

1419 Uppsatser om Source reliability - Sida 25 av 95

Attityder till nya medier. En metastudie av attityder till nya medier i uppsatser vid Högskolan i Borås.

This essay is a meta study of essays published at theInstitution of Library and Information Sciences at theUniversity of Borås in 2009. It aims to answer the followingquestions:What attitudes about new media can be found in essayswritten within SSLIS and are there traces of media panic inthe discourse?The theoretical framework of the essay is based on a theoryof the concept of media panic as defined by Kirsten Drotneret al, and the concept of moral panic as defined by StanleyCohen.The method used is derived from Klaus Krippendorff?sideas on content analysis, as published in the book ContentAnalysis. The method in this study uses computerizedsearches for target words. The target words used were:Internet, web, e-, blogg, facebook and twitter.

Hållbarhetsredovisning i svenska företag: - utveckling, trender och drivkrafter

This study aims to investigate development and reasons behind sustainability reporting in large Swedish companies. By examining 15 companies? environmental and sustainability reports between the years 2000 and 2008, data was collected on matters such as frequency, scope and design. Identified trends were to a large extent in line with previous studies on international development; sustainability reporting is growing in several aspects. The authors have found one major reason for this development to be increasing requirements and expectations from stakeholders and a need for companies to legitimize their actions.

Dominansprofiler - en väg till din inlärningsstil?

In this study the reliability of dominance profiles as a method of establishing a person's learning style was tested. Eight students at Malmö Academy of Music tried three different ways to learn a short melody at the piano. In this way, their preferred way of learning things (either visual, auditive or kinestetic) was established. Five of the students did best when they used a visual cue to learn a melody, and the remaining three did best when auditive cues were used. All but one of the students had the worst result in the kinestetic trial.

Vad tycker mamma att Kalle ska läsa? : vuxnas och barns attityder till barnlitteratur

The aim of this master thesis is to examine how much parents interfere with their children's choice of literature and if they have an inf1uence on what their children read. lt also includes the children's point of view as weil as the librarian's.Twenty-one children answered a questionnaire, fourteen parents and one librarian were interviewed. An attempt was made to divide their answers into several sections and to compare the results with extensive source material.The result shows that the parents in our study, from a general point of view, are interested in what their children read, but they do not influence them into certain types of literature by purpose..

Beslutstödssystem for investeringar och underhåll i eldistributionssystem

I detta examensarbete har en tillförlitlighetsmetod tagits fram som väger samman kostnadspåverkande faktorer för investeringar och underhåll i eldistributionssystem med kostnader förknippade med avbrott. Syftet med metoden är att möjliggöra för nätplanerare och projektörer att jämföra olika investeringsalternativ för att kunna kostnadseffektivisera investeringarna i eldistributionssystem. Med tillförlitlighetsanalys kan den förväntade avbrottstiden i systemets uttagspunkter beräknas. Kopplas en kostnad till den förväntade avbrottstiden i uttagspunkterna kan den förväntade avbrottskostnaden för distributionssystemet beräknas. Syftet med simuleringarna har varit att undersöka om det går att minimera den totala kostnaden, investeringskostnader samt förväntade avbrottskostnad, genom slumpvisa investeringar i systemets ledningssektioner. Simuleringarna har genomförts på ett fiktivt mindre system.

Säkerhetsanalys av brandbekämpning i kritiska utrymmen på Forsmark 1

In order to maintain a high safety level at a nuclear power plant it is important not only to measure the reliability of the components and systems of the plant, but also to investigate how the plant responds to human actions. One of the most hazardous situations in managing a power plant is fire occurring in critical areas. This study concerns the prospect of the local fire brigade to suppress a fire that has started in one of the most critical rooms for maintaining high reactor safety. The model created gives an indication on the possibilities of succeeding in suppressing a fire. In order to get a more reliable fire fighting the following advice are given:- Let the fire brigade go rounds in the plant together with the personnel, during which recommended fire suppressing methods are determined to avoid long preparation time in an actual situation.- Prepare rooms with two subsystems to make them partly with no voltage.- Give the fire brigade better feedback from actual events on nuclear power plants.- Education and training in suppressing fires in electrical equipment.The probabilistic safety assessment strives to be as realistic as possible.

TaqMan® Sample-to-SNP Kit? : evaluation of kit for low-cost and fast preparing of DNA-samples before genotype analysis

 Genotyping can be used to link genetic variation among individuals to certain diseases or conditions. Some known disorders and states that are dependent on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) are lactose intolerance, venous thrombosis, hereditary hemochromatosis and the difference in sensibility among people to metabolise drugs.In this project a new kit, TaqManÒ Sample-to-SNP KitÔ for extraction of DNA and preparation of the extract for genotyping with real-time PCR and allelic discrimination, was evaluated. QIAamp® DNA Blood Biorobot® MDx Kit was used as the reference method.The purpose of the comparison was to find a method that makes DNA extraction from blood samples cheaper and faster, but with the same reliability as the reference procedure.The results of the evaluation showed a complete agreement of the genotype results between the methods tested, which means that the new method was as reliable as the reference method. The costs of reagents and material would be reduced with 52% if the new method is adopted, that alone would result in a cost reduction of 144 000SEK a year with a sample volume of 650 samples/month. The time for DNA extraction would also be reduced with the new procedure. .

