hundar med artros

The field rehabilitation in veterinary medicine has expanded over the past ten years. Animalswith disorders in the musculoskeletal system are often treated. The methods used lacksufficient scientific documentation; however claim to affect the animal's function in a positiveway. In order to investigate the efficacy of different rehabilitation modalities, it is important touse validated evaluation tolls. Therefore, a literature study on pain, pain-scales and functionaltest was performed together a pilot study on a functional test.The aim of the present pilot-study was to investigate a functional test, "Bioarth functionalevaluation scale", used in veterinary medicine.

Avel för hållbarhet och livslängd hos köttdjur

The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the possibilities to improve longevity and stayability of beef cattle with breeding. The breeding goal for beef breeds is to produce animals with high capacity for growth and good feed efficiency. Longevity and sustainability are two important features to include in the breeding goal. If longevity is increased each cow can produce more calves and the number of female calves used for recruitment can be reduced and only the best heifers need to be selected for breeding. The benefits of longer life is that it lowers the costs of recruitment animals, it increases the number of young animals that become available for slaughter, and it increases the proportion of high producing animals in the herds.

En interaktiv GIS- och Webb-baserad övning : baserad på Open Source

Motivation inom matematikämnet anses av många forskare vara betydelsefullt för kunskapsutvecklingen. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur några lärare i årskurs 1-3 arbetar för att motivera elever som upplever matematiken svår eller ointressant. Datainsamlingen skedde genom fyra intervjuer med verksamma lärare som representerade fyra skolor i två kommuner. De flesta av de intervjuade lärarna menar på att de själva har en väldigt viktig roll i klassrummet för att eleverna ska känna sig motiverade, och att undervisningen bör vara varierad. Ur lärarintervjuerna framkom det dock att ointresse för matematik är mycket ovanligt i grundskolans tidigare årskurser men att arbetet med att motivera elever som finner matematiken svår är ständigt pågående..

Tidernas Midsommarvaka : En studie av Hugo Alfvéns rapsodi och tre olika inspelningar som historiska källor

Rami Kangas: Tidernas Midsommarvaka. En studie av Hugo Alfvéns rapsodi och tre olika inspelningar som historiska källor. [A Midsummervigil of all times. A study of Hugo Alfvén´s rhapsody and three different recordings as historical sources.] Uppsala: Musikvetenskap, 1999. C- uppsats (60 p).This essay has two purposes.

Miljövårdsberedningens arkiv 1968 - 1994 : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete på Riksarkivet

This memo discusses and problematizes the work of organizing and cataloging the archive of the Environmental Advisory Council.The archive mainly consists of records concerning meetings which the Environmental Advisory Council has participated in, but also records concerning different tasks of the council and a few records concerning the coun-cil itself.The overriding problem, which is discussed in the final part of this memo, is the lacking knowledge about the creator of the archive and the creation of the archive itself and how this effects the work of ordering and catalog-ing. An attempt is made to evaluate the archive as a source of information to the Environmental Advisory Coun-cil and its work.This is a one year master?s thesis in Archival Science.

Ligger bäckarna rätt i kartan?

?Are the headwaters streams at the right position in the map? is a study that has been performed on behalf of Holmen Forest, region Örnsköldsvik. This study will be the basis for deciding if the Hydrology Layer Property map or Holmen Forest map will be used for planning nitrogen fertilization in forestry. The background to this study is that nitrogen fertilization near water will increase the risk of nitrogen leaching out into the water systems, which has a negative impact on the environment. The headstreams positions have been recorded in the field with a GPS and the data analyzed in the geographic information system ArcMap.

Lovefish : en polityr för icke-realistisk rendering i texturerade skuggtoner med Newtek Lightwave3D

The aim with this thesis is to develop a plugin; Lovefish, for the purpose of allowing non-realistic renderings (NPR) for visualisation in Newtek Lightwave3D. The main purpose with Lovefish is to offer textured tones, something that has not been offered before by any previously existing shader for Lightwav3D. The textured tones are a substantially widening of what is possible to imitate in the field of classical art techniques. Among others has a number of SIGGRAPH papers has been the foundation and a source of inspiration for what has been achieve in this project. Further has this thesis treated a number of questions: what is non-photorealistic rendering is and how it works; an overview of the Lightwave3Ds software development kit (SDK)..

Deloittes konkurrensstrategier : Försäljning av ekonomisk fastighetsförvaltning åt bostadsrättsföreningar

The aim of this study is to find out in which way the education about climate in school is taught and how the students experience the world situation today. There are various theories about the greenhouse effect and its origin and these theories should be addressed to ensure that students get a broader understanding of how climate change occurs. This includes the natural phenomena and also the human impact on climate change. Students in school are a source of concern that only human are the cause of global warming, and know little or almost nothing about the natural phenomena of global warming.  I will mention what has emphasized in the national steering documents in the case of environmental education at school.I have used a qualitative method, where interviews and document analysis were used as techniques. The interviews took place with five students in ninth grade and with three science teachers in the same school..

Talet hos 3-7-åringar födda med unilateral läpp-käk-gomspalt opererade med Göteborgsmetoden i Bukarest

The aim of the study was to assess the speech outcome in children with cleft palate operated with the Gothenburg Technique at Maria Sklodowska Curie Children?s Hospital. Eighteen participants with unilateral cleft lip palate were recorded and assessed through a single word test. Percent consonants correct and cleft speech characteristics were calculated after phonetic transcription. Intelligibility ratings and velopharyngeal composite scores were reported.

Personlig integritet mot Arbetsledningsrätt : Användandet av belastningsregistret i anställningsprocessen

Due to the wide usage of different databases administrated by the Swedish government to keep control over its citizen?s the issue has arisen concerning if this information is subject for other purposes then originally acknowledged. Executives induced in recruitment for labour has over the years extended their need for information accumulated by these systems. Especially data from the criminal records registry are now being used as a normal step in the employment process among a vastly growing spectrum of enterprises and businesses all over the country. This thesis aims to illuminate the subject by grasp to what extent the described behaviour can be considered legally accepted according to the law or if these actions are inflicting with the foundational juridical principles that has to be ensured by the Swedish government due to our constitutional law.A strict jurisprudential method has been applied throughout the entire thesis to ensure the reliability of the results. The diversity of sources has gently been put together to assure the overall quality.

Bärbara datorer, en möjlig källa för nickel- och koboltexponering av hud? : Direktvisande tester för nickel och kobolt på bärbara datorer och frisättningsförsök på en bärbar dator

Background: Since1994, the EU NickelDirective is limiting the release of nickel from objects that are in prolongedcontact with skin. Despite this, nickel is still the most common cause of contactallergy in industrialized countries. This could implicate that other productswith short contact to the skin, which are not restricted by EU´s legislation inREACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicalsubstances), could be a source of nickel or cobalt exposure. There is no limitfor cobalt release within REACH. To determine if there is cobalt or nickelpresent on the surface of a material and if metal can be released in contactwith the skin, there are quantitative and qualitative methods, such as the DMG(dimethylglyoxime)-test, the cobalt spot-test and a method for releasedetermination according to EN1811.Objectives: Laptops are not included in the REACH legislation.

Samerna och statsmakten : Vardagligt motstånd och kulturell hybriditet i Torne lappmark under perioden 1639-1732

This thesis examines the everyday resistance, and its interaction with cultural hybridity, of the Saami population in the administrative unit of Torne lappmark during the period 1639?1732. To do this, the thesis uses theoretical concept of everday resistance as it has been described by JamesC. Scott and the theories of cultural hybridity as they have been described by Peter Burke. Primary source material used in this thesis consists of the court records from Torne lappmark, specifically from the courts at Jukkasjärvi and Enontekis.The results of this thesis present a picture of the everyday resistance in early modern Torne lappmark.

Välkommen till Vischan! : Gotlandsgården i Roma

Gotland is famous around the world for its unique nature. The agriculture here has always been an important source of income and part of the identity of the island. But today the profession has low status and hard to survive. How can the interest for farming be increased?Gotlandsgården is an investigation about how the agriculture could develop.

En empirisk studie av Value-at-Risk-prediktering med hjälp av GARCH-modeller

This paper describes a study examining four different GARCH models AR(1)-GARCH(1,1), AR(1)-EGARCH(1,1), AR(1)-APGARCH(1,1) and AR(1)-GJR-GARCH(1,1), and their ability to predict future volatility and thereby providing more reliable estimates for Value-at-Risk. The study is based on daily observations for the return of the OMX Stockholm 30 Index, during the time period 31st December 1996 to 29th December 2006. The coefficients for these GARCH models have been estimated using a five-year rolling estimation window, with one-year lags, for five different in-sample-periods. These five in-sample-periods, and the coefficients given by them, have been used to generate five out-of-sample predictions for the volatility in each year. Using these volatility predictions, the daily Value-at-Risk has been calculated for confidence intervals of 90 percent, 95 percent, and 99 percent, respectively, during the time period between 1st January 2001 and 29th December 2006.

Stoppa bussen för att kliva på

Syftet med projektet som rapporten beskriver är att utveckla ett inlämningssystem förlaborationer. Systemet ska bygga på versionshantering och ska hantera inlämning via en terminalklient. Inlämning skall även vara möjlig via ett webbgränssnitt. Systemets kärna är en webbapplikation som är baserad på open source-plattformen Gitorious, som är implementerad i Ruby on Rails. Systemet har en avancerad webbklient som itigt nyttjar MVC-strukturerade Javascript-applikationer.

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