Generationsskiften i ägarledda företag : nyckeln till en framgångsrik succession

Background: The development of the Swedish demography is one of the most important social and economic changes ever in Swedish history. Society as well as business is facing an age chock since almost every other company owner is over 50 years old. The complexity of managing a successful succession is pointed out as a major threat to the Swedish economy by the organization Svenskt Näringsliv.Purpose: The purpose with this master thesis is to identify and analyze critical success factors for a successful succession from a going concern perspective.Research method: By using the strong aspects from the quantitative as well as the qualitative method, high level of order and systematic could be reached, without loosing too much details and depth in this particular research. The empirical data was gathered by a digital survey sent to 3000 companies. The quantitative research was complemented by 6 qualitative interviews to increase depth and reliability.Results: The study shows that there is a great incongruence between the expected problems associated to the succession and the actual outcome.

Informationskvalitet: informationssökares syn på kvalitet

The aim of this thesis is to examine how different kinds of information seekers are evaluating information quality in the information flow online. To address the problem stated, qualitative interviews were carried out with a librarian as a reference person and a group consisting of journalists and scientists. The result of the study implies that the reference person is well aware of the strategies employed by her in the search process. However, the respondents are not aware of the strategies they are actually using. An explanation is the respondents lack of education in information seeking.

Dominansprofiler - en väg till din inlärningsstil?

In this study the reliability of dominance profiles as a method of establishing a person's learning style was tested. Eight students at Malmö Academy of Music tried three different ways to learn a short melody at the piano. In this way, their preferred way of learning things (either visual, auditive or kinestetic) was established. Five of the students did best when they used a visual cue to learn a melody, and the remaining three did best when auditive cues were used. All but one of the students had the worst result in the kinestetic trial.

Folkbibliotek och källkritik på Internet: En deskriptiv studie av folkbibliotekens granskning av webbplatser

This Masters thesis aims to examine how Swedish public libraries deal with the new challenge of evaluating web resources. In order to study this we have asked staff involved in gathering links for the libraries web sites to participate in a survey concerning how they go about choosing links. Apart from trying to capture this procedure it has been our purpose to establish whether the libraries feel they should provide their patrons with evaluated links at all and in what way they are influenced by other libraries or other main figures involved when choosing a link. We were also interested in the differences between libraries with large and small link collections. When defining evaluation, we have only focused on content.

Projekt Kulturarw3 ur ett open source perspektiv

Minnets tematiska och berättartekniska funktion i Eyvind Johnsons roman Strändernas svall (Fredrik Smeds, C-uppsats i Litteraturvetenskap, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation, vt 2003). Författaren redogör först för romanens handling och jämför kompositionen med den i Odysséen. Vidare studeras berättare och synvinkel. Därefter följer en genomgång av minnena och berättelserna, främst Odyssevs?, men även Nestors och Menelaos?.

Övervakningsverktyg : En jämförelse mellan Zabbix och op5 Monitor

Detta examensarbete jämför två övervakningsverktyg för servrar i ett nätverk, Zabbix och op5 Monitor. Båda är open source och används aktivt av organisationer för att övervaka organisationsservrarnas processorlast, I/O-kö på hårddiskarna, status på tjänster och mycket mer. Dessa två övervakningsverktyg testas och jämförs med varandra ur perspektiven användarvänlighet, funktionalitet och prestanda. Resultaten visar att i de flesta fallen är Zabbix mer användarvänligt medan op5 Monitor i de flesta fallen har bättre funktionalitet. Det visar sig också att op5 Monitor har något högre prestanda än inte bara Zabbix utan även de övervakningssystem som testades av Robin Rudeklint år 2010..

Rening av lakvatten vid deponin Degermyran i Skellefteå kommun : Utvärdering av nuvarande reningseffekt och simulering av mängden bildat lakvatten under 2000-talets klimatförändringar

At Degermyran landfill, situated in the municipal Skellefteå, a leachate treatment system was installed in 2005. One of the aims of this study was to investigate how well the treatment system works by using data from chemical measurements made on the leachate before and after treatment. Further this study had the purpose of investigating how the predicted climate changes of the 21st century will affect the amount of leachate generated at Degermyran by using a modified version of Thornthwaites water balance model. The treatment system has the ability of reducing manganese by 90 %, nitrogen by 73 % och TOC by 79 %. By the turn of this century the amount of precipitation that percolates the waste at Degermyran will be between 254 and 298 mm, depending on the amount of greenhouse gases that will be released in the future to come.

Uppföljningsarbetet av efterkalkyler på Portsystem 2000 AB

This thesis is carried out at Portsystem 2000 AB who manufactures and markets industrial doors and docking systems. The background to this thesis is that the company?s management considers that their follow-up process of cost accounts is not fully functioning.The aim with this report is to investigate and describe the present procedure of the follow-up process concerning the time of operations and come up with suggestions for improvements. This thesis is performed within the range of the following areas: Information systems, quality, processes and cost calculation. The main method we used were semi structured interviews with a fairly opened framework.

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